Please stop shooting places up...

Please stop shooting places up, this literally did not happen until the liberals got more hardcore what the fuck is happening to my country

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a positive feedback loop. Each extreme side just fuels the opposite one to go even further. Shit is madness.

It sounds like you already answered your question. Cause and effect. Liberals got more hardcore across the board and now people are being pushed to the edge and eventually over their limits. It's like a kid that keeps being bullied until he either kills himself or he kills everyone that he feels hurt by.

just kill mexicans

True. Unfortunately this is normal human behaviour on both the micro and macro scale.

You can't just blame the left for being hardcore when literal NAZIS are coming back into fashion.

they're dead now so how they gonna get more hardcore?

I don't know why the people who go over the edge never go after the big shots that are pushing the agenda. Fuck mexicans, go for the ones pushing to let them all come in illegally.


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where has my country gone? it was literally here like 2 seconds ago

You don't even know what a literal Nazis is. They wanted to control the population through direct killings and control of reproduction. They also ran human experiments. Abortion is one of the current methods of control. The aborted tissue is then used for medical experiments. Children are being experimented on constantly now to change genders and play with hormones.

Have you checked behind the couch satan?

> President is Republican
> Senate is Republican
> Supreme Court is stacked conservative

**b...but the liberals are opwessing me!1!!**

Try harder, pussy.

Im watching this right now. It seems he was a white guy and killed his sister and her boyfriend in a nigger area. I wonder if the boyfriend was black

How am I supposed to feel safe buying guns when these liberal retards are out here shooting up WALMARTS

Nope. Nazi's used gas chambers and wanted to wipe out imperfection by "literally" killing large numbers of the population.

its not the liberals fault its all the maga lovers that cause this bullshit it was all fine till you trump humpers started to complain about guns

Sane man posting...

Attached: Trump Gets His Wall.jpg (377x336, 33K)

This x1000000

If there was no oppression, then there would be a wall along the border. Therefore, there is obviously oppression in effect. It is as simple as that.

nope not there. where could that darn thing be

Of course it is the liberals fault. You are just not educated enough to see it.

Sorry. What I meant was...people who are okay with fucking murdering people on a large scale because they are different. Do you fall into that category?

Yep. It won't stop till someone wins.

What does "got more hardcore" mean? making fun of retard Trump fans? Learn to cope with hurt feelings maybe?

fuck right off

too much effort to figure out who to target.

What a retard lol.

say no more

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Thats a liberal hairline if I have ever seen one

I just love how uneducated liberals are lol..
A trick on finding a liberal is the look for the use of the words "literal" or "literally" and the worse Nazi.
They simply don't study history or even watch history documentaries or else they would know what a Nazi wants.
The use of "literal" all the time shows that they are always blindsided by things because they never think ahead on anything. Ohh literally this and that as if metaphor was being over used.

Two right wing extremists murder dozens of innocent people and it’s the fault of liberals? You all are actually insane.

Whilst over here in Europe, we're laughing our asses off at America killing itself from within.

Nice work, Septics. Keep it up.

Liberals are pretty scary. Can't blame conservatives for being so scared.

This is true. They are always in a bad emotional state with depression and loneliness. They can't focus and think anymore.


stfu and drink your soy

Imagine being this retarded.

>everyone in America has a right to get a gun
>make it fucking easy for everyone ro buy a gun
>the bigger the gun, the better
>don't infringe my rights to buy a bazooka
>background checks are evil
>mental health services? Fuck that.
>shooting happens
>act shocked. SHOCKED!
>blame liberals for shooting


While you get fatter and lazier and your health plummets while another culture invades and takes over without care of your laws. Just like here in America! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black....

Yeah, it's the liberals that are causing the angry white incels to shoot places up. Maybe if those people weren't so damn shootable, you wouldn't have to shoot them.

Indeed. They need to drink that soy till their dicks retract into vaginas.

I was at a Trump rally and a liberal protester showed up. A bunch of my church group started pissing their pants and cowered around the exits in case the liberal turned hardcore on us.

All you have to do is stop pissing off the right. Pretty fucking simple dude..........

