Cats are disgusting and dangerous

Cats are disgusting and dangerous.

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And retarded too


cats are pathological assholes, two of those bastards leaved a big turd on my fucking bed

>two of those bastards leaved a big turd on my fucking bed
I had similar issue.
What is really funny, parrot, who can't hold shit by design, never ever shitted on bed...


Please don't own a cat if you're stupid. They keep away vermin and boost your immune system, and I want idiots to die quickly.

Schizophrenia is not an immune system boost.

How many people you know have cats
How many people you know have schizophrenia other than yourself

Why majority of schizophrenics does have toxoplasmosis?
Why majority of reckless people (which are involved in car accidents etc.) does have toxoplasmosis?
How do cats help toxoplasmosis to reproduce?

1. Many reasons. Causation vs. correlation. Look it up. For instance, schizophrenics are emotionally unstable and need a pet, but also unable to care for a dog.

2. What does "reckless" mean? Also are you saying that people in car accidents tend to have toxoplasmosis? Prove that.

3. It reproduces through their feces, so if you eat cat feces you may contract the parasite. Try not to eat cat shit more than necessary.

>1. Many reasons. Causation vs. correlation. Look it up. For instance, schizophrenics are emotionally unstable and need a pet, but also unable to care for a dog.
It is proven that toxoplasmosis may cause schizophrenia.
>2. What does "reckless" mean? Also are you saying that people in car accidents tend to have toxoplasmosis? Prove that.
>3. It reproduces through their feces, so if you eat cat feces you may contract the parasite. Try not to eat cat shit more than necessary.
Cats are everywhere, especially in farm area, so your food can get contaminated rather easily, and not necessary meat.
Bleach and alcohol are no good at killing toxoplasmosis. So your only choice is to use heat or UV...

Puppies are fucking terrifying too

>cat is shitting on kitten
>grab phone

I think going mentally ill is worse than amputation.
>if you have AIDS don't fucking get pets.

There's a thread about you op 806257733

i want you to go into the kitchen and open up your fridge. put your head in the doorway, okay? now attempt to close the door as hard as possible multiple times in a row

How do I Yea Forums

Fuck no, I'm not slav.


1. >it is proven... that MAY
It's also proven that breathing air may do the same thing.

2. Interesting, however you also contract the parasite from undercooked meat and a dirty lifestyle, which has nothing to do with owning a cat. You can also make the same leap of logic to say that people who eat undercooked food are careless and more likely to get in a car accident.

3. If you have a gross cat then don't let it eat off your plate or lick your face. Take care of your cat and you won't get sick... I'd be more worried about a serious illness from a farm cat than toxoplasmosis.

not as retarded as that piece of shit woman who thinks she should be taking two dogs for a walk that she has ZERO fucking control over. fucking pathetic watching her try and control even just one. how the fuck can you own this type of dog and just blatantly not give a fuck?
oh but im sure they're her 'babies' that would never hurt anyone
fuck retarded selfish dog owns

try with the freezer door this time

But it doesn't have separate freezer.

>cats are everythere, therefore, i cannot keep their shit out of my food!
i think you have bigger problems to worry about here, bro

so if you open the door it opens both fridge and freezer? damn

no one is gonna listen to the crazy bird guy who hates an animal just because it has a natural instinct to kill your favorite pet.

>1. >it is proven... that MAY
>It's also proven that breathing air may do the same thing.
Too many "maybe" causing similar issues with behavior.
This can't be a coincidence.
>2. Interesting, however you also contract the parasite from undercooked meat and a dirty lifestyle, which has nothing to do with owning a cat.
Sure, it has nothing to do with owning a cat, but rather directly with cats.
> You can also make the same leap of logic to say that people who eat undercooked food are careless and more likely to get in a car accident.
Thing is, people tend to cook food good, except europoors.
>3. If you have a gross cat then don't let it eat off your plate or lick your face. Take care of your cat and you won't get sick... I'd be more worried about a serious illness from a farm cat than toxoplasmosis.

Yes sir

Like people having cats on farms?

Dogs, much like niggers, only can beat you when you're being jumped by a group

so you'd prefer rat shit over cat shit, eh?

True too.
But we're getting off-topic here.
I would prefer rat poison and improved pest control.

Lol you should check out IPO AKA Schutzhund. I strongly disagree.
>Pic semi related

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I would prefer that you eat rat poison too. Glad we're on the same page.

Fuck poison because other animals that eat mice or rats ingest the corpse and get affected by it, traps or cats are the best way to deal with rodents

>cats are the best way to deal with rodents
Cats are placebo tier.
>Fuck poison because other animals that eat mice or rats ingest the corpse and get affected by it
True, but if done properly, this will allow us to kill all nigger rats once and for all.

hey what country are you from? your English is pretty good!

