How are they still missing lmao

How are they still missing lmao

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literally who?

Canadians who are in hiding that are allegedly responsible for a few deaths recently. Pretty sad they haven't been found yet.

It's a big fucking country, guy.

They must be just camping out in the middle of fucking nowhere because you see these guys faces several times a day in Canada now. Always on the news.

Odds are theyve already moved far enough out of the search area and it'll take months for anything to come of this

thats the problem isnt it

my desire to know more intensifies
can't wait til it's over and we find out

Still I mean the military's looking for them and I'm sure they'll have to get into a town or something to get more supplies right? How are two city kids going to survive in the woods for this long

with proper planning and well stocked hide out

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They're supposedly pretty adept or at least familiar with camping and living in the woods. Might not have to go shopping

they're from BC though
now supposedly in Manitoba
sure, a forest's a forest, but you gotta figure it's hard to plan 3 provinces away

all you need is a property you know won't be disturbed. there are none of these in your woods?

I mean maybe but the cops knew it was them pretty quick which makes it seem like they were pretty sloppy and/or didn't plan it out

Because Canada.

What do y'all think was their motive? Seems pretty random and out of character for them right?

I live in BC, use to drive truck. I've been in every province/territory.
If you don't want to be found, and have the most basic of survival skills, you'll never be found.

This isn't europe, where 99% of the landmass is owned and manicured, or america where virtually everyone is completely reliant on shopping malls to survive.
Alot of canadians (really, men only) are perfectly capable of living off the land indefinitely.

There's monstrous swathes of untouched
and ignored,wilderness that really, you just walk 1 hr off the highway, and sit down, no one will EVER find you.

Pretty easy to hide here if you want.

But, they'll prolly get busted in no time, really. Given that they were ID'd and tagged to 3(?) murders, 2 of which were a couple just dumped in the middle of the highway for someone to find, pretty much immediately, they're dumb. Most likely just lucky so far, but smart? fucking no lol.

Bored of school and living with their parents, just fucked off with life

Plan to travel to BC soon. Are regular cars drivers allowed to sleep in pit stops? Or just trucks? Where can I sleep in my car safely without having to find a motel on the road?

The one murder was a couple, Australian, young, travelling across Canada as a vacation.
Two locals kill a couple, and frantically just leave their bodies in the middle of a highway... My mind goes to the most obvious scenario.
Two bored, drunk small townies spot cute exotic girl (ill tell you right now, having been around this country, men in these small towns are like rabbid dogs when they see something new, and under 250lbs) and get out of line, boyfriend gets butthurt, they beat his ass, hormones throbbing, rape girl, panic sets in, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, kill em both.

We'll know for sure once they're caught, but that's my head cannon.

idk dude
i'm an introvert who doesn't leave the city
hard to speculate
the clean shaven nigga's wearing army camo right? seems like he'd have everything needed for murdering and the like
idk, news was reporting that they were fucking stumped why they were trashing vehicles in plain sight too

you're forgetting about that 60+ dude who's suspected of being their third murder

Pit stops are for anyone, just read posted signs. Some will say a time limit, most dont. In BC it's illegal to idle, so turn off your engine.

I've slept in pretty much every pitstop on the 5, 1, and 3, never had a problem.
If you want to not piss off truckers, park your car out of the way, in a spot they wouldn't fit anyway. A guy on hour 16 looking for a nap WILL ruin your night if you take up space he could use.

I'd suggest avoiding rest stops right outside of towns tbh, if you're gonna have trouble, it's gonna be from some bored teenagers driving around drunk/stoned.

My go to was sleeping in golden, in the big truck stop there. Get a good few hours there, and you're good to make it all the way to coast the next day.

I doubt they’re still in the country

Maybe he recognized them?
Maybe they had decided to be committed to "lambing it" and wanted his money.

Sure, it's possible they're just crazy and started killing people at random becuz "me deep, exotensial crisis", but I find it unlikely. If that was the case, they'd most likely join the incel club and make of a show of it in a public place.

Thank you very much man! Cheers!

thinking about your thought process, yeah the only way he gets involved is if he was a witness to the couple murder
don't know where bodies were found tho, if that fits logically

it could be something random, overheard them talking, saw blood on their shoes.
Who knows.

Oh fuck, I forgot about them.

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Still, canadians are fucking pussies

Nah, they're polite. That doesn't make a person weak.

Those degens probably ran into some hicks

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no, most Canadians have fucking autism and probably couldn't pound a butthole let alone survive off the woods. those boys are some cake eating xbox playing pasty white fucks just like you. MURICA

They are from Port Alberni. They are hicks.

what is that, Canadians cosplaying as men?

>Still I mean the military's looking for them

Yeah the Canadian military

hopefully they change identities/appearance and remain living in the shadows. Fuck the fed

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Probably walked in the woods and shot themselves