Admit it, the world sucks

Admit it, the world sucks.
How do we destroy it?

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Give people guns

Vote liberal.

continue to do what we are right now.

I give it 20 years

I thought taking guns away would end the world?

call Godzilla

Bruh the world is already going to be destroyed and there is literally nothing we can do about it. We have 20 years MAX.

What you should be asking is, "how do I build a bunker that will outlast the apocalypse?" Simple. Give me money.

Why not both, give guns to bad people and they will kill the people that are too much of pussy to use a gun

I think you're right. NASA estimated the 2050s will be the economic downfall but it will definitely be sped up with all the retardation going on

We're already doing that, retard

>We have 20 years MAX
Funny, they said the same thing 20 years ago.

Bruh, the world has many, many years to go. It's humans, etc that do not. Next mass extinction when?

That's why I said

>"WE" have 20 years

He saw the reviews of his last movie, now he's in hiding.

No they didn't, and you cant prove that

Stop feeding off the bad and see that you can lead a better life if you work on it.

It has already been set in motion by your dad and his dad

We need a bigass asteroid, sooner the better.

We're going to bake ourselves, there is no need for an asteroid

It's just my personal choice.

Screw your absurd optimism.

you cannot build a life support system to sustain a group of humans for extremely long duration's currently, everyone's totally fucked quit watching movies (source: anything related to long term space travel)

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an hero

Liberals are actually saving this world from destruction.

We could if we stopped giving tax cuts to the rich and wasting money on foreign "wars."

Give the cock sucking liberals all the power they ever dreamed of. Should just about do it.

Keep telling yourself that

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If you have the computers that can simulate real outcomes why not do it?

I don't have to. I see it. We are making this world better for all people.

Your President is destroying this country with his socially backward racist ideology.

kek good one user. You had me going for a second.

you do realize you're talking about doing literally everything a planet does, right and not only doing that doing it on a level that functions efficiently and has margins of failure reaching almost zero which is fucking unheard of as it relates to human engineering AND THEN you have to factor in the human element and how confined humans behave to which every fucking study shows humans go nucking futs in that sort of an environment.

>tl;dr it's nearly fucking impossible to accomplish everything the earth/sun provides for us

Ok how are we "destroying" this country?

Maybe at one time, but no longer. Now, libs just sound crazy.

He's just insecure and wants to keep his guns because they're the only thing that makes him feel like a man

We need a lottery system backed by the sword
and 100% sexual permissiveness.


Saint Tarrant knew de wey

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Just keep going like we are. It's a ticking time bomb.

He gutted the EPA. That's going to have lasting consequences if we don't switch it back.

That's what I thought. Wait until I tell him how an anonymous tip system will net the us millions of illegal weapons including his.

>wanting socialism
>wanting open borders
>wanting free money every month
>wanting free school
>wanting free healthcare for all
>wanting free healthcare for illegals
All that free shit adds up. I think they estimated it would cost around $17 trillion.
Don't own guns. I don't live in a nigger infested area.

>wanting open borders
literally no one is proposing this you lying frogfag

>wanting free healthcare for all

It's like you all want people to get raped, who would win in a fight a 90 pound college girl or a 200 pound rapist?

Funny how you don't mind Trump's tax cuts to his rich buddies "add up." You're a fucking hypocrite fam.

Then why don't you want illegals rounded up? They are criminals.

Kek, that's funny user

But enough about the only fantasies that give you an erect wee-wee.

No they're not user. Some are seeking asylum, and rich white Republicans hire them.
They are "undocumented" workers.

Your frog penis is somewhat humorous
but not as intended

Destroy yourself first
that way you’re not
a hypocrite

Fine who would win a fight an 80 year old grandmother or a 20 year old burglar

i dont think you really understand what im trying to state to you as it relates to the technological aspect, it doesnt exist what you're envisioning....the longest expected duration in a survival bunker is only 6-8 months and that's assuming everything functions the way its supposed to which it probably wont so you could really say its more like 4-5months max and thats if nothing goes wrong during that time

Forcing "renewable" energy sources that emit more CO2 in the long run when factoring in production requirements, pollute the environment when solar panels break down and leak highly toxic chemicals into the ground water and soil, destroy huge swaths of land and habitats to set up their solar / wind farms, etc.

