Hey b/ros

Hey b/ros.
Can you help me find out wtf this is on my innner thigh. As far as i didnt have it last night. Any help would be appreciated

Attached: IMG_20190805_031624.jpg (1192x1064, 263K)

As far as i know*

You got bit by a bug you fucking tard

But they're flat and not raised. It also feels as if nothing is there

That's a classic bedbug trail, nigger you got bedbugs

Almost looks like a slight stretch mark

>bedbug trail

Your balls overheated, it's just irritation.

I am a doctor. you got the aids

hydrantis supppurativa, which eventually will become ligma

I am a doctor as well and I concur

Looks like stage 1 scrot rot

ligma balls?

WTF is ligma? You mean leprosy?


Dr Livingston PhD here as well. I am afraid it could be the super aids

There isn't any raised "balls" there, it looks like a flat rash, could be due to detergent allergy, I changed my washing detergent and came up with a rash like this last year


Its in clusters but its not swollen inflamed or itchy which i believe bed bug bites are

Contact Dermatitis. Likely caused by contact with Poison Ivy. Put some of this on it...(pic)

Attached: s-l300.jpg (218x300, 5K)

You can get some relief by putting a bit of ben-gay on your balls


Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 927K)

If I am not mistaken this is quite clearly the early stages of the Super Aids doctor. When will people learn not to fuck bonobos????

as long as op walks this earth. the world may never know

- Dr Livingston PhD

Ingrown hairs, faggot. Do you shave your legs? Or do your fat ass thighs rub the hair off?