Are feminine trap guys picky or they gonna settle for someone who treats and fucks them good...

Are feminine trap guys picky or they gonna settle for someone who treats and fucks them good? Or they pick from 8/10above? I never understood if they would settle for anyone or have higher standards than actual girls

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Hahahahah nigga what? XDD

Most of us are really desperate ourselves lmao, I guess it depends. I personally don't mind looks too much, just a guy who's sweet and decent looking is fine.

pretty mother fucking picky from what ive seen. any of them that are even remotely attractive tends to only go for other traps, or are strictly interested in guys. I have a thing for femboys and traps, and as a biological woman, someone whos NOT trans, its a fucking nightmare finding one actually interested in actual women.

Really tho? Its like a double edged blade cuz you would think that o they have a dick but look like girls so a majority of gays is out and all straight people. But if you think furthermore then if they look girly enough then they are top premium stuff.

Oh lol so girls exist who like traps

its also rare as fuck. think of it more as a girl that leans heavily towards being a lesbian but is only interested if it has a dick. and wont date trans because its a mental illness and 99 percent of them are insanely fucking unstable

Well yeah we look like girls but that doesn't exactly get rid of the dick
We are still dudes so pretty much like every other dude

So you think a dude who goes to the gym and will be kind of good looking bodywise could get a nice trap? Its like it sounds bad cuz rn i look like a 8/10 face (not sharing) with a 3/10 body and i shouldnt be picky cuz i look like shit rn but you get it. Are stretch marks a big no for most of you? Barely visible just look bad if the lighting is weird

If it has a dick, it’s a dude. If you are attracted to it sexually, you fucken gay as hell and should seek help at a church or mental institution to cure your own mental illness

I don't know how you find the passable ones period. They're so secretive.


Yeah you should be fine
Just don't be an ass and have confidence in yourself

What's your discord? I like girls xd

Most traps prefer men no?

they're not on Yea Forums that's for sure.

im a trans woman, passable too but still have a dick and have passable trap friends that aren't trans. none of them use Yea Forums, reddit or kik. they all do use snapchat and discord though and the only reason i found them is because im trans and they approached me wanting passing advise.

in other words you're not going to find many online unless they come to you

{no im not posting a picture or giving out any socials}

just like normal faggots, tranners have high standards

posting my discord on Yea Forums seems like a fucking terrible, terrible idea.

this is likely most accurate, most traps that are going to be comfortable enough to show themselves are going to be heavy into social media, with an emphasis on the social part.

cuz you're ugly, go back to /tttt/ hon

but going for other traps is literally the only real option, guys just want you so they can be gay without felling bad about it so they won't even hold your hand in public and I've never seen a girl that cares about traps for more than "trying"...other traps at least not live in the fantasy so their world won't end if they go out with you in boy mode

really? every one ive met seems to have been exclusively into guys. thats a shame if thats true, because i find traps and femboys to be insanely attractive.

no idea what /tttt/ is ive only ever been a Yea Forumstard for the stupid threads, so kys

i say that its more how passable they are. to be passable a trap has to dwell deeper into the kind of `culture` and you wont get that on message board forums, all youll get is `youre so hot` `do X for me` and other useless stuff they already know but nothing to help them pass

you're actually looking for an unicorn if you want femboy to fuck you, a tranner may do it though cuz a lot are "transbian"

My gf is a trap and I can confirm, i'm into some of hers friends whatsapp groups and they are pretty much packed with's like 50% of the time talking about passing, 30% about failed relationships and 20% sending random emojis

yeah i could see that. the only thing i get are similar comments or people telling me they want a horse to rape me to death.

infinitechan used to have one of those "advice a tranner, help her to pass better board"

i mean, ive been in trans discords before, and its a huge no go, i even dated someone who was trans for less than a month and then basically said fuck no. never again. because of how absolutely mental they would go for no reason what so ever. trans communities are a big no go if you are an actual woman, it resulted in a lot of them posting pictures, showing of their body, but hiding their face because they were not really passable. when i got prodded enough to post photos of myself, it resulted in extreme backlash, like people actually got pissed as fuck, especially when they said i was extremely passable, and i flat out said "im not trans though. i was born a biological female.". this resulted in one of two results, either extreme interest being taken in me when everyone hard ignored me before, or extreme levels of hostility. including on privately messaging me to let me know that despite what i might think, im not better for "being born a woman". keep in mind i never actually said anything that was negative at the time, it was just a really knee jerk reaction.

