Sitting in living room

>sitting in living room
>suddenly feel kind of pulsing in middle of brain
>the room looks like it’s tilting and i’m about to fall over.
>like this for 15 seconds
>reverts slowly
I’m hydrated and never taken any hallucinogens; is the schizo kicking in?

Attached: 3DB3A9E6-92EF-46C3-97FE-27096AB3A422.jpg (369x345, 88K)

get your things in order op

youre gonna need a head transpant sorry to say
happened to my dad

I’m not sure exactly what that means.
What a way to go

Panic attack OP, you're prolly fine. Hows your diet? if its shit you got your answer. Time for lifestyle change.

You died, this is what Hell looks like

Something similar has happened to me a few times, it was always after a heavy drinking binge when I had to work or engage in some kind of exercise the next day. I think it's a cardiovascular problem, it seemed like there was a blood vessel that was pushing against my brain and causing the dizziness and feeling like I was going to fall over. I don't know if that's what you have, but if you've been drinking, doing drugs or any other kind of unhealthy activity I'd give it a rest for a while.

I haven't had the pulsing thing but my head has started spinning randomly and it takes a while to stop. But it only seems to happen sometimes if I don't eat sufficiently in the morning

I eat my five a day I guess. It was about 10 minutes after a fairly salty egg so I could just be subtly dehydrated. I walk quite a bit around town, particularly up hills so I think I’m at least healthy.
Well, Hell is nothingness and I have been feeling a bit blank recently.

I’d say its sitting down on the computer. Even with as much walking as I do, I still sit down on my computer about 5 hours a day on weekends.