>iTs tEh lIBruLz huuUUUUUUUUUuuuuurrrrrRRRRrrr
no, no it's not. It's part and parcel of being American. Deal with it.

It’s white bois waking up they know the only future they have is to be a cuck or become a trap UwU

Europe looks to be over run with muslims. I think Ill take my chances in the US.

These are dumb ass whiten kids that don’t know shit about politics. Just fags that live in cest pools like /b

If girls would just be sluttier most of this would never happen. I mean seriously... does no one else notice this? Sex relieves everything and the violence would go way down.

>brings up race
>incel buzzword
you're argument is in valid

Attached: a69.png (680x651, 137K)

have sex

so apparently the shooter was killed within a minute of opening fire by police... so he killed 9 people and injured 16 in under a minute. The argument "hurr durr give more people guns to kill these terrorists" is now an instant loss in whichever debate its going to be used.

Exactly, the liberals have gotten too hardcore for us. What are we supposed to do but shoot people shopping? We are powerless otherwise.

Seriously???????? They should have crowded around the liberal and started piss on them.
Just soak them with urine. Everyone just act like they see nothing and the liberal is losing their mind lol

i fucking hate zoomers

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Yeah pissing someone off gives them the right to murder innocent people. You need therapy you fucking psycho

>don't trigger the hysterical crybabies with guns
glad I ain't American lol

The ones who profit most from cheap labor, like Trump?

True that. If they think this is all bad just wait till things get a lot worse. Those people won't be emotionally unbalanced fools like the ones doing shit now. :P

Mass shootings have been occurring since the 1920s. You can write a million words about the causes and be no closer to the truth. They will continue to happen and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Well liberals have gotten pretty hardcore, just like the OP said. We could wet ourselves but were powerless to their mildly angry rhetoric.

Do you support murdering people?

>extreme right wing terrorist attack happens
>quickly go to Yea Forums
>very serious voice:
The left are to blame for this

The right? Who said anything about rights? Liberals have you brainwashed on this idea of rights.
It is what will happen. It is already happening.
You can moan and groan about rights all day long and it won't stop some guy like that pulling the trigger.

Lmao yeah? What about Columbine, Sandy Hook, etc etc etc? What did they have to do with liberals? People will find their own reasons to justify their delusions. By trying to blame large groups of people you are not only unhelpful, but are actually making the problem worse

well they are?

But but but... but... rights and shit!! how can it happen when people got rights?? Liberals are so stupid.

Yeah what an oppressed little faggot you are, lmao kid

Libs are closer to "literal" nazis. Lol.

Kill yourself incel instead of a bunch of innocent people. Your mom will dance on your grave since she will no longer have a worthless retard for a son.

bunch of pussies... remember when people could commit suicide without trying to feel special? off yourselves and leave us alone cause if you take out someone i love, i will come for you, and if you pussied out im going after your family.. its time to start executing the families of the shooters to demotivate these little bitches

Nope, but I also don't support diseases and cancer. Doesn't mean it will stop anything and the idea of someone having or not having a right to anything at all is meaningless to some people and to diseases and to cancer. It is just going to happen.

I'm not sure what people expect. Of course impotent losers will be forced to shoot a bunch of people shopping. Liberals triggered them into it. They are powerless to overcome the mildly hostile rhetoric of the deranged left in any other way.

Who else has become totally numb to all of this shit? I live in the middle nowhere and carry a gun.

wait what, 3rd shooting? I was just 3 hours off the internet WTF America WTF

This is the only country this regularly happens in you fucking retard.

You forgot to notice the white board pointing out the liberal calls for violence along with that deep voice.

yeah those goddam hardcore liberals


are you psycho racist really this fcuking stupid?

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You just don't want a wall along the border sweetheart and your oppressing us by not letting us have it. ;)

thank you... not sure if people are baiting or not, but nobody in here seems to know what a liberal is...

He just keeps getting away with it.

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Right wing racist shoots a bunch of people.

