Pinkys blog post #3

Good morning everyone just woke and feeling tired af didn'd sleep much again. I hope all of esfores is doing great today!. Come to this thread if you wanna talk about stuff... 'cause i'm bored all day

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Other urls found in this thread:

stop blogposting subhuman

good morning Pink

is this comfy NEET thread???

Good morning to you too Viceoroy.
You can post and ask anything you want here see it as general discussion thread or something. Since I have no one to talk to I wanna talk so some nice people on here

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good morning sunshine

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Good morning Doremi fren

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this is picture of me, do i look cute in picture??? LOL

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sure lole
nico nico ******* lole

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I got money today lole

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And I bought some yummie weedo yeahhhhhh
Listening to meddle feels so good rn especially the opener of album

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The racist schizo strikes again tell me how you wish you could mow down Americans with a machine gun again

I stood up till like 4 in the morning to mix ojamajo vocals with an old rap/r&b song and I only just woke up now here on the EST.. I'm gunna like get a shower in order or something so I can test it out in the car and see what it's like in the car's 6" subwoofers. ohio fren~

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Okay nice
put also this on your subwoofers lole
Also Ohio you too I hope you're doing fine

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i'd have loved to be one of the soldiers on June 6 1944 (: also remember to be nice

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also deal with it these post will be everyday.
Do you want to engage in a normal conversation or just insult me

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Tell me more I'm all ears

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Tell you more about what?
Have you experienced the money solo on weed or LSD it's heaven

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I have experienced the hallucinogenic experience, however as far as music is concerned I prefer to explore new grounds and seek out strange new sounds

thanks for being here pink

Well I always put on my Floyd and Barret playlist it's 17hours long and I just start it after 20min and enjoy

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But I have once when I was on lsd listened to some Avenged sevenfold stuff on love it now

Thank you for being here

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Anne Gorman
8 months ago
big durty banger of a choon pal ye whopper


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Yeah I like metal and alt rock too it's all good, Soundgarden Alice in chains all that shizzle, variety is the spice of life and I am a spicy meatball

Yeah i'm still like more the stuff i'm used to hearing the slide guitar solo of the Atom Heart Mother suite is always bliss so I just stick with or all the other great solos

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Yeah nothing wrong with a bit of that you like what you like


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>Imagine getting a threesome with that pickup line

How bout you shuddup aight?

How about you now leave me be I wanna chill and talk to nice people

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Didn't even show up to Stewart's last night. Fucking scared of the big bad non schizos are you

I'm top nice you just refuse to open your eyes and see it


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Mayne you're right
How are you doing today btw?

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Yeah he invited you to play in his cribbage tournament. Winner got 100 bucks lost in the semi finals so no money for me

Ähhhh aight
dunno what you're talking about but okay

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Stickin it to tha man you know so p good. I'll get that son of a sob dethroned. He's unfit to rule my school. I won the election but he cheated me out of it you see.
How about yourself?

Yu-Gi-Oh more like you gay yo

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I'm feeling jolly good.
Smoked some weedo and am enjoying Animals rn.
Solo was bliss lole

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The herb is to rich for my blood ill stick to ciggies. Wouldn't mind listening to this band after smoking weedo

Yeah I also only do it occasionally when I have money I just buy like 5g or so and I don't smoke much so it last long. And the nice effects aren't gone.
Listening to Animals without weedo is also bliss tho just saying.
Favorite songs: dogs, Pigs (three different ones) and sheep is prolly my favorite.

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Page 1 save rave

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pinky poo poo pee pee

Thanks fren

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Oh this is great, just fucking fantastic. Suebi finally fucks off with his daily circlejerks and then you go and start making them. Truly epic. I love [4cc] - Yea Forums Chat Central

No need to engange in them do you?

You morons will never understand

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alright pinkfig im the Texan who supposed to meet you in Linz im currently in Innsbruck and will go there tomorrow assuming the train ticket isnt like 90 euro. i diddnt realize how far Linz was from everything else.
where do you want to meet in Linz

I dunno We can meet at the Trainstation. lole but tickets should be like 20-30 but if it's to expensive don't bother with it

Don't want you to waste money for some stupid schizo.

