White Supermacy is Duh Biggest Threat in America Durr

>White Supermacy is Duh Biggest Threat in America Durr

Fun Fact: Most mass shootings in the U.S. from January 2019 - present have been perpetrated by non-whites.


*Photos taken from the U.S. Department of Justice's mass shooting database as of August 5, 2019

Attached: here it is.jpg (1114x1200, 326K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shhh! the truth hurts the far left's narrative. they hate that most these incidents are perpetrated by shit skins.

Thing is, I will make an educated guess that many of the black shooters are already tied up in gangs, drugs etc. They aren't 'random' mass shootings in the truest sense, in that they probably live close to the victims and have some sort of relationship with them, even if it's just the victims being in a rival gang.

So most of the black shootings aren't actually acts of terrorism, they're hits on people the gangs don't like.

The white shootings tend to be much more ideology-driven and random. Some incel shooting up his school bc he can't get laid isn't the same as a kid in a gang doing a drive-by because his boss told him to.

Facts are now racist

So, the 'biggest threat in America' is subjective. Are you a black teenager in a gang? If not, then you're much less likely to be a victim of a mass shooting by a black person.

However, the same isn't true for white supremacists. Their massacres are performed to make statements, to shock the world into looking at their manifesto. In terms of getting shot by some random asshole with a gun, you're now most likely to be shot up by a white guy.

Also, the qualification for a mass shooting in this post is '4+ victims'. But what about the really big mass shootings, ones with 8+ victims or above? My guess is you see the list of black perps go way down.

Name of that redhead negress on the 4th row?

And how many of them were political terrorism? Who left manifestos? Oh right all white guys.

Down to almost nil.

Look up the actual incidents here. Maybe 5 of them are actually mass shootings. Back to /pol/ sperg.

>but what about +8
hey let me just move the goal posts a bit

>makes arbitrary distinction
>some else makes arbitrary distinction
>only I'm allowed to do that sorry

It's not moving the goalposts: OP deliberately chose a lowball number for mass shootings to include loads of black people, then crafted a narrative to say blacks commit the most mass shootings.

By increasing the number, we change the context of the question we're asking. 4 is just about the highest amount of people you'd expect to die in a gang violence incident, but a true mass shooting? That's closer to 8,9,10 at least.

Isolating the images individually & doing a quick Google image search, the first 5 rolls of images are listed in the FBI mass shooting database. If you're going to lie, at least make it convincing mate.

as for OP, us Aussies have our own issues with non Caucasian crimes. Thankfully they don't have firearms like your native niggers.

Lol the sad thing is it's not even arbitrary. OP deliberately lowballed on his number so he could include loads of black people and then act like whites don't now commit most terrorist acts in America.

6+ then

op just went by the "lowball" number from the United States' Congressional Research Service.

k who/what are they then?

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DeWayne Craddock killed 12 people in his Virginia Beach office building on 5/31.

Umm, nope. doing a tineye reverse image search of every image links to sources from fbi.gov, to the Washington Post & NY Times respective databases on mass shooting, which are legally determined as such by the U.S. penal code as shootings that involve 4 or more victims. Hence why OP probably specifically cited incidents involving 4 or more victims.

I agree with
Make your lies more convincing, dipshit.


Dude, these pictures are literally listed on the Dept. of Justice's mass shooting website. OMG, you faggots will bold face lie at the drop of a hat.

Fuckoff 8pol incels, your shitty site is gone, you’re not going to shit this one up.


if you didn't know this already, or are not able to obtain this information by yourself, how the fuck do you think you're qualified enough for discussing this topic?

Here, for starters

OP obviously selected the number that would promote his agenda for sure.

The United States' Congressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition, and defines a "public mass shooting" as an event where someone selects four or more people indiscriminately, and kills them, echoing the FBI's definition of the term "mass murder".

Notice you also missed the phrase 'indiscriminately' aka random

First you wanna be seen as the bad guys
Now you wanna make blacks and latinos the bad guys? come on get your shit together. Classic white people propoganda.