>Blames liberals

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get owned you stupid republican nazi retard niggers

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>you’re argument
>in valid
>middle American education

2 or more things can be bad at the same time. stop antifa from being general dicks and hitting people with bike locks and we can try to stop mass shootings

:O wow

No. I choose what I want to do because of all of ma liberal rights. I encourage everyone to choose what they want to do in every scenario. No matter what is is.. it's their right to do so :)


No, it is not. You are simply uneducated. Communism tends to be pretty safe... perhaps if we change to the Chinese communist method.

>black people are 13% of population
>account for 50% of violent crimes

No. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do. Sorry?

You’re talking about a fringe group and you’re schizophrenic or a troll if you claim otherwise. /pol/ trolls talk tough but even 99% of them don’t actually want a genocide.

>Right-winger shoots up a Walmart
"It's duh libruls fault!!11"

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Just trying to stop potential future mass shooters. Get educated mouth breather.

Liberal's bully and torment others.

> Gets mad when someone fights back.

How come all the people with their guns don't stop these shooters?

This shit was in front of my house... wtf

Obvious liberal... you forgot to use the word "literally" a bunch of times too. Stop trying to take away people's right to do what they want.

There are plenty of people on this site who do support this. If you fail to see the problem, fuck off.

I apologize that I slap a generic term on violent xenophobic supporters.

The left sucks ass, I know. No one is rising above.

Million bucks says people are going to buy the shit out of guns and ammo out of fear of gun control. Im gonna buy a few hundred rounds

Very presidential, you have a bright future in politics.

An indian (feather not dot), a mexican, and a guy from El Paso are sitting around a campfire drinking booze.
The Mexican throws a bottle of Tequila up in the air and shoots it. The other two men look at him with suprise and ask why he did it. He simply replies, "it won't be missed. Hell, where I'm from there a Tequila bottles everywhere."
The indian man throws up his bottle bottle of whiskey, and shoots it as well. The other two men ask why he did it and he replies, "It won't be missed. Hell, where I'm from there are whiskey bottles everywhere."
The guy from El Paso throws a beer up in the air and shoots the mexican...

or wait, is now a bad time for this joke?

Liberals are pretty scary. They have become very "hardcore", just as OP stated. What choice do us impotent victims have to overcome the mildly angry rhetoric of the deranged left other than pissing ourselves or shooting value shoppers. We are out of other options.


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Nope, that is not cool. Not even the shooters over this weekend have indicated they want large numbers of people to die. A real Nazi though, they want to kill thousands or millions of people. That is one reason why a war was fought against real Nazi's.

You don’t have a right to do whatever you want. There are laws for all kinds of things. No need to be an entitled little twat, grow up

"value shoppers" lol.... ok you got me there :D

It all starts with education. Back in our dads’ day, kids would have to repeat grades if they failed. The standard was higher even if the actual information learned wasn’t modern (sciences, health class, etc.)

My gf worked in the writing center for my university and the shit she told me that students brought in was barely passable writing at an eighth grade level. Usually these kids went to shit local public schools and go to go to the uni for free. Seriously astounding stuff.

Social media is an echo chamber where idiots encourage miscreant behavior, misinformation festers and grows entirely unchecked and otherwise masks logic and reason by replacing it with useless celebrity news or polarizing “news” stories about nothing simply to fuel sensationalism.

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there is literally nobody else toe blame but donald trump the blood is on his small baby hands which he is so secure about literally this did not happen at all till donald trump was elected
>he called for violence against immigrants on fox news

Attached: GTY_donald_trump_ml_160304_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 48K)

I do see the problem. You fail to see that as long as we are human this problem will exist. I know you are distressed about what happened but humans can't be "fixed." They can only be changed. The left and the right both suck for real and we are all just stuck in the middle of it all.

Seriously, just shut up

Attached: alpha as fuk.jpg (1242x997, 196K)

That is my hero!! Such a calm and cool dude who made billions.. ma man..... lol

I like how in your joke a "guy" implies a white "normal" guy

>When stormfags stop spamming black cuck shit and go into full mass shooter damage control

You don't get to say what any one else's right is. People fight for their rights to do things.

Don't forget, women did not always have the right to vote. They had to fight for that right and they won. :)

But the shooter was white?

Sad ending tho, trying to hang yourself in jail while the world hates you. Not worth the good times.

