We are next Yea Forums

We are next Yea Forums.

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Fuck off cunt if this site shut down It would be a good thing

We haven't done anything wrong

Good shut vegan down. It would be an improvement for the human race.

Yoshi wouldn't do that to us.

This place has already been neutered so it's safe.

Honestly, if we can't break the back of the anime Nazis, we deserve it too. Put your reichfaggotry away or lose your favorite toys, bitches.

/pol needs to die

One day, if the commies come to power, they just might

Not really, Yea Forums is too irrelevant now for anyone to care
It says a lot about the state of this place that it's even been replaced as the media's boogeyman website

Remove /pol/ from Yea Forums. Problem solved.

Censorship is never okay.

Lmao for years those sideways cunts shit talked Yea Forums, and now they're about to be fucked in the ass. have fun being refugees at some weeb site, you aren't welcome here btw

It's ok if it moves society forward. Hate should be banned and illegal.

who gets to determine what is considered hateful?

b8ing /pol/ isn't any better than being /pol/
You're still a board-ruining cancer

> we

so you're ok with me posting some cp right now, huh?

Companies like google who have shown themselves capable of leading society.

Putting this here just for the dumb few of you who don't realize
Please stop giving him (you)s so he'll go away

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Good. This place is an absolute shithole.

is the correct answer
fuck you i hate you the most

Would it truly be bad for any of us to be forced to stop browsing this site? I’ve been here since 06 almost every day and I can’t say I’d be disappointed to see it all burn lol.

Spoiler alert: the commies are already in power.

Hate cannot be banned. You can’t control how people feel. And so long as someone doesn’t hurt someone else, their hate can continue to exist. If they hurt someone because of hate they should be punished for the crime of hurting someone. Not for the hate. These fucking liberal softies are getting out of hand. Before you know it, it’ll be illegal to sneeze for fear that someone might say “bless you” and offend someone.

Yeah right. Yea Forums is a honeypot for tracking all of these retards. They would never give up this gold mine.

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They're sure doing a shit job of stopping them then

Now that you mention it.
FUCK those people. You ain't the pope

Truth be told without Yea Forums would the world really stop turning

I mean honestly the only thing I could see negative is a bunch of incels raging and some fags killing themselves

Besides honestly, it'd help some of the pathetic fat fucks on here to go outside once in a while

Clearly he was on infinite chan
New Zealand guy only mentioned fortune.

MAGA bomber was pretty obvious fortune poster, but they DID catch that guy

The Dayton Shooter Was A Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, And Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa
(Part of the left)

The garlic shooter was Iranian,Italian and had just posted in remembrance of his grandfather a shia extremist in full Muslim garb “Ali Asgar Vahabzdeh”. He also recently refered to white people as “twats”.
(Part of the left?)

The Walmart shooter was a registered democrat, Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: who wanted Universal Income And Universal Healthcare
(Part of the left)
lol try harder shill.

It'd set a really bad precedent, I think
The internet is already basically 4 websites
Shutting down an independent site because some looney super-minority on it did something stupid is overzealous and authoritarian
You might as well kill the internet as we know it at that point

Eh it's been a good run I mean honestly 4chin has been up for thirteen years feels right this place has become a shit hole in recent years anyways

>Hardcore Progressive
>White Nationalist

How the fuck does that work?

Maybe ask the retarded fucking shooter?

I was saying, why would the FBI give up their honey pot.
Nice copy pasta though, I'm sure it's all credible

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That's funny, it doesn't feel like my party's assumed state power; the economy is still owned by capitalists. Maybe you're just full of shit and need to learn what words mean?

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>Hate cannot be banned

Well, its adherents can certainly be lined up against a wall and shot.

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How is that any better than these mass shootings. It’s still murder.

Over on Bannedchan people like you call the shooters "our guy;" over here you pretend the leftists are guilty of your crimes.

Fascism is narcissism for politicos. You never accept blame for anything, and this is why your body would be soaked with petrol in a ditch if we lived in a just world. Go whine about the Jews you hyperfaggot.

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Why are you hating on free speech? Somebody kill this fag already he wants to die for his hatred.

