I got a question for all the liberals out there with the big fucking mouths and all the answers: how do you fix mass shootings in America these days?
Open up your fat fucking faces and tell me how to fix it. Open them up wide and be sure to enunciate words carefully so that we all fucking understand. Spell it the fuck out for us in the simplest way you can you faggot fucks.
How? There are more guns than people in this country
Thomas Butler
It's simple. We just have to send all the white people back to Germany.
Josiah Fisher
First you need to want to change, gut the gun lobby, lift restriction on collecting gun crime statistics and gun related casualty.
Easton Rogers
Autism, imagine posting this in every thread thinking someone is going to bother reading it
Justin Moore
Give every adult a gun, a bottle of whiskey, and a pack of smokes. The problem will solve itself.
Luke Jones
I say keep em coming
Chase Gomez
Buyback, we need much less guns in this country Background check and psych evaluation on everyone in the house Limit the number of guns someone can own All gun stores are government owned After death, gun has to be registered again to a new individual or simply bought from the family of the deceased
Brandon Scott
Honestly man, I don’t know. I wish it were as easy as banning guns, but believing that would be naive. As a liberal I understand that guns are deeply engrained in our society and, honestly, I like guns and don’t think they should be banned. We need another solution, something where we can find and stop shooters before they do anything, but that’s not easy, otherwise we’d already be doing it.
Ethan Wright
By sniffing my many dicks
Christopher Long
wh*te people should be banned from owning guns see that was easy
Liam Carter
All of this and maybe more. There is no silver bullet but we keep trying nothing and look where we end up. Right wingers and 2A'ers don't give af though.
James Russell
conservapedia.com/Gun_Control_in_Japan This is a start here...im not pickin no sides in this shit storm...and any idiot who believes the nra bullshit is a fool.
Gabriel Reyes
Right now the enemy is the NRA, they have to go first
Dylan Young
Buyback; Give people money if they turn in their guns.
Joshua Carter
Just face it, banning guns is probably the most effective method to stopping shootings. Arming teachers with guns is probably the most retarded idea ever
Caleb Cruz
get rid of all the guns and start having public hangings.
There is no fucking solution. How can anyone predict when someone's going to snap and create a tragedy. How would you have stopped today's insanity? The answer is you can't. But, but, user, there's always a solution. Not to this one...
Joseph Moore
How is a third party an enemy? They didn't sell or pull the trigger
Do you blame Verizon for texting and driving deaths? Anheuser Busch for DUI? .blame. Something.else
Carson Kelly
You simply cant prevent mass shootings in America, ever has the right to own a gun and that's why you cant prevent it
Nathan Cook
Treat mental illness like cancer or other diseases instead of stigmatizing it.
Please name one mass shooter that wasn't mentally ill.
Niggers in Chicago don't count.
Jaxon Murphy
the answer is stop having gun free zones? guess where most (if not all) of these mass shootings occur?
Noah Reed
National health care
You idiots would be fine if you were medicated
Justin Nelson
We can start with snuffing the violent incels. Like you.
Buybacks are a joke. Criminals aren't selling their guns back, the people that do usually have old unwanted guns or junk that they turn in for easy cash. The buyback programs will pay a set amount for guns, guns that are worth shit are now worth $50-$100 some up $150. People take advantage of that.
Luke Ramirez
The exact same way that every other civilized country in the world does it: by not letting civilians have guns.
Jordan Butler
> Big pharma is the problem.
Carter Hill
Colton Gonzalez
Ryder Jackson
America has never been civilized
Ian Phillips
The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun.Adding to the dishonesty, Scalia refused to acknowledge that he was overturning the Court’s venerable Second Amendment precedent, United States v. Miller, instead straining mightily, if unconvincingly, to draw distinctions.
Wanna get technical come on.
Kayden Ward
It's never "criminals" that commit these mass shootings, it's young, 1st time offenders who steal daddy's gun and go all out virgin incel rage in a high score attempt.
