What are you supposed to do if someone just starts shooting?

What are you supposed to do if someone just starts shooting?

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seek cover

turn back in time and protest the gun law

shoot back

stand there with a suicide note.
call your lawyer and leave a voicemail as your will.
Get a airsoft gun from the nearby toystore and wave it around.

take your pick.

Run. Hide. Fight.
If what is about to happen to you is worse than being prosecuted, defend your life with lethal force.

move from side to side like a target

What if you’re a law abiding person who can’t carry a gun in that area?

Shoot back. Oh wait, I "voluntarily" turned in my guns last week for a thin blue line keychain and a gift card to hot topic. People are so confused; no idea what they want anymore.

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you convert to islam and join the shooter

Wave your harns voilently in the air back and forth and yell " me shoot me "

submit and accept your death

Slow down time and dodge out of the way of the bullets like in The Matrix then shoot the attacker one handed while doing a backflip.

Then u deserve what u get.

Arm up. Know your rights.

Bunnyhop and lean from side to side while running away. Remember to equip your knife so you run faster.

Throw something like rocks or your shoes.
If you have a rubber band, those are more deadly. Thats considered a sling shot.

If you're in a building and have a door that swings out you can potentially bumrush if bes coming thru it. Any other option is try and get out of range, if outdoors and in pretty tight traffic you're pretty much screwed

Mostly just wish dudes with guns didnt find it so fun to kill people without em

spread your arms wide. spread your fingers out into claws. open your eyes as wide as possible and run straight at them, screaming IMA KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRRRRRR. knock them down. kick the gun out of his hands. then kick him in the head until he can't stand up.

then keep kicking him. nobody fucks with a madman.

duck, seek cover, flee, call police

Rocket launcher jump to the next platform

50% of the time it works everytime

play dead?

Shoot back

ask him if he wants a blowjob if youre a girl.

for guys just run for your life and call 911

find cover straight away and get ready to run. wait for a lul in the shooting and zig zag sprint the fuck away, low and in and out of as much cover as u can.

>identify location of shooter
>run opposite direction
>distance and cover are your friend
>if shooter is near, defend yourself with anything possible. you have nothing to lose except your life.

Anyone telling to run or stay in cover is a soyboy, beta, numale, omega, pathetic bitch.

you will use your opportunity and let yourself killed -> no problems in life anymore

take it easy, tough guy. we're all badasses here on the 4chin

say thank u christopher

Run for the nearest exit and keep on running if you can't get out find cover or a body and play dead. You could also try charging the shooter when he changes clips not recommended,


Blame the guns

i got some nice jeans tho

run towards them, i am depressed if not more depressed as the shooter, just not as stupid

You’ll be buried in them

Shoot them back?

>Not carrying a firearm when you leave home

The absolute state

I wish my penis was shorter.

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3 D's user

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Imagine all the petabytes of furry, rekt and traps they'd find on the drives if someone shot up Yea Forums.