I have to get this off my chest and need opinions.. I am (well, was) a University professor at the State's University

I have to get this off my chest and need opinions.. I am (well, was) a University professor at the State's University.

And there was a big thing that happened with a professor, he apparently sexually abused many of his students. And a lot of girls / people made a thread on Twitter about it, to anonymously accuse lots of male professors.

And someone made one accusation about me, the person literally said "he was not my teacher, but I've heard of girls that say he's really easy going with the students."

Like are you fucking kidding me? This person literally said I was not even his teacher, what the fuck.

That happened in March and the professor that actually abused the girls didn't return, but he was still paid.

I continued with my classes because that was stupid as fuck, and it was false. And my actual students then knew me and they knew it was stupid as fuck and I was not like that. Some girls actually invited me for drinks and were being really flirty saying that they wanted to come to my place, and I refused, every single time.

And because of that situation, the director, coordinator and secretary were also replaced, as if they blamed them for the actions of the other professor. And the girls didn't even say anything when it happened, they waited for this to explode. And all of them were replaced by women.

They just said to me when I tried to renew the contract, that they were looking at the situation with the other professor and they can't hire me back.

What. The. Fuck.


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I talked to the coordinator and they she explained that because of the change of administration, they had to give priority to other professors and give them more hours and what not. But that's not what they said at the beginning.

I tried to make an appointment with the new director and she refuses to see me, she doesn't even return my calls or emails, and I even gave her a signed paper asking for a chance to explain why I think I'm a valuable asset of the school. And of course I am, my students love me and I love teaching them.

Sad thing is that I can't do anything about it, and they can fire me without explanation because I was on a contract basis each semester.

I'm extremely pissed. I was torn to make this case public but I didn't want it to explode in my face for other anonymous haters and decided to

Fucking hell man, whoever reads this, I need some kind words and opinion..

This shitty situation depressed the fuck out of me when it happened but I refused to let it affect me and continue
I don't know the fate of the other professors in the University, but most of them had like 5 accusations, and I only got one. Only one. And they still burned me. Fuckers. And now I'm out of a job.

It's a shitty University anyway and the pay was also shit, but I was not there for the money, nor to sleep with students.


Anyone with a similar kind of experience or went through something like this?

The place turned into a feminist shithole.

Come on fuckers I know some of you read this

its actually education in general that is a shithole. teaching, of any kind, is the only profession where you can - from every institution - be fired based on a rumour.

friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend, he goes on a facebook rampage about how she cheated, the things she did, bla bla bla. all lies. but, one of the kids finds it. kid tells parent. parent tells school. abrakedabra, she's no longer employed there.

Do not go back into education. change careers.

Man, I get that.

And it's the State's University, the shittiest, cheapest and mediocre University in the state, and I really wanted to make a difference. Stupid kids not caring at all and not going to classes. Other professors that definitely didn't deserve being there because they were lazy fuckers too and didn't go to the actual classes. The other teacher that was giving my subject too doesn't even have a post-graduate and everyone single one of my students told me he didn't know as much as I did. And he didn't get fired, I was. Probably going to get my hours too.

I'm not going to let this get to me, but what I fear the most is that people will actually think that I got fired because I indeed sexually abused a girl.. and it's nonsense based on the screenshot that was published about me. It didn't make any sense, and I'm pretty fucking sure the coordinator or director didn't actually read it, just that my name was written on a fucking big ass piece of paper, burning about 80 male teachers from that University. All of that protest by literal feminazis.

Fucking hell man, I mean you say change careers but it's not that easy. The subject I was giving was really specialized and I was struggling to find an actual job on that area. I have a studio too focusing on my own work but that steady income really made a difference.

Thanks for your input Yea Forumsro

If you white then come to east europe and become professor here.

Traveling is not an option for me at the moment.

Also, why?

lol, you don't even need to tell me you're white and unattractive

anyway democrats just did a racial purge of their own party staffers to the effect of removing most whites, welcome to the new normal - do you know how to handle a rifle?

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I was looking to become a professor bc I'm really good at teaching people and I've always enjoyed the environment of college. But this sort of thing scares me away.

I think it's a matter of time before this changes. But people like you have to be vocal about these sorts of shenanigans.

Without attempting to draw any equivalent between the two things, it's interesting to note the culture of silence around sexual improprieties (leading to the #metoo movement) and the culture of silence in these sorts of cases. People who speak out get lambasted.


I'm not white, I'm latino. And fit.

Not living in America.

I almost strictly lurk here because I feel like anyone who comments typically shows how stupid they are. But I totally agree with you. In fact, after I completed my Enlistment with the military, I now have access to the GI Bill, however, I've been hesitant to use it because of the absolute shit state of universities and colleges in America now. Luckily I have a good job and I don't need to go to school to get a better one, but in this situation, feminazi bullshit is literally keeping me from attending school.

The thing is, people will know I was wrongfully fired, and I didn't really did anything wrong.