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Also i'm watching Taxi Driver rn for the third time why is Travis so goddamn bases? lole

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I've never seen taxi driver and I will meet you at the train station tomorrow at some time

lol I'll make sure to watch the news tomorrow

gotta tell me when to.
I have insomnia so I go sleeping at like 7-10am and sleep deppends but mostly till 12-13pm
And you're not gonna rape me or beat me up ):

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it will be early afternoon 2-3pm and i wont beat you up or rape you ill make a thread to let you know when I leave innsbruck and to bother off people

Also watch it damn it it's a great movie with a great and relaxing atmosphere.

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Do you arrive at 2-3pm or leave innsbruck at the time?

I'm going to try to arrive at that time I'll leave innsbruck like 11:00 because that's the checkout time at my hotel.

all right i'll set a alarm so i'm awake and need to look for a bus but the bus normally drives directly to train station. Also you're not gonna take pics of me or some bullshit? so you can dox me?
Honestly i'm scared

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Also should I take some weedo with me?

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I thought you said you lived 20 mins from the train station and im not scary we'll be good friends
ive never actually smonked weed, I tried a bunch of edibles in Amsterdam to almost no effect tho.

lole what.
Yeah I do still gotta take the bus tho...

If edibles from amsterdam don't get you high then nigger weed won't neither lol the frick.

Also I don't think you're a scary man but i'm scared that you're just take pics of me and post it on Yea Forums or shit that would be not good

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i wont take pics of you if you dont take pics of me sweatheart

can you swim in the Danube, i mean are you allowed too? i like to swim in famous bodies of water

Be wary he might be a cannibal!!

Yeah can but there's normally a spot somewhere.
But honestly I really don't know much about Linz since i'm only living here for about 4months and i'm sitting safely behind my bunker behind the wall lole

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*Yeah you can there should be a spot somewhere where most people swim not sure though where lole.
As a travel guide i'm a lost cause lole but I can look it up in the internet and you can take a swim while I chill and smoke some weed and relax lole

Also weather is rainy don't know if it'll be sunny tomorrow

if i swim ill get wet anyway and its saying it's a four hour train ride so if I leave innsbruck at eleven I'll get there at three

Alt Urfahr Strand (-beach)

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Well but swimming in the cold is not nice... ):

Pinky more like stinky haha I'm going to take a shower for 2 hours and wanted to let everyone know

Nice hab fun.
Why such a long shower tho?

Weather for tomorrow says 14-21° but it'll be cloudy

Alright i'll be there.

i hope this guy pulls out a gun and blow's pink's brains out

He can't even leave the house lole

Do you really think that would bother me?
also Austria try pulling a gun out there boiiiiiiiii
Or even aquire one and how in the hell is he gonna take a gun from america to europe?

there is actually a place selling rifles and crossbows here in innsbruck I passed by it the other day and was somewhat surprised.

yw fren~
working now brb

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oh shit this nigga going pink hunting

no not yet let's see how cute he is first

what's the deal with your america obsession?

Ofc there are gunshops.
I know one in Traun where you can buy guns.
By hard to aquire I mean that you just can't go show your id and they hand you your m16 so you can go on a killing spree.
You need a license and a good reason why you want to have a gun, for example for hunting purpose, or just sport shooting.
Also they make test and you have to get a psychiatric evaluation if you're aight in the gulliver lole.
So for example They would never ever hand me a gun, and it''s a test you can't really cheat on I think they use the same tests in the millitary. But you can easily buy those fake guns yk just need to flash your id then you get registered and then you can buy ammo like normal fake ammo (the guns they use in movies) or one's with act like pepper spray I shot one once and it was pepper spra (don't know the englisch name sorry) ammo it fucking sucks lol I don't wanna get shot by something like that. burned my fucking eyes for 1min or so imagine getting blasted with that shite in the face holy shit

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I*m normal looking I guess.
I'd rate myself a 5/10.
Except the eyebrows ofc lele

Really? I walked into bass proshop one day decided I wanted a 22. Revolver and within an hour walked out with it. It was 120 bucks and a fun gun to go plinking with.