Actually he self identifies as a male Antiguan Racer... perhaps it's your own image of him that implies anything...

>this literally did not happen until the liberals got more hardcore

it literally did

Europe isn't any better with all the rapes, stabbings and being run over by fucking vans on what's supposed to be a normal day.

You sir are a gentleman and seems to be well educated on number of things. I agree with you completely.

Now jump in this mosh pit and start going at it lol


No, I won't and no one else will.

Get over it little pumpkin. :)

Laws are laws faggot. You don’t have the right to steal shit, kill somebody, or assfuck your bf in Alabama. Get real bitchboi, you aren’t special

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Is it a new thing to call the left "uneducated" in a silly attempt to say "no u"? These are the people who have a higher proportion of college graduates and STEM careers.

I've seen a lot of insults thrown back and forth, but this one is particularly strange.

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Republicans are the problem. They’ve always been out for themselves. Most, if not all, are paid off by corporations who do severe damage to society relative to their peers.

I wonder how those idiots feel voting for Trump now. Yes daddy will bring back your jobs and make you get bigly amounts of money. Only thing he helped were the 1% by getting them tax cuts.

Congratulations you played yourself. Thought you were protecting your western Christian white race when all you did was get yourself fucked.

Ask Moscow Mitch if he cares about your freedom.

being this retarded

Yes, and now stormfags are on here covering for their alt-wite ideology and blaming "the left" when Dumpy has talked about a mexican invasion for years.

SOOO True... or at the fucking least make sure you finish the job. I'm betting someone else did it and tried to make it look like a suicide attempt. Similar to that one kid that came back from North Korea schreeching like an animal from brain damage.

The black cuck shit is getting kind of old............

Yes, the left is now uneducated and violent, the right triggered snowflakes. This is the new.

you act like 0.00000001% of people becoming mass shooters is an indication that something is happening to your country

there are always going to be the rare people deranged and resentful enough to do this no matter what is happening in your country, how about you stop giving them the power to off 50 people with an assault rifle on a whim?

That cartoon really opened my eyes. Soo...niggers built the country. Makes perfect sense. Picking cotton a few hundred years ago built a nation

You obviously agree that the laws preventing women and black people from voting were completely ethical. They were LAWS ya know.. :)

But you stopped talking stupid shit to play the "make me shut up" game. So I win.

>that spacing
This smells like a pasta. Fuck off shill

Lol it's not the liberals fault. It's not really the crazy conservatives either.

Regardless of (who fuckjng cares) who's fault it is? PLEASE STOP SHOOTING UP OUR GODDAMN COUNTRY

Hey now...... no one is allowed to use the real definition of "literally" around here..

What a bunch of losers

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all I see when I look at this photo is your tiny cock

Whats a stormfag?

Nice cartoon.... unfortunately liberals don't think the white guy should help the black one up. They think the white guy should jump down and suck the black guy off and give him everything he has then lie down and let the black man climb up over his dead body. lol

this cartoon never establishes that racism occurred, objectively proving that liberals are just virtue signaling, thanks fam

stormfront is a white supremacist forum

By the way, if I think I have the right to steal your shit then I just will do it. What are you going to do about it? Huh? Gonna stop me with your big guns? Oh wait... I guess you won't stop me :)

Here they are in their natural habitat.

Attached: masterrace.jpg (620x350, 63K)

I must’ve forgotten the part where women murdered hundreds in their quest for legal justice. Good point user.

I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this.

You guys just don't understand that some decisions are ones based on the least of two bad options.

here kitty kitty come take the bait

Attached: treats for the beast.jpg (1500x1500, 304K)

What do liberals have to do with trumptards going nigger on people?

Is that a fucking speedo? Lmao

I'll add "retarded" to the list. Such a bad liberal running around calling people such bad things. You might shame some little autistic child but you don't really care about them. hehe

Is that a tiger mask or something?

This is stupid. People like you area danger to society

Have any of them actually succeeded in killing "50" people or anywhere close? If you can't use the real numbers then you are just making shit up because you are emotional.

Damn he fbi should be kicking down your door

Going to walmart this afternoon?