Liberal policies look nice on paper and make you want to pat yourself on the back, but they are very destructive to the environment and economy in the long term.

Let kikes survive to run it and support niggers to over populate it.

In this bunker society we will draw who breeds by lottery. And that also means the old rich men don't get the best females. Is that clearer?

I'm far from rich and I for tax breaks too. My hourly wage hasn't increased since hes been in office and yet my paychecks are all bigger now.
If you had a job you'd probably notice the same with your pay.

If you could get the Business Insider to post your opinion, I'm sure you would.
That still does not change the fact
that there is not a single Democrat proposing "open borders" user. Or should I start calling you "Ivan" from now on?

And how many trillions of dollars will that cost taxpayers? I know you don't care because you don't have a job, but normal people do.

Actually you vote conservative, others vote liberal, everyone fights about it, nothing gets fixed, we all die.


>"renewable" energy sources that emit more CO2 in the long run
source: Fox News

Our species is already doing an exemplary job of it.

They are illegal aliens. Illegal = criminal. They are making false asylum claims, getting a court date and disappearing into the growing barrios. You all keep saying that 'not one has said they want open borders' this is a brainwashed response. They do want them as open as possible, without a backlash from the public. YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. Only an absolute idiot can't see such an obvious ploy.

>LARPing this intensely
your mom wants you to get a job and move out lol

stfu gary!

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Bigger temporarily, you clearly didn’t pay attention to what his tax breaks will cost us far from rich folks.

We might actually be past the point of no return now. We don’t have to actively do anything else.

Did you watch the debates a few days ago? They're all for allowing illegals in, paying them to do nothing and also free healthcare for all.
What would you call allowing illegals in unchecked and then giving them money? I call that open borders.

source: Fox, Breitshart,

Nah, she likes that he keeps the basement clean. And she likes the companionship since his dad left her for another man.

We're definitely heading for a big war and very soon. Two years out, tops.

Murrca is, extremism has created an irreparable state.

I don't watch the electric jew.


No, you just get your talking points from the "sources" I listed. How does it feel being Putin's conduit, user?

What are you whining about?

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So after lowering taxes for everyone you think Trumps just going to decide to raise them for the middle class and keep them the same for the rich?
One of his main campaign goals was that he'd lower taxes, which he did. Hes not going to be very popular with his supporters if he just raises them back up. Which is what the dems would absolutely have to do if they get elected. Where do you think the money for all the free stuff would come from?

Trips confirm.
It's true but it's a bit of an exaggeration. Solar and Wind farms do destroy a lot of nature though.

And what I said above, is common knowledge. Leftists are the ones that only get their news from one side of the media, usually only corporate media too. You know you do it too. Everything else is made by Russia, right? Idiot.


>muh youtube got eem


>common knowledge.
so you're just talking shit out of your ass
wow I'm shocked

Nigger, I can see what you said.
>the world is already going to be destroyed
And bunkers won't save your sorry ass from the quakes.
I'm glad you noticed I'm white. Everyone's moms and dads and aunts and uncles and step-things contributed. We, as a species, will get what's coming.

Pollute the environment for ~200 years, and spend the last calm before the storm repealing damage-mitigating measures for a quick buck and muh feels. For extra measure, toy with the global economy and disenfranchise what remains of the future. Assume playing chicken with foreign tensions doesn't pan out.

What do you have to say about nuclear power? May I remind you that everything has a non-zero waste yield. Everything. Bolstering the R&D behind solar-related means of power generation would ensure that each successive generation of solar power generation cuts down on waste- forget the hyperbolic statements about toxicity and leaking magic panel fluid.

