Ok weird story thread:

Ok weird story thread:
>Be me
> 13 years old In Bedroom
> Dad Comes In saying I need to tell my brother I am sorry
> Tell brother I hate him
> Dad tells me Im a spoilt brat who is better off dead
> I tell him to die in a hole
> Brother tells me He wants to be friends with me
> I tell him "Is This a trick?"
> Brother says Its not a trick
> I trust him
> Dude tricked me into admitting I was a fag on youtube live
> Everyone on youtube commented saying I should kill myself because I said that
> Everyone laughed at me
> Everyone at school called me gay and faggot
> Had to transfer school because It got so bad
> Dude still has that video saved on his laptop of me saying that

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Fucking kill him user

I cant dude transferred schools right after this shit happened


How did he trick you into admitting you're a faggot?... i feel like anyone would be able to see what's going on...

He promised me a copy of his phil of the future game If I admitted That I was a faggot

You can barely tell a story. Kill yourself, not your brother.

My brother is not a good person ,
He tried to get my parents to send me to africa

Is your brother the Devil ?

kek wtf


post the vid faggot

He was adopted because he killed his parents

That's all...??

Ok heres another weird story:
> Be Me
> Watching TV
> Brother walks in saying he wants to talk
> Brother says I should watch A DVD with him
> I tell him I dont want to
> He gets mad and starts talking in spanish
> Tell him to fuck off
> He gets mad and hits me
> Mom tells him off
> I stick my tongue out at him
> He crys and goes to his room
>I laugh while watching my favorite cartoon on cartoon network
> Dude tells me hes sorry
> wait for him to say sorry to my mom
> mom comes back
> brother tells sorry to mom
> mom and me eat ice cream while he is crying because I told him to fuck off

The video was given to a boy who was in a wheelchair and he wont let me have it

wait? so it was given to you?

are you 6 years old?

Yes the video was given to me but my mom convinced me I should give it to the wheelchair kid who would like it more than me because he has no friends or any family members

I Was 6 years old when it happened

so many wats

Oh yes here's another weird story I remember:
> Be Me
> 13 years old
> Mom says If I open the door I will get a surprise
> Opens door
> Its my brother dressed up as a clown
> He says He wants to watch a DVD at his place
> Says Its A movie about 2 guys doing it
> I asked him why 2 guys were doing it
> He didn't say
> I followed him to his place
> He puts on the DVD in his dvd player
> It starts out ok
> Guys start making out
> Its not too bad
> Guy takes off pants to show dick
> I freak out and turn it off
> My brother thinks that its funny
> I break the disc because I freaked out
> Brother gets mad and tells me to leave
> I run out back to my mom screaming
> My brother tells me I am a faggot
> Wheel chair kid said I was a loser
> mom said she loves me
> Hug my mom

i don't even

Attached: facepalm.jpg (413x600, 27K)

Another weird story:
> Go back to school
> brother says It would be funny to bring a fake gun to school
> tell him that it wouldn't be funny
> He still brings the fake gun to school anyway
> Friends think my brother is carrying a real gun
> try to explain to them that it was a joke
> they ignore me and freak out
> teacher gets told my brother is holding a gun
> kids and teacher blame me and not my brother
> parents actually thought I told my brother to shoot up the school
> what

Dude, what the fuck it's wrong with u and ur family

don't stop now. also, are you and or your brother mentally handicapped, no offense. that's a perfectly normal question

Who the fuck is the weelchair kid?

Ok heres another weird story:
> Be Me
> 13 years old
> tell brother it would be funny to blow up the school
> brother says its not funny
> next day to school
> I see brother holding a bomb
> brother says its a fake bomb
> tell brother to put the bomb in his bag
so he dosent get in trouble
> he takes out the bomb and says I should take it
> takes it only so he dosent get in trouble
> teacher found i had a bomb in my bag
> parents had to make up a fake story to the principal "i had a bad childhood and was in a gang and was suicidal" to convince him not to throw me out"
> brother laughs at me
> i tell him he should kill himself
> brother says I am a bad person
> tell him he was the one who brought the bomb to school
> brother laughs at me the rest of the week

Wheelchair kid was a neighbour I used to play video games at his house every Friday night

No we just got in trouble for doing stupid shit

I had a bad childhood

Another weird story:
> Be Me
> Brought a knife to school building
> Parents dont know I had it on me
> brother knows i have it but cant tell them cuz i blackmailed him with pics of him naked
> brother trys to tell the teachers
> tell brother if he dosent shut the fuck up
i will show the pictures of him naked to the teachers
> kids freak out when i show the pictures of him naked to them
> dude finally tells the teacher
> teacher takes the knife off me
> brother takes the pictures off the kids
and tells them their dirty for looking at the naked pictures of him
> laugh at him for the rest of the day
> one of the kids passed out because i showed the naked pics of my brothers to him
> girl told her mom shes a lesbian
> I got told off
> parents never FOUND OUT
> Brother didnt tell anyone about it

the joke is you and your brother are the janitors in a primary school, right?