Option 1: More mexicans
Option 2: Dumpy stoking hate, mass shootings, and Moscow Mitch fucking over democracy to stay in power

I see you've already forgotten las vegas

Yes you did miss that part. The FACT is that if someone thinks they have a right to something, no law is going to stop them. It's been proven again this weekend.

>did not happend
You can kill a lot people while going postal without guns. And boy people did in your country.
But we won't forget all these mass shootings from 1920 onward.

And those don't show all those shool shootings.

Have a nice day in the country of the mad.

good god emperor trump rules for another thousand years

NO I WIN UHHHGGGG lol good game

and orlando just a year before that

Libs are acting like right wing crazy people shooting up places and get to get guns banned. Wake up. Its just like the Vegas shooting that they want talk about anymore.

That fat trash can will be lucky to make it to 2020.

Probably the most sane thing on this thread so far

no me

stay mad liberal

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You sound really dumb. You need to get the facts yourself

What the fuck are you trying to say Ivan? That shit makes no sense.

Oh lordy lordy... option 2 please. Thank you for letting me exercise my rights. :)

Who's mad again incel?

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you stupid tribalists conceived in echo chambers ever thought about blaming individuals for their actions?

What? What happened in vegas?

>Blaming liberals for the actions of non-liberals

You just proved that you have bad taste.

Huh? What? What happened in orlando?

Dude, your options are cum on the left sock or cum on the right.

A democrat voting jew

yes keep taking the bait hngggggg

58 people shot dead by one man
49 people shot dead by one man

We did, but we concluded that kind of thing doesn't help our cause.

Why let a crisis go to waste?

>You don't even know what a literal Nazis is. They wanted to control the population through direct killings and control of reproduction. They also ran human experiments. Abortion is one of the current methods of control. The aborted tissue is then used for medical experiments. Children are being experimented on constantly now to change genders and play with hormones.

Anti-choicers are attempting to control reproduction by forcing women into giving birth. Also, your weak attempt to qualify by saying "direct" killings enables bad faith politicians to continue their violent and race-laced tirades against others, inviting them to murder people.

Get your head out of your ass and stop listening to the echos of your own farts. It's not the "evil leftists" ruining your shit.

no u

Then why is that number not as high every time then? Don't forget to use your math and science lil one.

Actually I use the garbage can thank you very much. lol

Cesar send bombs.

Americans are stupid.

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Look at the white progressive incel mad that chad trump is going to be in the White House again. What are you going to do? Kill more people in protest? Lmao. Be mad puto white progressive incel.

>when someone calls you incel and you respond like its your name

okay daddi c;

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Why is dumbass famous again?

Typical conservative nut jobs here, blame liberals for alt right nut jobs shooting shit up.

Alt right neck beard basement dwellers afraid of women are the fucking most fragile little snow flakes on the planet.

Grow some balls you fucking alt right trash and learn how to fucking live in a society

>Europe looks to be over run with muslims. I think Ill take my chances in the US.

And yet when groups of Cons show up at a liberal rally, they're escorted out despite being the pro-gun team.

Projection is a hell of a drug.

Wow those guys must have had mad skills in video games ahead of those! If only they had made youtube videos to teach the rest of us then we could all be better at video games. siiiggghhhh........

They chose the wrong option.

Hopefully Biden can clean up this mess because Trump is never getting re-elected.

It is, though. Look at other countries like New Zealand and how low the crime is.

Cho Seung-hui killed 32 people at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 2007 using two handguns.

Yes, you are. Be mad white progressive. You're probably planning to shoot up more people and pretend to be a right winger like you putos usually do. I mean, you putos pretend to be nazis to fool people into believing it's the right, online.

So angry.

What ever you are trying here doesn't work. You just sound pathetic. Maybe add some subtlety or try to be clever. This is just about your posting style, I don't care about whatever message you are trying to convey.

Cause and effect. Islamophobes got more hardcore across the board and now muslims are being pushed to the edge and eventually over their limits. It's like a kid that keeps being bullied until he either kills himself or he kills everyone that he feels hurt by.

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How do you stop it? I'd love to know.