It's always some socially awkward retard that pulls this shit that would have no fucking way of navigating the black market and evading law enforcement to obtain one illegally
Nolan Thompson
1. Repeal 13th and 19th Amendments. 2. Kick out all non-whites.
That'll solve 99% of gun deaths.
Anthony Phillips
Pray for better gun restrictions.
Aiden Torres
idk man we had a kid in my high school who was bullied every day for being weird.
Came to school one day and ran over 6 kids in the parking lot killing 2 of them
Luis Jenkins
Got a nice K/D ratio tho
Hunter Jenkins
Nicholas Nguyen
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. >The right of the people to keep and bear Arms >The right of the people >the people
Are you actually retarded, or just selective in your interpretations?
oh look, everything that won't work in one convenient list
Xavier Price
>Other devloped nations: Bans guns >mass shootings suddenly are very rare >Burgerland: HOW ON EARTH *mass shooting* ARE WE GONNA *another mass shooting* STOP THES *another mass shooting* E'S MASS SHOOTINGS! >well you could try banning guns like most of the rest of the world did? Not having something tends to means people dont have said thing >HOW OH HOW CAN WE EVER STOP THEM!?!?!? >maybe try restricing them just a little >OH SWEET JEASUS IF ONLY WE KNEW HOW TO STOP THEM!!!! >like.... maybe some background checks? >LORDY HAVE MERCY WILL NO ONE HELP US!!!! >*nra steps in* Clearly the issue here is we need more guns! >THANK YOU FOR HELPING US MR NRA!!! THE REST OF THE WORLD DID NOTHING FOR US!
No its not an overnight thing. its a generational thing. Ban them now and within 2 or 3 generations there will be very few guns left. Mandatory buy backs, not allowing people to leave them to their family members on death, harsh punishment for having one... im talking 20 years just for owning one.
Easy, stop pushing rightwing hate agenda. But the world knows that won't happen. USA is fucked. Trump is part of the problem.
Elijah Cox
Just like Mexico and Sudan right?
Angel Torres
You should publicly shame and ridicule the shooters rather than treat them like martyrs
Blame the dickheads not the guns
Andrew Mitchell
You don't so stfu.
Chase Ross
Do you think people are going to lose thousands of dollars in a gov buy back? I have $10k worth of guns and the gubment is gonna give me $25 and store them away for themselves. Fuck off
Nathan Garcia
Everyone carrying at least tasers would have made a difference. And i thought this kind of shit didn´t fly on texas because everyone there packed heat. What happened? Some new law forced everyone to walk unarmed?
Kevin Hall
You're a retard. So, please shut it Nigger.
Lincoln Clark
calm down you fucking commie.
Daniel Cooper
I think we just sit back and watch america destroy itself. the fucking hatred in america is all from the rightwing.
Jackson Hernandez
Sounds reasonable
Ayden Nelson
Texas is turning into a liberal shit fest
Leo Gray
Won't work, NEXT.
Grayson Lewis
Niggers kill waaaayyyy more people than whites.
Brayden Thomas
yes yes start the revolution
Bentley Gutierrez
We already have half of that shit and it doesn't work. Gun Registration? Good fuckin luck finding a gun without a serial number. That serial number is tracked every time the gun changes hands. It's also a felony to remove it.
Gun Buybacks? You can't afford it. You can't offer enough money to make it worthwhile without collapsing the economy. There is somewhere between 300 and 500 million guns in this country... and even if you paid $1000 each that still wouldn't be enough for most gun owners.
After you die, any firearms you have go through a transfer. Add the same background check to that if you want, I really don't give a shit, but even as it is I don't think you'll be able to track such transactions because there are too many guns.
Background checks are mandatory to purchase from any licensed gun dealer.
You can't just keep ignoring the inefficacy of current gun control and slamming your face into the legislative wall in some attempt to fix the problem. More children die from drunk driving each year than from assault weapons; maybe you should try to fix that fucking problem first.
