>both had brown eyes
brown eyed people need to be locked up. they are violent and clearly not human
Both had brown eyes
Other urls found in this thread:
those plump lower lips, those noses,
>kike noses
>concentrating on eyes
faggot, stop eye gazing and pay attention to what actually matters. not this divide and separate bullshit
t. assblasted brown eyed subhuman mutt
hitler didn't even care about that. you are buying into kike propaganda. it's sad. he allied the muslims and itis and japs. it's literally how today they try to claim trump is racist yet he has done more for blacks than any lib in the history of this country.
>assblasted kike mind slave unironically nazi wannabe
you'd have been in the concentration camps as well , heeb. you disgrace the good name of hitler with your asinine bullshit.
brown eyed subhuman mutts detected
dayton shooter had blue eyes, what now?
>uneducated white nigger kike mindslave detected
how about you kill yourself, heeb
nope. source: your ass
says the shitskin subhuman
People with autism are all future shooters
or you could find it out for yourself, the name has been released
lol okay heeb
>if literal nazi you are a subhuman indoctrinated by the kikes
>if kike larping i'd have a little more respect for you because then your retardation actually makes sense.
no self respecting nazi believes any of the kike lies about ww2.
if you have brown eyes you are not white. you are a shitskin. go live with niggers like the subhuman monkey you are. brown eyed people are not human beings
guess again
>completely side stepping the fact you're 2d retarded and on another level of indoctrination from the kikes to believe the things you're spewing
>buying into the kike's divide and conquer when there is enough obvious racial tension between actual niggers, kikes, islamists, spics in the country
you're a disgrace to the fuehrer.
>implying all the Jews murdered were in chambers. get fucked you idiot.
Whether 6M were actually killed or not is sort of irrelevant. The point was, the nazis has an extermination program and they carried it out. I should know, my grandparents were survivors of the holocaust and they saw first hand what happened to their families. My grandfather lost his wife and children and had to restart is life all over again after the war. Grandmother and her sister were the only ones that survived in their family.
not him
the Holocaust is a hoax and you're a liar
>MuH 6 GOrrILliAn
and these? you pathetic heeb? how do you defend these lies?
care to make a wager on it?
eat shit you pathetic heeb
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
no u
He looks like the kind of faggot you’d find at Best Buy
Like I said, the 6M number doesn't really matter. It's like when the liberal media claims there are only 10M illegal aliens in the USA when we fully know there are probably at least triple that number. The point was, the Nazis definitely had an extermination program and they definitely wanted to eliminate the race. At their very best, they locked up the jews and raised them like cattle but abused them to the point of starvation. At their worst, they tortured and killed the Jews and other undesirables.
It's amusing to see so many people here deny what the Nazis did and at the same time believe the Jews deserved it if it did happen which they'll quickly deny that it happened.
Why do you even shitpost in threads that you know are only going to be full of triggered liberals that are definitely not going to believe your holocaust denials.
Go bring this peddled filth to /pol/ where people might actually sympathize with your mental disorder.
lol okay heeb
Thats hashtag crazy i cant believe the hashtag garlic shooter and the hashtag el paso shooter look so similar
This guy doesn’t understand and how chemistry works
The Holocaust is a lie. Even Jew David Cole knows it's a lie.
>the irony is palpable
lol okay heeb
You can get literally every Jew in the world to say the Holocaust was a lie, but it certainly wasn't for my grandparents. Get fucked you idiot.
You’re grandparents our LARPing lying faggots, whomst razed a bunch of faggots like you.
Lincoln was a lib, freed the blacks. KYS
your grandparents are liars. they might have been in camps and died of starvation but nobody was gassed
This seems to keep happening a lot. So many coincidence false flags. CIA, NSA, FBI involved in these domestic terror attacks.
whats it like to be a brainwashed retardican?
for what reasons
research is hard right :( poor little feller.
>actually implying slaves were set free for the good of the slaves
that's why they were treated so well all the way up till the turn of the century and libs didn't create the kkk to retaliate lol why don't you look up old liberal political posters before you try spewing indoctrinated "facts" from your kike taught mouth
cuck nigger lover
>says the brainwashed retarded heeb
>being 2d retarded
>a country (german) fighting on 2 fronts with destroyed and sabotaged supply lines
>do you feed your military/civilians or the war criminals in camps
Geeee i wonder why it turned out as bad as it did for the jews with allied "help"
Grandmother was on the run along with her sister. did not go in a camp because she escaped. Grandfather was in a camp as a cobbler. Both lost their families. Look, if someone could manage to find their "lost families" I'd be grateful but given the circumstances of what happened, it's not likely to happen.
I want you to explain to me why you're obsessed with proving the point that the Holocaust did not happen. How does the holocaust happening or not happening affect you?
Awesome gish gallop and word salad. You must be a real cut-up at the halfway house.
>being this much of a retarded heeb
>initially says lib lincoln freed niggers for their sake
>HuRrR niGgER lOVeR
just because i know history doesn't mean i like niggers. just means i'm actually educated on the matter unlike you because you can't even counter what i said because if you looked it up you know it's true and if not you have no idea because you don't actually know what you're talking about like every other lib and kike sympathizer
because the Jewish Holohoax is a fabricated hoax used as a tool used by Jews used to guilt trip whites into racial suicide
>freed the niggers to run rampant on white society
>hurrays durr Lincuck was totally based
Hydrogen cyanide gas in air is explosive at concentrations over 5.6%.[60] This is far above its toxicity level. .... from wiki
HCN has a lethal concentration of 7.6 % sat/m3 ........ chem buff so it would blow up before killed .... look for them charred corpses ppl
Maybe but in all honesty, if the holocaust never happened and Jews never existed, etc. etc., the whole white genocide shit would still be happening in europe and USA because liberals have white guilt.
