W.T.F. [s4s]????? being a nicefig SUCKS!!!! everyone calls me a loser and a geek and they think im gay bcuz im always being nice but i cant tell them off bcuz it'd be rude....this freaking SUCKS!!!! you guys said it would make my life bettter...i wanna go back to being rude when no body would bother me....
W.T.F. [s4s]????...
uwu cummies
If you can't beat them join them, then corrupt them from the inside
you are gay, fuck you
u wont get any respect beign r*de dough...
beign nice is 1 part ob id... but a bury imports part ob beign nice
gay as in happy! ann nno cussy yung ladye!
has doremi rotted your brain so much that you can't read? OP's clearly not getting any respect being nice either
。。。u seem upsetti spaghetti.... i meme u won't get any respeck beign r*de either.
if anythink idlel jus push peoplel farther away from u...
why do you care what rudefigs call you???????
maybe you aren't a real nicefig afterall...
those who want respect command respect
Fuck you
im a ebil missile now
The secret is being nice without letting people walk over you. Unconfident people usually either act aggressively, or arrogantly, or "too nice" letting others shit on them. By being nice but having dignity (demanding respect from others and giving it back) you show the world that you are confident, which is many people don't have. In other words you have to be strong to be nice
being nice isnt about getting reward! its about spreading good vibes and principles, if you dont enjoy that and focus on the rude things people say, maybe you arent cut out for being nice!
oh haha ok man cool post i read and would read it again maybe
You can't be nice if your not strong physically and psychologically
YEsss come to the RUDE side
Ironically this is probably the rudest board on all of Yea Forums
ironically ur mum is probably the rudest woman on my DICK hahahahahahahahah
in many ways it is, but in several ways it is not, although in those ways are some ways that can't be obfuscated accurately
just kille them lole!
Your fortune: Average Luck
It takes true strength to be nice.
press on, fren.
duvs wooh!
dubs wooh!
swiss cheese b nice pls
It's often said, I should get some [s4s] hobbies instead
>tfw mom finds fart ballon