Full set?
Full set?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice one fbi
Bullshit shes legal
I heard shes got videos and stuff too
Keep going
Stop keeping us in suspense please. Moar can we has?
I'm pretty sure she's legal and I may have the Mega
I just might be in love. Wow. What a perfect girl. If I could go back in time and have a girlfriend like her.... wow....
Post link
For all that is good, please OP. Post moar. Or the link to the Mega.
I have the full set
Plz master
> Speechless
Post link
Please user.
was looking for it on mega but I think I deleted it, I'll uploead it again
Come on man. Don't be a dick. Post the link.
Not OP but I'm getting the Mega just bumping for now
Send it over
Enjoy it faggots
I don't understand
You’re a god
Wtf is this? And how the fuck do you use it and where??
This is the version without the videos. Hold on I'll get the version with it I just have to hop on my PC
Then you have been judged and deemed not worthy.
Summers almost over lads
If they cant figure something out with a simple google search, please dont soon feed the summer children.
Any request?
I got it
Never got more videos, if you would be kind
Sorry, I just took pity of that retard
Keep it bumped, I'm uploading now
Bump bump
Papi Juan's
Bless you, kind sir.
here you go fellas, mp4's and all
Anyone got her set?
Dubs and we get them
Re roll 777
well it's a bit late now faggot i already gave them to you guys
Fuck it
dude... I had those same videos on the one I posted, they just weren't on a folder
I didn't get to see them :(
Any sets?
how do i use this
Full set of this momma please
Read the thread
you literally posted the watermark that has the set and a fuller set of pj girl. why are people so dumb
Anyone have a set of this girl?
under mati and mativ2
I 2nd that.
Need all of Kristin
Anyone have her sets? I've looked everywhere. I know she had a premium at one point
a folder with skinny girls?
Anyone got a set?
you realize you're posting cp right? or do you think you're really safe on a vpn?
She's at least 18 if she's working. She gets posted here and on /s/ all the time.
Uh you can legally work at 16 if state labor laws allow it. And no one would hire a 16 year old besides fast food places. Her ID used to be included in the orginal mega. Just because you post her doesnt mean it's legal lol
you don't have to be 18 to get a job. especially delivering pizzas.
You have to drive with someone older than 18 if you're under legal age. You think she delivered pizzas with her parents?
that's not true either. you can get learners permit at 15 (where you have to drive with someone else) then at 16 you can get a full license.
What? Where?
This is gonna get 8 chan'd. And I don't know if that's a bad thing, precisely, considering anons are probably posting cp.
google before you answer tard. and i know he said deliver but thats not the only job at pizza joint lol
everywhere in the US
it's the same person posting all the bait cp threads
News to me. I don't recall being allowed to drive under 18 without a parent/guardian, and didn't get a license until 18.
yeah well now you've downloaded those pics to your cache so are violating the cp law too. only NY allows accidental caching as a defense to possession, everywhere else is strict liability
eh, my bad. it varies from state to state
state laws are different by, you guessed it, state. even california the most cuck state allows them
she doesnt love in ca but this is an example
So she'd have to be 18 then.
CA looks pretty shitty actually, most of the others don't have a work prohibition
well where's she live, and we can definitively settle the driving issue
you're stuck on "delivering" rather than "employed"
i tried to make a point, posting the most regulated faggot state
I got banned for posting this exact picture a while ago.
>you're stuck on "delivering" rather than "employed"
It says you can't be employed to drive a vehicle if you're under 18, thus she couldn't be a delivery driver.
Reported for requesting CP
She's literally wearing a uniform dunce.
but she could be employeed at papa johns to make pizza or be a cashier.
and nobody has said which state she lived in, becuase other states you can do deliveries
shes not (wasnt) a delivery driver sperg. because they couldnt legally pay her to deliver . she can still drive herself to work lmao. AGAIN THIS IS A GENERIC STATE LAW SHE DOES NOT LIVE IN CALIFORNIA
16 is legal in my state, cry moar.