Discord’s the best pace to find em. I wasn’t even looking I just randomly found one

trans, or traps? discord is riddled with trans.

You must have really high standards...your only chance would be try going to a club or something like it then

Also I think traps refers to both of em

well stop frequenting retarded discord servers and find one in the wild, some hispanic trap was posting yesterday and was in a open relationship, you may lurk until that trap gets to post again, she lives in the US and is very passable

that describes one of my snapchat group chats to the dot.

thats a new one to me i think the worst ive had is that they want me to be ran over and raped

and reddit has r/transtimelines. its for trans people but close enough
im talking strictly about traps that pass though, not the 97 or more % of traps that dont pass.

as a trans woman that tried to explore communities, most trans communities are toxic and hostile to the core. I avoid anything publicly or branded as lgbt, passing and or traps because the is a very disgusting culture that isnt addressed.

its more common than you would think.

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well, this all taboo, fetish shit anyways, being a trap is sad, you only loved cuz of your looks are you're lonely anyways most of the time

not entirely true. relationships require a physical aspect as much as an emotional one, anyone that tells you otherwise is flat out lying, that or they are extremely naive. i might have a big thing for femboys and traps, but im not going to date one that i wont "click" with.

traps refers to guys who passes as looking like a girl, not something who believes they are mentally a girl.

not really. like i said, most i meet are homosexual in nature, they dont have an interest in a girl

Jesus, OP. It's called having game. Even if your game is just having a lot of money, you have to be able to use that. Confidence. Supreme confidence. Cockiness bordering on offensiveness. It's always worked since whenever. You sound like you are lightyears away from having it, based on your question, I'm afraid. But good luck. Pro tip: "someone who treats and fucks them good" is a nonstarter. It's like the opposite mindset. You need to treat them badly and not give a fuck if they are enjoying the sex. That will make you more erect, and then (magically) they WILL have a great time in bed. As I said, idk why it works like this, but it does.

Also, why are you setting your sights on trannies? Holy ravioli. Girls, man, girls. I've fucked around with a tranny or 2 years ago, after my divorce. You wouldn't want to date one. At all.

yeah i guess if i allowed dm from strangers id get my own set of messages but my dms was a mess before i set it to friends can only dm me

, got it right. im not a trap, i am in the sense that my coworkers dont know im trans and that i have a dick but theres a big difference to it being a fetish. but no one is gonna date a trap unless they have a connection with them, being fetishized and loved for your looks is exactly like hooking up, meaningless but fun

im a game developer... i dont really get to do that, much to my extreme dismay.

So is Bailey jay a trap?

Pog what games have you wrked fort nite?

That's why I said you have high standards, the best traps are always gay boys that decided to dress up "just for fun" and liked it

a small price to pay for big developer money

every person who has a dick and passes as a girl is a trap dawg, even is they have tits or not

I'm 3/10 tops and a trap wanted me to top him, but we knew each other for over 8 years before he got into this.

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my own project, i handle programming and art. but this thread is about traps, not me.

i dont make big developer money. i make my money on the side as a programmer, my game loses money because i dont push for support really, and i turned down a "publisher deal" because im not interested in someone having their hands in what i create in any capacity. im the final say and ill never relinquish control to someone else.

So traps refer to both trans and cross dressers? Got it

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im not really sure, honestly. im not exactly the resident expert on these things.

my standards are mostly, be somewhat passable, and dont be obese. so if thats really high standards, then yeah, sure i guess.

if the crossdresser pass then of course, the only difference is the SRS

I've dated a couple of trans and they seem to have a insane "i'm a perfect woman and we are a straight couple" of them literally started crying and ran to the bathroom one day when I said that she has some beard was starting to I think seeing a woman showing interest in them is like the supreme heresy

i think there is a bit more nuance to it than that. trans generally think themselves girls outright, regardless of if you want to argue mental illness or not. traps are generally gay guys, who identify as a guy, who want to be a "trap" for straight guys. unless i have the definition wrong.

thats mostly what i saw, it was like an extreme jealousy, or anger because somehow me even being in their general area was somehow discrediting them, coupled with the "you are privileged and a cunt, because you dont have to "work" for it.". if someone thats trans has a thing for a guy, or is around a group of guys, and i show up, its like im instantly on their shit list, despite being extremely platonic and flirting, or anything else.