Another weird story:
> Brother tells everyone at school im gay
> Boy I had a crush on says He thinks im ugly
> I tell him to kill himself
> Brother says I shouldn't taunt him
> I tell brother that Its fun
> brother and me both taunt him
> teacher comes in and sees us
> we both run out but principal already called my parents to come get me
> brother still got to hang out with the kid I had crush on
> brother almost got put into prison because he was diddling kids

Well there was this dude who kept talking shit about me and my brother that we were both homo sexuals and were secretly 30 year old janitors even though it was a load of bullshit

Another weird story
> Be 8 years old
> Brother tells me I should take my clothes off
> I ask him why
> He says It will be fun
> Takes clothes off
> He starts feeling my penis
> I tell him It makes me uncomfortable
> Brother has a erection
> Tell him I don't want to do homosexual activitys with him
> Run out room to mom
> Brother gets told off by mom
> Brother says I should have let him fuck me
> I don't know what he meant
> I asked him
> He just told me to fuck off
> I couldn't sleep
> Some idiot said I should hang myself
> all the 8 year old boys at my school said I was gay for doing homosexual things with my brother
> Everyone at school said I should slit my arms
in the playground
> Tell them to kill themselves
> Mom had to wear sunglasses that day because the kids called her a faggot
> Mom pretend she cannot hear it
> Told mom why the kids at that school were being assholes
> Mom said that some kids are retards who never learn
>Asked mom what retard means
> Mom said "A retard is somebody like your brother"
>Next day to school
> Kid That bullied me Said Sorry
> A second later he Said I was a faggot
> Mom Just let the kid bully me
> Kid eventually got excluded for bullying me
> Kid told the parents I was gay

>he tried to get my parents to send me to Africa

user, what the fuck

Another weird story
> Brother says I should hang myself
> I ask him why
> He says It would help the enviroment
> I ask him why he dosent hang himself
> Says He is not helping the enviroment
> Brother says Im a waste of oxygen
> I tell him to get a life
> Brother says He has a girlfriend
> I tell him he is making up bullshit
> Brother hits me in the face and knocks me out
> Brother said He liked playing with my penis when I was unconsious
> he said It tasted like warm milk out of a cow
> tell me parents what he did
> He never gets told off cuz my parents thought he was a waste of oxygen
> Told my dad why my brother is not allowed to be with me anymore
> Dad says Its Homosexual
> I ask him why its homosexual
> Dad dosent say anything
> Go on google to look it up
> Turns out it means 2 guys fucking each other
> Next day Ask my brother if he wants to fuck me
> brother says its gay
> brother denys he ever fucked me when i was unconsious
> Dad says its gay

Yeah he tried to convince my parents that I would be better off living without them

>be me
>be 7.5 years old
>tell mom i need to shit and piss and cum
>tell toilet is faggot
>sit down on my porcelain throne with my >tendies
>eat tendies while shitting
>realise no hunny mussy
>flush tendies down toilet
>water rises as tendies clog drain
>flush again while sat on toilet
>because water is so high dick gets sucked
>into toilet
>mom has left for hunny mussy so cant help
>open laptop and discord connect Adolf Stalin
>he comes and sucks my balls till my penis
>shrivells and is removed from toilet
>mom comes back and i explain situation
>share hunny mussy with Adolf Stalin as an
>eternal thankyou