Yes you are. That's why you commit mass shootings ha ha. Be mad, puto white progressive.

The Nazi's did not try to control reproduction by forcing women to give birth.

The Nazi's really did kill huge numbers in a very real way.

Therefore the use of Nazi's by liberal's is complete bullshit and is used to stir up emotions.

Go ahead, say the typical liberal garbage by mixing together the words (Nazi, literal, literally, retarded, etc) because you have been brainwashed with them.

no u

Pretty sure the line of thinking for the magats is "if I can't get my way I'll kill people and it will be your fault" it's like a boyfriend beat his girlfriend while yelling "look what you made me do"

Be mad white progressive. Look at you, trying to tell people what do to. You white progressives just cant help it huh? You need to control everything in life. What a little fascist at heart.

The nazis had aryan breeding farms. The blonde chick from ABBA was the product of one of those places.

I bet he will..... :) Everyone will need to dig out those old You mad bro? meme's soon enough

>being this new
>not understanding satire

Be mad, white progressive incel. Dont you have another feminist to rape?

>crying this hard

Attached: keep crying bitch.jpg (480x360, 16K)

I was offering you solid advice. A simple thank you would have been nice.


They don't know, they can only see 6 inches in front of their face. They deserve to live in a place like china.

Looks like every white progressive incel I see. I'll go spit on one in your name :)

White progressive incels arent capable of giving advice. You're only capable of rape and racism

Man Im honestly a bit scared. Are they coming for us all now?

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Dude.... seriously? She's pretty fucking hot... what were we thinking when we blew everything up over there!??! damnit...

>implying the poor black people built the country
MISSING: Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, Natives

Yupp, exactly what I say whenever a white progressive virtue signals.

The left can force Obamacare on everyone but can't be bothered to pass common sense gun control.

You're denying that slave labour was crucial to the USA's development?

After the last big public 'mass shooting' Trump and his cronies banned bump stocks.

What do you think he's going for with this latest staged event?

But I just gave you advice. You are not even reading along.

PROTIP: He's a nazi. So is this guy. These are your compatriots.

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WELLLLLLLLL guys this was a good thread.

I'd like the thank both right and left wings for helping to hammer out violence through text on a screen instead of shooting up places like a prick.

I'll be looking for you all in a thread in the near future!!

Sorry, you gave no advice. You're only capable of rape and racism. I'll say thank you for not killing me today, white progressive. Let me give you advice, next time, invest in a punching bag so you dont rage out and kill and rape a bunch of people? You're welcome :)

>blaming liberals for conservative nationalist violence

That is some Olympics level mental gymnastics. You sir are a fucking champion, thank you! WHEW fucking LAD.

Attached: kek.jpg (496x598, 46K)

I'm sorry, I'm not a white progressive. That's your best buddy. Sorry. :)

Banning incels?

Can't tell if right wing trolling or if you actually think this is how things work.

Gayest shit ever you need mental help

I think we came together and came up with some pretty solid solutions to the challenges facing this country. God speed.

atleast its just cloudy in chicago

As if you magats don't get off controlling people. Women can't control their own bodies, gays can't get married, I can't even look at the money in my pocket without being reminded of some fake deity.

By being a democrat? It’s not complicated. The next election it’s clear Biden will be President. Or at least he’s leading far ahead other candidates.

Then get rid of the Republicans you have in place who are traitors and undermine the greater good and our freedoms for their own greed like Moscow Mitch.

Denying climate change? Standing in the way of securing our future elections? Allowing Russia to rape the country?

I STILL see Republicans crying about Clinton’s emails as if the fucking President of your fucking country isn’t a Russian agent. Republicans are either in denial or pure evil. Trump sure did drain the swamp. Apparently the swamp meant anyone that cares about America.

That actually is a good idea

No problem, any time!

Now to go back to not caring about the shooting and partaking in one of many decadences such as binge eating, drinking, Netflix/Prime series, porn and vidya.

Yay society!!!

I dont wanna get shot by glowniggers where should I move

>I'm sorry, I'm not a white progressive
Thanks for the apology. But simply stopping being a complete racist shitbag would help too.

