You know america is liberal and hopeless when there's a mass shooting in texas out of all places and it isnt stopped by...

you know america is liberal and hopeless when there's a mass shooting in texas out of all places and it isnt stopped by somebody exercising their 2nd ammendment rights

how do we take back america from the liberals who ruined it?

Attached: el paso shooting.png (540x540, 245K)

It happened in a Democrat run big city that most likely has strict gun laws.

Open carry. Are you stupid or lazy?

Very true

Walmart does not allow open carry. There would have been no armed citizens there. No guns in walmart

Wal-Mart policy follows the direction of the state the store is located in. Which means that at a minimum concealed carry is allowed. That information is available to you should you wish to be an informed poster.

At Walmart, the official company policy regarding open carry is that customers are allowed to bring visible handguns into the store, but that store staff are responsible for verifying that the customer has a proper license for the weapon.
So probly nobody with a gun in walmart

And concealed carry is certainly allowed if the state allows it. And this is Texas. Absolutely guns in Walmart. You cannot be this retarded. Just say you are wrong and move on.

It just goes to show that having strong gun laws isn't going to mean everyone is packing and that everything is going to be the wild wild west. In a mass shooting people aren't going to feel the need to be the hero. You can't always tell who is good and who the bad guys are in a mass shooting. You also can't tell if there is a mass shooting going on, or if the shooting is like a gang shooting or what not. A legal gun owner isn't going to want to be the hero in a gang shootout. You leave that shit to law enforcement.

Resident of Dallas, goes to El Paso to random Wal-mart. Makes sense.

At a Wal-Mart nonetheless. Like dude just pick up a gun behind the display. Bro just load the luger, like haahaha

fucking 20 dead in a mass shooting in TEXAS of all fucking places.

> good guy with a gun with protect us

Imagine being retarded enough to be a right-winger

Did that walmart sell guns? Some clown who worked there could have been the man with 1 rifle ahot

Lots of misinformed people here. Years back Wal-mart stopped selling guns. Stop suggesting they still do.

You are misinformed freindo

More Texans can't pull the trigger unless it's a nigger.

They sell them here in canada. They dont have a big selection though at all.

I heard they hunt taco niggers too. Today at least

You still need a permit or just fill out the form so the quebecers shadow govt know what you got?

In US too
That guy is a retard.

The mayor of El Paso, Texas is Dee Margo. Margo is a Republican, you fucktard.

>Democrat run big city
Mayor is Republican. Try again faggot.

>Imagine being retarded enough to use the word right-winger

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Not him but I haven't see one that does. Atleast in the states I been since like 2000 or so. East coast to west.

I guess they need a dem mayor to get rid of all crime, then they can be like Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Detroit, Philly, etc etc etc.

If we just get rid of white people these shootings will stop.

seeing as elpaso is 80% Spic I doubt anyone was carrying

Good point

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In canada you need whats called a PAL to own a long gun ( possession and acquisition licence). You need to have a clean criminal record. 50 dollars for the weekend course and another 50 to have your licence mailed to you. Not hard to get a gun up here but you do need a licence. You can own hand guns too. You apply for your restricted permit

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are you seriously this retarded? Just like the shooter, you should kill yourself before you do any more harm to this nation.

This is why Meijer is better than Walmart, they allow open carry. Work at one in college in Michigan rural area and there was a cougar who'd open carry a full size Glock. Always mad me feel safer knowing that she'd get shot first but at least I'd have access to a gun and have a fighting chance.

I live in baltimore. Its not that bad

/pol/ retard or troll? Impossibile to tell.
Enjoy your mass shootings. And go buy more guns: it works so well

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shit happens, cali's going through alot of these too.

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You really want to run into AK47 fire with a 9mm compact carry gun with 8 rounds?

Good luck

Attached: Smith-and-Wesson-MP-Shield-9mm.jpg (1510x1080, 876K)

LOL sorry they are allowed by state law. Your bullshit narrative was shattered and there's no amount of lying on your end that can change that.

They quit selling handguns. Still sell longuns

>Still sell longuns
Yeah but only Marlin 60s and shitty 870s

Unless you're in an armored vehicle you are never going to "run into" gunfire. The approach is to move in a different direction than everyone else fleeing, flank if possible, and engage so that they and you aren't shooting in the direction of the fleeing crowd. Primary objective is to get the shooters attention away from everyone else and if you kill them then that'll be a sweet little bonus.

An 870 would have finish that prick off real fast.

all sorts of rifles and shotguns

it varies from store to store

You clearly haven't see the video of the black guy filming himself in the store saying "guy is shooting up the place with an ak and I don't even have my gun with me, fuck"

obviously we need more guns

>Right wing terrorist blows away 20 people

>"This is liberals fault"

How can you be so wrong son

My dad could have made this in mspaint you stupid bootlicking mongoloid

Yes every person born on US soil should be given a free 1911 and be able to carry it.

It only works if it works. You want to play hero and try to flank a guy firing rifle rounds in all directions and anything human looking you go right ahead.

I'm not a cop or soldier and I'm hauling my fat ass as far away from gunfire as I can if I can.
I'm not going to die in a fucking shopping center if I can help it.
My gun is for if I meet a crack head or gang banger on the street or if I'm cornered. Defensive not offensive.

>hang on, let me park my scooter and dig out my pistol from under my rolls

There is literally a meme of soon as you get your concealed license going straight to Walmart for your "Walmart walk"

Unironically my "carry walk" after I got my permit was a .357 snubbie in a shitty holster with a shitty belt at a mall and I was paranoid as fuck that everyone knew I had a gun on me

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Liberals love this fact. Their goal to disarm Americans was represented this day. Libs should be popping bottles in the house.

Anyone got a link to his manifesto?

I'm for that!

I was reading up on the story earlier and apparently there was an armed ex-marine, or soldier of some stripe, at the scene that ran away from the situation. As any sane individual would.

He was not Infantry, I can guarantee that. An Infantryman would have killed him with anything available to him. Even a fucking toothbrush.


Found it

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Stupid fucker

None of the shit he wanted would be accomplished by anything he did.
The opposite in fact.

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You must have never served. Mo asks t infantrymen hardly see combat.