Even injecting a percent of the funds that
>muh clean coal
gets, could immediately bolster nuclear power in ways you might not even care to consider. In fact, it might be that we collectively don't deserve it.

Jesus Christ, you just went out of your way to say that there are leftists. Leftists are the ones that only get their news from one side of the media? Leftists? Them?

The other side? The side you don't mingle with, the leftists?


Catch and release, is common knowledge, yes. Being coached what to say to get in, is common knowledge. Skipping the court date and just staying in cities that will not deport them, no matter their status, is common knowledge.

We're slowly dying from mediocrity

>common knowledge
so still nothing

>common knowledge
you literally sound like a Southern idiot when you keep posting this over and over lol

It can't be common knowledge if you have to coach someone to say it.

Funny how I give you facts and you resort to name calling. Typical liberal thinking with their feeling and not with their brains.

>liberal thinking
Name calling.

doubtful, thankfully developed countries have to make monies and if 2008 proved anything all it takes is one massive fuck up and everyone globally is royally fucked...if anything it will be small proxy war's and that's why china has diversified around the planet, but what they fail to understand how interdependent everything is even if your holdings are dynamic, its actually funny because when you start drinking your own koolaid you fail to realize how fucking full of shit you are and guess what all of the modern developed countries are doing it meanwhile the underdeveloped ones are just playing the cards they got and have a understanding of this, but not the whole its most basic level you can study as you would a group of humans with various means/personalities

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Stopped reading there... You are a blind fool if you don't smell the embers.

>LARPing while stroking cock


I didn't say it was smart, its just what the left seems to do. Its like watching video of liberals protesting a Trump rally. They just stand there blowing whistles and yelling into megaphones all while refusing to talk to anyone who disagrees with them.
Its pretty pathetic actually. These kids are going to grow up one day and realize not everything will be handed to them.

>with their feeling and not with their brains.
like your Stupid President?


Wake up, Commute, Slave away, Commute back, Exercise, Consume, Sleep, Repeat.

>Stupid President
that clown represents america perfectly.

>its just what the left seems to do
>liberals protesting at a Trump rally
>all while refusing to talk to anyone who disagrees with them
>Its pretty pathetic actually
I would rather not have the opportunity to pick your brain given what you decided to type.

You're just proving my point. You just resort to insults instead of trying to offer any evidence to your claims.

>liberals protesting a Trump rally
Oh heavens nobody should ever do that


>These kids are going to grow up one day and realize not everything will be handed to them.
Which is why they're going to demand living wages, UBI and free education.


...and i bet you think the US is close to a civil war, right?

>to offer any evidence to your claims.
I didn't make any. You said a bunch of retarded shit here though

So you don't want to change anyone on the rights mind, you just want to act like 5 year olds throwing a tantrum and crying that they're all racist? Good luck in 2020.

You made some.

Read Siege

Nuclear power is the future, Thorium and fusion if things go well. As much as my area relies on coal it really needs to go. Solar panels as they are now are pretty efficient for minor usage since the good ones can last a few decades but they are very impractical as a main or major source of power. They take up far too much space and rely on clear weather for peak efficiency.

Hydroelectric is also pretty damn good.

You said hes giving all his rich friends tax breaks and I replied with he gave me one too. I'm making more money now than I ever have.

no I didn't

>change anyone on the rights mind
>act like 5 year olds
Which one of us is crying about the damned dirty leftists at every opportunity that strikes itself? Which one of us is convinced that each and every soul that should ever question a single thing that you decide to share with the rest of the room, can only be "them"?

>Nuclear power is the future,
in about a hundred years, sure

You just did. Again.

>I replied with role-playing you're supposed to believe


kek I'm the snowflake while you're the one who has nothing intelligent to say so you just try to insult me.
Ok there snowflake.

What claims? Be specific.