Banning is not the answer as it does not address why lunatics murder crowds of people, be it with trucks, bombs, planes, van's, knives etc. America couldnt afford a buy back scheme, plus it is a right under their constitution.
Time to find out what makes assholes want to do this.
David Howard
The "and more" is why stuff like he suggested will not fly. I want answers before , not after someone is elected. Not gun nut btw.
Logan Adams
If you can't buy a gun, you can't shoot up a mall. It's pretty simple. Sure this guy could've got his gun illegally if guns were banned, but would he have gone to all the effort? Probably not. Ban guns and this stuff stops happening, you look at the countries where guns are banned from being sold to the public and guess what, gun crime is low! Who'd have thought!
Asher Anderson
People get murdered, user gets foaming-at-the-mouth angry at liberals. What a zilch. What a bitch.
if there's no masses, there's no masses to shoot at
it's your own fault for going out in public, doing things together
buy things online, like normal people
Noah Ross
Yeah I love that people in my country can be hauled to a police station for saying something mean on Twitter.
Fuck off cunt. I wish we had guns. A few cops & politicians getting fucking brained might make them think twice before pressing down the jackboot, but here they have no such fear.
Parker Ortiz
This is the biggest problem but let's blame the guns. I'm all for better background checks and it should be easier to get someone committed and loose their guns.
Ryan Anderson
Yeah I'd much rather be stabbed or ran over by a moving truck any day of the week.
Liam Thomas
4.5% of the world's population has 60% of the worlds guns... this is going to happen! You can't stop it. Especially now that we've branded it and practically glorified it with media coverage.
Luke Rodriguez
Yeah, no.
If the worst of people already risk jail for heroin and shit just so they can feel good imagine what the average person will risk to protect their families.
Confiscate my guns if you want. You ain't gonna find em all.
Connor Reed
Arent guns banned or highly restricted in places like Mexico, Brazil, Sudan and Columbia? How is it Poland, Sweden and Israel have relaxed gun laws and dont have the problems the States has?
Chase Clark
Don't forget acid attacks from 2-liter of peace.
Hunter Brown
Because the problem is niggers and incels, not guns.
Jaxson Harris
It's inefficient because in most cases none of those restrictions apply to private sales
or you can tackle two problems at once you smooth brain
also the registration and background check have major holes
Ayden Roberts
Glory, they see others on the news and they like the idea of going out with a bang. The more they kill the better the headline. Any luck there'll be a documentary or a movie.
Easton Davis
Not a single one of those would stop criminals from buying and getting guns
Luis Morris
in general terms, an adult state and not a police state. More mental health care, better controls (dont put cameras every fucking where, they only serve to know who did it, not why he/she did it). Basically stop this shit before it happens, identifying the crazies, schizos and psychos before they can act. There has to be a fucking way, it cant be impossible. Also actively campaign so the population will report crazies when they see them so that the state can work on them, give them treatment etc. Stop the laboratories from pushing more pills onto people, try a more integral treatment on many cases.
Daniel Stewart
Always thought they should do that. Back when Columbine happened , if I went to that school I would have told the press I found those two buttfucking behind the bushes one day wearing tu-tus .
Nathan Walker
there are plenty of incels in europe yet they don't go shooting up their school the problem is accessibility of guns to them.
Joshua Ramirez
What about the left constantly calling for the death of whites
Hunter Brooks
Ban guns although criminal organizations will still have access to them because of connects your average person will not
Leo Barnes
We don’t have an answer in part because current laws literally make it illegal for the part of our government who is supposed to research this stuff to research gun deaths and potential prevention techniques.
Wyatt Edwards
> If you can't solve the problem completely its not worth taking any steps towards it
This is the most idiotic mentality ever.
Adrian Sanchez
Probably would have got them more followers on Yea Forums
Nolan Lewis
That rag also banned alcohol at one time. Clearly, when it wants to, cuntgress can undo obvious mistakes.
