There is literally no reason to own a gun. If you think it’s ok to shoot and kill somebody over 40£ then that makes you worse than a robber, mate. Violence is illegal no matter which way you look at it.
I’m sure more than a few of those Walmart customers can think of a reason to have a gun on them today
Or what if the shooting never happened at all you mincer
Another virgin loser who's mad at the world.
LMAO. Have sex.
>There is literally no reason to own a gun
Also why do all of those fucking mexicans talk with an accent? Even the US born ones have accents, it's fucking weird.
seriously? the guy is wearing ear protection?
Go back to Europe whitey.
What an abortion of a post.
Didn't answer my question nigger.
>There is literally no reason to own a gun
I like to carry a stick with a turd skewerd on the end of it. It's surprisingly effective
Cuz we all watch telemundo?
What does that have to do with it? Other hispanic groups speak both languages and they don't have accents. It's only mexicans that have one.
Safety First.
shooting a gun indoors will cause your ears to ring and disorient you
>There is literally no reason to own a gun.
I don't want to get cut on a knife fight with some bogan chav.
wispy neckbeard
Post video
There is no video. WalMart most likely has it on their cameras but I doubt we'll ever see it.
Or what if you weren't such a fucking pussy? I live in the U.S. and never even heard about this shit until now. Who cares?
Because they didn't call it mass shootings, it was usually serial killers or violent uprising. Be surprised how much crime isn't reported to databases. And more so in the 70s, what state wants that shit on the news? Now, every media outlet has its agents in every major town hoping to get the early scoop on the shooting because ads pay good bucks for violent loving ad viewers.
Well good. Maybe one day we'll get the Running Man game show.
The shit is overblown by the media, not in an effort to get viewers, but in an effort to take rights away from law-abiding, taxpaying citizens. They may want to pin this on every gun owner, but they can't. Because most gun owners wouldn't use their firearm to harm another human being unless they absolutely had to.
Ultimately, these types of incidents make up such a small number of gun-related crimes (the vast majority happen in cities like St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Oakland and Baltimore and are committed with illegally obtained handguns). And further, if there are hundreds of millions of guns in the United States and everyone needs to have their guns taken away because of maybe ten thousands crimes, then that's kinda nutty. You can claim to have some sort of inside knowledge on the topic, but I've been all over the world (even places like Yemen and Syria) and the only time in my life I've ever been in mortal danger was in Rio Gallegos Argentina. So, until I see otherwise, the whole discussion about disarming citizens is a joke.
Haha this guy gets mogged by elliot
RIP elliot rodger. At least he had the balls to kys
More incel faggots taking their anger out on the world. Sometimes I wonder every time I have to block a moba player for spergging off, he ends up being one of these mass shooters. This is just the beginning. I imagine this trend will last for a couple more decades.
Nice bait faggot
I know nothing about this story but i guarantee it took a gun to stop this guy. Guns save the day again.
dumbass, cops apprehended him without firing a shot you dumb mongoloid
This is why you need a gun for situations like this
I blame not just the shooter, but the parents.
Parents setting their kids up for failure, doesn't matter the social status. An empty man's hands is a devil's workshop, and I guarentee this kid had no prospect for his future, or even worked.
Coddling children leads to disaster. We need to start enforcing responsibility on children when they reach the age of 15.
I fired a shot in your mom's snatch!
I'm pretty sure if the cops were not armed, the suspect would have complied with them anyway. right?
lol this guy, cops were armed out the ass and it took them having guns to stop the gunman from using his, mongoloid.
im confused how someone who lives with their mom and dad in a 650k dollar home with zero responsibilities at all just living that glorious upper middle class life goes haywire and shoots a bunch of walmarters
Roughly 1 in 35 Texans conceal carry. Why was there none at Walmart?
Upper class people vaccinate their kids more than anything which rots their brains and then the kid gets antibiotics for everything further damaging his health because they can afford a doctor and they eat a lot of "superfoods" (actually toxic shit which further fucks up the kid) so yeah they're pretty much fucked.
