Why are white men always going on shooting rampages...

Why are white men always going on shooting rampages? Because the white supremacist society we all live constantly tells them that they're special snowflakes, so when Jennifer rejects Billy for Tyrone, Billy flies into a rage because how dare a white female reject me and my white privilege. White males are nothing more than undisciplined, petulant children.

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Probably because niggers need to leave.

she needed a real man

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Muh society

white men are a plague.

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Why do blacks commit over 50% of all murders while only comprising 13% of the population? Is it whitey’s fault?


Explain this, faggot

Men have no support system and high expectations.

As a man, if you aren't fit, smart, handsome, tall, sociable, athletic, and have a well paid salary you aren't a "man" at all.

Society looks at you as scum if you aren't all those combined and if you get depressed they say "man the fuck up and deal".

As a woman it's acceptable to get fat, pop out kids and feel entitled. Plenty of mental health and services for women. Society views you as a victim no matter what.

If you can deduce why men might go ape shit and serial killer from this, congrats. If you can't well too fucking bad retard...

>60 weekend days in jail
Why? Is he in jail for 2/7 days of the week? Does he go into custody for the weekends and then he gets out? Why not just give him 81 days in jail instead of 60 weekend days?
Also people of color go on more shooting rampages, it's just not reported because black people do it so often

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Reminder this white man bad spam is by chink ricedicks from plebbit

Good bait John, I bet your tiny asian cock has been so hard lately, getting to blame "whitey" for everything. But go ahead and claim to be a nigger again with your cuck posting, you never did do a timestamp
You're a waste of space and I can't wait for you to die, you disgusting peice of shit. If you keep posting your race baiting I will dox and hack you. I am getting fed up off your WHITEYYY BADDDDD bait posts.
Fucking worthless chink blood in you, you're nothing but a deformed, snapping turtle looking freak.Your ugly face is the perfect poster child why race mixing should be punished by death.

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John won't, He just likes to piss of white people. Hapas piece of shit, I fucking hate that deformed freak... He should be put to death.

>white men are the enemy
>why do white men keep doing this

Your racist, phobic, and intolerant rhetoric is damaging to the national dialogue. With people like you, there is no hope of striving for a better world.

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where is the lie?

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Why won't any attractive white women fuck you user? Why are you so mad?

its a lot of stress keeping the rest of the world afloat

False flag. Whether it's Kikes or Chinks you always blame somebody else behind the scenes

then let a black man handle the wife. one less thing to worry about. you just sit back and relax. you're not "equipped" to satisfy a woman anyway.

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i mustve hit a nerve there hehe

The Dayton Shooter Was A Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, And Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa


The garlic shooter was Iranian,Italian and had just posted in rembers of hes grandfather a shia extremist in full Muslim garb “Ali Asgar Vahabzdeh”. He also recent refers to white people as “twats”

The Walmart shooter was a registered democrat Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: who wanted Universal Income And Universal Healthcare