Stop clinging to that first draft
Owen Martinez
Why doesnt this happen at the same rate in other countries with less restrictive gun laws than the US? Are these fuckers on certain meds when they do it? What the heck is the connection?
Levi Thomas
At this point, pretty much every effort that would have some impact would be instantly interpreted as the government trying to take away liberties. Any increased weaponizing of citizens to better protect themselves would be abused and outdone by mass murderers in no time. This is an inevitable norm when automatic and semiautomatic weapons specially meant to kill humans quickly and en masse are easily available and society goes about its day with no appropriate respect or fear for that.
Asher Cook
Because they don't have relaxed gun laws.
It's illegal to own a firearm in Sweden unless you have a very necessary requirement e.g. farmer with pest control problems.
Poland has very strict gun laws and only issues around 5000 permits a year.
Israel also very strict - only allowed 1 per owner and have to ask for permission from the government to buy and sell their firearm.
Where did you get relaxed gun laws from?
Chase Hill
Not even canada has muricas problems and they are very much gun-happy
Gabriel Mitchell
The left are arguably more hate filled. Radicalists on either side are insufferable, conservatives won't alter their beliefs in the face of facts and the left cares more about feelings and gestures than meaningful legislation.
Ayden Scott
US media
Ayden Bennett
This wasn't a gun free zone
Jackson Rodriguez
That and we are raising kids to believe that they have no responsibility for their life's and any problems are someone else's fault. Eventually these loosers snap and go after everyone else since it's all their fault .
Nathaniel Adams
They want to take all the guns away.. duh... theres no way to stop this shit, people are too fucked on the head now.. it's over, just ride the wave and see what happens.
William Perez
News said Walmart is.
Cooper Gutierrez
Sounds exactly something trump would make up.
Like Muslims cheering and partying in the streets after 911.
Luke Bennett
I think that's just the radical left. Everyone else is probably just way too nihilistic to value human life at all.
Carson Brooks
Which countries in particular are you comparing to?
Adrian Thomas
And how the fuck is a buyback program going to address this?
Parker Baker
It was meant to protect individual rights, you're just a retarded nigger.
Gabriel Parker
Probably the swedish and Polish guys on YouTube showing off their fully automatic firearms that they can get.
The average white us male has a small penis some will deal with it, some will become qt traps and others will do this
Robert Robinson
Mental illness and attention-seeking.
When the news covers each incident, it gives rise to more of them since they see how much attention it gets.
Bentley Morales
any woman with a child she must stay home and raise the child. No more daycare. Parents stick there kids in these places after a few months. The child feels abandoned and and that feeling never goes away. Back in the day when the father worked and the mother raised the kids you didn't have this shit.
Carter Jenkins
Repeal the 2nd amendment for starters. Then we can ban all private ownership of firearms except for people who can earn a license by proving they are of sound mind and can use them responsibly. They get to concealed carry wherever they want. You can't ever prevent mass shootings but that would sure as shit make them less common.
Jason Baker
More guns causes more gun violence.
Aaron Diaz
Restrictions on weapon collections, type, ROF, stop gunshots that circumvent safety, shut down the NRA. Take steps as a nation (like countless others) to restrict weapons period.
Hudson Ortiz
All Walmarts are gun free zones...nigger.
Chase Taylor
Take the guns away. Yes it will take a while and yes criminals will still have guns, but this guy isn't a fucking criminal. He's a depressed little white kid with easy access to a war weapon. If he had to try and buy it from an actual criminal with actual cash how do you think that would go down?
Elijah Kelly
Yes because making things illegal automatically means it is impossible to get them. Just like drugs.
Luke Reyes
Like in always sunny lmao
Eli Lee
This isn't minority report. if someone snaps and decides they're going to commit something like this, they're gonna do everything they can to make it happen.
Crime in its entirety is illegal for a reason, yet it happens no doubt every 5 minutes or less. Unless they MK Ultra everyone in the country, shit like this prolly isn't gonna show any signs of slowing down.
