celeb thread
Celeb thread
Who is this semen demon? Who is this sperm worm? Who is this dick tick? Who is this spunk monk?
a model named karlie kloss
I want to rub my fingers into Karlie's scalp and then sniff my fingers :3
you're so weird, user
b-but I love her!
Getting glossy fir Klossy
and allow me to be bossy!
im really looking forward to her next movie
but i enjoy her beach pictures even more
this is the best day
it's alright
I want to lick Karlie's entire body for a thousand years
*lewd noises*
she would keep your mouth on her most sensitive parts
i mean this is the best body
i love her..
dear god she's amazing
you should post her more
I want a kiss you, based Kloss poster
I need to sleep, goodnight
i could slow jerk for hours to her
that diane?
stop talking to yourself, she's not even attractive.
ow, my heart..gn user
Ill keep your advice in mind
not advice just asking a favor
do you mean me?
Yes! it's been forever!
you just dont know who i am, it's nice that you remember me
...well, who are you then? what should I call you?
more pixels
that would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?
how does she have a body like that(i know she works out always but still) with a face and eyes and eyebrows like that? she's human+
I usually have fun regardless but... :P
just enjoy
dont question a gift from the gods
shes not human, user sorry to tell you
works better with a pic
Needs more Isabela Moner
Checked. Who?
i can give you a clue, my filenames
what is she? from another planet? made in a lab? terminator?
im going to kum for kloss!
she's really the hottest celeb out there right now
We Moner posting now?
shits tight yo
maybe the the pleiades or something
too old
i dont like mexican midget girls,hard pass
How cute is Moner snuggling with Pluto?
I wanna stroke for Katy
I see I see. I had my suspicions
Her soles should be covered in cum
She's half peruvian, not mexican. Pendejo
shes not mexican tho
>inb4 all south of the us border is mexico
for the love of god who is this
pay attention u nigger. its izzy
i had to pretty much tell you..
yes this tbh
show kloss butte
Stroking slowly rn, feels amazing
You should cover them and then I’ll fuck her sloppy feet
I may or may not have already known
shiny thighs
cute kid but has that hair style ever looked good on anyone?
>18 yrs old
there’s beauty in the silver singing river, there’s beauty in the sunrise in the sky
that's lewd, user..
She's not a child she's an adult. And yes it has.
But her body is making me feel soooo lewd... Is that a bad thing...?
so hot
I wanna eat it
stroking for kloss
anyone that thinks a 18 yo isnt still a kid is a fool
do you want it to be a secret or not? :P
kek this guy. most women remain children in their head
stroke it harder then..of course its not a bad thing..
you wanna eat her butt? lol
A cute
eyebrows of mass destruction
Man, all the roasties seem to come out when Moner is posted.
we can keep it an open secret, i dont mind lol
Alright, stroking a bit harder now... Getting close to edging btw
Fucking idiot
naughty boy..
she's my precious..
as long as you're sure. last time I let something like that slip, I got a stern talking to.
god yes id eat it like it were my last meal before prematurely cumming in it
It feels sooo good being naughty for her, though... Constantly building up that big load for her...
Why aren't you in bed user?
I am in bed you dumb beaner
don't worry, nobody cares about me
Did you brush your teeth?
I think our mutual German friend does
nigga im already late for work. fuck i dont wanna get fired
the pressure you're feeling must feel amazing..
everything goes....
tell on me then
oh my fucking god those feet
Surprised Isabela isn't more popular here
It does... And those feet are making my cock leak so fucking much. The sound of stroking is so lewd...
shes a goddess of war
You aren't gonna go to bed in your clothes are you?
want me to get naked izzy?
boys...dont hurt yourselves
but don't stop stroking either..
Yea Forums lacks taste
I want to cuddle and protect her. She looks like she could vent cousin. Which makes me want to gently bite her nipples and suck on her clit.
She's been the queen of Yea Forums for years.
>telling your dog opinions the game
I should get nakey? But I’m going to be all horny then...
of other boards maybe, I don't see her in these celeb threads often
I haven't even started, you tease
Getting close to cumming now...
do your eyes not work?
how does it feel knowing you've got three anons stroking to kloss
now that she is 18 and getting big mainstream wise you;ll see a lot more of her in the years to come
I’d love the thought of making other naughty boys stroke, but then again, I’d rather stroke those cocks to Kloss myself
you're the tease
you'd better not cum until i tell you..
She's even popular outside Yea Forums.
Okay, may I slow down a bit then? I don’t think I’ll last a lot longer stroking this hard to Kloss’ tight, slutty body
I'm teasing something right now but it's not you :P
yes...you can slow down a bit lol
youre so lewd user
holy shit that bump
I'm so close
Mmm, thank you. I love stroking ever so slowly to her slender body... Thinking about gangbanging her with all the other stroking anons
I don't know why I laughed so hard at that.
The thought of making all these likeminded anons feel so good is what makes me extra lewd
god ur all so gay ffs. kys
I Want you to cum to her for me..
I think you're so hot, user..
non ho perso solamente un grande amore, ieri sera ho perso tutto con lei
You’re the one making me so goddamn hot and bothered... Please tell me you’d love to join in on a sloppy gangbang with Kloss...
aww, cute
ugh i kame for kloss and now i'm a hot mess
Can I use your cum as lube though?
Oh gosh... That pic
gimme that disc
good boy..
do you mean bella or the words?
for you user, i'd love to join in on your filthy gangbang with karlie...so badly..
