Pretty much what is occurring in our world

Pretty much what is occurring in our world.
>pic related

Attached: anomaly.jpg (640x667, 60K)

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Oh please explain

Don't give up your guns. protect your right to bear arms. Noone can tamper with the U.S constitution. And if they try then they are traitors. End of story.

Image is self explanatory.

This rabbi thole goes far deeper than what many of you faggots can possibly imagine.
Luciferian conspiracy, all roads lead to rome.
>based redpill

Infini chan faglords already quit the sinking boat to crawl back here or are you just a bunch of russian shills?

Oh look, its a socialist trying to take away americas freedoms and is a traitor to the U.S constitution. Yet he calls americans russians because name calling is the only defense you weaklings have.

YOU are the real russian commie you faggot. If you are not for the United states constitution then you are a TRAITOR.

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Not even close, go live in shit hole Africa if you don't like health care, want roving bands of poor people killing everyone, love running around with guns like a fucking Savage you uncivilized uneducated fuck.

Needing guns for what, humans have the ability to destroy an entire country with the push of a button, guns are irrelevant you stupid right wing cock suckers. Dumb trailer trash.

The real uneducated fuck is YOU who dont understand your own american history.

The founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms to protect us from a george orwellian nightmare.

YOU are a corporate shill. If you want socialism go live in venezuela.

Whew lad

The Constitution has been modified and changed numerous times you dumb fuck they're called amendments

yeah I'm pretty sure they're telling jokes about living in the city


"jokes" **

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which respect an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.

The Second Amendment is naturally divided into two parts: its prefatory clause (“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”) and its operative clause (“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed”). To perhaps oversimplify the opposing arguments, the “states’ rights” thesis emphasized the importance of the prefatory clause, arguing that the purpose of the clause was to protect the states in their authority to maintain formal, organized militia units. The “individual rights” thesis emphasized the operative clause, so that individuals would be protected in the ownership, possession, and transportation of firearms.1 Whatever the Amendment meant, it was seen as a bar only to federal action, not state2 or private3 restraints.

Whew what, you think your going to have another civil war fought with guns haha haha. China, the UN or Russia would be over here as soon as society started to collapse and they'd have more than guns. There isn't a scenario where they'd be worth dick. It's 2019 not the 1800s trailer park fuck.

Ban whites from owning guns

Your talking about what the founding fathers wanted they wanted the Constitution to have the ability to change and provided a mechanism for it

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Theyre called amendments because
Get this
They can be amended.

What part of . WE DONT WANT your orwellian ideologies to rule our lives do you not understand?

Some of you faggots are following exactly what Albert Pike wanted.
Albert Pike Planned the 3 world wars.

A simpleton agreeing with a simpleton. Neat.

Owning firearms is a crutch for the dumb and afraid, more likely to kill yourself or a member of your family than an intruder, get stolen and used in crime, used by virgin fags to kill mass amounts of people, totally useless in any kind of revolt and modern war fare, well have plasma vaporizers and white trash will still cry about muh guns lol. Sold propaganda by the military that a strong tough man uses a rifle, goes to war and is shredded by an road side bomb set off by cell phone or erased by a guided missile. Hahaha haha

See , YOU cannot steal from me. Thats what the democrats are trying to do. Steal from the people. Theft is wrong.
Try and steal from me and it wont end well.

Its common sense. YOU however are defending criminals who wants to steal from people.

Right now the democrats are the ones inciting violence. The democrats wants to take away your healthcare. They also want to take away your freedom of speech.

Most democrats are communiist traitor PEDOPHILES who sided with Jeffrey epstein as bill clinton rode in his lolita express.

Socialist trying to tell you what you should think, eat, drink, watch or vote.

Sounds like a christian crusader to me. Fuck religions and cults.

I am a FREE MAN. I can do what I want as long as I dont hurt anyone.

And there is not a damn thing you socialist authoritarians can do to change the truth that I AM FREE.

So stop pushing your stupid ideologies on me like the cultists you demoncrats are.

/end rant

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I'll just leave this here:

so we can amend free speech too.

Nah buddy the first 10 are called the bill of RIGHTS. And the constitution had a bunch of amendments added to it.

TLDR you are retarded and can't function in society.

Seems the boomers are out in full force. They hate the constitution because they hate america.

what if I like law enforcement, unlike leftists?

just because it's expecting too much from someone from 300 years ago doesn't mean it is now
pls tell me when that happened I want to start a argument