Another weird story:
> Be Me
> 13 years old
> Brother walks me to school on first day
> Brother says I need to man up and stop acting like a gay kid
> I ask him who is gay
> He says those kids who hang at skateparks
> I ask him why its gay
> He says its because kids do homosexual things
> I ask him what homosexual means
> Homosexual means when 2 guys fuck each other
> Ask him why I cant fuck them up
> my brother actually thought i said fuck them in the butt
> Teacher thought I was going to rape the skateboard kids
> Got sent home
> Next day Every teacher and student told me I was a faggot
> Everyone at that school made up a rumour that I cut myself because I was raped by a skateboard boy
> Girls thought it was cool that I was suicidal
> Boys didn't care
>Girls dumped their boyfriends to hang out with me everyday
> Eventually became coolest kid in school
> One day all girls dumped me because of this hot new kid at school
>Boy was actually a teacher but kids still wanted him
> Told the teacher he was a faggot for stealing my girlfriends
> He said I was an idiot for thinking I was clever
> Dude gets out a laser gun and says he will shoot me unless I call myself a faggot
> call myself a faggot in front of all my girlfriends
> A day later one of the girls says she is going to kill the hot new teacher
> All the ugly girls gang up against him to kill him
> school had to be closed for 5 weeks because the ugly girls smeared their shit on the walls of every classroom
>Most of the students got replaced by Mexicans or niggers
> Was the only white boy at that school
>Everyone made fun of me
>Told myself I would make it through the rest of the year without hurting myself
>One of the Asian girls called me fat because she thought I was weird
> Black boy said I was cute So I told him to fuck off
> parents heard me say that and told me TO fuck off
> Told the parents to shove a penis up their asses

>His parents said I was a faggot
> black man hits me
> tell him hes a bully
>eventually be the last kid to transfer schools
>the end

Another weird story:
> Be Me
> Brother says I need to wear cooler clothes because I look like a faggot
> Says I should wear a dress
and a fake ponytail
> Ask him why He wants me to look like a girl
> Says it cute
>Boy says Im cute
>Tell him Im a male
>boy is retarded and thinks im a female
> Brother says He has a weird fetish for making boys look like girls
>I ask him why He likes making people suffer
> says its fun
> Brother tells the girls im a boy
> Girls laugh at me and call me a faggot
> Go Home and watch TV laughing my head off
>Girls all say Im a loser who should off himself in the girls toilets
> actually try to do it
> girls scream cuz im a boy
> girls tell teachers i was in there
> only 1 teacher believed her
> everyone else believed me
> never got in trouble that day
>went home laughing my fucking head off

lol, you deserved it you little naughty, slutty, faggy shota

No I didn't deserve to be treated like a faggot by my brother who is a bigger faggot than me

Rape his tight shota butt to show dominance

>qt I wanted to marry and have a family with broke up with me in college
>she thought she could do better
>we are now in our 30's
>I got a decent job and a family now
>she's still unmarried and working a shit job

everything worked out ok. I still like to facebook stalk her and her awful mom. I enjoy seeing her still desperately trying to be 'discovered' in instagram and her mom taking up stupid hobbies to deal with the fact she won't have grandchildren, and that her daughter didn't end up famous and marrying someone famous like God told her she would.

Another weird story:
> Be Me
> 13 years old
> Boy said If I come to his house
he will be my slave and do whatever i says
> Tell him he needs to pay me
> pays me 50 dollars
> His mom laughs at the fact im gay
> Tell his mom that shes an idiot
> Bitch just stares at me like im not a human
> Tell her shes creepy
>Boy says He hates me
>Turns out they wanted me to
make porn
>I tell them their degenerates for wanting to use me for their dirty needs
> Brother tells me that he was fucked by that boys mom
> accidently touch her pussy
> police try to arrest me
>i laughed my head off
>brother says you shouldnt try to make people you dont know your slave

Another weird story:
> Be Me
> Mom says I should talk to the kid who lives next to my house
> Tell her I dont like him
> Mom forces me to say Hi to the new kid
> Boy instantly looks at me and Im thinking what the fuck
> boy hides behind his mom
> tell boy to fuck off
> A day later they move away
> Boy tells me hes gay
> Tell him to fuck off
>Boy says im ugly
> Tell him hes a loser
>He calls me fat and a weirdo
> Tell him he needs to stop acting like a dumbass
>His mom says IM A cunt for wanting to suck his dick
> Boy says He wont let me suck his dick
>His mom throws a rock at my face
> tell my mom what his mom did
> mom says he didn't throw a rock at me
> tell my parents that my neighbours are psychopaths and they all need to fucking die
> mom says she will kick me out if I don't shut up
> got sent to my room
>had to watch tv to get my mind off it
>Had to tell the kid i was sorry
>his mom threw a rock at me when my mom was in front of her
> she said My mom was a fucking bitch
> Told his mom that she was a bitch cuz she was rude and that was was a homophobic piece of shit who raised a piece of shit son
>Day later they move away