Does life get any better? will things ever matter like they used to? will i ever feel the same excitement, joy...

does life get any better? will things ever matter like they used to? will i ever feel the same excitement, joy, or pain i felt back when i was younger again?

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maybe, no, no, and no. It will never be, or feel the same, it will change, and it may not be so bad, it may be worse. You will never feel like you did when you were younger, the magic is gone.

it all just feels so meaningless now. Like there are no stakes to anything and if there's no stakes then what is the point? before i could justify not killing myself because at least a few happy moments would be worth living the rest of my life out for before nothing but now it just feels like ill never be able to care enough about anything to make living out the rest of my life worth it

eh no one can know for sure. maybe it will maybe it wont. just do whatever and maybe it'll be fine.

i don't know man, do you have the courage to kill youself? If don't, just keep on living with all the bullshit, that's how life is and that's how I am living.

i don't know i've been testing that barrier more and more lately. I may just start walking at night and leaving doors unlocked and hope someone does the job for me

>Play D&D

Feel u. I don't know, I don't think so. I'm banking on disease to take me quick while I bridge the gap with drugs and shitty decisions

>Play D&D

No life only gets more manageable.



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Face death, and you might appreciate life again. Even if you don't actually get that close, as long as you really see death for what it is, it'll reinvigorate you.

Worked for me anyway.

What is the fuking point on living ?is it finding love ? Is it to get lots of money ? Is it worth all the fucking trouble ?

You can't feel the same because you are not the same person anymore.
You will fill joy and excitement again, it will just be different.

It's your one chance at experience. Perhaps there's more grand things awaiting us, but it's not guaranteed, and you forfeit this one at your own peril.

thank you.

One day you are going to look back on your life and realize it's too late to save yourself from all the suffering. It won't get better unless something beyond your control happen. Do yourself a favor and save yourself. Save yourself from life. save yourself the trouble of living through years and decades of suffering for moment's of happiness.

Your life is shit. Don't sift through shit for sweetcorns

Watch JoJo Bizarre Adventure

No the first glass of life is gold , today is the best day of your remaining life

I don't know, man. I can't remember the last time I really enjoyed something or felt really moved by something, but maybe something will come along that can change that. Keep holding out for that one miraculous point in time that will change everything for the better for you. And if it doesn't come, then search for it yourself.

Killing yourself is not the move. There are no such things as coincidences. Life is a gamble and youre still in the game with the hand you were dealt with. And I dont know about you. But Folding isnt an option

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Sometimes God isn't bluffing and you probably should just fold.

Remember kids. Never folding at a poker game is how you lose your shirt.

>Does life get any better?
It can.
>Will things ever matter like they used to?
They can.
>Will I ever feel the same excitement, joy, or pain I felt back when I was younger again?
>Epilogue: What if I can't?
It will take effort, but you can. Trust in yourself, be a good person, and treat others well. People will recognize your value as you present it to them.

You don't need to fold if you dont lose

Oh sure you'll win a few with that attitude. But you'll lose eventually.

How old are you?

yes, everything is gonna be better, bug you just gotta move your ass and do something for yourself to feel like you used to, it won't come right to you by doing fucking nothing.


i'm 33. it gets worse. stop acting like a faggot.

I used to act because i felt something. There was a stimulus. Now there's nothing. I have no motivation to do anything and even if I did I can't fathom what I could do that might bring me fulfillment or at the least pleasure

i was going to write something about how pain is relative and shit but that actually did give me some perspective so thanks user

hey anything i can do to help. i'm 33 and binge drink all the time so wtf do i know

i hate my life.

That's good.
If you don't want to end up like then focus on bettering your life now. Your twenties are the foundation for the rest of your life, if you fuck off too much you'll be miserable for decades.

if your strong yes, i will get better, MUCH better, if you are weak,

it will not.