You do realize that Blacks killing other blacks and latinos killing other latinos has never been the problem in america? White people dont mind if the colored kills themselves cause they werent a threat to your suburban gated communities with the nice 3 story house and "good police force"

Now random white people are killing for a "cause" to shock the world into showing that they are fighting for a misguided narrative. And all of a sudden the bad guys are in your backyard.

Protip: the rest of the world doesnt care that white people are killing other white people. Were actually gald. Please kill more of your own kind its actually about damn time.

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>two groups of gangbangers gun each other down
>zomg mass shooting!!1
Cool intentional red herring m8. Not buying it fag


This same thread - or variations of this thread - have been posted on 4chin b & pol pretty much daily for the past decade, newfag. If I understand it right, crippIe chans was created in like 2014 by some deformed gnome that lives in the Philippines. Go back to PIeddit, retard.

ok seeya in the next episode of "i deny facts"

What’s a non white ?
How many shades do we have ?
Am I non white if I get a tan ?

Lots of people sunning themselves to change skin colour

You mean Scandinavian ?

Every mass shooter charged or arrested? So, that excludes all of the mass shooters who decided to suicide by cop. Also, the white supremacist shooters are considered more dangerous because they tend to choose soft targets (malls, Walmart’s, festivals, etc.), and they kill for political reasons. It just isn’t the same when some poor, idiotic gang banger shoots a bunch of other poor, idiotic gang bangers. Thugs killing thugs is sad, but “normal”. Timmy the neo-Nazi shooting randos at a Walmart to start a race war isn’t.

>being this new
Look, newfriend, I realize this is literally your first week on Yea Forums. But these threads have been a staple here on 4chins since moot & snacks branched off pol to give the /pol/acks a place to fling their shit. Stop trying to act like you belong here, lurk more. Faggot.

2013 newfag byeeeee

>Thinking nigger hate threads are something new to Yea Forums

First day on Yea Forums, huh? Is it as scary as the other 5th graders told you, underageb&?

The fact is that most of these "mass shootings" would not accurately be characterized as acts of random violence. Those that can be are overwhelmingly perpetrated by lonely, isolated, mentally ill white males.

Mmmm yessss your incel tears as soooo salty.
Stay butthurt your shithole got cucked faggot

>Summerfag detected
I'm not going to be rough on ya user. It's obviuous you just stumbled upon Yea Forums. Go through the Yea Forums archives back to say 2007...notice something? Yup, nigger bashing threads have been a thing on this site since a bit after it's inception. Hell, m00t took part in most of them. Oh, you don't know who m00t is do you newfag?

You can always tell when the summer fresh fags try to fit in. kek

>being this mad
Cry some more little faggot

i mean we're talking about definitions here. while i have provided the closest thing to a definition for a mass shooting i know of, you delivered nothing. how about you give me your definition including a source?

et me guess, middle schooler not familiar with these types of threads? They're been a thing here since long before your Mommy got her diseased cunt jizzed in by the homeless nigger down the street. Lurk more bitch.

Me thinks thou protest too mucheth.

Kek you always tell when the he butthurt really starts to sting hey little incel racist

being this new... *cringe*

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Being this cringe.... such 8pol

Mmmmm yes those samefag tears just keep flowing hey

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He learnt that technique from a pro!

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Hahahahahaha fucking rekt

So we have a nigger thread spitting facts & some newfag incel crying cause it got outted...Yea Forums's as cancerous as ever.

Pretty much.

they're mostly niggers.

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>nazi propaganda
Kek stay mad little racist sometimesppl will call u on your bullshit


>U.S. Dept of Justice data iz Nazi propaganda durr

I'm assuming this is the newfag throwing a pissbaby tantrum all over the thread.

Perhaps we could ask burgerlands masters in Moscow if they can fix the problem?

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Dubs of truth. Yeah, he's posted like 15 times in this thread sperging out because CNN pointed out this morning that whites-perpetrated mass shootings comprise the minority of mass shootings that have occurred this year. The race of the perps doesn't matter, tbh. Gun violence in general needs to be addressed. Just ignore the troll.


Not samefag just fucking sick of u pol fucks breaking containment. Go back to pol.

