Post whatever

post whatever

Attached: why bother.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I'd like to meet the 8' tall turkey that leg came from.

Are you always a shitbox or is this your first time.

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i, i i, i i i want the kniiiifffeeeee....

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Why did they bury him up to his head in cement?

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He was funny in Dirty Work.

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I'm still waiting for his big hollywood comeback

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I think a bone from the knee and below of a cow, they used to sell those as chew toys at a pet store near me.

Attached: artie.jpg (600x586, 78K)


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What's this about? I really wanna know

t. Late n gay user

he must have been a real blockhead

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that's artie lang, a comedian who had it all, including a terrible drug habit. he once drank bleach and stabbed himself multiple times in the stomach but was saved when his sister and mom found him in his apartment. as far as the face goes, apparently snorting too many drugs causes your cartilage to eat away and collapses your nose

I check up on him every once in a while to see if he's till alive. He's been in and out of rehab for a while now.

Nigger no shit that's Artie!? I thought that was a fucking joke. Oh wow... I've had a rough ride in life, but this instantly puts me in a better mood about my circumstances. Fucking ouch.

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I think you might be so fucking stupid or can't Google. That's a pretty old pic. Doubt the guy made it who posted it.

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yeah it's pretty sad

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I lost

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so that's where he's been?

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is that artie lang?

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I wish I was that man! Super sexy!

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Dam artie what the fuck

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._. Guys my ass is talking to me

Good gracious...

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always talkin' shit...

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Except those only applied to the israelites. Therefore the attempt at a researched response was in vain, because it wasn't fully researched. sassy reply cunt btfo.

If he were just a little lighter he'd look like that faggot off American Gods

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that was a mistake

I would fuck her everyday until my dick fell off

you are arguing on the internet and you didn't even leave a picture

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Eat my turdhole you queer

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no u

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Sorry, not a fag like you.

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I honestly hope he dies soon. He's a decent person and doesn't deserve the suffering.

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who is this i swear it looks like a porn star i used to whack off too

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thats a man baby

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mad man

Wouldn't you feel bad if you were hitler and you got a boner?

Yes hello troops
Eyes above the waist soldier! lmao

if i were hitler i would be walking around with a rock hard cock every day thinking about 1000 year-old reich


Omg yes

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How many anons here old O&A reddit folks?

What's her name again? I remember I used to beat off to her pics all the time.

It's not just the drugs. Apparently, he snorted something with shards of glass in it, and he got a severe infection. They had to do a surgery and removed a lot of tissue.

Fucking sad seeing him like that. Really takes a lot of the fun out of the old Stern bits with them joking about his addiction.

But not really, it's still goddamn hilarious.

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What's this supposed to be a picture of? I don't see anything.

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oh u

Attached: tay butt.jpg (1280x1707, 267K)

side by side supposed to be same girl or trap?

Ball Dolphin is a trap user

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Who is Ball Dolphin? Chick or Trap? British, South African, American? 19? Along with the truth, creative and humorous lies are welcome.

Attached: 170424_Dolphin2_Thumb.jpg (882x882, 557K)

Attached: Marcos-w960.jpg (960x1322, 254K)

Belle Delphine. Are you fucking blind?

Balls are balls, and the penis shaft and head are shape similar to a dolphin.
He's mind fucking all of you

That's french for pretty fish with a sideways tail.

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You bought his pee, didn't you?

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it was 30 dollars worth of precious bath water. get us shit straight

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No, just like extremist/fundamentalist christians aren't extremely loving, but full of hate.

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Old but gold

Oh shit, Fox news tried to call Yea Forums far-left? Really? Hahaha

3 spooky 5 me

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How does cocaine even do that to a nose


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So, a shin - ffs

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I think I may have been here before

So inspired, brave and beautiful, just like Bruc*ahem* Caitlyn Jenner.

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Far left lol


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still hot

Pretty alpha