John Collins
Something like this, but for parenthood.
Almost every mass-shooting has been perpetrated by a victim of a broken home.
We need to acknowledge that women are unfit to raise children without male supervision.
William Ortiz
the way it is interpreted by virtually all constitutional scholars is such that society shall always have the right to bear arms. But it is not an individual intrinsic right. "the people"referring to the body of people not individual people.
So you can take away someone's guns without violating the constitution, you just can't take away everyone's guns.
Eli Evans
You take every man under 6”, every guy who is fucking ugly, and every guy who can’t get laid, and put them in a concentration camp. Then the rest of us Chads/women will be safe.
Brandon Cox
Elon Musks neurallink should be used to read minds and detect when someone is thinking about shooting up a place.
Obviously we need to get rid of semiautomatic rifles which have been ubiquitous in american culture for a century but have somehow only been involved in so many mass shootings in the past 20 years. Clearly there isnt some other social I'll we are experiencing amd it must be entirely on the guns. /sarcasm
Dylan Watson
There is no quick solution. Most of America is brainwashed, patriotism infected everyone, left and right, doesn't matter.
Easton Barnes
Cope harder
Joshua Richardson
>waaaahhh gooboo gabba pls big daddy gubmint tell me what i can and can't own i hate having rights abloo bloo waaaah Fucking disgusting, nanny state loving pissants. Grow a fucking spine. It's like you wankstains have an instinctual need to be told what you can and can't do, like fucking children.
>I-is it okay if I buy that mommy government? >Can I have two cookies daddy government? >Big shooty bangbang scaaawy Q.Q pls government make it go away waaah waah
Jason Adams
Yeah do that and enjoy living like a 3rd worlder.
Ian Scott
Caleb Sanders
Yet the black gang bangers can put out greater deaths than this latest asshole in a few days.
Samuel Peterson
Your source is a guy on yt.
Google is your friend, each country has their own article you can read and actually learn what their laws are.
Forever happy I live nowhere near you idiots.
William Murphy
It's not just the news, genius. The speed of information spread across social media utterly destroys any blame you want to push on network coverage. We will never be united in some hive thought to ignore and conceal the identity of someone who commits an atrocity. That kind of thinking is infuriatingly naive.
Carson Wilson
does anyone know the race of the shooter?
Noah Brooks
And what besides having easy access to guns makes us different from any other western nation?
White, there are several photos of him entering the store and being arrested.
Jackson Stewart
Walmart was full of Wetbacks and poor whites, so no one had a firearm to fight back.
Landon Carter
>using the constitution as the basis for wanting to keep guns
if you have no valid arguments just say it, like shit nigger.
Austin Ward
Open and Carry for everyone!
Camden Scott
You can conceal carry in walmart... nigger
Sebastian Garcia
'Assault weapons' are much harder to get than most other firearms, and there have been literally a handful of shootings with 'assault weapons' in the past 30 years. What I assume you mean by 'assault weapons' is scary black rifles that heatseek babies and orphans. The overwhelming majority of firearms in the US are not assault weapons, as the nebulous term 'assault rifle/weapon' usually confers to a rifle that has the ability to fire in both automatic and semi automatic modes. Again, these are hard to get, far harder to get than your average AR15.
However, the fact that what i assume you mean by assault weapons are black and look 'tactical' doesnt make them any more lethal. There are plenty of firearms that fire larger rounds which can go further and do a lot more damage, but because they have wood stocks they dont look scary. So I would suggest you redefine what you think abour firearms, and stop listening to the media.
Noah Hill
The shooter is dating a nigger girl.
Owen Myers
Take guns away from retards who brag about how many guns they own, but don't own a gun safe.
Oliver Rogers
lol, you're pretty tough as long as it's not your family getting murdered. Right?
Isaiah Phillips
How many mass shootings have been stopped by people carrying?
Nicholas Foster
Shut up faggot.
Jason Phillips
Guns are inanimate objects, it's the killers mind-set you need to tackle.