As a non american, i find both "Thugs killing thugs" and "Timmy the neo-Nazi shooting randos at a Walmart" extremly alarming.

Race hate are only an excuse, guns are the real problem. Do you know which other country has a high mass shooting rate ? 3rd world countries. Show me a country in Europe or Asia that has a quarter of the mass shootings that happened since the beginning of 2019 in America.
But for some reason, this is something that can't enter an american brain. You guys give 9mm to kids with their Happy-Meal and you can't see why it's a problem. You all keep entraping yourself into your thoughts, enable to open your eyes, like the good little brainwashed patriots that you are.
Be proud America, once again, you don't stop to amaze the rest of us.

If cnn posted that then it must be a lie right? Cos ‘muh jooooooooz’ run ‘da evil msm’ and shit

Yeesh, you actually are a newfag. Discussions like this thread have occurred on Yea Forums for years.

Yeah, since Cloudflare took down the crippIe's chan site, you have all these /leftpol/ retards & spergs flooding Yea Forums acting like nigger hate threads are something that originated on pol.

Right, I understand that it's difficulty for you people to use your minds, but it's going to be required here. A random act of violence would be an act of violence (in this case a shooting) for which there is no clear motive such as, in many of these cases, a conflict between two groups of people, perhaps a revenge killing or honor killing, you know; motive?!

The shootings being perpetrated by these unhinged white incels are often accompanied by wild conspiracy theories, often far-leaning political ideologies and the targets are INDISCRIMINATE aside from perhaps some general conception of "the other" or "the normies" or what have you.

THAT is what we're talking about.

>*Photos taken from the U.S. Department of Justice's mass shooting database as of August 5, 2019
where are the other 175 photos?

Yeah but the mass shootings bit is drawing heat u dumb fuck. Best to lay low so the advertisers don’t balk and take off like they did with 8cuck years ago. only faggot newcucks call ppl newfags. I’ve been here since snacks was trying to fuck cracky and I’m not going anywhere buddy XDD

Shootings with 4 kills is not mass murder. Your logic is flawed. Nice spin doctoring pol. Now Fuckoff and let the adults talk.

Seen this meme floating around on twatter & leddit, voat. KEK! Funny thing is that CNN just aired the same images a couple seconds ago on their morning news program. Guess the fact that mass shootings are perpetrated by people of all colors is making the old narrative hard to contain.

user, the U.S. government defines mass shootings as those that involve 4 or more victims. I'm just a lazy assed Canuk, and even I'm aware of this. Let me guess, you're a Brit with zero clue about outside judicial systems? You Britbongs got your own issue with refugees going stab-stab on everyone & raping underage girls.

No they didn’t.

Fucken lazy cunts then. Typical.

Saw that. The chick that does the breakfast CNN show there in the states looked like she was pissed having to cover that segment.

THIS. The show's called New Day, by the way.

what does a britbong know about shootings anyways?

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You mean Alisyn Camerota. Yeah, she's a Fox News refugee that started on CNN about 5 years ago. Surprised me that they included all those pics & discussed the mass shooting topic so in depth given how retarded CNN usually is on the matter. Cheers to CNN for not being total shit this morning.


Did someone say The New Day?

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This, only white people rack up so much bodies due to being incel.

Well because it's true, blacks don't kill up 20+ people because becky rejected them. Or shoot up a church of elderly blacks because muh white supremacy.

Much too late for that, bruh. Every pic in that post came from the FBI's interactive database. Most the pics were included in CNN's report thing morning on the growing mass shooting problem there in the U.S. Read the thread before acting like a complete imbecile. Just some friendly advice.


first thought i had when i read that. heh

nobody replied to this because you may just be the most rational person here

the way you spell cya is a bigger atrocity than all mass shootings combined lul

I think the FBI definition of mass shooting is likely different from what most people think as a result of the difficulty of coming up with a concise legal definition. That is to say, it does seem like a number of these mass shootings OP is referring to took place in the context of a robbery, poor people in a neighborhood with beef etc.... as opposed to a pre-planned attack with the purpose of killing people to make some sort of statement.