trap generally means "oh that's a nice woman oh wait she has a dick that's a trap"
but while crossdressers refer to themselves as male, trannies refer to themselves as whatever the gender they aspire to be is.

discord meme trannies aside calling a tranny a trap is offensive

that's normalfag lingo, but I think is necessary to draw a line between them, so I somewhat agree to that definition

>calling a tranny a trap is offensive
explain that retardation, pls

i guess youre a woman?
this is so common among trans people that it makes me not like them even though i am trans.

no one in my real life knows im trans aside from the people ive slept with, everyone else thinks im a woman and even ive been a victim to this toxic behavior a couple of times.

in my honest opinion anyone who makes it known that they are trans, arent really trans. the only time i think its acceptable to make it known is in a discussion such as this, a potential sex partner and to medical staff. other than that if you dont present as male or female youre doing it for society points.

to "be somewhat passable" is having high standards...from all the traps/trans I've hooked up only one was passable...and I've been with more than 30 at this point

having high standards should be mandatory my fren

it actually make sense, a trap implies its not a real female. its a trap. so someone thats trans is going to lose their fucking find at the prospect of not "being a real woman."

yeah, im pretty sure im the only female thats been replying throughout the thread. and maybe, if you can pass so well that it works for you, sure, thats probably the most logical route to go. only mention it if you are starting to get romantic with someone, or something. most trans i think are quick to point out they are a trans, because they pass so poorly, they throw it out as a safety net, because most polite types are not going to do something thats insulting, especially if its a shared social space. its the same reason most people who get edgy on Yea Forums, probably dont actually have the balls to go to dinner, in public with their family, and start loudly talking about how much they hate niggers and wish hitler had succeeded in gassing all the jews.

>wanting your partner to bring everything perfect to the relationship
well, now i'm sure you are a woman

100%. to be passable as trans is very hard. to do so ive put thousands into surgery to give myself womanlike hips, face and body. and countless hours {at least 2000 active hours} changing the way i stand, sit, walk, run, talk and and everything else. something you wont come across easily.

but user, dont think of having high standards as a bad thing. keep your standards high until you find who youre comfortable with. its good to recognize that your standards are high and just as good to look for someone that falls in your standards.

pretty much, because anyone you are with is going to be, to an extent, a reflection of yourself. its why i think most men should stop dating down. ive seen some fairly attractive men dating straight out beached whales with absolutely corrosive personalities. ill never understand the mindset

not the female poster though, just a person that thinks that

the user that replied "mandatory my fren" is probably male, because its not me that posted that. and i never said i wanted them to bring everything perfect to a relationship. the last 3 people i dated, they did not work, i did. most men i date, i want to be the one to buy them dinner, and videogames, and do nice things for them. ive always prefered a dominate role in the relationship, including taking up most responsibilities.

traps used to be a fun meme, why turn that shit offesive? wtf

Personally looks don't matter much. Honestly dick is the only thing that really matters

I'm attracted to like 0.05% of guys but I like dressing up. It's really just what you're attracted to.

i dont know. i think it may be a generational thing, younger people tend to be softer, and less capable of coping with hard truths. its why safe spaces are now a thing, its the preference for a sweet lie over a hard truth.

my bad, ive been jumping in and out this thread.
yeah that definitely contributes, its a good safety net but using it as a net definitely gets to people. and those that dont pass typically arent going with the wishes of a doctor or therapist because a girl i know that dont pass, tried to explain the transition process to me but didnt once mention a licensed professional.
im biologically unisex and being trans was something doctors always considered as being my future but didnt ever let me know. even as my doctor knows this, i talked to them for months about even seeing a therapist and my therapist for even longer and a gender identity clinic for even longer who put emphasis on passing. the only reason i was given pills to grow boobs was because i had emails and thousands saved up to help me pass.
no sane therapist is going to allow someone to transition if theyre going to be easy to out.

as for trap being offensive, i dont find it offensive but thats just me. words never really bothered me.

wish there were more traps here, only ugly 40+ trans people... What country do i have to move to find actually decent looking traps ?

