I'm a white gun owner, but significantly more studly and handsome than this little turd...

I'm a white gun owner, but significantly more studly and handsome than this little turd. Why do nerdy loner types who do these shootings always seem to be white guys? Like Blacks kill each other over streets that aren't theirs, and crack... Mexicans similar but coke..... But white dudes gotta always do some supervillain shit at a school/church/movie theater, etx? Why is that? Also plz post Belle Delphine feet pics

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gay bait

Cause they can't get pussy.

My Gun she name is Bianca, You can call the me the WHITE AVENGER.

Illegal crack house clean out. The end justified the means. Something everyone believes.

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He took out at least 20 invaders. He cant be that nerdy.

>always seem to be white guys

Attached: NIGGAH.MASS.SHOOTERS............png (600x833, 866K)

I tried to upload the template with all the white shooters, but filesize too large

Some people did something

I wonder who could be behind yet another one of these posts?

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You must be a NIGGER. Can't even resize an image.
What about August, a year ago in CHICAGO when there was over 70 shootings OF niggers BY niggers in ONE weekend.? HUH? Want to talk about that? Oh.... that's right. It was all NIGGERS. No one cares.

Cuz they gay.

He has dick sucking lips

Because he's a fuckin liberal trying to get anti-gun laws passed

Read the last 7 words of your post

calm down white boi, wouldn't want you to get so upset that you take your range toy on a shooting spree

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>all mass shooters are liberal


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Is that you, McLovin?

Don't you get banned for posting 8ch fucking trash on Yea Forums?

you wish, but it's proof he ain't no liberal

Haha imagine having a small dick. And instead of smashing bitches at least once a week, yall are all on here waiting for cp.

Ur a fking moron.. no other race is gunning down innocent people in public spaces.. their beefing with each other, not specifically targeting innocent in the masses

>YOOO look at dis white boi he mad bro

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White guns are for sissies


The numbers of victims looks a bit off. I’m assuming you included injured?

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