Throat molestation.
Throat molestation
teh sixx?
throat insurance
hey logfaggot, how does it feel to know that
despite years of posting this
years of creating images
tens of thousands of hours spend making this trash
how does it feel?
is it true you're so mentally ill,
you cannot see your failure?
or is that why you get mad
and say
>grow up
when someone points out your FAIL?
Grow up.
>just as predicted
stay mad, faggot!
>this is what the logless shill actually believes
>"if I reuse the very things that others used to hurt my feelings, i win!"
you need me, log faggot
and you aren't happy when I don't abuse you
that's how pathetic you are
>seething from the verbal abuse
stay mad, faggot!
wow you sure got mad in that last thread kek
>now he'll desperately LIE about being BTFO
>I hope nobody notices how butthurt logfags are that other people are making fun of us!
and then there's the logless shill
logfags mad their FAIL threads die so soon,
even the furry janitors mock their FAIL threads!
logfags are so mad that jannies are making fun of them in the other thread,
they want to try to preempt the thread's death
this is how desperate these faggots are!
yeah, your mental illness does stink, because you live in denial of your FAILURE while trying to obey your obsession.
and just watch you try to rescue your thread from FAIL
keeps everyone rolling on the ground laughing their heads off!
logfag desperate to keep his thread from dying like his pathetic threads usually do, from FAIL
you think darkness is your ally? you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it.
it's funnny that there are people who treat shiteating as a part of their life
and then there's Eustace
>so mad his discord was raided, he thinks he can get payback by using the wrong username
stay mad,log faggotron!
and then there's Eustace
>so mad his discord was raided, he thinks he can get payback by using the wrong username
stay mad,log faggotron!
I hate when you make me laugh at this shit.
and then there's Eustace
shills laughing among their faggoty selves
Dubs logged throat clogged
Grow up.
>this much of a superstitious faggot
>this mad
stay mad, faggot!
Ty for the bump mate, you are keeping the meme alive
>going thru this much trouble to complain about your critics
and then there's Eustace
>so mad his discord was raided, he thinks he can get payback by using the wrong username
stay mad,log faggotron!
and then there's Eustace
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