Gang bangers randomly kill groups of people? They definitely kill people in robbery, shootings, etc but they don’t just go into Walmart and start killing 22 people genius
Well there nigger boy, all mass shootings are in Liberal "gun free zone"
Josiah Reyes
It's like you're begging to baited into an argument. Jesus you're pathetic brotha
Charles Sullivan
You nigger, dachau was an extermination camp.
My YID family died there.
Fucking cocksucker
Luke Roberts
Build legal brothels so all these incels can get laid. Also build said brothels out of guns. Actually start building fleshlights into gun stocks. Then you could wield more guns at one time. Because we all know more guns make not using guns happen more because logic and stuff, that's why. Make little guns that clip onto the dick guns. Butt-plug guns? Fuck yeah! That way the sissys on Yea Forums can be represented as well. Chicks with dicks and dicks with guns and guns with guns fuck yeah America!
Go read Scott v. Sanford. They go on quite a bit about how recognizing the negro race as citizens would mean they'd have the right to have and carry arms with them wherever they may go, same as a white man. This "gotta keep the niggers disarmed" reasoning later remanifests as "common sense gun control".
Jonathan Jones
So are you admitting you're to fucking dumb to get it? Why bother explaining. None of you dumb fucks on this anime board for losers are going to do anything but impotently call us fags and shit post. That's what this board is for shit heel.
Ooh wow. So edgy. So back to sucking your dad's cock you sub-human.
Evan Jackson
All of them? also >nigger boy What are you, 12?
Jaxson Bell
am liberal but have no idea or answer. i wish as a nation we were more open to discussing solutions. it's in the interest of our country, regardless of whatever political beliefs you hold, to prevent or at least acknowledge the factors which lead to such shootings. instead, people just point fingers and scream about how dumb the other party is (goes both ways). frustrating, and exhausting, all the same
Thomas Barnes
>have tool specifically designed to kill and injure >have more of these in circulation than the population of the country >have gun death rates on par with south american shitholes
I think it just goes to show that americans are animals just like south americans.
Nolan Campbell
Gilroy Festival.
Chase Morris
Camden Green
Texas Tower shooter.
Easton Watson
Anybody got a link to the supposed "manifesto"?
Angel Collins
By killing more Americans than mass shootings, by far, but not with legal guns at least.
You don't even need to make a gun. Look at the guy at that vegas one where he fired automatic weapons into a open stadium. He could have made firework mortars then instead of putting the "stars" that make pretty colors could have used ball bearings (the stars are small spheres packed at the surface of the ball with black powder charges in the center. If you took high school physics you would be able to make one to fit your needs along with the mass info on the internet.) Then line up the mortars and have 50 ball shells go off at once, well after one test fire to get the aim correct. I haven't even thought about this before. Guns are not the best way for mass killing civies, just the easiest obvious answer. We should not be killing other normal people though, go after the Pai's, Trumps, Clintons, executive team of Nestle etc, the ones hearding society towards shit.
Samuel Sanchez
>A well-balance breakfast, being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to cook and eat food, shall not be infringed. Clearly the right to cook and eat food is a right of well-balanced breakfasts, not the people.
Levi Hill
it's strange to me that you had to use 2 separate replies. Is that because of the lack of shootings stopped by people with a license to carry?
Ethan James
So lower your standard of living and countries with proper education system gets to keep their brainpower? No ty, our system is better for a reason.
Jace Green
When dealing with a claim of stopping a mass shooting, there’s a “Catch 22” problem. If someone shoots a potential mass shooter before they begin, technically a mass shooting never took place and one can’t definitively claim it was prevented. On the other hand, if a mass shooting is underway and then stopped by an armed civilian, technically the mass shooting wasn’t prevented either, as it already happened. This “Catch 22” makes it technically impossible to stop a mass shooting. Thus, this meme could be considered correct under this twisted logic, but would be grossly and maliciously misleading and not what any fair person would consider to be true.