this is Yea Forums, these guys aren't looking for a real answer to the problem. they just want to find the right guy to point the finger at lul

these white supremacists are probably big fans of Yea Forums :)

Actually crunching numbers because I'm bored.
18 crimes where the perpetrator killed 4 or more (not counting the perpetrator) people with a firearm in 2019:
January 24, Rockmart, Georgia. Suspect:Daylon Gamble Ethnicity: Black
February 16, Clinton Mississippi Suspect: Nam Le Ethnicity: Asian
April 28, West Chester Township, Ohio Suspect: None Ethnicity: Unknown
May 13, St Louis, Missouri Suspect: None Ethnicity: Unknown but highly likely black as it happened in a zone called Hayden's rectangle and was probably gang related.
June 15, West Des Moines, Iowa Suspect: None Ethnicity: Unknown
July 5, Gravette, Arkansas Suspect: Unknown as it was a family murder-suicide. Ethnicity: Caucasian, all of the family members were.
July 25, Los Angeles, Callifornia Suspect: Gerry Dean Zaragoza Ethnicity: Hispanic
July 28, Gilroy, California Suspect: Santino William Legan Ethnicity: Caucasian
January 23, Sebring, Florida Suspect: Zephen Xaber Ethnicity: Caucasian
February 11, Livingston, Texas Suspect: None Ethnicity: Unknown
January 26, Ascension Parish, Louisiana Suspect: Dakota Theriot Ethnicity: Caucasian
June 8, White Swan, Washington Suspects: James and Donovan Cloud Ethnicity: Caucasian
June 23, San Jose, California Suspect: Chi Dinh Ta Ethnicity: Asian
July 28, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Suspect: Ritchie German Jr. Ethnicity: Caucasian
February 15, Aurora, Illinois Suspect: Gary Montez Martin Ethnicity: Black
August 4, Dayton, Ohio Suspect: Connor Stephen Betts Ethnicity: Caucasian
May 31, Virginia Beach, Virginia Suspect: DeWayne Antonio Craddock Ethnicity: Black
August 3, El Paso, Texas Suspect: Patrick Wood Crusius Ethnicity: Caucasian
Draw your own conclusions you bunch of retards

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And my almost quints can't lie. Fact check me, nerds

USA is fucked up

Bullshit propaganda, you're retarded if you believe this.

Trips almost quints never lie


Okay, so LOTS of small public shootings don't matter, but a handful of successful mass shootings do. Gotcha.

> Let's remove shootings with AR-15s and shootings in gun free zones too

why isn't trump doing anything about this?

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> CNN claims mass shootings start at 3.
> Are you disagreeing with your leftist corporate overlords?
> Go back to kissing the ring.

Every white country is fucked up, we're just not going down with our heads in the sand and a sheepish smile on our faces, like the rest.

>muh narrative!

In my country (in Europe) we have never had a mass shooting

/Bullshit campaign

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Thats fake you mutt
Europe is cleaner than u think


"Cleaner', that's the talk of a white supremacist!

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This is Greece the worst european country

Man, whites are even better at killing people. These niggers ain't got shit on a white dude's killcount.

White is the MVP bitches. Suck it blakbois

yeah just mass truckings

the longer you pretend nothing is wrong in the west the worse it will get

>MyyYy CouNtry In EUroPEEe

is prpbably like the size of Oregon, shut the fuck up baby

Attached: massTRUCK.jpg (319x794, 105K)

Doesn't matter, they are in, spreading and breeding. Every white country is getting shit on by the kikes.

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And probably the same amount of niggers as in all of europe

Translation: We´re going to continue to move goalposts to push a liberal anti-white agenda, ESPECIALLY when the data debunks our 'whites are the problem´ indoctrination bullshit.

Multiculturalism is a fact... Europe is a race mixing just like USA...
Its stupid to think that USA or Europe is white

>Europe is cleaner than u think

While in the REAL WORLD:

Attached: lul1.jpg (700x420, 78K)

Multiculturalism was tolerated and that was a huge mistake. It has failed and been repurposed as a bio-weapon.