I'm like that too, I've even created accounts on those popular dating apps like tinder, grindr and things like it but never really went on with nobody yet because they are so looks like there isn't no guy or gal around me that isn't a massive normalfag

They're either super unattractive or uninteresting, I really just want another femboy to play around with

>i dont find it offensive but thats just me. words never really bothered me.
I wish more people were like you


Of course I'm picky.

Do you know how many advances we get from dudes who literally refuse to take care of their mental or physical health and yet expect their partner to be pristine?

I am honestly so tired of trying to foster a relationship. If you don't fall in love with them instantly you're a slut. If you don't do exactly what they want you to be doing they throw a tantrum.

Want a partner? Awesome. Most of us do.

Are you putting in the effort to make yourself a partner worth desiring, or are you just coasting by, placing self love and improvement on the back burner so you can play more video games?

If you want a partner, learn to treat yourself with love. You are incapable of loving somebody else until you love yourself. You are incapable of filling a glass with an empty vessel.

If you want love, learn how to love yourself.

I'm tired of being objectified because I like to dress girly and wear costumes. I'm tired of being treated like a toy instead of a person. Im tired of the people I meet on the internet having SO many expectations of me that I can't possibly fulfill. I've had crushes drive 14 hours to my house to hang out, strictly platonic, and I made this exceedingly clear to them - and yet, after they left my house, they bitched at me for not falling in love with them during their visit

If you act anything like the typical person acts who likes femboys and traps, there's no hope for you.

Being part of the "cuteboy" culture has degraded my faith in humanity to the point where I stopped trying to date boys all together. They are so much more manipulative, immature, and skeezy than I thought possible, from being lied to just to get sex, to being lead on just to get sex, to outright trying to penetrate me in my sleep just to get sex - you guys are a nightmare

end fucking rant >:[

tldr - yes we have standards, as everyone should. I want to be loved, protected, and cherished because that's all I've ever offered in return.

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I feel bad for these guys who really want traps but it's just way more comfortable to be with another person whose in the same boat as you. And I'm really attracted to femininity

thats a big issue. so, when i do often find a guy, or a femboy, or a trap, or something, and they desperately seem to want my attention. once they get it, its like they have 0 idea where to go with it from there. they just clam up and get extremely boring.

anyway, femanon here, im out. a game i was downloading just finished, and i want to go play it now, but i appreciate the conversation and the civil input from everyone.

Yeah, i can think myself going out with someone with a beard or that tries to look manly

I mean yeah. Being a trap is the main reason id he with another man. It wouldnt be bad to go out with him looking like an actual guy without any gil clothes and stuff, still would act with him as my partnet but im a lot more attracted to girl looking guys. It would probably make him feel bad too. But damn thats just how humans are everything cant be perfect

Incel Advice Column

Yes they can be picky
Standards are one thing but they can be picky
He must be over 6ft, white, blue eyes, Chad thundercock, chiseled body, 6 figures, must have a car etc. Etc.
Not like I'll be fucking those traps either way
Yes and no and I don't care
I don't see them as real women, not even as a fetish
Just femininity plus taboo
Jane Marie gets me so hard
I'd fuck that if I had a chance

If i'm not attracted to a guy it's just not possible to force a relationship, might make be shallow but is what it is

It isn't shallow
It is what it is
It goes either way
If a man you want to fuck doesn't want you, it is what it is
And if a man wants to fuck you so bad, and you don't, it is what it is
Moral of story: don't take things personally

Same user

Forcing a relationship haha no
No bueno
Maybe a little push but not forcing
Of course forcing is bad
It just is

why did you tag me, my post has nothing to do with what you just said.

For 95% of guys traps are just a fetish, why waste time on relationships when it's just gonna end with the sex

Like most bitches it depends on how hot they are. If they are super passable 8+/10's they know they can do better than some neckbeard slob so they wont bother.

This, this right here is faggotry
Why don't you just fucking ignore it you faggot
Who gives a shit?

You're making me want to find a cutie trap/femboy again zzzzz

Is that you?

Yeah I'm putting myself on a limb here to try and convince femboy chasers to improve themselves BEFORE trying to date somebody else

Everyone wants a partner but nobody is willing to treat themselves with love and make themselves into a partner worth desiring

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interesting, so you're doing some kind of community service on Yea Forums? why

You like pp?

I have my own house, come move in.

because serving humanity is my goal, love is my purpose, and i grew up here so i owe my btards the chance at helping them understand and grow

i like people and i like bodies

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I feel like everyone should try to improve themselves before entering a committed relationship. So many people think that a gf/bf is gonna fix their lives and all they do is ruin someone else's.