Keep posting this retarded racist apologia and sooner or later you'll get this place shut down too. Mods need to start permabanning you vermin.

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Killing murderers is self-defense, but I already know you're a Nazi trying to sealion me hoping to persuade gullible liberals. When the civil war hits I will fucking end you.

>Another seething libtard.
Anytime it does not fit your agenda you attack something else. Try harder shill.

>Another seething libtard.
Why do you want to censor the truth so much shill? Permabanning the truth seems a little harsh. Either you are a hardcore libtard or are just some hardcore retard.

>free speech

That's a funny way to spell "conspiracy to commit mass murder." But so long as I wear a goofy armband when I do it and have some stupid fucking memes about it, crime suddenly becomes legal? Well, I'm going to commit conspiracy to commit the mass murder of Nazis, and if you don't like it, admit this isn't about free speech but white power. You cowardly faggots are so ashamed of yourselves, and you should be.

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29 people dying because you think you have a right to conspire to commit mass murder is a lot harsher. I hope the feds knock on your door.

Why would I care if the feds knock on my door? I have nothing illegal here. Once again though libtard keep seething it will only get Trump re-elected in 2020.

Oh fuck both of those parties, I don't care about them. I care about your Nazi ass conspiring to commit mass murder. Fuck off outta here with the rest of the stormfags, Yea Forums doesn't belong to you.

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You're spreading Nazi propaganda about the Nazi shooters, you're an accessory to 29 counts of murder.

What in the fuck did you just try to say?

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Yeah, not today faggot

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>There is nothing wrong with mass murder

No, the mods here ban the faggotry. That’s why they’re at 8

Non-whites are humans. Dehumanizing them excuses the actions of the shooters and helps encourage this place getting shut down. Also reported.

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Sounds like a great time to start a DDOS prevention company. If you are offering protection, you are offering it for obvious reasons. This guy is missing out on a wide market.

Even the cripple midget that founded infinite chan was fine for it to be shut down. It wasnt worth all that hassle

8 chan was what Yea Forums use to be

Holy shit, the mods are starting to ban the fash. Let's fucking do this. I'm gonna report every fash I see. Get this filth off our chans.


>hate speech

Anything someone doesn't like they can just label hate speech, retard.

It's just a mechanism to censor free thinking and to make sure that the MSM has total control of information

its not free thinking if its regurgitated indoctrination meant to spread deceit and marginalize otherness.

Yeah censoring people surely won't make them more angry...

If conspiracy to commit mass murder is free speech, explain why we shouldn't conspire to kill you too. By its very nature, fascism is a conspiracy to kill mass murder of "undesirables." If you want to protect a tolerant society, you must make an exception to your tolerance for the intolerant, or your entire society will be taken over by the intolerant.

nah most will just edge lord in a lame discord channel like vapor chill and orbit some cracked out cunt snusnu

Fifteen stormfaggots will be angry in their mothers' basement, fifteen million can't be made angry by the censorship of a murderous ideology that never gets a chance to brainwash them.

Shill or moron

"otherness" for the sake of otherness isn't automatically a good thing, faggot.

You just dismiss ideas as "deceit" and "indoctrination" so you can rationalize censoring them without sincerely listening to the ideas.

Go fuck yourself

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Not the same user but I don't agree with you. A DDOS protection service taking sides on an issue is not a good company model. If I were an infinite channer I would be upset. They break zero laws so it's just a stunt to get more cookie points with leftists. I would most certainly be angry if Yea Forums domains were shut down again for example. Censoring websites is a disgusting practice.

>I call you a name
>someone associated with that name killed someone
>therefore all people associated with that name killed someone
>that means i can kill you too with no consequences!
You went right from serial killer to delusional serial killer

Do you want to get Yea Forums shut down? Spreading this racist filth is how you get Yea Forums shut down. Also, reported as hate speech is illegal.

True. Shutting down 8chsn will probably just make it even easier to all be in one place.

and yet you're here.