Debunk this, fag

Fake news

fuck off you liar

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: lul2.jpg (634x352, 76K)

99% of those are gang/drug related

Big difference between gangs killing other gangs and a white incel loser going into schools and malls randomly shooting everyone including children

When these black gangs go into schools with the aim of killing as much as children as they can then we can talk

are you sure

Attached: EUMa.jpg (790x1024, 134K)

lets add that the twitters of two of most recent shoots are still up
and they are hard core antifa members

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: lul3.jpg (632x307, 37K)

You know nothing about European history... Europe is Anglo, Arab, Breton, Mediterranean, Slavic, Teutonic...

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Israel is the USAs bitch

Are you implying that it's okay to go after gangs?

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>Europe is Anglo, Breton, Mediterranean, Slavic, Teutonic...

󠛡 󠛡 ▲
▲ ▲

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: lul6.jpg (2501x1563, 742K)

You cant understand the world where we live
I see...

This was written in march, and the camps were removed in January. The migrants are in other camps waiting to be sent back home.

If you want to have facts, how about you ask a real french?

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>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: Germany-migrant-crisis-839663.jpg (590x412, 87K)

The federal government defines a "mass shooting" as 4 or more people, fuck stick.


Published: 14:41 BST, 15 October 2016 | Updated: 06:48 BST, 16 October 2016

And then, the camps were all removed.

No sand niggers belong in Europe. Just like 5'4" goblin spics don't belong here. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! It's plain as fuck to see. The kikes openly admit what they are trying to do. You are either an absolute cuck or a camel jockey bio-weapon. I know, it sucks to hear, either way, but that is the current reality.

At least you know not to go to chicago. You know for sure you'll get shot there. But with incels, you could just be picking up some deli meat and *bam*.

Another 3 year old article.

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Thinking RT is news, not russian propaganda.
You're cute faggot.


Published time: 15 Nov, 2017 13:40

Dude, just stop.

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: 31FB4FB600000578-0-image-a-69_1457449146436.jpg (962x641, 150K)

fun fact: op is a shitty shill

Nonsense article

If you consider any of your fellow white Americans, "incels" You deserve to be shot.

We have mirrors.

Bosnia isn't Europe. Also 2018 article.

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: cc.jpg (605x363, 38K)

There is no whites in America...

Thanks for showing how retarded you are.

Keep working mutt
Nobody cares

yes it is

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: kek.jpg (500x350, 60K)

Just love subversive/divisive buzzwords, huh?

East Europe isn't considered as Europe by West Europe.
You can go suck some dick now.

>Europe is cleaner than u think

while in the REAL world:

Attached: yup.jpg (1280x720, 334K)

I can play that game too: nytimes.com/2019/06/05/us/los-angeles-homeless-population.html

And those aren't migrants, they are your own people.

He's destroying your programming. It's exactly what you need.

Los Angeles homeless population hits 36,000 in dramatic rise


i counted,64 of them are black.

statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/ you’re wrong, buddy.

Los Angeles homeless population hits 36,000 in dramatic rise


user, the other posters didn't make the claim that their part of the globe is all rainbows & sunshine. that was YOUR premise, which was absolutely destroyed. no use crying like a lil bitch when your lie gets obliterated.

Yup, everyone knows parts of America are an absolute shit pit. Seems like the person you're responding to was simply decimating your claim Europe is "clean" - with sources from your own continent. But do continue with your pissbaby fit of rage.

Those are Mexicans and Central American, illegals. Those are our muslims. They are the bio-weapon, (((KIKES))) are trying to force in here.


You’re right Niggers killing Niggers is not national news no one cares about it thank you for agreeing with us Mr. leftist

Destroyed by 4 year old articles. Regardless of the fact that those camps were removed at the beginning of the year ?
Destroyed by sensationalism news ?
Destroyed ?

Lol ameritards trying to show one more time that they know better.

This is why the current definition being used is utter bullshit...

>At least 4 injured not including the shooter, motive seemingly unknown...

With this definition, damn near every drive-by is technically a "mass-shooting" event. Damn near every Crip blasting at a group of Bloods on the corner is a "mass shooting" event. Even some botched robberies can end up being considered a "mass shooting"...

