Gosh user your such a loser
Gosh user your such a loser
Just walk away cute animes before me and my camera start putting you in focus...
please help me i think my legs are broken i cant get up please call a doctor
I've seen this before
*picks up the phone*
moshi moshi user desu
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Yes pls give that back lol I need it
Herro you order prease?
P-proteb shab..
h-how many danbell?
yo bros i think we are insane
you're the insane one. and i'm not your bro, buddy
I think so too
smoke rises from the mountain of doom the hours grows late and gandalf the grey rides to isengard seeking my counsil
the left one has le boobies
I'm such a loser :(
Don't worry. The anines are only being le playful. Also nice dubsies.
So when do I grab the gun
bruh... :(
wtf unchecked trips
Yes. Yes I am a loser what gave it away?
the unfunny wojak meme was the first clue
the overused "yes i am a..." meme format was the second
Based and redditpilled
dumb frogposter
Sad samefag poster
bro you can pretend to be as ironic as you like your memes are wack
return to reddit please and thank you nobody likes redditors on Yea Forums
bro i'm gonna be serious with you here. your shit is wack you come here thinking your standard epic Yea Forums memes will get you anything but ridicule.
heckin wojak pepe le reddit come on now. you are like a stereotype of the run of the mill unoriginal newfriend but not even in an ironic parody kind of way.
bro your meme game is off the charts wack s*it but if you just play along and take notes you'll come around. it's never too late to improve.
this, it's just so cringy. the frogs and other unfunny old memes are an eyesore to look at and it's not nearly as epic as you no doubt think it is