More than likely he was a virgin with social anxiety who was mad at the rest of the world because of his problems.
Life has no value to them.
Fuck off Skeleton. You obviously can't be trusted!
Because they're only Rambos until the bullets start flying
Calm down Alex jones
The dude stealing the Jersey said he was packing, and the kids came running to him for help. But he was black, unable to use his weapon for good.
Shut up you pompous ass British faggot.
> not an argument
Funny how Bostonians have accents, as do Southerners, Long Islanders and Dakotans, etc. They don't even speak a second language as an excuse. Eat a dick sandwich, ya moop.
I'm sure he stole a bike in his way out!
There need to be Judge Dredd-like sensors on guns that detect virgin hands and not fire more than one round.
Cause, you know, they should an if anything.
Infowars has arrived. Someone show this faggot the exit.
That is not a remote possibility.
With out treatment for mental disorders it would simply have been a bombing instead of a shooting.
Or a running down with a vehicle.
When folks feel angry and disenfranchised they tend to act out regardless of how you may feel about it.
Though honestly I suspect you are just another Russian Agent Provocateur who hopes to disarm the USA with out a shot having to be fired.
Dos Vedanya Comrade.
Trumps fault
I agree, let's eliminate the problem at the source and lock up Trump and all his race-baiting buddies that create these monsters.
vaccines have countless toxins which are all injected into a tiny 8 pound baby and definitely fuck them up. Autism is a result of this.
The food supply is also completely fucked so we get unhealthy foods and more toxins in food.
Doctors think bacteria cause disease and prescribe antibiotics which destroys your gut and makes you even more sick.
No fucking animal suffers from chronic disease except man because only man is stupid enough to take vaccines, antibiotics, and processed garbage "food"
This. The gun is the tool, the issue is NEET fucks like this shooter, with serious mental health issues. Until we figure out what to do with incel auteurs we will continue to have shootings. Take away their guns and many will be less effective, but a few will turn to bombs, gas and the like.
Nope, just a jersey and some kids.
Why are these shooters so fucking young? Like, if you're old I get that you may feel like your life is fucked, but dude was only 21.
Bombs are much harder to make than simply shooting a gun. Remember the MAGA bomber who sent all those pipe bombs to Trump's enemies? Thank god he was incompetent.
Young people are stupid and impulsive.
Is that pussy actually wearing hearing protection during a mass shooting?
Say... You mean you support limiting and censoring speech? Gosh what a novel concept.
You are exactly why the founders decided protecting Gun ownership is a good idea.
No animal?
Except every fucking mammal and avian and fish species.
Beats by Dre you gotta have a sound track.
If we can drone bomb an American citizen for inciting islamic terror I think prison for inciting white supremacist terror is getting off easy.
El Paso is more Mexico than Texas
>No fucking animal suffers from chronic disease except man
This is the dumbest thing I've read, today.
Well then warm up your drone my dear fascist comrade.
>ivan the samefag
can't disprove me
> get fucked
Statement was ludicrous.
If proof is required to be provided it is by you.
A person did something
I promise you that cat was eating processed food, and because the picture was likely taken in a vet clinic the animal already had a series of vaccinations.
while I don't totally agree with you cant use an unhealthy animal that is kept as a pet and subjected to a similar lifestyle as humans for an example that chronic illness is natural.
are you denying the presence of formaldehyde, aluminium compounds, mercury, and other toxic shit in vaccines? Are you denying modern day processed food is utter shit? Are you denying antibiotics destroy your gut?
ok retard
I'd rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.
Sucker who thinks he's got the Wisdom. Pathetic.
It's common sense, asshole. Repeatedly firing a weapon indoors will result in some serious ringing in your ears, which majorly fucks with your concentration and focus. The hearing protection assures a higher body count.
I am saying that you sir are either misinformed or a liar. Vaccines save far more lives than not having vaccines. And you get to choose your food freely.
Retarded intel who was only 18 and thought he had no future. Likely never so much as mowed a lawn in his life and lived on his xBox
Why are you getting so fucking offended over a fucking question? Are questions racist to you?