A Columbine-like event is what everyone thinks of when they think "mass shooting"... They think Columbine, Aurora, Pulse, Parkland, El Paso... But they don't think Compton, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, etc...

Unfortunately, this leads many in the "news" media to abuse this conflated number and use it to push their political rhetoric on people who never get the memo that the number is actually bullshit.

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Cleaner doesn't mean all white, you're playing on words to shift the truth.
Just like your fake Fox/CNN news.

Inb4 you blame video games.

bruh, 3 of those articles were from 2018. 1 was from 2019. you're not even trying now. not the one you were responding to, but even I see how full of shit you are. Europe has a refugee rape & crime problem. The UN, BBC & DW News have all admitted as much.

Ameritards can't read.

You realize "Fox News" isn't broadcast in my country- Dennmak - Yes? Holy fuck, you're an idiot.

You were alking to me, you ignorant twat...you cited the wrong user. Retard hahahahahaha

Uhh, you're addressing the wrong user dipshit. Try to keep up with the conversation. Oh, and at least 4 of the links cited in this thread were from after January 2018. Try not to lie.

>Retard hahahahahaha


Once this starts, the conversation is over. You either learned something, or you didn't. It takes time to sink in.

Awful lot of white faces in that picture...

Yeah retard, and thats why when people cite statistics for “mass shootings” they manage to leave this shit out in order to inflate the numbers. Most “mass shootings” arent mass at all. All it takes is 3 people getting shot, including the perpetrator. Kys retard. Also back to fucking reddit.

You're being mocked for lying and outright being unable to follow a basic conversation, mate. When you're provided fairly recent sources from across Europe - citing respective government & EU / UN data - that completely contradicts your claims, you've lost the point.

And before you sperg out, I'm Australian & just read through this thread out of curiosity. So save your knuckle dragging semi-illiterate attempts at damage control.

What counts as a "mass shooting"?


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What about Conner the Commie targeting shops and bars?

I'm not the guy you were talking to. I'm just stating a fact. Once that childish and sheepish name calling starts. there is no further to go. It's a natural defensive barrier, intentionally instilled by subversives for those in denial. And I love Aussies BTW, I even have a picture of Paul Hogan's illegitimate daughter's knife. The stuff you find here.

Attached: that'sAknife.jpg (2686x1513, 1.15M)

Per this AM's CNN report, some sources consider it a shooting involving 3 or more victims, while the U.S. federal government applies it to any shooting with 4 or more victims, whether they be wounded or killed. Seems the general consensus is that it's a shooting involving more than 2 victims.

White and conservative shooter. The rest are 'part and parcel'


Almost black people. That's related with the virginity. Those black guys are incels who hate the society because they cannot fuck.

No, but apparently they do shoot up churchs full of elderly white people. Google Emmanuel Samson.

Why girls do not like black guys? It is maybe related with the erection problems? Big, but really soft dicks, and girls like hard dicks. I think, this is the answer to the problem we are dealing to.

>title = gun distribution vs murder
>graph = gun distributions vs gun related deaths
>includes suicides
>still a hilariously weak correlation

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Nah. It's because they "learn" how to shoot guns by watching other niggers rap videos.

Ah. So because they're part of gangs (possibly)then the fact that a person who killed 3 or more people in a single incident does not matter or count? Irrelevant. Shit skins have lower IQs thus they can't think of the bigger picture or an elaborate reason to kill many people. They are just huur durr, drugs or revenge. Killing is killing regardless of who the victim is and in what capacity they knew the person. I heard some statistics that 58% of mass shootings are perpetrated by Whites. 60% of the U.S population is white. The figures seem normal. Nothing to see here, stop your BS agenda you shit skin anti-white racist faggot.

So 68 out of the 98 are black?

Holy shit, I wonder how many of the victims were white and if they constitute unreported hate-crimes.

So white work ethic is better even in mass shootings?

As an European, I have a question. Besides to left wing supporters of the urban areas, who else do not own guns?

>Some incel shooting up his school bc he can't get laid isn't the same as a kid

Almost sounds like they probably live close to the victims and have some sort of relationship with them.

