

Attached: fef895f.jpg (680x788, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
United Kingdom 0.90
United States 4.90

Maybe the high homicide rate in USA is related to how easy it is to kill someone with a gun and not related to that racist thing you are going to post next.

Hey dumbass, That shit still happens in america and banning guns has actually made countries safer. Fuck you and your second amendment

We stopped gun crime guys it was the legislation... ok fag

Attached: homicide-rates-in-the-united-states-and-england-1900-2000-pinker-2011-jpg.jpg (588x361, 24K)

>doesn't have nearly the same population
>doesn't have nigvilles

Chart accounts for population what are you saying?

>implying those things cannot and do not happen in the US

>Doesn't know what per capita is
>Doesn't think England has minorities
>Being this retarded

Wanna compare body counts per year?

the us stat isn't adjusted for niggers though

explain low crime, high gun ownership states like maine

>Doesn't know what per capita is
>Doesn't think England has minorities
>Being this retarded

Main has a very low population

>keep coping user

Maine's homicide rate is still nearly double England's at 1.7 per 100,000 and England is less white.

of course i mean per capita you literal retard


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Graph does show something interesting between 1940 and 1960. It went down... And then back up. That time period also coincides with the rise and fall of the middle class/income inequality.

Those are some fatass eagles. Makes sense for an American.

>squawks in illiterate eagle

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and new hampshire is 1.1

compared to 1.2 in the uk

They paint what they see.

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Honest question: who's paying you to shill this bullshit? I'm assuming the Koch brothers, but that's just a guess.

You are comparing a state with no major cities to a country with major cities. Is this a joke, dont do statistics analysis. Crime varies from State to state and city to city.

New Hampshire vs Old Hampshire, uk

New Hampshire population 1.356 million
Hampshire, uk population 1.371 million

Only low iq people are against gun rights

Hampshire uk, 1,455 mi2
New Hampshire, 9,350 mi2

Population density of Hampshire uk is about 7 times higher than New Hampshire usa but has a lower homicide rate.

England: look how we stopped gun crime!
>stabbings after stabbings
Now we are banning knives, fighting symptoms of crime is the only way to fight crime!
>acid attack after acid attack
>knife attack after knife attack
>rape after ra....
Hey everyone, look how we arrested a Facebook user after he said Muslims are "not great" We really showed them criminals.
>more rape, acid and knife crimes
Good thing we arrested that guy who said "Hitler wasn't the worst"
>bio terrorism attack ~ 12 million dead
Well we sure got that guy who said "Islam might be the cause of that bio attack"

UK Police, keeping you safe from your thoughts!

Yes. In Germany recently there has been a quiz where something like 3/5 people said they can’t discuss political issues publicly without fear of persecution - especially about the influx of nigger vermin ruining their country.
When it comes to guns, you never hear politicians state the argument that people who want to do evil will easily get access to guns on the dark web or black market with total disregard for restrictive gun laws which only affect law abiding citizens.
The nuts are being tightened.

I always carry a gun on me, you never know when you might get the urge to make loud noises or put holes in things.

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People are always going to try to kill each other, and if the government can make it more difficult for evolved apes to murder each other, then why shouldn't it?

r-ing for someone to make the teeth more british

We have to put down more restrictions on guns. Mass shootings will happen every year until we do something about it. When I'm talking about "mass shooting", I mean 5 through 10 murders in an area. Fuck all of you about "Gun Control is bad", we have to contain this shit man.

You are the hero the UK needs right now.

Yeah, stats can be fucked around to tell any sort of story. I'd love to see what the numbers become when you drill down to London only and isolate the killings/acid-attacks/stabbings per 100,000 in that city. Also doesn't help that raging sterile old women are starting to instruct police not to record crimes by muslims so that the fucking stats ''don't look racists'''

>That time period also coincides with the rise and fall of the middle class/income inequality
Imagine my surprise.

Now a few super rich gazillionaires live in McMansions in California and Jew-York and are more than happy to see gun crime go up if it means they can add a few more zeros to their accounts. Those same out of touch faggots then want to remove guns and spend money on those campaigns to 'make things better'. All it would really do is make average middle class people defensless against criminals - just like in the UK.

Criminals Always have access to guns. Even in the UK. Banning firearms only disenfranchines the law abiding citizens. These campaigns remind me of a joke I heard once: "If only they would make homicide illegal, then all the murder rates would drop."

Homicides and murder aren't the same thing. If some nigger breaks into my house and I shoot and kill him that's a homicide but is still justified.