Look at this fucking idiot. Look and laugh.
liberals exist and have white guilt because of Jews
Bullshit. Look what happened with the africans and native americans. Plenty of white guilt to go around. Also you forget one really important factor. The reason they let in all these rapefugees is because of their conscientiousness. They want to help these people and know that allowing them into their first world nation will substantially improve the quality of their life. The problem is, they're so naive and selfless that they're going to end up destroying themselves.
Then you have the radical leftists who have so much self hate for their race because of what they've been taught in school that whites did that they'll do anything to help eliminate their own race. But those people are a minority.
I'm not an antifa guy nor do I espouse violent revolution, violent protest, or political violence.
I do however make exceptions for monsters. Monsters I'd kill on the spot with any available means for the protection of anyone and everything decent. You fucking Nazis will just go so far before I and other decent people will summarily execute you like the monsters you are. Killing Nazis was good enough for my Grandparents and its good enough for me.
Paternal grandmother welded spitfires in England during the blitz and maternal grandfather was front line signal corps in the invasion of Sicily where he took Nazi shrapnel in the head and hip. I stand by ready to emulate
my ancestors of "The Greatest Generation" and do my part to rid the world of Nazi monsters. No sacrifice is too great including the ultimate one. Die you fucking monstrous Nazi vermin, I shall offer you and your ilk no quarter when the call to duty comes.
nope. it's literally all because of Jew media. whites used to be proud of slavery and taking America from the Natives. we had a warrior spirit. the Jews are the ones who invented leftism. all leftism is from Jews.
Ignoring the Jew part, it sounds like what you're saying is that wiping out indigenous cultures and taking shit over isn't anything to be ashamed of...
Societies are organisms. Literally every culture in the world had to compete and take over territory and resources that had been previously held by others.
Survival is never shameful.
it isn't. survival of the fittest
So when the rapefugees takeover, you won't complain? Survival of the fittest?
9/11 killed more people than white supremacists have in every year since
i will complain and try to win the land back you idiot. you fight for your genes
funny cause both Latinos and American niggers are already mutts with white blood from us raping them
Or... Muzzies stay where muzzies are and whites stay where whites are. Nobody today thinks like you. Also your ideology is fucking idiotic because that's how you end up with mixed race babies which I thought you'd be against.
If you're against race mixing, then you should understand what the Spanish and whites did to the Americans was bad.
you are delusional you fucking Jew
it's only bad when the man is nonwhite. when the mad is white it's based
white cock nationalism
Yes because people with blue or green eyes have never killed anyone ever.
You dumb nigga fuck.
that's fucking retarded, I really hope you don't believe this.
it's the truth
I am, why? Explain. I just think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance.
low test faggot detected
How many of you fucking idiots only care about race mixing because you don't want to see black men with white women? So the argument about racial purity is completely irrelevant? If that's the case, you guys are just beta faggots and I have no respect for you.
meanwhile it appears those threads whining about all the goblins being created are really just about a bunch of low T beta faggots whining about not getting any pussy.
The invasion of rapefugees has nothing to do with maintaining racial purity, it has to do with you guys getting cucked.
I really hope you guys are the minority of opinion because if not, then your arguments are just a reflection of your insecurity and lack of masculinity... not anything about maintaining a functioning society, maintaining the 'good genes' or preserving your cultural heritage, etc.
pathetic. And you guys call the Jews cucked... The religious Jews know the benefits of keeping their dicks to their own women. Mixing of cultures only dilutes any heritage and benefits. You idiots are no different than the cucked liberals.
No it is bad in all combinations that do not consist of 2 caucasians.
They both had glasses.
I know what our Lord Savior Hitler would have done with you low vision scum
What Hitler did was probably the worst thing I can possibly think of for Whites. Created a generation of cucked whites in Germany so now they feel obligated to let rapefugees into the country.
red pill or blue pill
relax let them rape, it's not your problem, the German people were capable of two WW, and belive me they would be readdy for the next one
God i love being white
imagine being a non-white person in 2019 and not necking yourself immediately
that's why we need to kill the spergs before they strike
I love not being white because a lot of white women worship me lmao
Lol ok heeb. Lets see your grandparent's evidence.
keep telling yourself that shitskin while you cry yourself to sleep every night
they're dead and who gives a fuck about evidence. why would they lie about that shit? It's a tragic story that they did not volunteer but had to be pried out of them. Who wants to admit that they had a wife and children, they died then you were stuck in a camp, starving, be tattooed like cattle, working for people you absolutely revile, then having to start your entire life over? What amazed me was that it was only when my dad was in his 30s and my mom interviewed the grandparents, that he found out that they were involved. It really shook my dad to his core, looked at everything differently after hearing the stories. I wasn't there to hear the stories and my mom wrote them down but I'm certain had I interviewed the, I would have found out a lot more horrible shit that happened. (I typically make people pretty comfortable to spilling the beans on various things)