White guy commits mass shooting then surrenders himself to police

White guy commits mass shooting then surrenders himself to police.

Black guy attacks police officers on drug-fueled rampage during a traffic stop.

Black people be mad that white guy doesn't get beaten because he doesn't resist, but think that black guy should be allowed to assault officers and then go about with his day

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Who resists arrest?

All that tells me is that even a white mass murderer is more civilized and cooperative than the average nig

Leave it to the left to take a mass tragedy and make it about race

Is this bait? This is bait, right?

This is entirely based on whether the criminal has resisted or not.

> user says "It never ends well when you resist."
>News reports "The city of Baltimore settles for 2.4 million with victim of police rape of nigger during traffic stop."

White guy here and they should have beaten BOTH to a bloody pulp so one out of 2 aint bad.

The answer is black people resist arrest

What can you say she was resisting

I don't disagree with you at all, the El Paso bitch (not even gonna use his name) should have severe pain inflicted on him.

But there's rules law enforcement have to follow. Then the nigs think that every one of their own is innocent and shouldn't have consequences for resisting arrest. So for them it's rules for thee, but not for me.

Imagine being so brainwashed by media you think a post based on truth is bait

Imagine projecting this hard that I even own a TV or ever watch any type of news ever

Then why assume it's bait instead of just googling a couple names?

>implying I’m even that user and not just here to rustle jimmies
Go outside

I hate you faggots and your facebook news.

>Replies in first person, as if he is user
>Immediately says he's not user
If that's not you, then don't defend yourself from something not aimed at you

I only took this to show how just about anything you find on Facebook is misinformation. Especially when it's about race.

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Jim Rustle, you 'ol sumbitch how the hell have you been?!

No, he is to be considered innocent until proven guilty. And even if that happens, no cruel punishment may be inflicted upon him. At worst, he should be incarcerated or put to death in a calm peaceful way.
Beating someone is not a punishment but only a means to an end, a method to establish order. So someone who surrenders to the law in an orderly fashion cannot be beaten.

According to Humphreys, officers tried arresting Logan because he had no driver's license and he dropped a bag that appeared to have illegal drugs in it, but the man resisted — kicking and hitting officers, even trying to physically run over one of them.

The sheriff added a Taser used on Logan had no effect, but eventually, officers got handcuffs on him.


That shitbag shooter should have been put down immediately.

Black resist arrest from the police to win the jackpot.

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Stop resisting
Or the pain train wont stop

Jokes on the tax payers

yeah fuck america

Reminder that US police murders people regularly despite being unarmed and following police instructions. Regardless of race.

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>Sum whitboi
>Muh pohlice brutalti
>Muh racism

Yup, it's bait.

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That's how this works.

fuck you kike and fuck everyone that looks like you, get your fucking throat cut on the streets


So fuck everyone who's brown? Or did you say that because you assume I'm white?

Reminder that it's such a small percentage, that it's practically non-existent

fucking jigaboos should be beaten up

Exactly what I was implying for Humphreys. He actively resisted, so he got his ass beat.

I agree shitbag should have been shot on sight, but he surrendered himself so police followed protocol there. I guarantee you, if they shot him while had surrendered they would all face criminal charges

I read that as "with a fleshlight" and was thinking, thats fucked up

why would anyone want to do that?

that's the only thing they understand and they never learn from it, like a stupid farm animal

It should be a criminal charge to claim use for of force was based on race. Especially when you have tons of black people resisting arrest or threatening the lives of others, but the left communists give them pity soley for their skin color.

get your fascist bullshit out of here. We live in america. Everyone, including this guy, has rights.

At least be honest enough to say what you really mean - you want executions on sight but only for white criminals. If cops started putting bullets in the back of nigger heads you'd be on the streets crying about "the fash"

The nigger got less then what he deserved...

>don't get physically subdued

Wow what a shock

Maybe don't resist arrest when you're getting a $500 ticket if the cops won't kill an active shooter who surrenders

They didn't kill the DC snipers or the BLM sniper either

Two words for em both. Firing squad


fortieth post best post

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