> not an argument
bacteria don't cause disease so vaccines don't save any lives. Way to ignore my point about the toxins present in them. You're a retarded brainwashed sheep for certain.
Also yes you can choose your food freely but more and more it's becoming harder to get good food. I have to drive 70 miles every fucking week to get milk from the local farm because the retards in my city banned raw milk. I can easily get the pastuerized grain fed shit from walmart tho
You're a fucking skeleton, you don't know shit.
Tinnitis is real
Formaldehyde is mostly taken out, aluminum is an adjuvant to stimulate your body to take action, mercury is such a small concentration it literally has no effect on you whatsoever you get more in your system through air and fish pollution, just because you don't understand or believe it doesn't make it true. Nobody is arguing that processed food is bad youre creating more points for yourself plus it doesn't matter since life expectancy is still the highest it's ever been. The real danger of antibiotics are the bugs that become immune to them, not the side effects of taking them. You're world seems small.
Animal arthritis doesn't just not exist fuckwit
you're the reason why measles is making a comeback
You know what wrong person my bad
take the amount of formaldehyde injected into an 8 pound baby. That equals X. Divide your weight by 8. That equals Y. Multiply X and Y and inject yourself with that amount of formaldehyde. Prove to me it's benign. You won't because you don't really believe your retarded vaccine lies. LOL.
Antibiotics destroy your gut. That's common knowledge. Again, you're so fucking dumb. hahahaha
I never get sick. The only person who is going to kill himself is you because you believe so-called scientists.
You are willfully ignorant.
Vaccines are for Virus'...
Antibiotics are for bacteria.
You can always choose to leave.
Raw milk can be dangerous Pasteurization does not harm you in any way. It is simply heating the milk to kill off the bacteria that if left in the raw milk would probably harm you.
Bacteria causes infections. Virus cause disease. Vaccines protect against viruses. You are a sperge.
This sounds like bait, your ignorance would be laughable what do you think an infection is? Or syphilis or lyme disease or leprosy?
Everyone else who is normal understands this.
El Paso resident here. That Walmart was targeted. It is the Walmart every Mexican from Juarez goes to. There are 6 Walmarts in El Paso, but this one is full of Visa holders and illegals, none of which have guns or are allowed to.
Who the fuck vaccinates an 8 pound baby? And all 4 of my kids weighed more than 8 pounds at birth.
The whole concept of vaccines is you take a weak "bug" and inject it into you. Viruses are not alive so you can't make them weak.
Raw milk is always safe. Pasteurization is done at 165 degrees, the same internal temperature of a WELL DONE STEAK. Jesus Christ you're fucking retarded.
Take pint ox blood annd leave it outside for a week. Then drink it and say it wont harm you...
I think this was his livestream
New borns don't get vaccinated idiot, and how about you eat a banana, or some carrots, or spinach, or feed that to your newborn baby you love referencing for some reason. All have formaldehyde in them.
Average weight of babies is 7.5 pounds. I rounded it up to 8
I've eaten rotten meat. Didn't get sick. The shit was several months old and had a certain smell to it.
Beta male detected who the fuck doesn't like shooting guns that isn't a fag or euro pour
Why don't you inject yourself with formaldehyde like I told you to? Prove to me it's safe.
And you know what, i could probably injest that eye dropper full of whatever your stupid equation would come up with and be fine.
Good for the average. Newborns don’t get vaccinated. Point stands. You’re still a sperge.
Isn't texas supposed to be a gun state? why didn't anyone shoot him back?
Texas' entire identity is a lie.
ps. Alaska is bigger
Just here to let you know you're wrong. You see, evil people will ALWAYS find a way to get weapons. The right to own guns only legally helps good people who might need to defend themselves, because even if guns weren't allowed, once this guy decided he wanted to do a massacre he'd go find a seller just like people find drug dealers on the streets. Oh right, remember drug dealers and the like? Criminals always carry weapons even outside the United States. That shooting could have happened anywhere in the world because criminals have it easy, but only in the states could someone protect themselves from it.
