Hey Faggots

Hey Faggots,

My name is Mike, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever even played Superman 64? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Custer's Revenge.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the video games club, and starter on my Smash Bros team. What games do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also have a 20 inch cock, and have a banging successful nerd friend (he just paid me; Shit was IN cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me

Attached: SimCity.jpg (724x696, 325K)

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OP is such a faggot that he pretends to be someone he isnt.

how can i, a lowly internet cave troll, dare to insult a chad such as yourself?

What a laugh had by all!

Lol jealous much
Ur probly asian lmao

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Just try me faggot lmao

In other words...you have no friends.
Go out, play any sport...and start to live outside of a videogame.

uhhhhhhhh ok,...
you got me wrong chief. I don't play "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people". I play "jack off to almost naked drawn Japanese people". Is that good enough?

Tbh Mike does have a massive cock, and fairly hot girlfriend.

Lmao try amd cope wagie

Lol, nice try, Mark.

i hope that hes being serious because this would make such a great copypasta


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Lmao jealous of my 10 incher virgin?

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That guy is so annoying. He's the main reason I stopped watching angry video game nerd. Fucking douche bag.

Although I’m not a frequent poster,
(I’m A Lurker) ,
Even I have a better haircut than you.
Like seriously, get that fixed it looks (no offense) terrible on you.

Hahah post pics and prove it
Thats right you wont pussy lmao

Imagine trying to insult the worst part of the internet by telling them something that they already knew they were unironicly........

Attached: c41298f.jpg (480x641, 20K)

Don’t have any pics on my pc rn but here’s something close

Attached: E53F0043-21D8-49F7-BE49-37525B0F9299.jpg (203x225, 12K)


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Imagine being such a faggot

Tell me something I don't already know

Imagine thinkimg your the worst part of the internet in 2k19 unironiclly lmao

Lmao nice dye job edgelord

It isn’t dyed but thanks for the idea

Not even close lmao try again

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Lmao thats even worse low t edgelord

Actually I got my T levels tested, I don’t mean to brag but I’ve got high decently testosterone levels.
Also you’re the one being a pretentious Yea Forumstard.
Become a lurker user.

literally everything just described

Fuck off larper

No one likes Mike anyway. People only want the Nerd and not the sidekick dork.

Lol what are you like 12? Get laid virgin

Lmao all tje girls want my dick
Jealous much

No? You have to be +18 to enter.
Have You Read The Rules?

explain this, brown bricks

Attached: n45UOdZ.jpg (900x1200, 199K)

Lmao coping this hard

That's paint.

I love making brown bricks in mine crap

Mike belongs to the same category as Delrith. Side cunt that asserts himself into their master's content despite the fans wanting them dead.

>being this new
>implying someone else is underage

>being new
I’ve lurked for a while now

i kek'd lol

He's right user. Nobody likes that annoying cunt, and nobody cares about his gf.


Apparently not long enough lmao

You’re Game Dude, right?

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Haha this. Delrith tried to seduce a minor too and his phone sex call is on YouTube. Search for Snowmew.

I thought it was just me but apparently pretty much everyone hates this guy. Wow.

one of ur eyebrows is higher than the other

Attached: uhhhhhh.jpg (394x560, 18K)

God, I wish I can punch this Mike Matei cocksucker, right in the fucking face.

he is an annoying faggot!

Doesn’t this nigga have like, a 10 inch cock?

His gf is cute af tho tbh. I hope she cucks the fuck outta him. Gets dicked by an 11 incher to rub his 10 inch cock in his face.

I'm glad James found someone tho. He's the chill one who just wants to make videos.