Repost in light of recent events. Take a break from ylyl and trap porn and read. Download:

Repost in light of recent events. Take a break from ylyl and trap porn and read. Download:

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Project Chanology didn't work either

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can someone TL DR?

Race is real. Race is tied to IQ. The white race is responsible for all the innovations that created the modern world. The white race is going extinct. Media, government, and corporations are responsible. Those organizations are disproportionately staffed by Jews.

Is this the Christ Church guy????
Holy fuck he makes a lot of good points.

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Name one white euro invention that's positive

Internal combustion engine

You literally only have to name one, user

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November 4th USA only. This is prepurging still we need to clean the USA. Prepare your angus.

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le ebic russian shill thread

Go back and stay there

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That looks like Jordan Peele in drag.

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>disproportionately staffed by Jews

A group of people who, on average, possess notably higher IQs than Caucasians.
Someone's a little salty about being but in their place by a superior race, it seems.

This is gay. Ima jerk to it.

so cringe threads are still around nice

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Cant unsee LUL

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No this is another guy who wrote his own manifesto after the attack. I believe Christchurch is on encyclopedia dramatica
