Be American

>Be American
>Get shot

Attached: 1564981077459.jpg (541x527, 27K)

Attached: Foreigners still jealous of US.jpg (1280x696, 231K)

Attached: ameriguns.png (851x699, 552K)

>guaranteed replies

Attached: septicragebait.jpg (1600x1600, 500K)

That pic is badass

I've seen this before claiming they were Europeans.

Attached: 1277234648585.jpg (608x654, 126K)

Attached: 0Bq7iKvKm2_4HPo4RuUtWQ0ECa701xc1HLHzTNjZ4As.jpg (640x676, 73K)

My god look at the plugs that 220 volts only in EU 110 in the USA now pissoff


Attached: septicragebait2.png (800x792, 730K)

Well it's a european outlet

>poasts glorified seagull
>smolest "eagle" in the world
>dies from bullet wounds

Attached: amerifat_being_this_murkan.jpg (412x298, 24K)

I mean, Americans are certainly fucked but the U.K is not any better. Coming from a northern european who has lived in both.

Attached: Ameriderps.jpg (526x409, 36K)

Bloody bad cut and paste. The house in the back round is not a US house they dont use the roll shutter ove the windows

Are people actually any less stupid in northern Europe?

UK is a self-destructive shithole of ignorance and stupidity, but 1/10th the number of people have died in terrorist attacks than the WTC alone, meanwhile ~33,000 Amerifats die Every Single Year from gun violence...

Attached: ameriflabs9149.jpg (537x585, 153K)

i mean based off the first picture it's hard to assume which nationality they are

Be European, Get raped shot and stabbed by African hoards you let in.

Attached: 1558634541173.jpg (420x443, 33K)

Attached: 1284209180088.jpg (912x645, 103K)

Not at-all, but we have fewer niggers and guns, so it as least safer, meanwhile baiting 'Mutts continues to be excellent value for money.

Attached: TrumpJump.jpg (1677x1440, 887K)

Be New Zealander, have 21 mass murders since 1772.
Be American have 252 this year alone.

Attached: syxzPwU_d.jpg (524x720, 39K)

Well Just a small warning to the rest of the world if you really pissed us off. We kill each other for no real reason. Think about if you gave US one... we have nukes and are still the only ones that pulled that trigger..


Attached: Americucks.jpg (912x645, 253K)

you're a fucking faggot

>Go to Hospital
>Bullet Removed
>+1 happy
>-2 happy
>Insurance won't cover
>+1 Debt

Attached: 1561681408452.jpg (718x751, 53K)

Attached: coping.png (707x770, 717K)


Wow all this over a plug.... I came for porn and found jackoffs LOL

cyka blyat

Attached: slav_squat.jpg (604x402, 62K)

>Be European
>Get stabbed by muslim immigrant who doesn't get imprisoned
>Get fucked over by Germany willingly
>Let country get flooded by immigrants who don't have to work
>Can't protect myself or my property with a gun
>Can't talk shit on the internet

>'Fats BTFOd HARD tho

Attached: COPING_.png (940x598, 773K)

>Be American
>Have Bulletproof vest
>Have gun to shoot back with

Checkmate faggot

Attached: 428.jpg (734x520, 77K)

>Be American
>Wear bulletproof vest
>Get shot in head

>Be European
>Never use gun before
>Think it's easy to get a head shot because you played COD

>Be New Zealander
> Be self employed shoot and trap possums for a living
>Only have 1 gun
>Ruger 10/22 don't need any bigger for 'em
>Think Americans are stupid cos everytime a shooting happens they scream my 2nd amendment

to be fair, your government consists of a woman who wears a hijab because she's afraid of Muslims raping her and a few flocks of kiwis.

ours did MK Ultra.

Have you seen our other options? It's like choosing between 2 piles of shit and trust me jacindas the smaller pile.

>Be Yurp
>Not live in fear
>Don't get shot
flawless victory

Attached: amerifatcunts.jpg (560x457, 135K)

Yeah pretty much.

>Be American
>Get quints

Feels great.

Attached: 19885019.jpg (337x444, 27K)

>Mutts all in bed cryfapping themselves to sleep

Attached: ameritards91599.jpg (390x577, 86K)

How the fuck!!!???!!

>modgets do not count

Attached: modz.jpg (430x250, 56K)

Now that's what I'm talking about

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Yo this man quinted

>Be American
>Pic related

Attached: 39925611421_97e6930d5f_b.jpg (1024x576, 74K)

Fuck your devil quints. You Americucks still love to import ugly goblins and kill for sport.

Attached: 1560365348949.jpg (3064x1711, 717K)

Don't be American get bombed.

>summerfags don't into modgets

Attached: 23968814.jpg (380x256, 92K)

American immigrants,
They're usually quite disappointed they can't have guns. But somehow they're healthier and have a lot less expenses.



Attached: noU60.jpg (380x342, 44K)

to be fair, I haven't. but there's a reason we like our 2nd Amendment. just because the MSM wants to generate ragebait from a few extremists doesn't change the fact that even if we had a mass shooting every day, it wouldn't be shit for a population of 320 million people with almost as many firearms.

but it's not nice to say that.

There's nothing nice to say about politicians at all.

Attached: 1564993977949.jpg (620x637, 115K)

Over 9000 debt

>Be shot
>Get American

Imagine the thoughts and feelings that drove the eurocuck to photoshop this image.

The trick is to shoot yourself with smaller caliber bullets to build up an immunity to larger ones. You noguns faggots would know that if you weren't such pussies.

Did you get this from your retarded Boomer grandma's Facebook profile?


Attached: retard.png (500x380, 218K)


Attached: amerifat13.jpg (960x960, 184K)

What the fuck