Third world country.

so my english is nigger tier actually, and I know it, and I know I will never improve it.

Like Russia or the United States?

Does it really matter?

Are you scared to say what country your from? It's probably Russia, then.

Let's say you're close. Why does it matter?

Some breeds especially will decimate rodents and pile up the bodies (no joke) their the larger type of domestic cats ones people use to defend vineyards

[citation needed]

do... you even know why people domesticated cats in the first place? or are you just retarded and think they've been a cosmetic pet forever.
most cat breeds were literally bred to kill rats

Speaking of killing rodents, I have designed supreme method.
>build a pool type thingy around crops you want to protect
>fill it with Halon gas, or Freon. More is better. They are heavier than air and will displace air
>keep filling, until concentration of gas in pool is high
>mice can't breath and die, white other predators are not affected

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Breeding was based around misconception and placebo.

Can't wait for OP to die so he stops making this dumb fucking thread every day.

Not the tiniest snake can slither through my domicile without being slaughtered and its mutilated corpse presented to me. For the price of protection against disease carrying pests, I'll take my chances and not let cat shit fall into my food.

You have 80 more years to wait

Yeah, get a pit instead.

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Snakes are based. People were killing them and wondering why the fuck mice are everywhere.

Get a snake

It was an allergy not aids


Holy shit.
>Lost so fucking hard

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No one did listen to that bird guy, bad thing happened.

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Hitler loved all animals, which is further proof he wasn't just "some crazy guy"

He didn't love jews and rats for sure. Probably some other animals too, but we will never know. Best fuhrer ever lived, fucking soviets.

Unpopular opinion: cats are shit at pest control.

You would only ever hear this from someone who has never owned a cat

You don't have to own something to see that it is not efficient.

It can even be a indoor cat with kittenish behavior who will play with the body instead of hunting for more, rats and mice can smell them and will stay away

You're an idiot. A mouse doesn't last a single night in a house with cats. I had a big spider problem because i live in a basement apartment and mine kills them on site, I probably see 1 or 2 a year now.

Animal with shit eyesight can't be a good rodent control tool.
>You're an idiot. A mouse doesn't last a single night in a house with cats
Wrong. So fucking wrong...

So are women, yet you have a mother

If cats are so good at pest control, why have we invented rat/mice poisons? Mouse traps? etc... Just get a cat, right?
Because it doesn't work.

You Love to generalize things
>shit eyesight at distance Yes
But once they creep up to the prey and are close enough to attack they pretty much have aimbot
Think of how they get bird's. Have you tried to catch a bird with your bare hands? It's impossible, same with rodents they are just too fast

>Have you tried to catch a bird with your bare hands?
>It's impossible, same with rodents they are just too fast
No, it was pretty easy, once you know how to deal with them.
>But once they creep up to the prey and are close enough to attack they pretty much have aimbot
Mice still would have an adventure there. Snake would work there much better.


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Dinosaurs weren't a mistake

So if your the almighty bird whisperer why don't have have flocks of seagulls at your property?

All animals are disgusting, what the fuck are you talking about. They all shit everywhere and smell

>why don't have have flocks of seagulls at your property?
Because I'm 1500+ km away from sea, and there is no seagulls in my town?
Why would you want seagulls on property in first place? There are much better options, like tits, jays, and woodpeckers.

>That's you.
>You're the piece of shit

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Some smell so gut

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>Why would you want seagulls on property in first place?
Because seagulls are cute.

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So you can catch those types of birds with your bare hands? Please explain how

There are may ways.
1) It is not technically catching, but rather befriending. Takes years to accomplish, but gives pretty satisfying results, especially with smarter birds like corvids (jays, crows). They will eventually trust you so much they will land on hand, when you can technically use a thumb to hold their feet (just like with a parrot), but I never did, because I had no intention pissing off birds I trained like for 5 years now.
2) Trap bird in corner. This will require you some calculation, but idea is that you make bird fly into the corner (of fence for ex), where you can easily catch it. I accidentally caught a pigeon like that.
3) Find a fledgling. This is the easiest way to catch a bird, since they are not smart enough to sense danger.
4) Pretend being a stature, while having some seeds near hand. Not all birds fall for this though.
All boils down to environment, amount of time, and type of bird.

I think we can replace cats with chicken.

That's pretty badass looking forward to trying this once I'm out of suburbia

you see this instrument? well with this here object i'm gonna play some music. like the masters of old time clink dicc donc dododtodo

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play pajama people