Stop self victimizing
Take all those opinions and shove em up yours cause everything you've ever offered should be given to the person that fits YOUR standards
You know your standards and you're responsible for choosing a partner who fits them
Don't mean to be rude but eh

Not everybody wants a partner
Haha sike
I don't want one cause it isn't a necessity
I need food, water, shelter, air, money etc. But a partner? No
I know I'm not ready for children, relationships, anything so why waste another person's time?

This is very true user. I did it, too, and I've had it done to me. Self Love cures so many ailments in our lives. We can't date someone until we're willing to date ourselves!

I'm supposed to shove my opinions up my ass but then I have to listen to yours? I don't understand how this works

I'm recounting my experiences trying to date as a femboy. Much trial and error, but the recurring theme is that those who consider themselves "into femboys" are disastrous folk. I'm not claiming to be put together or perfect by any means, but I am claiming that I'm aware enough of my own shortcomings that I take steps to actively avoid hurting others

When you get lied to enough, and your heart gets paraded around like a game, you may find a bitter taste in your mouth, too

I met a trans boy the other day who is already treating me with the love and kindness that I've so desired, and that's how I'll treat them, too

It's a very hard thing to give love and kindness and only receive "so when are we fucking?" in return

Fuck me for not having future-sight to predict all these things :(

Not everyone can go monk-mode and disperse their desire for companionship. Id argue that it's one of the hardest desires to detach from

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I just want sex and go. No relationship; those are a fucking pain in the ass. You can't work on your ambitions.

This is some serious crazy talk. You should see a doc.

I meant shove em up yours not in a "hypocritical" sense but in a "self improvement on your end" sense
If I'm wrong I'm wrong m8 and I'll accept that and move on
You already know that some aren't in it for love and kindness but to get off

You can do whatever you want but you can either change yourself to accommodate them, or remain the same and strike gold
Hopefully all goes well mate
Just saying

You gotta understand that 90% of trans people look like the Capital One hacker.

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I can't help ya there. Hookups are horrible for your mental health and the health of your partner. Sex without intimacy is a dangerous game

Very thoughtful response, I'll take note

I've tried to change myself so much to accommodate them, and in doing so, completely lost who I was for about 3 years. Internet porn culture and cuteboys do a number on your mental health

Lately I've been doing really well though since I made a giant effort to stop sacrificing myself for a "chance" at love. When you act in such a way, you'll never find love, youll find the opposite

Seek, and you shall not find. somehow this paradox makes so much more sense to me


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I live and work in the Bay Area. The only trans I have seen around here are fat baldingfucking losers who suffered a lot of trauma. Far from passing as a female.

I'm dating another trap at the moment, but she isn't really that smart and is quite lazy to the point that I'm questioning the future of the relationship...but then I remember that I won't be able to find another person because I'm too tall and ugly and she only likes me because I'm the first person to show real affection to her

calling yourself ugly isn't helping your Self Love user :(

They obviously find you attractive, but if you don't find yourself attractive, before long, nobody will. If you convince yourself that you are ugly, you become ugly. Wouldn't you rather do the opposite?

it all starts within.

thats some fucking, only like 2% look like actual females

You are not wrong when you point out that the person you are with should be interested in their own improvement if your goal is to create a long lasting relationship. Not a bad way to go about your business.

For guys, this level of investment is not as achievable unless there is growth or a future in the partner they are interested in. You probs are self aware enough to know that our biology pushes us to want to mate and produce offspring.

Being a trap is, for many guys, a fetish of dominance. Not that you are not respected, but you are considered the submissive as your appearance has similarities in a mans schema to be demure and submissive without the risk of unplanned offspring. Unfortunately the role you take is of a source of sex without the controlling factor of offspring. If you want a more equal relationship, it would be easier to find a more feminine man that has, like you said given up on his push for offspring, at least for a few years. Unfortunately, time equalizes and his wishes may change away from your desired arrangement. Not to mention most fem guys are on borrowed time. The body leans out and squares up closer to 30 and that pushes a guy to appear more masculine. Hence why Bailey Jay put on weight, to hide this change. It sucks, but its just time and biology unfortunately. Not a dig, just trying to address some of the points you brought up as they make sense as to trying to find a decent partner and avoid scumbags.

