

Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

Hello Ms AKari
How are you?
Are you fellig good today?

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Ms Akari*

Attached: Konata4.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Hello ms fren
I am okay.. how are you..
I played a gamer it was fun

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anime nigger

I played todady Crash nitro kart and its a good game
totally recomend
What game you played ms akarin?

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Akari is not black pls stop saying n1gg3r, thats a bad word

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i have a theory that i am in hell
are you black?

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I played uuh battle of westnoth

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Hi in hell and no, im not blsck

Thats boneless civilixation, play the original is pretty fun

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boneless meemee

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Aki Aki Akiiiiiii

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Haha meme

both of you look stress, pls relax

Attached: Konata54.jpg (480x360, 15K)

hello hello, I love you all

Hahahaaha :)
you are funny :)

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I did it Aki I taught myself to draw I'm so happy *hugs*

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hello red hair friend

:D i am proud of you
i am okay fren
how are you :))))

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and i love you non-waifu

not really i have the retard

Show draw pls

Attached: Konata78.gif (700x891, 92K)

I am doing my best today

where do you put this "retard"

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I drew Skyler

I feel like I could have done better with the hair, I still have alot of trouble drawling curves consistently, so drawling curly hair is difficult.

But I love her so much

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Sup you weeb faggots. What's a good anime I can watch? I don't like gay shit so nothing focused on loli.

Something with powers/swords would be ideal. Thanks.

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she looks concerned is she okay?
i love it hehe
i dont know i dont really watch anime
goblin slayer, fate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Hi non-waifu im well, and you?

Im the retard

You should make a sketch fisrt before drawing

Boku no pico, Kobayashi kimi no dragon, toradora, lucky star,

Attached: Konata42.jpg (225x270, 30K)

that is a lie >:(

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Shes scared and unsure of her future. I imagine this would be her disposition during alot of the first ark.

You know tragic backstory stuff

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Basement neckbeards are so unhelpful these days.

This is a sketch

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you've thought alot of this out
what would you put in your basement if you had one

Attached: 256.png (1085x972, 163K)

im really the retard
look i do the dab

I dont have basemant

Sorry for being dumb

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Cory in the House

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Cory in the withe house

Attached: Konata83.gif (275x317, 128K)

haha that is the mee mee :)
you are so smart

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Yeah I have taken notes on this stuff. Basically I write keywords for each scene I come up with.

It would take too long to write a description of the whole scene so i take cliffnotes, and i just remember the images in my head. I'm a very visual person so this seems the best way to record my ideas, until i draw all of it.

Do you know anything about drawling?

What's the difference between a sketch and drawling

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do you have any order for these scenes
and do you have any filler ideas for character development and stuff

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Also I think I can articulate my ideas for the premise of Skyler's character without going down the rabbit hole of backstory I barely have decided on.

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Yes, but I think once i start drawling it will help me put everything in perspective

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Im not samart, pls stop calling me like that

I dont know much but i liked to copy draws
Sketch is like a preview of what you gonna draw, its like an incomplete image but with the idea of what you gonna draw

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maybe one day someone will make your book into an anime and ill watch it

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youre more cute

Attached: Konata88.png (1920x1200, 269K)

cuter :)

Attached: 25.jpg (1200x1200, 965K)

you more cuter

Attached: Konata61.jpg (3489x5257, 1.53M)

what are you doing friend

Attached: 410.png (400x912, 279K)

Downloading konata images and watching youtube videos
And you?

Attached: Konata55.gif (500x281, 414K)

im going to download your image >:)
i am playing boomer game

Attached: 84.jpg (1425x1250, 209K)

I also download your image but im konata waiu so i cant post them...

Attached: Konata113.gif (360x200, 433K)

I hope that happens.

Anyway my idea for Skyler's character is that she is a morally riotous person, who has to live their life at the expense of others.

Basically if she doesn't want to die she needs to kill other people.

She has a strong sense of right and wrong. So living her life this way deals a heavy burden of guilt. Due to the same circumstances, she cannot open up to normal people. Most if they knew the truth of what she was would either flee or kill her. The emotional strain on her makes her extremely lonely, so she is always searching for someone she can trust, and a place she can call home.

She is introverted and contemplative, she tends to think through her words in advance so will tend to stay quite if she has nothing to say.

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do it anyway haha
reminds me of fate zero

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That's the basics, but it's her interactions with other character that make her more interesting, I just need to start drawling the storyboard.

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Never heard of it. What's it like?

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I cant use waifus from someone else, thats not polite

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Hello guys

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well there is a character in it that puts "morally" put lifes over others to save a larger amount of people.. it slowly devolves into a realization that he cannot save everyone and some people will always die.. i cant go into the later parts without spoilers but i like the take on morality and it reminded me of that.
you are very polite

oh my message didnt send

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Nice Edgy waifu

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Not as edgy as yours

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Hello ms ruby

I like to be polite with kind persons

Both of yuo are edgy

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im sleepy
can you tell me a bed time story

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Theres upon a time in 1939 a german kid say "i hate jews" and he killed 13 millions of them
The end

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The entire narritive of my whole story is there to answer how can someone act morally if they must do evil to survive.

I think one of the things about this that captures my love of the story I'm working on is I don't know the answer to that question. I want my work to be the answer, I want to see how the protagonist could think of an answer, and act it out.

Attached: animeslovenija-steven-universe-awesome-anime-dracula-boku-no-hero-Ebda987fa7fc8915517093751c033c9d3. (548x800, 62K)

haha epic
you should watch fate zero you would probably like it

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Herr. Major

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Here is a story of rape
lolpasta. fandom. com/wiki/Shrek_lose_his_crayon
good history btw

Attached: Konata71.gif (500x281, 104K)

Sounds like it would

Attached: seras-victoria-seras-victoria-hellsing-ultimate-hellsing-ova-anime-manga-anime-E8afb3aeeff692d96065a (500x676, 45K)

Thank you

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No im konata

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How many Seras posters are there tonight?

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Have you seen code Geass? They tackle alot of moral issues.

Also lelouch is one of the biggest inspiration for my antagonist Dominic the Raven Prince.

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no i dont watch much anime or anything really
maybe i should

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I dont know who is sera, sorry

Attached: Konata40.jpg (620x325, 46K)

It's all me I'm just talking to more than one person at a time sorry

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Definitely recommend it, was a great watch

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Did my fast posting scare everyone off?

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Goodnight Aki

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No, I just joined late and wasnt many conversations going on to join

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I'm going to be going to sleep soon too it's already 2 am

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Did you see the drawling I made today?

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anal tho
needrolo a good boy dindu nuffin

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am I invited?

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me on the right
yor ass on the left faget

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i made my noodles too spicy

Attached: 366992 - Code_Geass Lelouch_Lamperouge Rolo_Lamperouge.jpg (640x1681, 94K)


Yeah I'm done


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Didnt notice the time... sleep well,
Didnt see it but I'll take a look

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nini bes fren

you got something against boys love?

ill finger ur pupehole while you sleep then ur mouth

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Come back

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I wish I was a fat old man just to make raping you that much less pleasant

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