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/pol/ is filled with mentally ill incels. The board owners must get hard seeing them get charged up. You can just delete that dumb shit the same way you could just create a board for tranny shit or fb posts, but the mods and iwners would rather see misery everywhere.

>If you want to protect a tolerant society, you must make an exception to your tolerance for the intolerant, or your entire society will be taken over by the intolerant.

>HURR DURR karl popper durrrr tolerance!!!


Tolerance isn't the highest virtue.
This pic is wrong

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B and Pol are both filled with shit. I still use them both but you have to filter like crazy to get through the spam. They have equal amount of shit imo

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If you don't like Cloudflare's practices, don't do business with them, problem solved. Cloudflare isn't a government, they don't have to do business with anyone they don't like. And since most of the world are "leftists," as you term it, and most of the world are repelled by these Nazi ideas, it's clearly just good business sense to not alienate millions of people to satisfy a couple dozen Nazis.

And if you REALLY don't want Yea Forums shut down, then stop using it to post racist shit, and report those that do. The fash are gonna get this place shut down, and then you'll have to spend money on your trap porn.

the violent minority will always control the silent majority.

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" African proverb

And, btw, Logos and free speech are the foundational tenants of Western Civilization. Take that away with force and power, and you will have ww3

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You faggot. It shoulda been you bitching about having cloudfare taken down from here. Not oh boo hoo they're coming for us next, you pansy. Yea Forums has always been a shit hole, but it used to be an edgy shithole. Fuck you.

both 8chun and Yea Forums are owned by jews so it would be terrible if they were both shut down. it actually seems like the only purpose for this site was to frame "white supremacists"

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Can't tell if bait or not
If it is, well done. You got me

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Yea Forums's always been a shit hole.

/pol/ will just come to Yea Forums.

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Then what is the highest virtue? Come out and say it so I can report you too. Mods are in a banning mood tonight, it's like the site's very existence is predicated on getting rid of Nazis or something.

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Fun fact Cloudfare is planning a IPO this September, kinda hard to get a high valuation when you are known to protect child porn and maga cucks mass shooting screeds from DDoS

Truth be told, if gookmoot nukes /pol/ I wouldn't miss it one bit, good riddance.

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bullshit, companies like Google and Facebook have shown themselves of counting cash, not leading or anything else for that matter

There are shills or bots all over this thread. Maybe someone who is a Mod with a heart of gold will start a new site and keep it good. Or maybe all the spam will stop when other shit changes.

Go tell it to the stormfags, I don't want to hear your thinly-veiled Nazi propaganda and neither does anyone else. If you're mad at the system for screwing you, attack the rich people who run it, not the minorities they're trying to scapegoat for their crimes.

says the person born in the 2000's

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8ch is what Yea Forums used to be.

Prepare the low orbit ion canon

We shouldn't tolerate immoral actions. Murderers, pedophiles, stealing, lying etc.
So logically, tolerance is not the highest virtue of a society.

Popper is right just in the opposite way. We shouldn't tolerate the super-tolerant. People tolerating the abandonment of principles of free speech, people tolerating increasingly immoral behavior, or people tolerating equating good behavior and bad behavior as morally equivalent.

You can't be this retarded
This has to be bait

/pol/ is the only good thing on this site
Yea Forums is dead
What other boards are there? a few porn boards and Yea Forums?

No you sound retarded as fuck

All right, let's say everything you said is right. Since we shouldn't tolerate murderers, we shouldn't tolerate people who plan murder. Since fascism is organized mass murder of The Other, that means we shouldn't tolerate fascism, speech promoting fascism, or actions or events promoting fascism. Thanks for making the Antifa argument for me, fash.

cloudflare doesn’t own the internet. there are thousands of hosting and ddos protection providers

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/pol/ has so many pics of dicks

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Enjoy the last couple hours of being allowed to post here. I expect after this news cycle that your kind are going to be banned here forever.

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>retarded to think the rich control your society

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His boss tells him the minimum wage should be lower so he believes it

The rich are using immigrants to control us

Stop fucking posting memes about shootings for a while, dipshit. That's literally all you have to do is not push the SJW button of the month.

