I like when my gf wears revealing clothing in front of my friends.
What's wrong with me?
I like when my gf wears revealing clothing in front of my friends
It is a nice sometimes
Nothing. I love when my wife shows off her boobs around my friends.
She's more desirable to you when she's desirable to others.
This. It's hot as fuck to show off your girl wearing slutty clothes then to go home and stuff her
Same here.
Also i like her being humiliated because i told her to wear clothes like that.
Any ideas?
Cause you're a faglord cuckbitch who comes here to push your Jewish overlord's agenda
you seek the admiration of your peers by showing off your wife, you have a very weird way in which you gain self esteem
or you are a cuck and like feeling inferior
yes this is the correct reason. Out of all the reasons on this entire planet, the single one for the way OP is is this. This man is a genius and definitely should be given a nobel price for his revelations in the world of human psychology .
Have a similar one, but with underwear. With my ex, I Always told her to wear the sexiest lace thongs when we are out here with friends. Loved to know that she is wearing them around friends.
dont worry i enjoy it too
basically your a moron and a piece of trash, don't feel bad, its quite the norm. basically your too proud of the fact that you get some worthless cumhole to stick around you and thinks it makes you worth so much more than before. truth is, it aint nearly as big of a deal as you think it is, and your willing to try to use such a silly thing to put yourself above friends. now either they are shitty friends and this isn't really important or they are quite good friends and worth just as much if not more than that cum slut and you really have no idea what your doing but that's fine, because that's how it goes.
my ex did this all the time because honestly she just dressed slutty all the time. I was cool with it because I wasn't gonna try to change her and she liked the attention. somehow kind of a boost to my ego knowing all my friends wanted to fuck her but couldn't
gotta be careful about who you consider your "friends" though especially when alcohol and cocaine is involved
on top of that, its quite embarrassing for you really, because you cant be "what you want to be" or think you are, without a worthless trick, but its easy to fall into that trap, most young men do it. now, if you ever do get to a level of wisdom to where you begain to comprehend these things and care about things, you may find it quite embarrassing. really its a dignity thing, get some. id personally be more mad that my girl wanted to do such a thing but hay, what do I know. maby she will stick around haha, and who even cares, far as I can tell it aint something id be too happy about.
Anyone doing cocaine around you is not your friend.
I dont especially do it only in front of friends.
My rule while living out kinky stuff like humiliating her is: be sublte with it.
She kinda has to look innocent while a nipslip happens because she wears no bra or pants when its very hot outside. Same goes for changing clothes and beeing nude for a minute on the beach. There has to be a reason for it.
It turns me off if she simply looks like a cheap whore.
found that out the hard way brotha
I love me some drugs but coke is all bad and I realized I had nothing else in common with a few people whom I was constantly snorting coke with
that stuff seriously makes people do some dumb shit
That’s not revealing though.....
What’s with the terrible shoop?
Perfectly fine. I make my gf do that too. It's the others who are weirdos OP
Not op:
Imagine her picking up something from the ground in this short dress.. You might see a string or something like that. More revealing would be just slutty and boring..
>faglord cuckbitch
Ah, the language of a 12 yo
don't you mean people of that age are dumb :) generally young adults even into their middle age are usually quite disgusting things, but humans are dumb so whatever. consuming tons of brain altering substances generally doesn't help children trying to know it all at 20 doesn't really help that much either lol.
summer will be in the air for a short while longer my friend
>Anonymous 08/05/19(Mon)01:29:02 No.806353604▶
is it because your subconsciously still insecure about having to pull off getting a thing that you think is more special than it actually is lol. don't you think that's kind of....cringy lol. but hay I stay single nowadays, I was always quite different and hay enjoy it, people should be happy, reguardless how ignorant lol.
nah I don't place too much significance on age. I'm 26 and have used and abused plenty of drugs and have never hurt anyone in any way no matter how intoxicated. some people just fucking suck which is why I have few close friends
But. Is HE not the one doing the cucking here?
>Has GF put on skimpy clothing
>friends want to bone GF
>but they dont
>he does
>and they know it
People against the idea are the ones actually insecure. You have to be quite confident to pull it off
well that is the most important thing, trying to never harm things, and your smart for picking your friends wisely haha, your not a narcissist that needs to feel special by having everyone in town think they are the coolest fake thing around lol. so hay, I like you.
not really, your either unintelligent, young, or addled by drugs hah, you think im blowing wind, ive seen it, many times, and have had time to ponder such things to formulate an actual conclusion, your just doing a behavior, sure, think whatever helps your agenda, just means your a happy moron lol.
also saying anything about confidence, truly, tickles me on this subject :)
Do you guys live in your basements? Seeing strings in public is really fucking commonplace
new friends tend to disappoint or hurt quickly lol, I try to give everyone a chance but it usually is not worth it
yeah I truly do not give a shit what someone thinks and I've been that way from a young age, "be yourself" is corny but so fucking true
appreciate it man, I like you too
You have no fucking clue what cucking is
Yea..... no
Puts things in perspective.
None of the three. I'm very sure of myself whether you believe it or not. Saying you've pondered about it shows you're interested but afraid. If it didn't matter to you you'd have just moved on
Revealing clothes can be...... revealing.
Try it when you can find a gf You're*
Fuckin christ you Americans can't spell for shit
Cucking is when i take pleasure out of my humiliation while others have sex with my partner.
This topic here can be party of cuckoldry but in my case it isnt me bein humiliated: its my girl thats humiliated.
Also: nobody would dare to flirt or touch her when i am around. (even if, i wouldnt let them get away with it)
yeah you find out who will take advantage of your blackout drunk girlfriend when you're not around (namely your brother in law)
let dude smoke as much dmt as he wanted first time he came over and gave him as much lsd as he wanted and somehow he still had it in his heart to be a piece of shit
better him than me tho
Problem is, that this is a sign of submission, not confidence.
Gf wants to dress skanky to entice other men. OP didn’t want her to at first for obvious reasons, but she is the dominant one in the relationship, so he had no choice in the matter.
Over time, brain starts telling him that this is the way HE likes it - it is actually a very common psychological defense mechanism
you will end up as fucking cuck
watching your wife/gf get fucked in her 3 holes while you jerking
disgusting and a new mental illness that spreading
this is not a fetish it is a illness
instead to be the only one the exclusive one for your girls womb you want to share her with some faggots
you in the next few years
pic related
>reading comprehension
Sure buddy
In my case my girl wouldnt dress "revealing/sexy" if i didnt tell her to.
Cuckolding is a big thing, but its bein stamped on almost anything these days.
You’re really delusional
cuckolding is dumb just get with a slut and let her be a slut
perfectly described
nice user