>does life get any better?
Life and the universe just existand are just there. There's no "getting better". YOU are the one who can decide to have a better life but life itself doesn't care about you, it just is.
>will i ever feel the same excitement, joy, or pain i felt back when i was younger again?
Experience makes us change deeply and some events change you forever. If you feel like your are mentally blocked by something go see a psychiatrist. If you're just sad and depressed getting your shit together is generally enough

Perspective and attitude
Cheesy bullshit your teachers used to tell you.
Feeling like shit is a result of shit that was either out of your control (so get the fuck over it), or a result of shit you are neglecting (so fucking do it)
Depends on your personality, some need that gentle type approach on themselves, and some need to go soldier bootcamp on their own asses.
It's okay to feel like shit sometimes all things considered. The world is a fucked up place.

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Hey OP.
Go excercise, feel better about yourself.
Read interesting books that people tell you are/were special to them.
Then, with the confidence that comes from exercise, go into clubs, bars etc. with friends if possible. Try to find a girl and be good to her.
If you happen to fall in love with her and she with you, this will be one more (maybe the last) time that you feel real excitement, joy, and maybe in the end ... a lot of pain.
Anyways, this happened to me in a similar situation you were in.

Don't an hero OP. We have so many choices in life, that it looks as if we need to do everything but eventualy do nothing.

>My best days were high school.
If you think you peaked at 20, you are a worthless faggot and should probably KYS. I'm over twice your age and can assure you, 20 is not the peak of your existence. But this microwave adolescence tricks people into thinking their bullshit life means you should get pussy and money thrown at you like a rap star nigger instead of being a normal human who has to work for a family and a house and a cool car and a week at the beach. Mommy won't give it to you. Her work being your tendie wench is over. She can't gift-wrap a girlfriend and put it under your tree. This is "why they hate us". Everywhere else in the world, people get off their ass and go looking for sex and money. Here, these incels believe it's part of their expectations, which is probably why they get mad at Blacked. Go learn to throw a football or shark a pool table. Everyone wants cheat codes to excel at life, nobody wants to put in the hours to learn to play a sick guitar riff. Everyone thinks MS Paint is actual paint. Everyone thinks they're a carpenter and nobody has a purple fingernail.

OP. No one can tell you shit if you make your own legacy. Remember that

nah high school was not the greatest and i still felt like shit but at least it felt like things mattered. relationships just felt more meaningful, conversations felt real, and there felt like there was real consequence to my actions. i dont blame my surroundings it just feels like something inside me broke or the light inside just went out. on the surface level everything is similar enough it's just the things that once brought me joy turned into thing that distracted me and now they are just meaningless things. this isn't even necessarily directed toward your post because most of it isnt really worth responding to.

>relationships felt more meaningful

Literally the most meaningless relationships you will ever have in your life

>conversations felt real

I talk to like one person from HS still. Every other person from my HS is meaningless to me. If you're looking for HS autism. Well Yea Forums is here for you

>felt like there was no real consequences

Thats because there wasnt. Now you have to be a respectable member of society

You're self diagnosing yourself with depression. Go jack off. You'll feel better

Money is everything. Once you start making money, your problems quickly begin to disappear. Financial freedom let's you breathe again - no more unpaid bills crushing you every month and the worry and depression they bring. It's out there if you want it...

At 20, you should be reading all the important american authors who struggled with those same questions. Steinbeck, Hemingway, Hunter Thompson. Get off the digital tit.

if you're going to analyze each line you could at least learn how to read you fucking retard. i said that it felt like there were consequences. also you completely missed the point of what i was saying. it doesn't matter whether or not the relationships actually meant shit or if the conversations were real the point is that they FELT real. i dont give a fuck what im talking about or who i am with as long as it feels satisfying and worth something. i just don't feel that anymore when i do things.

I would but reading pynchon and david foster wallace has destroyed the few brain cells i had left in the reading department of my brain. Besides russians do lit better and ive gone through them already

Both Hemingway and Thompson committed suicide.

I'm aware of that. But they lived hard to get there. Not at 20.

You must be fucking stupid if you cant realize these things by yourself.