School shootings keep happening because introverted...

school shootings keep happening because introverted, anti-social people are forced to constantly socialize people in an environment they're not comfortable in. they obviously won't be that good at socializing and it will lead to them getting bullied for being awkward and not fitting in. people should be trying to fix this problem instead of blaming it on guns or violent video games.

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politics know this and would fix it but that would mean they would have to do their job

On the contrary. School shootings are rising because we are preventing bullying. Today's school shooter was bullied into being normal back in the day, now they are actively encouraged to go down that dark path of non-conformity.

Either being bullied or being the bully is a natural part of growing up, and without it we get incels and mass shooters .

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This is the dumbest fucking take I have ever read.

prepare for your swirly, nerd

Mass shootings keep happening because our countries are being flooded with immigrants

People vote for candidates that promise no more immigrants and then nothing fucking happens.

Guess what? That's how you get war.

Government is a proxy for War.
When Government no longer functions for the Will of the People, The People have a right to abolish the Government.

So, expect more shootings if immigrants keep coming in.

The shooters should target politicians more. That's my only criticism.

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say hi to the secret service for me

Mass shootings are getting old, I can barely remember the names of them anymore. It's like Serial Killers peaked in the 70's and 80's and now you don't hear about new ones because it's just boring, it's been done.

Same with shootings now, the most famous ones are the trailblazers, Columbine first major school shooting, Elliot Rodger, first modern Incel shooter, Breivik first in Norway and to have explicitly pro-white views. The rest are just boring copycats and nobody ever respects them. People need to get over this boring OU routine.

In the case with the parkland shooting a while back this fits. That bald bitch admitted they bullied the kid because he was weird. Not saying they derseeved it, but surely had it coming. Just stop picking on people and stick to studying, fuck.