Mass shootings is described as 4 or more victims. That's the media says there are so many of them. If your going to redefine what a mass shooting is then also redine how often they happen. The scenario you are describing is still very rare which is why it makes such big head lines, unlike when a gang kills 5 people from another gang.

Where do you think the 8 chan users come from?

Translation: Majority of mass shootings in the states are carried out by non-Caucasians, which harms the left's narrative and they can't have that becoming public knowledge.

The fact of the matter is that the race of the shooter doesn't matter one iota. Nutjobs come in every colour and the U.S. needs to do something to address the issue. The left's attempt to politicize it by trotting out the red herring that it's a "whites" problem only creates more division in the nation based on easily refutable lie.

t.gook immigrant to Canada

Are you also imply kill ng that no children are ever shot in these "gang" shootings?

Which one is it, whites lead mass shootings or they don't?

He's a summerfag fresh from Reddit that has to start middle school again in a few days. Don't be too harsh on him, Yea Forumsruh.

Cianiggers will get it. Fuck cia niggers completly. Kill one. November 4th USA only the purge starting at Keyne Wests house.

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what it was whites doing it all? what would the solution be? how about NOT flooding our culture with anti-white male propaganda and promoting anything but white males being themselves and finding happiness?

i love the regular comedy, but white males are always depicted as losers because that's just ok. anything BUT a straight, white male is beloved and protected. in fact, unless they're in superhero tights or some bizarre hero no one can emulate or they have douchebag facial hair and work out 30 hours a week, they're a loser.

white males keep getting annoyed and are labeled "incels" = let's create more ridiculous lesbian superheros?

is that really the solution?

68/98=70% of mass shooters are black. Taking into account that only 13% of Americans are blacks...That means that blacks are the biggest cancer ever in USA.

no, that would be Yea Forums

Everyone has them, or could get one in five minutes. A 'ban', would only harm law abiding, legal owners. This is why we resist it so vehemently.

durr durr tan man black man bad durrr
tfw there has been more white terrorists in the last 3 years than there have been blacks or hispanics
but im pretty sure you don't understand that because your parents being siblings doesn't do much for you does it

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Whites do not commit more mass shootings when you define mass shooting as 4 or victims. Also when your normalize for race demographics, whites commit mass shootings at a rate lower then their % of the population.

They shoot their 'shorties' all the time because they aim like retards.

Attached: ThugAim+.png (213x540, 282K)

Small dicks. Everyone under 17cm should be feminized. The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house. Kill a cia nigger.

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Many people choose to not own guns. Not everyone is a collector or avid shooter in this country.

Some don't think it's safe, some don't think they need one, some just don't think about it at all. There's quite relative safety in this nation, in most places at least (funnily enough, typically the ones with the most lax gun laws and fewer left-leaning politicians)...

Though, you'd be surprised who does and does not own in this nation, and who does and does not carry.

>Living in a country where gun violence rates are 8 times worse than the next highest nation.
>Arguing about race statistics.
>Statistically most patriotic nation on earth

America ladies and gentlemen

Let's rack up a death score card for governments while we are at it.

Actually most gang shooting have more than 4 victims you just won't see them on the list because the more than 4 victims ones are done by 2 or more gang members thus removing them from the list.

>Blaming OP for the U.S. Department of Justice mass shooting database listing more non-whites than whites based on crime data

Sucks when reality doesn't comport with your insane rhetoric, huh. Poor lil lemming.

Gun rights do not 'overthrow'. They keep tyrants from even trying to make unjust laws. They can overthrow though, if needed. That's the check, we like.

A ban won't stop that right-hand column from expanding.

That's a lot of words to say you're asshurt facts don't support your bullshit propaganda. blaming OP for DoJ statistics is pretty retarded, kid.


Gun rights ensure liberty, as the citizen's capacity to overpower its government is absolutely crucial in keeping the aforementioned government focused on the best interests of the People...

You're retarded, they are all mass shootings. Further they aren't conspiracy theories, they are very real and legit

Attached: 1343219149004.jpg (720x540, 165K)

>insulting mockery
>unrelated and incorrect "factoid"
>ad hominem

The mental capacity of the political left, ladies and gentlemen... (Hilarious, until you realize these retarded monkeys vote, and some of them dictate policy, like Ocasio-Cortez)...