I said inject not ingest. Two different things. But yeah if you think it's safe definitely do it. Record yourself and make a video. It'll go viral for sure
You probably wouldn't believe it.
Actually most vaccines use dead virus' virus that has been intentionally killed usually by heat.
Speaking of heat the reason we go to 165 degrees is that is the temperature that kills off most bacteria and virus'..
You are still displaying your willful ignorance.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and dispel all doubt.
And let us leave the Lords name out of this as I suspect you are as ignorant of what he taught as you are of basic science.
Kys faggot
make a video
Everything is bigger in Texas. Including our mass shootings. He went to the Walmart that sells to the border crossers. No legal gun owners there except cops and border patrol.
there are no dead viruses you retard. Viruses aren't alive to begin with. What the fuck do you not understand about that?
because americans are anti gun now,just look at the president and his shit for brains supporters
That nigger isn’t going to listen. I was thinking he was a troll at first. But he’s just another tinfoil hat infowars brainlet.
Of course they are alive.
Where did you go to school?
Lol. Biology 101 is not a class you took in high school?
I have, we all have, except you, it's called an adult shot, you see we adults get them all the time. It's got the adult dosage of that same good stuff, cause .000001×my weight/8 isnt how proportions work.
The only thing to do is to speak up when fools blabber. Otherwise their ignorance and lies might spread.
Did i stutter faggot
Only thing is there are a shitload of people afraid to get drugs even though they want it. Or they don't know who to see.
he lived? what a pussy. now we gotta hear about him for the next 2 years.
> too stupid to google something
Also making the frogs gay huh?
how did this piece of shit get an ak 47?
Why do US born Americans have different accents you total fucking moron?
Hey, you can always move to beautiful Miami......
Whis this asshat
The only solution is to arm everyone.
He lives in Texas, are you joking?
Not him that's actually pretty interesting, i always thought they were like bacteria but nope.
Well, whitey?
an fucking ak 47 though...this isnt afghanistan
I'm gonna go out a limb and say whoever had the grit to plan and commit a mass shooting wouldn't have been the kind of person afraid of looking and finding an illegal gun seller. I don't imagine any of the psychos who went through with shootings ready to die actually having trouble with that.
i remember my first time getting shot in high school. what a rough day.
It was a civilian model meaning no automatic fire
The guys manifesto had mention and memes from /pol/ and some other random chan site too.
Only 20 kills in a walmart and didn't kill himself. This guy is a joke.
Amen Yea Forumsrother. Keep up the good fight.
Pulse nightclub shooter.....
Killed 49. Muslim guy who hated gays.
Because once Texas and other current states belonged to Mexico?
Fucking Amerifat bastard
Real original go to Britain faggot
Vincent Racaniello is often debated for his opinions and his blog. It is not exactly considered peer reviewed. Think I will stick with the stuff taught at MIT which is interesting he would contradict it as he learned it there as well.
imagine how stupid this guy is about languages and just anything in general. wew
Sauce that shit
good point it looks brand new
Dude people aren't going to get to come home tonight because of some angry fucking 4channer. This is a god damn tragedy. Why do people have to worry about getting shot while they are out buying their kids lunchables? Little Timmy shouldn't not have a mom or dad any more just because of this fucking asshole.
lol mad
MIT doesn't classify viruses as living beings either. No one would be stupid enough to say such a thing except you autistic Yea Forums browsers
Then why are their accents not the same as the whites living there? OH SHIT LOOK AT THAT I JUST OWNED YOUR BITCH ASSES
Jesus, these guys just used homemade bombs with greater effect.
Mexicans are beta and got cucked race there's a reason the only good countries are white.
from the looks of it he grew up rich too
>Only country in the world that has concurrent mass shootings on the monthly basis
>In a weeks time we've had three mass shootings
>People still defending weapons
>Happened in Texas, State with Open Carry - people keep saying "Mass Shootings" wouldn't/couldn't happen in a Open Carry State and if they did they wouldn't be able to kill nearly enough - mother fucker still killed 20 people and injured another 20
>Took Cops, FBI, CIA, and Military longer to figure out who the perp was because there were other citizens with open-carry and had to stop each and everyone one of them while the killer kept killing
Don't worry people will try and defend open carry and guns even though we keep getting more and more mass shootings.
