Nobody talks about the serious population issues on this planet

Nobody talks about the serious population issues on this planet.

We really need a culling at 18. Something simple such as you have to pass some sort of basic "Are you a dumb cletus" test in order to exist.

Evolution does not work if you let these kind of people perpetuate. Allowing this kind of unchecked stupidity to breed will 100% be the downfall of humanity.

Lets discuss ways to ensure humanity evolves and does not digress into the "idiocracy" that is slowly turning from satire into reality.

Attached: You-Idiots.jpg (299x168, 11K)

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Birthrate is going down nation wide, people are no longer having like 10 kids anymore, once the old people die off in like 20 years the world will be in a way better place. Now resource management will always be a thing but population is a non starter

*going down worldwide*

One thing that happens in other parts of the world, and use to happen in America.

If you’re not smart in school by a certain age, you are removed to the workforce. So the lesser minds are basically forced into a life of labor. This is a huge incentive for others to be smart and remain smart

>21st century
Right, except connections and being socially competent is more important than intelligence, especially in basic fucking education

History, faggot. Just take a glance and you'll realize that we're so dumb that it won't get to the point of extreme overpopulation

The overpopulation issue is in the east. It’s mainly China and India, if you put the populations of those two together. It comes out to about 3.2 billion people. About 45% of the entire world lives in those two countries

Modern medicine keeps people alive a lot longer than they should be alive . In this state they give nothing back to society and use tremendous amounts os resources (and money) that could be better spent elsewhere. Most humans aren't built to last 75 years without the help of medicine. Insurance companies, elder care, hospices etc milk every last dollar out of families by giving them a false sense of hope, only delaying the inevitable with years of sadness and pain. Leaving the family broke trying to keep a demented husk of human alive out of guilt (because other families "care" enough to do it, so we must too). We need to let old people die naturally.

just mentioned it another thread going south

I... have you ever had a shitty middle manager who literally only has their job cause they know how to lick boot and not a drop else? That shit never goes away.

Considering the size of the land that's about right china and India are fuckin huge dude

>serious population issues
because they aren't actually issues. As countries develop there birth rate tends to fall as you don't need a family of fucking 8 were 6 die to scarlet fever or some backwards ass shit.
Our current level of technology has solved population problems for the most part. The numbers wouldn't be still going up if we couldn't make enough food for example.
The population will continue to grow but will level off and some point, who knows maybe 12 or 13 billion? my point is, it will balance itself out one way or another, why no one is concerned

Attached: 1341785645971.jpg (400x363, 31K)


It may level itself out, but now we'll have 13 billion retards.

Birthrate doesnt matter if you let the morons keep breeding.

Land wise not as large as the USA, the USA has the most livable land for a single country. The overpopulation issue is spurred on by China, India, and several African countries

Its obvious the only solution is a license to breed.

Attached: license-to-breed.jpg (3840x2160, 1.41M)

We actually need more people ATM. Overpopulation is a myth. We need as much people as we can get.

We're talking about overpopulation ITT. Not your mothers gang bang.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Ok fuckwaffle


Another world war would be perfect

Only if you could trick the incels into fighting. Otherwise you're wasting good genes.

Reduce the "more money for more children" benefit from welfare down from 10 to 2.
Then give free abortions to anyone on welfare.
That should at least stagnate their numbers.

Well, your idea would have prevented trump, so it's got that going for it.