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>ose to not own guns. Not everyone is a collector or avid shooter in this country.
>Some don't think it's safe, some don't think they need one, some just don't think about it at all. There's quite relative safety in this nation, in most places at least (funnily enough, typically the ones with the most lax gun laws and fewer left-leaning politicians)...
>Though, you'd be surprised who does and does not own in this nation, and who does and does not carry.
Is there a graphic of USA by states? Which are the worst states in relation with the crime?

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Nothing like a Russian shill trying to shift the discussion.

Yup. Avoid the blue spots. Anywhere in red is typically pretty decent.

Attached: 2016.png (1440x936, 845K)

There's no Russians! STOP!

>tfw: idiot liberals still think the NRA is relevant to the 2A crowd today...
>tfw: idiot liberals have no idea what real gun rights organizations are going to do once the NRA finally crumbles.

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Nothing like a communist racist trying to find excuses to hate white people while being unable to achieve orgasm without watch a black guy dick his wife. See what I did there?

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Winter-Chan, protects us from kike policy and their illegal orcs.


Attached: source.gif (320x240, 1.48M)

Mostly, but MN and WI are fallen...

Didn’t know facts were propaganda, of course a dumb nigger like you would say that with a stupid picture.

Protip: rope yourself. Do us all a favor and rid the world of your kind.

yeah, nothing like a decent meth county in W.V.

It's relevant to the republican fund raising.

Why TF cant we say the word 8ch.an on Yea Forums Fam?

Yeah and nothing Congress does is politically motivated...

Maybe blue spots are full of niggers and spics?

This confuses and angers the muttfag

Attached: 1564065266029.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

Nah, just full of Americans.

>Being this fucking dense.

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Yes, like typical muslim, non-white and arabian speaker Norwegians...

Still better than some areas of Chicago, Baltimore, DC, LA, NYC, St. Louis, etc....

Niggers, spics, and democrats. An absolutely horrible living condition, tbqh.

How so? Do you have anything intelligent to add, or are you just going to ad hominem, and think you've won somehow?

I'm betting the latter.

why do leftcucks constantly make excuses for niggers?

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bullshit it doesn't fucking matter. people are people no matter who they are

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can't we all just agree that shooting people is bad regardless of skin color?

oh wait.... this is Yea Forums
never mind

>Yea Forums didn't start false narrative
>participates to rectify
Yea Forums why is it always about race?

>Living in a country where gun violence rates are 8 times worse than the next highest nation.

Patently false.

Get the fuck off here newfag

had a healthy kek on this on thanks...back to work.

Who’s the guy to the right of the Walmart guy?



Attached: 2019-08-06 11_27_51-59 shot, 7 fatally in Chicago weekend shootings i.png (1048x881, 713K)

And all of them are cia niggers. Drain the swamp. November 4th USA only the purge starting at Keyne Wests house.

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>Guns keep tyrants from even trying to make unjust laws.
>Gun rights ensure liberty
>the citizen's capacity to overpower its government is absolutely crucial in keeping the aforementioned government focused on the best interests of the People

Literally all opinion, the other countries that have stern gun laws prove these opinions false.

Do you really think that you having weapon alters how they treat/think of their citizens?

Gun laws do not ensure liberty, civilised society does this, and allowing barbaric behaviour, and people to carry weapons is a step in the wrong direction.

I know I'm pissing into the wind with this, because pro-gun mentalists are ridiculously dense, and brainwashed, it's ridiculous; but sure, go ahead in your echochamber and tell yourself that they must be good.

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Statistically speaking, mass shootings are a minimal threat. The real threat to America is Cancer, Obesity, Chronic Lung Disease, and a bunch of other shit that has 100 times or more the chance to kill you than some faggot with a gun.

>civilized society ensures liberty
Where the fuck do you live?

A first world country, I know they seem like the thing of dreams, but they do exist.

I'm sorry that you're so oblivious to them, I can taste your jealousy from here.