I got my first job at 15.
16 is illegal moron enjoy prison
internet isnt your state goober
16 isn't legal for porn anywhere on earth.
Eight c h a n is down
Gotta be 18 to do porn. 16 will get ya 20. Enjoy bubba's big black cock.
Same in my state however pictures of someone who is under 18 is still CP
So you can fuck the shit out of some 16 year old but the second you want to document the memories THATS when there’s a problem?
youre actually the first sensible sandnigger ive ever met
yup. it's fucking stupid but what do you expect with the hysteria around teenagers and sex
a 16 year old can also be charged with manufacture or possession of CP for having pictures of themselves (and this has happened, yes some police and prosecutors are that terrible)
Literally do not care.
That is correct faggot
The Fucking Beginners Institute at it again.
since you will literally never get to read about a case of a 16 year old getting charged with cp due to being minors, you should automatically assume they have material of kids far younger. theyre not just banging girls in their algebra class
by literally never you mean multiple times?
google it shit head, i wasn't just guessing when i said "this has happened"
and i was talking about pics of themselves, pics of other 16 year olds or distributing their selfies, that happens all the fucking time
you want me to google YOUR proof to this argument lol. that's not how this works. dont reply again without anything meaningful
nice mega
did you google cp kek
i googled teenager charged for own pictures. that's all from the first page.
I feel like nothing would come up and you're lying, but I'm not the one who got baited into googling cp
Fucking legend.
Cant wait.
there's nothing illegal about googling news stories about teenagers charged with cp for their own pictures. it's not even close to a query that would even indicate looking for something illegal
only cp itself is illegal, you can google stories about cp law all day long. even write them.
and further, just by clicking this thread, you're guilty of cp possession. it downloaded to your cache, you possess it as a matter of law. "i just looked" isn't actually a defense to it being in your cache (with the one state exception i noted above). "she looked 18" is also not a defense. cp is strict liability buddy, and everyone here is guilty.
Its really not CP though. Shes a college student dude.
Why call jannies? She not legal? I don't want to get booted lol
too late for damage control. also you must be a newer newfag
She was born in 2000
What the fuck are those? Links?
It's how we figure out who the children are that are visiting us during their summer break from school.
I'm simply not an active fag. Im an older fag, but not an "old" old fag.
The greatest part is that its so fucking simple.
>i'm not a newfag, i visited this site one other time 2 years ago!
Not a child, just horrible with computers
thank you very much, kind sir
Most children are. Whatever bs they're telling you about STEM in school is a lie. They're meme degrees. We don't hire any of those insuferable cunts. Learn a trade.
I'm not gonna argue with you dude. I haven't been active for a long time. I'm an infinite refugee now.
Still means you are new.
It's back up.
Who is she?
Nah, it went down. Their new CDN got dropped by their Server/Hardware providers.
Lurk more, faggot.
Just googling the code will tell you what it is for fucks sake this summer sucks.
Anyone got that bonnie mega or any Irish girls Megas?
congratulations, you've been wasting your life here
I googled it, nothing comes up
Yep what's your IP son?
Woah mods can you do your fucking job for one time? 16 years olds is also child pornography
Im a new fag, why doesn't this work on my mega?
just googling the code isn't going to do it. in fact, googling "what link starts with octothorpe" isn't going to do it either. whoever suggested googling the "code" was an idiot.
you're just young, as well as most of the thread. you never lived post-torrent when we learned to focus on filehosting and used shit like rapidshare and megaupload, which was splattered and became mega, which this is a link for a package of.
refer to this pic and listen to this:
everything about her face screams mexican/venezuelan/brazilian
i dont dislike her though if this is what you dig its all good
t. hispanic
same here
Miss that board. Faggot German government.
>"Papa johns girl"
It's encrypted against newfags
fucking kek holy shit