I need her to shove two cocks in her mouth
its actually a bit warmer and slimier than usual
why not
Mmmmm, can’t help but start stroking harder... Those toes... Would you like to share her tight holes with me? Shoving both our throbbing members balls deep in her slutty ass?
youre doing god's work kloss poster
Fuck yeah, I bet Kloss would love seeing me do that
you're pretty horny tonight. I like it.
cum now..for her user..and me..please
thank you
id never admit that..
why not? what's wrong with being horny and feeding a couple anons
Okay, baby, stroking extra hard for her and you... Got a perfect feet pic for me to shoot my huge load?
i dont think there's anything wrong with it..
cum for her..
then admit it :3
i bet i do
Ffffuck, had to keep myself from screaming her name out loud as I shot like 6 thick ropes of cum for her... Thank you so much...
fine, i admit it..happy?
I have no idea what it says in the post. I meant the gorl
yes. I like knowing how turned on you are
Could you imagine?
i love you user..6!?thats huge
must have felt so good..
im very happy you enjoyed yourself
th-that's lewd..
It felt more than amazing, almost transcendant... Sitting here with cum covering my cock, watching your pics of Kloss and her sexy feet are already getting me hard again... Why are you making me feel so lewd?
it's the truth. makes me hornier.
oh, well she is indeed very cute
im saving all your post this time. in to the spank bank they go
discord 9Y3gM4
For celeb nude dumps
that is a cutie indeed
that's just how good boys feel all the time..
so you'd better not forget about me ok?
oh i believe you, i know how you feel
Mmm, I won’t, baby... Better go clean up now, it got pretty messy... Thank you so much, user, you made my cock feel fucking amazing
feeding off each other's arousal :3
how are you user? is the sun nearly up for you as well?
what is she in or what does she do?
i know I asked for it but, itis driving me crazy to see her and not be able to jerk
why can't you?
im very aroused now...sigh
could in a few
what a coincidence, me too :3
you poor thing..
the lack of kloss has been a blight against god
Then stroke for us, baby, just do it... You know you want to and that we REALLY want you to...
good god are you trying to kill me?
Ohhhh fuckkk, I just came hard five minutes ago, but those feet got me instantly throbbing again
she is an actress, man in high castle, neon demon
mine is now....
>neon demon
does she do sex stuff with Elle?
ill just admit i am...is that enough for you?
it's got me all worked up...
No, I need you to stroke knowing that you made us all so hard for Kloss, making us shoot fat loads of warm cum for her...
what world do you think this is? where such nice things can happen....
I didn't last long after reading that..
Mmmm, God, did you cum for us like a good boy? I’d be so happy (and horny) if you did, you naughty, naughty boy
you came? fuuuck
i was already close.. lol
for you..yes.. im a very good boy..now i feel lewdshame
No need to feel shame, there’s nothing wrong with making yourself feel good...
job well done! I'll join you shortly.
Y'all are fucking creepy, this is worse than the doll threads
sometimes i cant help how i feel, i know..
thanks user, hurry up!
Idk the doll thing is very creepy
>ITT doll fucker
Kloss is still making me hard, though, and the fact that you just shot your sexy cum for her is making me crazy
why do you ask if the sun is coming up?
I am now able and more then willing
please keep posting kloss in the next thread
i needed that so bad lol
Karlie's getting so much cum tonight
not enough
i gave her alot, honestly it was more than normal
never enough for a girl like her
salute? I like the sun and the moon and like to know which one you see
Fuck, if you start posting Tay now, I’m gonna cum a second time
Fuck, Karlie AND Tay? You’re just really out to make me cum hard, huh? You’re so damn lewd, it’s making my cock throb
stroking my cock for that tight body
How about you, Karlieanon and me make that sexy body of hers airtight?
I'd like that
I’ll start fucking her feet, you can do whatever you want to her...
i already made you cum, user
how many femanons do you think watch these threads?
gonna cum soon
okay ill bite
why do you say that
that did it. a big load for that tight tummy. thanks!
A Jenna user was a grill
between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost
yeah right
Dream threesome
Why can’t I stop stroking to Kloss...? Ffffuckkkk
You could join me and those sexy sluts if that dream would ever come true, so we could have a filthy foursome
Good! Fuck off, nobody cares
Sure. How would you take them first?
I’d have to start with both their feet, ofcourse, Kloss stroking my cock with them and I’m sucking on Tay’s toes... What would you do?
do u come from the land down under, or r u the 1, who likes being on top?
Funny enough, I'd go with much the same. Feet all over me
I have a feeling you're only interested in one of those possibilities.
Looks like we’re gonna have to share then, I don’t mind that. How about Kloss’ around both our cocks together while Tay shoves her toes in each of our mouths?
fuck yeah i am
Well, good luck with that.
get flipped right side up
ever more kloss please
Don't make me crikey you in the dingo.
Absolutely. I love her toes. I will be licking up her legs too
ive got a knoif
people never get the flowers while they can still smell them
That's not a knoif.
tfw im making a truth machine while my wife sleeps with the girl im sleeping with
ye it is, m8.
so kloss poster is gone?
a truth machine might solve the problems of love lost, or maybe not
No u.
not me - knoif
thread dead?
wish i wasnt doing stuff when kloss poster was live
Easily one of the hottest girls alive
Fuck yes!
I know this is a little lewd but.. I would gladly let her boop me.
if your gods aren't carved from stone, why are mine?
I would also gladly let her sit on my face and wiggle her arse against it.
Do you mind if I wank to her?