Couldn't have been encouraged by Trump and his rhetoric, no way, it's not like a leader of a country could encourage this sort of behavior
You sound like you e already had one too many vaccines.
Ding ding ding ding ding
This user wins the logical post award.
21 yo jobless cracker incel shoots women and children. 22 yo black soldier carries children to safety. Guess which one the police almost shot?
Meanwhile in Mexico......
Stop spreading this horseshit
Then why the fuck are the mass shooting statistics so so so much higher in the United States? Why do mass shooting happen far less in countries with strict gun laws?
You can claim ‘muh terrorist attacks’ but there are hundreds of mass shootings across the US, way more than there are terror attacks in Europe.
What your point gayboy?
>Good Country
Choose one and only one, faggot
Let me eat your love.
Yeah, is part of the price they pay for kill us by drugs
I love how no one has addressed this
>for kill us
Who you calling "us" mexicant?
They could just NOT sell drugs? Did they try that or is it too hard for spics to follow laws?
Gee, 26 dead in mass shooting in Mexico.....
Doesn’t even make the news up North.
These dudes is pussies. Why the fuck do you think they shoot up unarmed folks I stead of going to a good or trap house and go all vigilante iand kill useless people. Some may not have trouble but it would stop the others.
This aint mexico nigger...that's why we want a wall
Article hosted by MIT.
"comparable to that produced by live virus vaccines"
True..i didn't consider that maybe the shooters wouldn't even have that mindset to begin with if they grew up in a place that doesn't glorify guns. I feel like an idiot.
Though you're counting specifically shootings and USA wins at that. But gang violence in Latin America fucking stomps those statistics, it's just that they're not shooting Walmarts. But drug lords and their narco gangs do go around doing as they please with guns even stronger than those from the army. And said guns are usually bought from the USA though that's not relevant to this.
Gun violence still happens in the rest of the world in different ways.
Not what I said reread my comment.
Drugs wouldn't be coming to the US if there wasn't a demand for them. Nobody is forcing anyone to do drugs.
It's easy to say America is a bad country when you have the geographical knowledge of an autistic first grader.
Oh ok. That was orlando tho
The real players use German made guns. They are generally superior to guns made by the US
They're not living at all dumbass. Absolutely no one, especially MIT, would say they're alive
>Nobody is forcing anyone to do drugs
Nobody is forcing them to sell it either. See how that works?
I bet you're a filthy spic yourself.
>thinks a gang shootout is a "mass shooting"
because too many people value going to the shooting range to have fun over other people's lives
Another lunatic who was probably on anti depressants shooting up yet another "gun free zone". When will we finally ban gun free zones and address mental health instead of look at guns, which are the easy straw man target for liberals who are so utterly desperate to gain power.
The bottom line though, is that Mexico has super strict gun laws yet criminals have them anyway. Why is that, if gun control is such a great thing?
Canadian here. I’ll take my chances in the USA / Canada then living in the shithole called Europe.
They may not have the gun crimes but the stabbings and sexual assaults are unchecked there.
>"gun free zone"
El Paso is not a gun free zone you moron
Right we don't care if the news carries such events every week. The incidence of mass shooting and related deaths falls exceptionally far behind car and alcohol related as well as pool related deaths.
You will be able to ban pools and cars far easier than guns. You might want to remember how the alcohol ban worked out.
Now dear comrade is time to go be drinking much vodka is it not?
hey every dumb fuck arguing guns vs. mental heatlh problem. HOW ABOUT ITS BOTH
Failed states where not even the military can control the country, shouldn't be a factor in this debate
Yeah, where could mexico get guns?
hundreds of kids die in pools every year in the US. We don't NEED pools.
Where's your outrage nigger?
Oh definitely. Not arguing with that. Just figured I would point out the manufacture thing.
You think people weigh 64 lbs?
