I met a girl whos 39 smokes meth and has 4 kids im 34. The first month was great but its only been 3 months and shes emotionally abusive, yells is always right ect. Im literally the perfect guy and shes got me convinced im a peice of shit. How do i leave Yea Forums and whats a good way to show her she lost the only real guy shes gonna get
I met a girl whos 39 smokes meth and has 4 kids im 34...
Anyone Yea Forumsros? Im all alone here
Leave the house with all your shit. It's not important that you prove your value to her--it's important you get out of an abusive relationship and find a better life.
Just leave her and get on with your life dude no sense wasting time even thinking about her once you do.
why does nobody care
Thanks guys. Anything helps alot right now
leave an anonymous tip with child protective services. That'll learn her.
Who cares what she thinks. Leave now because I see this abusive dynamic escalating and the longer you stay, the harder it will get to leave.
Shitty thing is she said guys used to abuse her now shes the one screaming at me
Stop wasting your time. It’ll only be a temporarily good feeling if you “show her that she lost the only good guy she’s gonna get.” She’s no good. Get the fuck out of there. Sooner than later.
murder suicide
She said, im weak, retarded, slow, why cant i do anything right, called me a fucktard. That isnt right amd i know it i guess
jesus christ dude
just leave - don't even say goodbye
If she tries to contact you please for your sake ignore her
Sad thing is shes the nicest woman ive ever fucking met. Guess it means nothing now.... How could someone so nice be like this. Guess thats jow abusers start out like
I will. Im not the type to look back
She wont care, neither should you. This, or suicide
just tell her that she's abusive, yells is always right and leave her, durr.
fucking retard.
dude at 34 years old it's a man's market. there are so many desperate 25 year old + sluts out there that are looking for a stable, serious relationship.
Why the fuck would you go for the 39yo single mum with 4 kids and a meth problem?
Cant disagree
Just leave her
She liked me. You are Right bro
>I'm the perfect guy
>dates a meth head
Nah bro you're just a neckbeard who needed his dick sucked
So Are you stupid?34 and still dating meth freaks?39 years old and 4 kids? What is the attraction Do like skeleton girls with prolapse? I am so glad my life is not so fucked.
You mean other nice guys like you? Did she kill any of them?
No she is pretty much right on target
Nicest woman you ever met? Have you ever met a woman that wasn't a meth head? She is 39 on meth she probably looks 60. Of course she won't live til 45 What a fucking retard.
Dominate that bitch, control her supply and make her beg and belittle her and then start fucking the kids if daughters and give up the males if any.
I cant disagree.... I think i have autism
Something seriously wrong with your head. Are you a tweeker too? That would explain a lot.
Actually no. Id never touch the shit never have to be honest
i mean we all learn lessons in life dude but you can't just go boning every chick that gets wet for you.
it always ends in disaster.
Ive been single since i was 19 fucked two or three girls since but no commitment
Never touch the shit but love this girl that does? Maybe find a girl that shares your values? Tweekers will tie their mother down and let a bulldog fuck her is it gets them some meth.
Not going to tell you to fuck the kids but
Yea when i found out i was gonna walk away. Im so fucking retarded
With a meth head for a mom ,the kids are probably already used to it.
no time like the present. Step up step out and keep walking. Do it now.
Quads is gods.
But seriously, why the FUCK is this the first time anyone has pointed out how stupid it is to date someone, knowing that they smoke meth? If you're not a methhead, don't fucking date a methhead unless you want to get sucked into that shit.
>literally the perfect guy
Nigga, you can’t even type English properly. You’re about as perfect as a shit-stained piece of toilet paper.
Ben, is this you?
>trying to teach a methhead something
You're with a meth addict with 4 kids, chances are that you're probably as worthless as she's making you feel.
Just walk away Op.
She's going to realize it quickly that you were a good thing.
But the important thing here is that you get out of s poisonous and abusive relationship as soon as possible. For your own well being.
Missouri? Lol
Get over her dumbass
>she smokes meth
what are you doing?
> whats a good way to show her she lost the only real guy shes gonna get
you're dumb
you're gonna hurt a lot more until you learn
you cannot teach women, they function on another level
she's already calling you the abusive guy to her social circle
yeah so why do you take it?
i guess she's right...
>dude at 34 years old it's a man's market.
yup but op is a desperate faggot
op grow a pair
learn to be alone
then you can pick and choose which roastie you want to grace with your attention
Call CPS on her LOOL
ok so your first priority is to protect yourself and your family
she isnt part of that
learn your weaknesses and how to work with them
she is a learning experience for you
but are you sure you want to learn more from her?
it's mostly pain so far
the nigger way
Leave. She doesn't give 2 shits about you except what she can get from you. She'll be mad for about a week and then find some other dipshit to abuse. You'll go off and learn to make better choices and live happily ever after
>you're dumb
sorry about that op
you're acting dumb
Wow, you fucked in 15 years what i fucked in a week .
You are dating a meth head
You say you are a perfect guy
You guys are perfect for each other
You are both retarded
Do this.... dont deal with a meth head or you will become one too.
Help out the kids and leave
every time she is naggin just fuck her in the ass, cause she is a worthless meth head
Thanks for all your great advice.
You gotta assert dominance over that bitch user. Take her Meth and hide everything she can stab you with.
But how can OP win life if he doesnt prove hes better than her?
>Im literally the perfect guy
Narcissistic piece of shit detected
Fuck it. Get your shit ready to go, wait for a drug bender, and gtfo. Call CPS. And learn to accept that nobody is perfect, including yourself.
Why would u get involved with a crackhead? Cuz ur a crackhead too?
I was with a bitch like that. Those bitches don't give a fuck at all. As soon as you leave that bitch will be spun out riding another dick. Seriously just bounce the fuck out. No matter how much you care, when you leave it will be like you never existed.... Unless you were paying for her shit, if so she will miss that. Just leave bro it's literally that simple. Don't do what I did and be in a relationship for years with a bitch like that.
The only good thing about tweaker bitches is they fuck good
Nigga you crazy af.
Let’s see dem meth tiddies, for science.
If you have to [do anything] to prove you’re better than a meth head, you’ve already lost at life.
You prove you're better by leaving and not looking back
>How do i leave
Get up off the couch, turn 360 degrees, yell “Hee Hee!” and moonwalk the fuck out of her life.