Some of these nigger's are coming home, remind them that Yea Forums is now for cucked libtards and we have no time for their degeneracy.
Some of these nigger's are coming home...
Other urls found in this thread:
Doing my part
yeah they are not welcome
It's too late. We're here. This is our refugee until it home is rebuilt.
dont get sucked in
Holy fuck that was autistic.
This is our refuge
The chan has you, neo.
u cant just jack off here for 3 days, go blame video games and save yourself.
just woke up, what happened, the fucking manifesto?
That's really ambiguous, can I not save myself?
Or jack off for three days?
These fucking /pol refugees. Send em back dumb refugees are not welcome. NO ENTRY for these /pol refugees. I bet the hide here now and they hope they can sneak in undetected. Fucking subhumans
You're typing /b2/ wrong
All I hope is
that the 8chRefugees post here
CP bestiality and mass shooter posts
so half chang get shut down also
and I think these infinite refugees are way more degenerate as us
Of course we are. That's why our chan is superior.
fuck yeah
dear eightchins
Yea Forums is the property of [fb/ig]
please post hentai
by choosing not to jack off for the days 8 will be away u could put your autisim to use shitposting.
Gtfo human trash. Dont let them in or they ruin this place. Back to your shithole you go subhuman
based retard ;(
then pls destroy again a board
Yea Forums should die also
it's me your GOD
pic related
Even the onion link is down.
You're stuck with us ;)
False prophet, actually.
no no no
that faggot on CNN that wasn't me!
it was a deepfake shit
I writing from manila airport
on the way to CNN
But im white? Whats your fucking problem?
8 chan (also known as InfinityChan, Hotwheels Chan, Dudchan, Pigchan, and Yea Forums 2: Electric Boogaloo) is an FBI infested Internet honeypot for users who were banned from Yea Forums. The users are mostly retards or /pol/acks from Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums. 8 chan is essentially the Reddit of chans, which allows any idiot to fag on out their own personal abortion of a board to the point where the entire site has become more full of shit than a Christmas turkey. The creator of the site is a genetically deficient trainable permanently plastered to a wheelchair who lives with his Jewish lover and AZN nanny named "Hotwheels". It had a low fan base of about 10-20 members prior to m00t trolling all the people who actually value free speech on out of Yea Forums. Now, thanks to m00t's glorious purge, 8 chan's most popular boards now have thousands of mourning former Btards.
Your information is outdated.
implying there is an update.
ahh.. doy? but who am I who am I who am I quoting ;^)
>8 Chan got b& by Cloudflare after the El Paso and Dayton shootings. They then tried to move to Bitmitigate, host that hosts TheDailyStormer and Gab, but a bunch of SJWs bitched to their parent company on Twitter and got 8 Chan booted along with the host. The original creator of 8 Chan even said that it should be shut down! And he even helped /leftypol/ to create a bunker! Just goes to show you Freddit Breddit was double the fag as it betrayed the two boards he created, TWICE!
>Implying i have a Wallpaper
/freeb/ is where it's at
Firetires doesn't own the board anymore
i foprgot about half chan's captcha. i didn't miss them at all.
Pac-man isn't indicating a new kernel, or anything.
Same. I think you can just type 'nigger' as any captcha, though.
i'm selecting crosswalks and fire hydrants
Same thing.
reported for flooding
Cloudflare was a mistake, and i thought that when i learned we used it. Putting all your services through a proprietary bottleneck is just asking for something like this. Cripplechan should just throw the servers up and damn the insurance. If it gets ddos'd either go offline for a while or deal with it.
Thanks! I'll see if I have some spare pants hanging out somewhere. Didn't even realize I was dripping on the... What is this, Formica?
as was said once they get a deal with one of cloudfire's competitors they will be back up.
Someone get this user the prep h. His bumbum hurt xD
comfy feels for refugee
sage negated!
Was Yea Forums exclusively for based white nationalists before?
no, Yea Forums was always for retards
anonymous has no skin colour.
>t. ratfaced kike
Moralfags say no
Except it is not cloudflare, it is the ratfaced kikes who pressured cloudflare
And you can bet they're hard at work to keep 8ch offline
But pol was.born.from b and retains its.core.culture
I'm surprised I haven't seen a single ceepee post since it went down. Not even any questionable content.
Not a subtle request btw
LOL if infinite was an fbi honeypot what the FUCK do you think this place is?
jews man
Won't be to late when this chan gets taken offline.
Yea Forums is full of trap porn and incest.
Infinite chan was jam packed with full blown autists.
When will the media hunt down and execute this elite hacker known as Chan the Fourth.
I can’t wait for this cesspool to burn to the ground. So much wasted time.
i only went there for zoo porn. but that shit pops up here now and then so i will survive.