I am neither biritsh nor american, but please look up the murder rates in the UK and in the US. But you will probably, like most americans, then claim that the stats are somehow skewed or wrong.

The other month two lesbians on a bus in london were bashed by a group of London 'youths' who tormented them for being gay before escalating to punching and kicking them unconscious. One of the youths was 18, there was CCTV on the bus, and every street corner in London, and yet they couldn't find the culprits and not one media agency would release footage of the culprits....

I was astonished by this since being gay in London is like being a protected class... so I read a few more articles about the attack and even the most vile radical left wing newspapers weren't mentioning any details of the kids. These are newspapers that don't respect laws about not naming suspects - espeically if they are white males who are a clog in the patriarchy (and future oppressors).

Then it clicked, what sort of vile scum is London full of these days? What does that scum teach it's children to hate and despise? - well among other things homosexuals. And what is the only greater special 'class' of people than minority groups like gays these days in London? Oh yeah, the followers of the Religion of Peace.

I can't wait until I turn on the news one day and London is a newly declared caliphite state, the members of Downing street beheaded, and the fucking regional governments too fucking terrified to send in the troops to liberate the city because of the absolute retarted neurosis these white liberal guilt cuckolds have mindfucked themselves into for the last handful of decades.

It was worse than that I think. It was only something like 17% of Germans felt comfortable speaking freely in public and even 35% said they didn't feel comfortable speaking freely in private.

I hope you're at the next event.

>I am neither biritsh nor american,
So you're a cuck-of-previous-commonwealth state. Prolly NZ or AU who are racing to see who can be the next UK - letting all the muslims in and then ignoring their terrorist attacks.

Look at London murder rates

Banning things has never worked in the past with anything. Look at how well the war on drugs is going, why the fuck does anyone think banning guns is going to somehow be the magical exception?

Who would have thought things were actually better for the average German under Hitler?

Those fucks go to jail for a decade if they even deny that the holohoax happened. Even if they say it is only their opinion based upon their research of the facts, or they are not convinced that it happened.

Nope. Not even from an English speaking country.

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source. Because iirc that was about a very small minority in germany.

Year ending March 2001 includes 58 Chinese nationals who suffocated in a lorry on the way into the UK.

Year ending March 2003 includes 172 victims of Dr Harold Shipman.

Year ending March 2004 includes 20 cockle pickers who drowned in Morecambe Bay.

As if you never had serial killers in the US. compare 1997 to 2010 and it is pretty reasonable.

Fuck you, faggot. Are you fucking retarded? London has fucking surpassed NYC in murder rate. New York City... The socialist, nigger, shithole it is has a lower crime rate than a European city.

Maybe it's because it'll only effect normal, peaceful people who carry for protection while actual terrorists just cross the Southern border into Mexico and get even more powerful guns.

The point is look at where the homicide rate was in 2011 when the graph concluded, it's at nearly the same rate as before the handguns were banned. It hardly had an impact. The US has always had a higher homicide rate than the UK and it probably always will no matter what legislation in put in place. To make a fair argument for gun control you have to look at countries that implemented gun control and see if it had a noticeable effect on the homicide rate and in every case we see that it was negligible.

mass shootings weren't common in the past not before columbine.

You gibbering dickhead they caught all four of those kids.
And are charging them.
Three of them with other crimes, too. Sadly since they’re underage, we’ll likely not find out if they were Muslims, Black, or just white trash. Could be any of the above.

There were over 4x as many serial killers in the 70's and 80's as there are now. It may not look like it now but this is probably a weird blip in the grand scheme of things.

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There are so many butthurt Amerifats in this thread, it's hilarious.

Enjoy your gun-filled deathtrap, I'll be over here not getting shot to death

german here, at least can confirm that personally. Expressing a political view which is not left to center easily has negative consequences for you in your social circle/for your reputation. I don't know about work climate/consequences though since i'm self-employed.

Friendly reminder that this is a "well regulated militia" in America. Else they couldn't have guns.

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German or Scandanavian then. Look how well things are going in your country.

It makes me erect when i see redpill anons red-pilling the shit out of blue-berry-bois.

They can't even argue with you user. They can't argue full stop. They are going to start saying you can't look at statistics now because they are inherently racist and don't matter anyway, all that matters is what radical left wing news media tells them to think

Kek, found the UKuck.