Or just ban anti-depressants, nothing in human civilation has changed so much that 10% - 20% of the population need psychiatric drugs or "mental health help"
Its nonsense.
Anyway mass shootings make me cum. I don't know the cunts so I don't give a fuck.
Mexico is extremely corrupt. Drug cartels are the real owners of the police
Ever met anyone with a concealed pool license brainstem?
Mental health and development is the issue here and that is what must be researched and developed in order to prevent these things
Shhhhh! Does not fit political profile. We don't talk about m.u.s.l.i.m.s that way.
how in the fuck did you get that number? You're actually fucking retarded
>mass shootings make me eat cum
Ok so Fox, CNN, and MSNBC said that before he did the deed he posted his manifesto over on VIII Chan and then here on 4chans /pol/
Let me guess
>Motivation unclear
>Somehow confirmed as not being mentally ill despite the fact the motivation is unclear
>Fuzzy or no details on how the firearm was obtained
>Very important that his white face is seen immediately despite everything else being unclear
>Very important it be an AR style rifle despite the fact it's bad gear for an indoor attack and he would be much better served by handguns and/or submachine guns
100% made in the USA since 1976
Mass shootings happen every single day in Mexico, Sudan Somalia Iraq Afghanistan do I need to continue? Violence and political violence happens every where every single day.
Just because you don't read about it in your national enquirer does not mean it does not happen.
Furthermore it coulhappen every ten fucking minutes and you still are not going to get my gun with out a fight.
As long as you understand that point feel free to continue. As things are a couple hundred people might die every year. If you try to confiscate guns at least a million will die in just one week.
nonsense, humans had no anti depressants, no shrinks, no fat ladies or dudes with pony tales talking shit about shit from 200,000 BC till 1990AD.
Then weirdly, we got anti-depressants and other shit then mass shootings start happening.
We had no mass shootings before"mental health" was a thing.
Prove me wrong :D
>you are breaking my heart ya fucking fairy.
America is a good country.
That is why all your kids want to move here.
so those ppl cant be mentally ill?
there, now ur un-confused
'this aint mexico' You're right. it's the internet you autistic fuck. The WORLD wide web. The internet isn't just the U.S.
found the next incel shooter
Meanwhile in Chicago....another 26 shot, 5 killed over the weekend.
Gun free zones!!!
>Although authorities did not publicly confirm his identify or describe the precise contents of the manifesto, a document posted on the website VIIIchan about an hour-and-a-half before the rampage spoke about the “invasion” of Latino immigrants and said the writer agreed with the shooter who killed worshipers at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. That document was posted by an anonymous user who posted another document under the file name “P._Crusius.” That file was taken down, and it is not clear what it contained.
So we're a third world country?
turn on your monitor
They are living.
There is no debate on this at all.
Except between the two starving brain cells between your ears.
Spoken like a true cuck 10\10
why do these fucking active shooter people never go after BILLIONAIRES or like Jeff Bezos or something?? why do they blast regular people??
you never know. they might come out with the Blu Ray
Have you seen the NYC metro?
Walmart is as has been said several times in this very thread.
"Texas and other current states belonged to Mexico?
Yep, stupid beaners sold it to the US for $15M in 1848. Except Texas, they rebelled against Mexico in 1836 and were annexed into the US in 1845
You have entirely missed my point. I’m saying that our current approach to mental health is BAD and needs to be DEVELOPED.
>pretending like he cares about blacks shooting blacks
You win the shitstain of the thread award.
Its chem-trails & fluoride !
Disagree. Mental health needs to be BANNED from human conciousness. Its nonesense hippy shit.
Sorry i raped your dog. i have bipolar.
“LONDON'S knife epidemic has reached unprecedented levels with 84 deaths in the capital since the start of 2019.
Last year was London's bloodiest in a decade - when the number of homicides reached 132 - and it shows no signs of abating.”
Hahahahahaha love the liberals getting their own throats slit.
No we are a part of a planet full of people who often don't obey laws and since the cops refuse to stay parked out front of my house I am going to continue to support unfettered gun ownership...