>this literally did not happen until the liberals got more hardcore
this has been happening since automatic rifles/pistols were invented and americans decided that letting every single psycho in the country have as many guns and bullets as they want is more important than saying "you, a civvie, do not need military hardware. shoot your bolt-action rifle at a deer or a target and fuck off elsewise."

Nice salad LOL

Incels think it is a great idea, because they can't get laid otherwise.

People just really hate mondays

White progressive incels butt raped myself and my cousin, Maury, and where were the libtards when it came time to hold them accountable?

There would be no incels allowed. It was all about superior genes.

Sounds like projection. The right isnt trying to control the way people think and isnt trying to force their agendas starting in elementary schools. Gays can get married. No one on the right cares about taking that away. Women dont get the right to choose what to do with my life. My life my choice. I dont want to be reminded every time I reach into my pockets of how much of my money puto white progressives steal from me and make my communities have a harder time making a comfortable life meanwhile you white progressives act like you're for us LOL. Get over yourself, white progressive. We see who the real racists are and its not the MAGA hats

But it's Sunddaaaaaaaay what the fucks gonna happen tomorrow any tips??/

incels must all be absolute retards. manipulating women isn't hard

>superior genes

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Sorry, as a nonwhite, I cant be racist, according to you white progressives(even though I'm not racist and that shit is retarded). How about you stop killing people and stop hiding your racism and stopping that shit altogether.

Well you certainly write like a nigger. I'm convinced.

Awe yes because normal productive members of society like you spend their time coming here to berate loser right?

Are you implying that it's bad being nonwhite? Imagine my shock when a white progressive is racist HA Ha

>one side wants health care for all
>the other side wants to deport all brown people

muh both sides

hope she's okay

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You know all the recent mass shooters are right wing and belong to q user right? This is what the great leader Trump wants, go forth and shoot libtards for him.

Imagine my shock when a white progressive finally reveals his true racist self. Thanks for proving trump supporters arent racist :)

>Stop trying to take away people's right to do what they want.

oh man wait till you find out what the republicans have been doing!

Another white progressive lie.

>mfw "liberals" are both limp wristed cucks and scary millitant fighters who is genociding the mayos

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Why is every shooter an incel? Can't get laid, gets bullied, men don't like them, women don't like them. Finally has enough of his shitty life and shoots up a place wearing a maga hat, the literal iconic badge of the incel.

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woAH Man so bad ass!!!!

not the same poster dimwatt. also I'm not white.

If you aren't against fascism you are, by the definition of fascism, for it.

No they just mass shitpost about how the left is evil on every occasion they get , much more refined propaganda technique, very 21st century if i may say so myself

Man..... Im losing faith in humanity. We really are all becoming dumb niggers

It is puto white progressive Trump supporters libtards you frog sniffer.

Me too i am green with star shapped nipples !

He killed his own sister? Was it on purpose?

Sure, white progressive :). The left are all racist :)

Rather take a shitposter than a white progressive who actually goes around killing and raping people :). Stupid racist incel white progressive :)

Of course a puto white progressive Trump supporter would say this. Racist lefty Trump cuck.

blame religion

Situation 1:
>country founded on extremist religious views
>shames women into being subservient dogs and shames them for having sex
>due to slut shaming, women repress sex publicly and only allow aggressive chads to have their bodies
>insecure, beta males unable to get the women to break their meagerness due to public shaming are thus unable to get laid
>insecure betas blame the world for not being able to get laid and become hateful shooters

Situation 2:
>country founded on extremist religious views
>extremist religion paints picture of a white jesus and thus white superiority
>religion shames education because it puts cracks in the foundation of what theyre teaching and the power they have over people
>due to poor education, cletus is raised in an ignorant low iq environment where he thinks all of his problems are because of someone that looks different from him
>cletus remains surrounded by likeminded cavemen continually perpetuating the idea that anything different is bad(classic caveman survival mentality)
>cletus finally breaks and shoots

Situation 3:
>religion denies mental health exists and that god can fix everything. Also claims doctors and mental health studies are evil
>in a purely religious move, regan shuts down mental health clinics and mental health care goes down toilet
>fast forward to today, mentally ill people are treated equally due to snowflake agenda and allowed to move around in society like nothing is wrong
>mentally ill snaps and shoots people.
>thoughts and prayers ensue instead of solving mental health problem

It all stems from low education and poor healthcare. america is a complete fucking joke of a country with the worst running government in a first world country. they dont give a flying fuck about public safety, because each mass shooting helps them push their political and religious agendas

god will not save you. education will

Rape some more babies puto white progressive cuck.

not to interrupt but you sound pretty unhinged bro


You are a right winger aoc supporter! Racist!