I still went to my classes, and I still got along with all of my students, most of the women were actually extremely empathetic with me for the whole situation, and they told me that they knew I wasn't really like that. Maybe they felt I got depressed too and they wanted to cheer me up.

If I make this public, people will think I was also fired from that, I don't want to give the University that privilege. I also kinda want to believe what they told me, that they want to prioritize people with tenure and didn't have extra hours for me. But I hate the fact that the new director didn't even reply to me approach to open dialogue, and to really see why I was actually let go.

I probably was there at the fucking wrong time, because everybody knew that the other professor (even marriend, with children) messed with the students and no one (not even other teachers) said anything. The whole premise of the fucking protest was that this University protected their teachers at all costs, and they can't keep getting away with this. Ironic how it was the other thing around with push came to shove.

Knowing girls, they probably loved it. And it's more of an artsy school, and some gilrs there are attention seeking feminazis with daddy issues. That's why no one said anything until this exact moment, for it to explode and kick out the male director, and replace with a female.

Wrong. At will employment means you can be fired at any time for any reason.

You weren’t fired. Your contract wasn’t renewed.

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And those feminazis actually use those protests to be lazy fucks and skip class, they get together with other neon-dyed crazy attention bitches and literally just party. The day they all got together to write those names in the giant paper, they were literally dancing and you can see in the videos, lots of them were on drugs / high on molly.

Get a business degree part-time. Business schools aren’t like their liberal arts counterparts.


I know, but still it feels like they terminated me when there was no actual reason not to continue. Academically speaking, I was above par.

You were part of the old regime and not renewed because of guilt by association. It’s not right or fair, but neither is life. Doesn’t mean you blame women or a political philosophy.

Go somewhere you are needed.

This is exactly it, I think. Spot on.

I just need to get my head clear and continue looking for opportunities. Any change is a blessing in disguise.


I also don't want to make a big deal out of it and make it public because they'll probably realize I was actually a good teacher and might invite me next semester. That's what they told me too but I don't know if I should believe them, especially since they already like to my face 3 times (in terms of promising to make an appointment and telling me they'll return my call the same day, and they didn't).

I don't know if I'll continue in this city tho, or if I actually want to go back, this whole situation is disgusting and I've never been treated like this professionally, and my resumé is quite impressive, but there's no jobs here in my city to pursue the same career.

Sadly I was set living in Canada, having a great job with a great pay, but stupid work permit expired and I refused to marry a girl so I'd have citizenship. So I came back to my country... should've married her but it didn't feel right and now I feel I will regret it for the rest of my life.

but im pretty sure op is a massive faggot

Thanks for the bump, dude.

Any other wise people from this place that would like to give some input?
I knew there might be some intelligent people with intelligent responses, this place has turned into a pool of stupidity.

You only have two options. Make it public and make your case or shut the fuck up and apply at McDonald's. Your obviously worried about what people think you , so go public and plead your case. See what's the out come and live with it. Professor!!

fake, sage in all fields. fuck off.


oh, not america...well your lawyer ad everyone else involved is probably corrupt as hell, I'd invest in a machine-gun, justice is such a joke here I can only imagine what non-whites go through, should probably just arm up, never count on human beings being reasonable, if humanity was reasonable the earth would be a pot garden tended by robots

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what is the reason or gain to fight it?

Yes, i know you said something in the lines of your job there was a nische but if you can't find it elsewhere then drop it or reshape it, adapt, improve, overcome. And let history go.

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It's not that easy. If I do this I will be on the spotlight and never be invited again and probably also not being hired by any other institution... right now people have forgotten about this situation, and there's the possibility that it might backfire in some way or another, this world is full of haters.

Literally any other job would pay more, and money is not an issue since I also work for the family business.

My point is that nothing will change anyway, this semester is starting on Monday and the new people are hired. The only thing is that people will know I was falsely accused but if I didn't make my case back then because of how ridiculous all the situation was.. there's no point doing it now. I should've done it back then when I was first exposed.

you have to be over 18 to play here, go away fucktard.

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To let people know that I was fired (or refused to renew my contract) for being falsely accused and to prove that extreme feminism is a cancer in society... and something that can be done in the comfort of a laptop and make a false anonymous accusation can ruin a man's whole career.

And to let people know that the new administration was born out of wrong reasons and the people that most suffered were the last Coordinator and Director.

But they know already, because it's a shitty school.

There has been cases like this before, teachers being wrongfully fired or refuse to renew contract for stupid reasons. It's a common practice in that school. Last year one professor was let go for being trans, another for contracting HIV (cos the school makes the teachers go through tests). The thing is, they allegedly said something similar to me, that they couldn't give them hours, but everyone knows it's bullshit.

Or I'm just tripping out and what they wold me was true, it just really shady situation. In this case there was a change of administration and they actually just gave priority to the Tenured teachers (like, they have to actually fulfill their hours, and that could mean that someone not that prepared will teach the subject I was giving. I just don't know anymore, and I don't want to stood down to the level of what those crazy feminists did, an actual witch hunt.

Huh? Ok.

Summer is here.