>wrong person
so what? "oh noes! gravity has detreated the pseudo-bone material that my body has as a cushion between my actual bones to buy time before they start rubbing against each other and wear out! better take a shit ton of pills so that any wealth I accumulated to leave to my childrens gets devoured by big pharm!" go watch some more big bang theory with your folks, have a laugh, and pretend at their funeral you had a lot of awesome memories with them even tho they were to doped up to do anything that the rest of us would qualify as being cool.
>turn on your monitor
You're a poorfag too? Jizzbreath, I have a $1000 laptop. East a bullet soon.
In other words gun control doesn't work. Now that we've settled that, why do Democrats want it so badly?
"I'd rather die by having my throat slit than by getting shot!"
- liberals
>Gun control doesn't work because everyone has guns
Yes, the shiteaters are this dumb.
You forgot blaming Trump even though this has been a problem since the fucking 90s
$3000 gaming PC here. Fuck your shitty $1000 laptop
Im an autistic ?
Look for all those massive massacres in your country babe, do you think those authors are eminences? LOL
If they'd get off of my cock about firearms they might win the next election.
Instead they're going to try to ban guns and throw the next election to The Orange.
I see you are just trolling me. How rude
Please tell me you aren't autistic enough to think that businesses dont allow carry permits on their property. It's a very well known trend that these things happen in gun free zones, almost exclusively so in fact. Name the last massacre that didn't happen somewhere that had a gun free policy. Please, I'll wait.
I am a democrat who supports the Constitution and the Second amendment.
What I wonder is why Republicans do not change parties and finally put an end to this divisive nonsense.
Sure incel. You're on your high school rental chromebook. Thank god no woman will ever take your seed.
Where do you get information & how do you determine whether it's likely true or not?
>More incel faggots taking their anger out on the world
> because saying shit like this will definitely help the problem
Amerifat, please learn the difference between mass shooting and gangs shooting.
Meanwhile in Mexico.......
Poo sticks are a controlled weapon.
Why would you spend $1,000 on a laptop? You can get insane gaming laptops without forking everything you own to Alienware you know.
Democrats aren't divisive? With their anti white bullshit, gay agenda, and open borders retardation? Or the anything you say against minorities is racist.
America is a false door, like suicide is.
For that reason Mexicans doesn't like the people who moved to US
LONDON'S knife epidemic has reached unprecedented levels with 84 deaths in the capital since the start of 2019.
Last year was London's bloodiest in a decade - when the number of homicides reached 132 - and it shows no signs of abating.”
Mass knife killings!!!
There are no "toxic" compounds in vaccines. Just because elemental mercury is dangerous doesn't mean that all mercuric compounds are you fucking retard
You wish, pleb
I wish both sides would stop being so extreme. The left is going insane with trying to confiscate everyone's firearms and the right is going insane with sucking the cock of an orange.
Because I have a job stormfag gamer. You should try it. Maybe you wouldn't have so much time to think about how much you hate non-wites who are getting laid.
Holy dust, Batman.
>The left is going insane with trying to confiscate everyone's firearms
Name one person "the left" has taken guns from?
But what's the point in giving money to a company to get the same hardware you can get for less with a better company?
I have a job too. I work for my income. Which is why I don't like throwing it away.
I crossed the street without looking both ways & I lived. Therefore it is not necessary to look for oncoming traffic before crossing a street.
apples and oranges
this. But the left has started the stupidity. You reap what you sow.
It's normal to be a fanatic now. Years ago a single drunken tattoo was taboo. Now they go full retards and turn their whole body into coloring books.
You'll just die with shit splattered on your face.
Elliot was a fag.
Only a jobless fuck would care if Yea Forums believes they have a job? (PROTIP: We don't believe it)
>80 IQ the post
Actually kill yourself.
And why do you think that was, because of the threat of imminent death by cops armed with GUNS.
>I can't answer, so I'll post this lameshit meme instead
you're looking at the wrong country. Why are you using Mehico as an example of how to run a prosperous country?
you can't be serious
Thank fuck. Now I can keep raking in the welfare from you chumps that do have jobs and live like a king.