Why america obsession it's just impossible to take a gun on a fucking plane flight

how tall are you
do you have a cute butte
have you ever heard of mkultra
are you a dom or a sub

In Austria?

> 1,70cm
>i dunno i'm pretty lightweight so there's not really a butt lole

No, Texas.

Yeah in texas/most states in america it's easy af to buy a gun.
In austria it's not that easy if you don't have a genuine reason like hunting.

Okay read about it?
What about it?

imagine needing to resort to a weapon for violence....pathetic

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Nothing don't worry about it.

Violence sucks man.
For real. no matter if gun or fist or everything you can use to kill someone

Are u going to make secret experiments with me lole?

shut up wimp

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im like 6 foot 4 and 270 so well make a good couple. I dont know what that is in euro speak.

yeah you won't care when i punch your fucking lights out

I*m gonna go for a walk now bye frens and r*de frens

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dont be rude to my tiny bf

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its fugging midnight here

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You big.
Now i'm more affraid lole

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well over midnight
/insomnia/ gang arrive

you're about 1,93
and 122kg
and i'm 1,70m
and like 50kg lole i'm fucked if he wanna beats me up

more of me to love bby

also /nightwalk/

Is this some kind of gay bumming situation going on here if so I'm out

Are you really not going to molest me?

nah just two friends kissing each other goodnight nothing gay about it lole

100% not going to molest you. i might go up to berlin and head through Linz and Prague so why not meet a guy from s4s. i think it's a neat coincidence your so close this is my first time in europe. you dont have to do anything you dont want to do.

Okay for real i'm heading out now already put my coat on. Bye

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alright i'll be there tomorrow
How can I recognize you?

im white, blondish, big, and ill be wearing a black button up work shirt gray cargoish pants shop boots and ill be carrying a big ass backpack.

Your first time meeting a european NEET lole

There's a smoking area on Linz's HBF so go there after you arrive

People are gonna try to sell you drugs say no they only have shit lole

Buy shit get hit is my motto when selling my product

no one wants your boyhole stop deluding yourself

well no one wants to buy shit if you wanna make money you have to sell good shit to keep the customers comming.
My plug always sells me good shit and tell me right away if hes has H (rarely) or dillies.

Also i'm back from my walk smoked some weedo and bought a kebap.
Wished I wouldn't have rained and it was cold but at least it was just a little rain.

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can this 13 year old fuck off already

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do they have amphetamines

Hecking yes
It's easy to get and cheap even the turks on the train stations sell amph and mdma just shitty amph bought from one turk a 2mdma pills once they where good tbh was a fun night with my friend and they where strong af had the weird eye wobbling which was great lol
My friend was actually concerded because he had never seen that before but i'm telling him lole i'm feeling fucking alright and it's nice lole

and apparently it's a sign of od but who gives a shit lole felt great was even hallucinating at some point. so I took a little to much but we just popped the whole pill without giving a fuck because normally you get shit mdma from turks that guy sold some molly but then we bought meth from that guy and it was absolute shite so we didn't buy from that cunt anymore

sold some good*

a real shame I couldn't get a boner but only stroking my dick was absolutely bliss mdma is fucking great

But You can't see properly if you eye wiggle and or read which sucks. But it's a sign that you're rolling good af

btw the bus i'm taking is arriving at 14:55

*lights up a smoke* yeah metaphys is the shit can't wait till I can play the deck myself. imagine my turn ending and it being your turn but really it's my turn as well

based yugioh poster

lole based

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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When it comes to the Jews I've always said stay away. The Jews are the ones who suspended me for speaking against them.
>a bloo bloo write apology letter to the Jews of your class

Exactly the Jews are the reason I dropped out of high school and become a shut in. I overcame it so I can go into the streets and preach the message of "intolerance" as they call it to the masses

great song

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hecking yeah m8

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So goodnight everyone.
Thanks for being frens!

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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alright pinkfig ive bought my ticket train departs at 11:14 however i must warn you that as an American i am befuddled by trains im supposed to switch trains at Salzburg HBF but i dont know which train to switch to so that will be fun.

i, check dat fortune in here real quick .

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Your fortune: Godly Luck

i gat lots dem plate's n shit in my room ye./

checking these beautiful dubs