You have an economy that depends on constant growth & your country has a declining birth rate. If it wasnt for immigration your entire economy would collapse, with the richest being the biggest losers

Well for one, if it goes they'll always be another Chan popping up

But still truth be told websites die out all the time, the world is still moving life goes on

there is an reason they moved, probablly jannies will have lot of work but lot of people will get banned and lot of range bans will occour

i am sure that jannies will make sure that here dont beacame what they beacame

If the country wasn't flooded with immigrants, people would feel the effects of supply and demand, and have kids again.

But instead the government and rich are stuffing our faces with opiates, porn, and other cheap decadent things and that causes people to have less kids.

I'm with you, man. Capitalism is gay.
Women shouldn't be flooding the workforce.
Free Trade = free exchange of goods and LABOR (mass immigration).
It's a race to the bottom that needs to be corrected.

I'm a nationalist. Communism isn't the answer, but we need a labor based economy for sure.

>Or maybe all the spam will stop when other shit changes.
It will as soon as the next big event comes along

Yeah, I'm gonna miss it

The mere existence of cognitive dissonance as a concept

Kinda cringe shit is this

>places for liberals to spread their tranny stories and hate of drumpf and white cis males is fine

Honk honk, mf

Yea Forums and the other chans are unfortunately all we have left of what the internet used to be like.
back in web 1.0 and earlier than that, BBS servers, everyone was a cunt to everyone, everyone pirated everything and porn/illegal shit ran rampant.
lemme guess, you thought those kitchen sink threads on Yea Forums were actually people pretending to be retarded and posting pictures of kitchen sinks? lmao.

You spelled fear wrong

>those kitchen sink threads on Yea Forums were actually people pretending to be retarded and posting pictures of kitchen sinks? lmao
Not that user but what is this about? I've been on here for a little over a decade now and have no clue what you mean by this.

you aren't god, you don't know, and you shouldn't decide

Found the shill.

god willing

he's talking about threads where there are many photos posted that gives the impression the entire purpose of thread is to share stupid photos. Instead the photos likely had embedded data in there that you can't see without downloading it and opening it up with special software.

maybe you all could stop being fucktards then?

2007-fag here. Can't but agree with you.

This is a frightening supposition or conspiracy theory. I believe it is called Steganography.


>fuck you i hate you the most
Aw, die mad.

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>And if you REALLY don't want Yea Forums shut down, then stop using it to post racist shit, and report those that do.
This is the absolute truth.

I've been here so long that judgement day is a welcomed sight. All Yea Forums is now is faggot,fur, facebook/celeb (With fucking clothes) threads. All need this purge.

If people stop saying nigger then is it really Yea Forums?

I hope this is a joke. I can’t fucking tell anymore.

>If it moves society forward

Who are you to say which way society should go? Who gives you the right to decide for all others?
You believe certain people should not exist, that they cannot have a place to reside in peace.
Self-righteous shits like you are the problem, you are the reason idiots go to the extreme and end up killing innocent people.

and yet....here you are still


It’s temporary, they’re here until 8chån is back up.

Maybe you can shit in your own mouth.

Are you suggesting the owners of Yea Forums should not be allowed to decide what is and is not allowed here? Sounds like you want the people to have control over private companies, comrade.

Is DDoS protection really that much of a hard to work out algorithm that only cloudflare can provide it? Surely it's basically just a 5 second delay on pings from a single address?

there's a pretty clear cut definition of what hate speech is user

No there isnt.

It's back up btw

Anyone can be offended by anything for any arbitrary reason. If you don't have the right to say offensive things, you do not have free speech.


Not the person you're replying to, but what is this definition? I'm not a fan of how racist and hateful Yea Forums has become over the last few years, but I still see the room for abuse of censoring something considered "hate speech". Saying that young kids shouldn't have sex changes could be interpreted by some extreme people to be transphobic/hate speech. Suggesting that male/female circumcisions could both be considered hate speech in some peoples eyes.

America is fucked up in a lot of ways, but it's by far the best in the world for protection of free speech.

suggesting that male/female circumcisions are wrong*

I'm retarded, my bad lol.