White progressives are pretty unhinged. That's why they kill and rape people and harass nonwhites :)

Unhinged like a puto white progressive Trump supporting frog sniffing baby killer rapist? Look in the mirror.

so when there were mass shootings during Obama's presidency they weren't Nazi's but trump being president makes them Nazi's? God damn the left are brain dead.

Says the puto white progressive libtard AOC supporting trolly.

Fuck you puto nazi right wing aoc supporter cuck! Racist!

Says the puta right winger nazi illhan omar supporting cuck

You Pelosi loving AOC hating puto white progressive baby raper, you better look in the friog sniffing mirror and reflect.

seems like neither of you meditate or get laid. Have you guys read niel strauss? the theory is ultra expandable and still works. I guess it's not easy for dumb ppl tho

has anyone seen my friend Joe?

has anyone seen my friend joe ?

8======D '' :,)

Joe? Anyone?

Why dont you hang more people you Republican conservative progressive feminist pussy cuck rape shit brown skin shitskin and cope!

Strauss is a puto white progressive Trump supporting cuck clinger. Get bent mass shooter apologizer.

Has anybody seen my friend joe ?

Suck me baby

>one side wants to force others to pay for their poor decisions
>one side wants open borders on the dime of whites
>one side wants to get rid of the first two amendments

>one side wants to live on their own with their own kind

I am laughing at the fact that people have been defending guns for years but when the time comes to actually use them, you fucking faggot Americans just run and cry online. You're a fucking disgrace, no wonder you're not at the top anymore

this but unironically

I'm looking for Joe???

wow you showed him


How progressive of you white incel baby loving Trump supporting frog sniffer. Suicide is a sin puto.

please can somebody help me find my friend joe ?

"no wonder you're not at the top anymore"
says who?


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Pipe down puto white progressive incel.

Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers

joe mama

404 time faggots

You mean puto white progressive incel Joe. Enenmy of the people> Trump loving AOC apologist?

It is honestly sad, situations like this were what our founding fathers were talking about. Not just to hold on to a gun because it looks cool. I hate my country.

OP here twas a good shitpost

How many muslims were raping your mom/son/wife/sister and filled them with septic jizz why you typed that comment. Europe has become a toilet bowl.

Gettin there puto white progressive incel friend, getting there.

cheers to a good fucking shitpost

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This was literally the only thing I was thinking about when it was happening. Amerimutts boast about how fucking sacred and protective guns are but they literally just all caps raged in twitter instead. They're a putrid nation

puto white progressive incel?

harsh but tru

I have never wanted to leave my country more than after today honestly

wise but puto white progressive incelish.

Not supporting same sex marriage isn't the same as wanting to take it away. Nice bait.

Pro choice is a sham. You dont own another humans life. You dont have the right to my life. Neither did my mother. Fuck your body when it's my body you're throwing away.

Regulations doesnt do much to change climate change and its just another excuse to tax us more. More white progressive nonsense that helps noone

I can picture the mutt rolling around in his walmart car holding his little AR crying out muh amendments but then when people start dropping dead all around him he pulls out his phone and starts quoting the shooter to spread his word

How racist and sexist of you, republican Bernie sander loving racist cuck. You and AOC are NAZIS

Exactly, puto white progressive nonsense. Shooting value shoppers randomly is the only way to learn them and learn them good. Great minds think alike brother.

this tbh

Incel Starter pack 2.0


Found the Trump loving libtard puto white progressive incel nazi.

>tfw not American

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fucking kek

this whole thread is a shitshow

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Found the Ameritard puto white progressive Trump apologist.

Found the American

that was the point