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Cloudflare is pulling out at midnight.

They'll be offline 12 seconds after that.

Good riddance. Fucking incel MAGA rejects.

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

Yea Forums creates a mass shooter and sperg-chan takes the fall? Reminds me of the days where we'd raid a website and then blame a website that rhymes with fleabomb's world.

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Yeah and any of the users is even trying

Time to save everything from the trap board


>actually thinking 4cuck had anything to do with it

Good, maybe Yea Forums will be next. It's like 90% larpers pretending they know random girls from Instagram and Kikebook


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Oh god I hope so. Imagine all the free time I'll have.

>being this butthurt over 4chin's notoriety as still the asshole of the internets

Just been. Hots thinks it will be down two days or less...

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Never once I agreed with such an assessment until nao.

>8ch is just r/Yea Forums

Yea Forums cooperates closely with authorities though and has been doing so since 2008

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if that were the case many anons would be imprisoned or an hero'd, but i will give you it likely has happened on rare occasions

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

i mean i can't be sure of which anons you mean but many our being monitored because you can't just arrest people (yet) for saying problematic things on social media. others are behind 7 proxies. others are themselves state actors. and yet others have been deemed to just be mentally ill and prosecution and imprisonment would be problematic in its self.

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Your sekrit club died years ago, newfriend

>New York Post
Is this actually happening, or are they just reporting this?

The founder doesn't still own the website, so it's obviously not closing. He sold it and frequents Yea Forums and is now blaming that shithole.

it's happening. ironically, most entertaining day on 8ch in years...

Hotwheels dosn't own the site anymore. And Jim isn't going to do that

When 8 and 4 are gone, you'll have to learn spanish and join hispachan!

Lazy faggot, took 2 seconds to verify


Are you guys serious? You're a fucking moron if you don't think what that user said was true

cloudfare already terminated services, their host is likely next

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what is 8 chan? i remember a 7 chan but never knew about 8


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You act like you're any better KEK
What a fuckin nerd....

The world would be a better place if more guys pulled out.

probably some chan incels and pedophiles went to because there were no mods. this isn't news really, they'll just open up another chan and all go there for their new hideout.

it doesn't terminate till midnight central time iirc

Is a sideways infinity Chan, bro

Very retarded statement even though I know Spanish, I will just move on

It's where most of the oldfags went. Has a lot of features that Yea Forums doesnt. Far superior file support.

Newfag detected

by 2011 every half decent hacker active anonymous or lulzsec had been arrested or gone dark. The FBI gutted this place. You're fucking clueless kiddo.

oh no doubt we are all are being monitored/assesed and it doesnt matter proxies/vpn as everyone knows the capabilities of the g-men, but legally speaking when they did want to make a case 4chin likely did have to turn shit over or get wrapped up in legal woes or worse

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I mainly just want people to get into language learning. I think it is a very fun and rewarding hobby and spanish is a very usable choice in this day and age.

>several shooters from eightchan were in their 20's

Yeah no, these are idiot kids who think they are oldfags because they were on Yea Forums for two summers.

ha ha ha, you seriously think they coordinated on this site and not on private irc channel, also they were caught through other means you fucking donut ever heard of PRISM?

there is a well circulated post about how this went down sometimes attributed to snacks
>pic not related, couldn't find it, don't feel like googling/looking through external drives

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im sure someone important somewhere has read some of my shit lol. But by the time they get to the end of it they dont know if im a troll, or autistic... never made any actual threats though, just used alot of their trigger words

You act like these sites are secret or some shit if a edgy kid wants to come here how are we supposed to know that's why all year long it's Summer in here...


Are you me??.

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Obviously I don't frequent channel 8.
Had no idea it was pronounced infinite chan.
Thanks though... glad to confirm New York Post is still as credible as a slutty nun.

Let's just hope that there won't be a massive influx of those infinite retard around here , they are so edgy it's almost spoopy

Guess you haven't been here long enough to know they speak the truth...lol fuckin newfag pretending to be an oldfag that's being a newfag...

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Cloudflare is a denial buffer. Do you even technology?

Jaja you lose Gringo's ill fuck your , your daughters will have my brown granbabies and have to drop out of school because we do not dont pay child support in Mexico's.

Got English, Spanish, Italian and French in the bag. Keep up beaner

shut the fuck up you wannabe. show me your found bug bounties. bet you have 0 faggot. i have over 25. lowest paid was $1,150.

Wont matter we no like gringos , texas is the new mexicos!!! Jajajajajajaja

Cripple moot has no spine. He's also a coward.

i think user thought 8ch would be ddos'd off the face of the internet the second it lost it's protection
>still up, still dead af

show us your coding socks and chastity cage, faggot
>t. ccnp

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super cringe. gj newfaggot.

You act like these sites are secret or some shit if a edgy kid wants to come here that's why all year long it's Summer in here...

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Nice bait faggot


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They will not be missed.

I love how you PC faggots fall for biased media

lol so long qanon

Is there a name for wanting humanity to be culled? This will probably put me on a list but what is the moral dilemma of wanting humanity to expand beyond the carrying capacity of this planet?

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We aren't beyond capacity at all, theres just too many non white immigrants that are horrible for the environment.

>"nuthing tru unless cum frum source dat pander 2 mee"
>being this stupid

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It's already being done. It has nothing to do with you or your opinion on whether you should survive or otherwise reproduce your dna. Humanity is indeed being culled and only the best will see things through to the other side. Most will perish.

It is the natural order.

fuck off, shill.

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>only the best
i think you're going to be disappointed when nature selects what is 'best'

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what that fagot lost control of the board years ago

who gives fuck what he thinks?

The Dayton Shooter Was A Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, And Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa
(Part of the left)

The garlic shooter was Iranian,Italian and had just posted in remembrance of his grandfather a shia extremist in full Muslim garb “Ali Asgar Vahabzdeh”. He also recently refered to white people as “twats”.
(Part of the left?)

The Walmart shooter was a registered democrat, Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: who wanted Universal Income And Universal Healthcare
(Part of the left)

SO much this!

cloudflare does.
gj newfag

Did I include myself in that? I don't seem to recall that. How am I: a simple human being, supposed to understand the complexity of the natural order to such a degree that I could guarantee my own survival? None of us are that powerful or knowledgeable. Even the "elite" on this planet who believe that they truly hold the keys to the mysteries are sadly mistaken. No amount of selective breeding, ritual sacrifice or anything else they believe in will ever make them superior. In the end everything will perish. In the mean time, humanity will organize itself according to natural laws that are already in place. There is no other option whether you think there is or not. Even your thoughts are not your own.

The most pathetic incel virgin level samefag i have ever seen


This looks promising

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>The most pathetic incel virgin level samefag i have ever seen

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Where is the SAGe

>8ch closes
>all the larpers and pedos come here
You're all dumbasses for wanting that

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actual faggot

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Imagine using kek unironically.
Stay in school, child.

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