>I'm the snowflake
I'm glad we're in agreement

So why don't you offer any real points other than I'm larping, I live in my moms basement and I'm a snowflake?

user you are the snowflake who thinks your special fee fees are worth considering.
Well, they're not.

>I live in my moms basement and I'm a snowflake?
That's usually how it works.

Good point, you got me there.
Anyway, I have work in the morning. Have fun sitting on Yea Forums until 5am.

Like I said, the future.

Sure thing.

>no I didn't
This is a claim, for the sake of argument.

>You said a bunch of retarded shit here though
This is a claim, for the sake of argument.

These are claims, for the sake of argument.

I literally have to go to bed in 3 minutes else I would, thanks.

Not now though. We need solar and wind to do all the small stuff, and then we actually need to reduce consumption too.

user saying you didn't do something isn't a claim. I could literally shove my cock down your throat. You know that, right?

This is pretty fucking cringe actually:

>These are claims, for the sake of argument.
You're that "not an argument" bot aren't you

Not an argument.

I didn't do something. I did not do something. I, did not, do something. I am saying something about reality, and it is a definite statement about what transpired.

Claim her? I hardly knew her.

I bet you think everyone is a bot.

>I did not chop my penis off
I wish you had

A bot would be a step up from you.

Attempt to rebuild Solomon's temple in Israel.

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>imagining this about anyone

That's a compliment, Dave.

No don't post that
I'm a christfag
must fap now

Go on. Chop your penis off.

>demanding this of anyone
What's the story here? You want people to mutilate themselves?

Then you should read the book of Revelation and understand that for mankind on Earth it does not end well.

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John was on belladonna, a hallucinogenic delierient. Explains a lot.

>locusts with stingers and human faces
>the last on earth will beg for death but it will never come
Beats an eternity of fire

Matthew 13?
Mark 13?

The books are written by different Authors.
Yet remain remarkably consistent.

user you made this claim. It was stupid. Nobody believed you. Then you proceeded to act like a huge faggot the rest of the thread.

Probably all written by committee according to Gnostic protocol.

so self-hating

The hellfire comes after the white throne or final judgment which is going to be quite a long while after Revelations and Armageddon. After the destruction of humankind we will in our next more spiritual form or soul; we first will go through the millennium which is when Christ will explain what exactly is going on to us.

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That's not me, user. That doesn't even make any contextual sense. That follows the narrative involved in the posts I backlinked.

Now, why would I take the long way of criticizing posts by user if user already lashed out at me for being a pedant about their replies? Or... are you thinking that I was saying I said something because I mentioned the pronoun, I?

Is it a failure of the American education system?

literally delusional

No Torah predates the existence of Rome and the OT is taken from it.

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OK I still made no claims. That faggot did.

How would you know? All that shit is secret.

We already are.

OK see what I think is what's going to happen is whenever we're "ready" for it, the Gnostics who have been keeping the Secret Knowledge hidden through the Masons and other secret societies is how we were visited by an actual advanced civilization from another planet or galaxy and that's "God," that's "Christ."
Prove me wrong.

Your ilk said that of Christ too.
I am in good company for facing your false accusations.

so you're anti-semitic.
Are you also a white nationalist?

The deluded always think they're serving some higher purpose. It's well-documented.

Everyone I mentioned, did. No one failed to make any claims because of some magic reason. Saying that you did not do something is a claim. Claiming someone said a bunch of retarded shit over there is a claim. Implying people want things are also claims.

No one failed to claim anything in those 3 whole instances. Not one.

Genesis 6:4
Ezekiel 1
Revelation 19:10

The Nephilim will claim to BE anything if it will fool you.

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I am not Anti Semitic.
Nor do I have any delusions about being superior to any of my fellow humans.

Just imagine the labels others would apply to you for posting at Yea Forums.

long as religious/delusional is never one, i couldn't care less. the rest of us are depressed, criminal or both.

Become an SJW, then push for the white genocide. Without white people, modern society will crumble.

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