One was over 18. No reason for his name and face not to be released. But we all know they were muslims anyway. They will probably get a closed trial and a slap on the wrists. Look what your sad pathetic country did with the muslims running a child sex slave prostitution ring.

My sides are in orbit.
The Iranians probably told 'er Magesties lackies that they were being a right lot of bigoted cunts and to back the fuck off or they will call CNN.
> UK government lets Iran have the oil tanker.

It's actually due to niggers and undocumented illegal spics

>you never know when you might get the urge to make loud noises or put holes in things

You could just become a carpenter

>we know they were muslims
Actually, highly likely they were either white chavshits or niggers, judging from where it took place.

>one was over 18
One was 15, two were 16 and one was 17.

>Implying being so great the whole world tries to break you, to fit in with others doing so, giving them the confidence to be a little like what they attack... isn't something to love them for.

Technically speaking killing someone with the intent of doing so is the definition of murder. If you blast a blackie that's trying to liberate your TV with a couple of rounds, it's reasonable to expect the fucker will die before paramedics can even get to the scene... Ergo - still a murder.

The second biggest problem in london after the mudslims. Although, a lot of those niggers are mudslims too.

>Technically speaking killing someone with the intent of doing so is the definition of murder.
Actually, murder, Legally, comprises of two components: Mens Rea and Actus Reaus.

In both of those situations you have the Actus Reaus (the action of killing someone), but you do not have the Mens Rea (the malicious afore thought or planning of ending someones life).

That's why manslaughter laws exist, but in that situation the user should be able to get off on self defence (since he lives in the last free country in this whole world. )

Have fun getting your shit taken while you soy out in the corner, waiting for the police to solve everything for you.

Sadist Khan needs to get the fuck out of London.

>gets stabbed, run over or blown up by immigrants

Explain why Los Angeles, Washington DC and Chicago have such a high murder rate if gun control works.
>inb4 they imported the guns from states with looser gun laws
Why don't those states have high murder rates too?

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Too true OP


i think you'll find
nail bomb and
truck attacks all in single digits over this side of the pond my friend

>the world is safer
>there totally aren't militant regimes every fucking where who established themselves by gun grabbing or anything

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i think you'll find
statistics are super easy to manipulate when you don't actually have an argument outside of some flimsy appeal to emotion
If your country legalized guns your murders would be committed by guns instead of household objects. That "household objects" part should be your first clue that gun control doesn't do anything.

The Dayton Shooter Was A Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, And Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa
(Part of the left)

The garlic shooter was Iranian,Italian and had just posted in remembrance of his grandfather a shia extremist in full Muslim garb “Ali Asgar Vahabzdeh”. He also recently refered to white people as “twats”.
(Part of the left?)

The Walmart shooter was a registered democrat, Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: who wanted Universal Income And Universal Healthcare
(Part of the left)

>damage control squad

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It's not damage control, I'm just fact checking you.

The left absolutely fucking loves when the shooter is a cishet white guy who is on the right. It's always funny to see them downplay it when the shooter isn't one. Double standards are the ONLY standards of the left.

The Left doesn't love them, the Left just can't help itself.
While the Right tends to be very uniform ideologically, the Left is a smorgasbord of different political ideologies under one banner. The in-fighting is constant. The Left is eating itself.

Islamism is right wing terror that the US propped up against leftist, secular muslim governments in the middle east, namely Baathism and Jamahiriya.
All crime statistics show that it is right wingers committing crime, murder and terror. Be it "white nationalist" or "zionist", it is all the same brain structures and disabilities in cognition and rational thinking.
Your brain is wired to be criminal, vile scum.
Of course you don't like those facts when they point out that you are biologically wired to be inferior, ideologically and as "humans" in general.
If you were to lock up all people showing highly emotional responsiveness and lack of impulse control your "political" camp would end up where it belongs in its entirety.
Political in quotation as it's no conscious effort of forming educated opinions but a mere reflex, like uncivilized animals imitating humans.

Never understood why fags love multiculturealism when like 2/3rd of other cultures still openly beat gays

Pls dont shit talk sweden. Especially since its impossible for me to pull up crime stats to prove you wrong as they have stopped publicizing them infear of "turning people into racists" >:(

>bursting out crying because the people choose the "wrong" president.

Modern Swedes make me feel absolutely embarrassed about being of Swedish descent

PLZ understand we're not all cucks for the bbc

By your logic, leftism is correlated to criminal wired brains since a leftist committed the shooting

This, I'm a fag and I hate Islam. I don't get that "LGBT for Palestine" shit