But does hrt make your body redistribute fat differently then a man.

This is a rather thoughtful response, thank you user. I've never really considered this perspective, of being a female "role" without the risk of offspring. Super duper interesting tbh

I noticed it in my own ways, too. The more I got into femboy culture, the more I was becoming objectified and the more people "desired me", but it was not in a way that I enjoyed at all. I've had to really pull away from the culture as a whole because I felt that the more I tried to feminize, the more unhappiness I was finding.

I fell for the HRT meme for 3 years even, all in the goal to be "more feminine". I spent 3 years trying to please a crowd that could never please me back

I recognized around age 20 that I would age and become manlier, with or without hrt. I got suuuuper lucky to have the genes I do (I'm 25 in these pics) but I embrace the fact that my body is still going to change, and that's a beautiful thing.

For my few remaining years of Androgyny, I've decided to learn to love myself instead of desperately trying to find somebody to love me

let's see if I can find that one anime pic which fucked with my head for many years. I knew there was a reason I saved it... pic hopefully related

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Yes, it does

I noticed my fat change during my 3 years.

Damn 3 years how’s your body now arr you a thicc mami

That's pretty but it's bullshit, I've tried my best but i'm still shitty, I will always look like a man

To an extent. And you can take advantage of a diet and an exercise routine that prolongs the effectiveness of the HRT. Its not a specific and constant treatment. The hormones themselves need to be tracked and adjusted based upon how the body responds. Does it directly redistribute fat? No, it does tell the body to store MORE fat where it would carry it naturally. Its all diminishing returns at a certain age. People are individual examples, so mileage varies.No claiming to be an expert, but Ill share what I know within reasonable doubt. The rest is up to yall to look up and decide whats what.

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name tho?

Anytime. Honesty is the best policy in these discussions because real people go through some tough times because so many members of the community are ill in the brain. I, Not being a member, and just having a bit of a kink is not often taken seriously, but I think sharing an honest perspective to someone is worth. Having a sexual proclivity is one thing. Just a kink or a decision to live a certain way. Illness is rejecting the reality in front of you to fit your own fantasy.

I am glad you decided you had enough self worth to choose better people to be around. Its can be lonely, but things work out in the end as long as good decisions were made.

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I hope you are trolling. You are fucking ugly.

No I stopped HRT after I was hospitalized for fatally low potassium and seizures

Trying to look "feminine" isn't worth dying over. Fuck HRT. Humanity has no idea what they're playing with, and I am among the guinea pigs

Calling it bullshit is holding yourself back. Calling yourself shitty is holding yourself back. You cannot move forward if you're set on holding yourself back.

The language we use dictates our fate. Words are magic and sew your future. Why do you think it's called SPELLing?

You look manly? Is that supposed to be a problem? Nobody else has your body, or your face. It's a unique gift that only you posses. I hated my "manliness" for a long time too, and unsurprisingly, the more I tried to run away from it with HRT, the more I hated myself.

You cannot love yourself if you refuse yourself!

You can live your life calling yourself shitty and ugly, literally nobody can stop you from doing that, and you can keep doing it for 60 or so years until you pass on - but as somebody who hated himself, tried to kill himself and failed twice - I promise that life is more enjoyable when you choose to drop the facade and accept Love within yourself.

Sorrow is a lifestyle that only you can decide otherwise

How can I be lonely if im constantly with my best friend all the time? ( me! )

Your opinion as an "outsider" is just as important, if not more important. Hindsight is 20/20, and often times, when we're involved in something (like me and hrt) it's impossible to truly see how it's affecting us.

We need outside opinions because we are inside, and cannot see it all.

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I'm not trolling at all.

oh gosh, I've never been insulted on Yea Forums before :[[[[ what will I do now that I've been given the most common response on this website??!!

woe is I

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It took me a long time to figure that out. Best friend and worst enemy ahaha! Thank you as well for taking the time to explain your perspective on the whole thing.

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because if someone actually thinks they're a woman born in a man body, you'd think they'd get offended if you shout "wtf you're a man!" at them

Nice post.

>feminine trap guys
Easy as fuck. If you can find one off drugs good on you.
>ACTUALLY passable T girls
You're out of luck bruh

Yeah I need a less picky trap gf/bf. I'm pretty average looking but I make up for it in bed and with my personality.