I was just thinking about how shitty video games are but yet there's so many out there more than ever...

I was just thinking about how shitty video games are but yet there's so many out there more than ever. Just a sea of shitty video games.

I came to the conclusion it's because of all the upper class families sending their kids to college who wanted to make video games. and so now we have all these shit video games made by dumbass kids who went to college.

thanks for reading my blog.

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i feel like they're an overrated medium, the novelty of interactive entertainment wears off fast.

good for you i didn't ask for opinion on the medium of video games

I think it’s a two part problem, we now have tons more companies wanting to make games because the overhead is so low and the profit potential is so high, even if the game is garbage (especially so if it’s just a clone of a different game, which removes almost all of the development work). Meanwhile the labor pool is full of people like the ones you mentioned who are willing to work for practically nothing. Put together, the result is an endless stream of cheap, poorly-produced crap.

Video games can tell stories and provide sensory experiences in ways that other media can’t, but most games don’t take advantage of this because the majority of the consumer base doesn’t give a fuck and is more than willing to just play whatever repetitive dopamine feedback loop is currently in vogue

I like shootin fings

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whats a good shootin game prefer something more recent

uhmmm KILLIN FLLOR shooty shooty zed go boom

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Terraria is good though


>Killing Floor is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed and published by Tripwire Interactive. It was originally released as an Unreal Tournament 2004 mod in 2005. Retail release followed on May 14, 2009


uhmm killin fllor 2! bang bang splat

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killin fllor 2, that game that died on release?

is not dead * shrugs* is very good gun good shooty, servers always aplenty

fuck you nobody even knows what killing floor is nobody plays that shit fuck you

Killing Floor 2 is a well known popular game, it's actaully very good, but if you want to shoot toher people then you got Day of Infamy (ww2), insurgency sandstorm (modern) or many other shits fucking go to Yea Forums nigga

or if just want single player try wolfenstein new order or doom 2016, you sound like a fag so you would probably like them

>Killing Floor 2 is a well known popular game

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oh sorry, you're that kind of person.ok have you heard of this game called FORTNITE ithink its right up your alley

I'm not downloading an "EPIC GAMES" launcher and a 50gb cartoon game

find a busy road and jump into traffic

maybe you should take your own advice because im not buying anything you have to say

I'm not selling anything dumb nigger i was just offering suggestions, go find something popluar on twicth if thats how you judge things worth playing or not

stop talking to me

haha ok i will enjoy being a fag nigger hurr durr i'm a fag nigger