Thank you, user, and your big dick and your big job. I'm so impressed.
He was a nut job and probably had no life.
>I don't have a coherent response, so I'll just shit on the meme instead.
Because he was white you fecal covered chimpdick.
There are plenty of immigrants in El Paso, you tard
This. It was also mostly women and children in there.
Do us a favor and stop talking, slick.
For the last time, I won't let you see my cock.
Response to what fagbait? Your offer to swallow all the cum?
Please stop
nigga fuck u
Mental illness doesn’t discriminate based on age.
this is literally millions of teens. Why did he decide to shoot people? You gotta be so fucked up to even consider that.
dude... you're so dumb that could work in a movie. it reminds me of "gravesend" where these dumb ass new york punks are trying to prove intelligence and he's like "give me any math problem and i'll do it" and i think it's "2x + 12 = 27" and he says x = 6.
Sure otis.
Looks ridiculous but think about it, the hearing protection would increase concentration and decrease ringing in the ears and pain, increasing accuracy.
He probably meant kilograms. That converts to 141 Freedom Units, which is a lot more reasonable of a weight than 64 pounds.
Is everyone on 8 a full blown autist? I was reading the thread and it's filled with future terrorist cretins like him, and it was a full blown white nationalist terrorist echo chamber
How much of a fucking hateful autist do you have to be to do this?
>Think there's an amerifat over 12 that weighs under 142.
He was targeting Mexicans, so it's more like little Miguel
I mostly go there to escape the endless FB/IG/Visco, cock tribute, celebrity, and loli threads when Yea Forums completely sucks.
And yes, it's full of scum, but that scum posts some hilarious images.
I'm sprinkling some metal that explodes when it contacts oxygen & some chemical weapon ingredients on my fries right now user. Moronanon has me worried. Do you think I'll be ok?
Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of a thick veiny long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power
But had all the vaccines and I'm fine user .-.
Probably fake news. Poor quality photo, but it looks like the stock is straight, AK47s have a slanted down stock. It does have a bakelite magazine too, which isn't from the ak47 time period, but you can use them interchangeably.
Ah shit. the shooter looks like me in the car pic. No wonder everyone was mad at me today.
I'm averaging women too. Like I'm 190, my mother is around 100, my girlfriend is around 120, and my father is around 200.
My math kind of sucks and it's all anecdotal but if I'm averaging it makes more sense for Americans to be 141 pounds than it does for Americans to be 64 pounds.
Yeah but there's no banter because it's an echo chamber
At least here people make fun of each other, but that 8 thread was nothing but terrorism supporters
Animals die from chronic illness all the time you fucking dense idiot. Wild animals of all kingdoms suffer from various of cancer for one example
Logical fallacy.
I think it's because of the massive variety of boards there.
You want a board solely for furries that own firearms and drink Clamato? Make one.
Then eventually you just get a million echo chambers because it's easier to hang around people that agree with you than people that will correct you and say that Clamato is crap.
>antibiotics destroy your gut
>bacteria lives in your gut
>in your gut
Please just stop talking
Would you say most of the boards have a white supremacist vibe?
Because the government made up "rotten meat" to get you to buy more. Meat is infinite and never breaks down. Open your eyes sheeple
True far. Italy is the rapiest country. I have a bunch of Israeli friends who were pretty traumatized by there travels in Europe
A good majority, but that comes with the territory of being a controversial website that makes the news every time a shooting happens.
I’m sure it was semi auto. You can buy a semi auto ask at fucking academy sports.
>"formaldehyde actually isint in vaccines."
How dare you sir!
>one mass shooter rent-a-cop was brown
>therefore alt-wite incels shooting up innocent people isn't happening over and over
from your internet explorer or what, bro?
That new was in 2011
Yup sorry. Your brag is lame and weird.
So are we just going to ignore the fact that inbred texass types have walmarts in their malls?
Scientologist detected.
Holy shit, I didn't even put that together.
I don't think I've ever seen that.