Juan Richardson
Oliver Davis
Cause you got yo fight, for your right, to party. Guns are in the Constitution. Should be the other way around.
Leo Ramirez
Most people who incorrectly use the terms "assault rifles" or "assault weapons" aren't thinking in actual specs or limiting its use to tacticool looking guns. Most of the time they're broadly referring to weapons that could be and are used in armed conflicts, or otherwise rifles that would obviously be overkill for any game hunting.
Blake Russell
Groups or randoms it doesnt matter to the peoples families. 20 white and Hispanics in 1 building once a year or 50 black people in a average week in Chicago.
Asher King
Gun free zones, nigger boy
Brody Clark
Stopped by police officers, ended up suiciding
Carson Allen
found the thread potato
Jackson Hughes
I mean yeah, impeding this is fucking retarded
Liam Sanders
Stop being fat, ugly incels that are so butthurt about not getting their dick sucked that they decide to kill innocent people.
Liam Martinez
Welcome to the thread Reddit homo
Hunter Morales
Am I the only one that thinks its funny that most of the people committing mass shootings are trump supporters
We shoot the students so they don't have to suffer through life.
Thomas Ross
Because thats worked soooo well for drugs id bet good money that you know half a dozen people or more that smoke weed and assuming its legal where you are same thing but before it was legal
Lincoln Davis
How many mass shootings have been efficiently stopped after they began shooting people by a gun carrying citizen?
Joshua Taylor
Jonathan Edwards
you dont know alot about guns, do you?
Oliver Young
It’s more like once every couple of months. Those killings in chi are often gang related ofc criminals are gonna have weapons they have connects your average person doesn’t have that.
>Oi mate! *arson-of-occupied-structures kills dozens of people* You just need to ban guns! *bombing in subway injures thousands* We've had hardly any mass shootings *lorry plows through crowd* since we banned 'em! *rape gangs prey on disarmed women* Less gun violence, too! *stabbing deaths at an all-time high* It's much safer now. *pensioner beaten to death in broad daylight in a High Street shopping district* Brilliant.
Charles Brown
if you willing to kill 19 people, i’m sure you would’ve put the extra effort to get a gun. banning it won’t solve it, and it’ll create a black market for guns, and all the retarded trump supporters will probably get together and fight back.
Caleb Bell
You didn't understand what I said, did you?
Jace Hall
Sure buddy. You can go to some of these gun nuts houses and confiscate their guns. RIP dumbass
Angel Cooper
The barrier symbolizes the current prerequisites to get hold of a gun.
because people care about getting a felony charge after they commit mass murder.
fucking nitwit.
its about the ease and accessibility for anyone to buy a fucking gun. if you make it easier for the average joe to get a gun, you make it easier for it to make its way to the back market.
Caleb Morales
Big tough internet man. If that had been one of your loved ones lying face down in a puddle of blood after dying terrified, in pain, and alone you wouldn't talk like such a stupid cunt. Try to have a little empathy you double-nigger.
Cooper Mitchell
I meant Switzerland and not Sweden. Regardless, you can have the same guns in Switzerland, Poland, a good number of them in Canada. You cant open or conceal carry in those countries but the lack of carrying in public wont stop lunatics
Wyatt Mitchell
WTF are you talking about?
Jeremiah Howard
Why don't we send the niggers back to Africa and the Kikes back to the chambers? And we just make murdering SJWs legal so retards like you aren't allowed to have an opinion and watch how quickly America goes from mass shootings to running the world. Take your worthless opinion back to Facebook.
Matthew Sanders
Ban all guns to incels and virgins. If you're a fatass that can't defend with his own hands you're not even getting pussy so why bother allowing them to own guns? Most gun owners are insecure incels i doubt it will be hard to filter them before they get a gun
Mass shootings, as tragic as they are, only account for a tiny percent of gun-related deaths, BUT, statistics paint a very good picture for risk-protection programs (which include a background check, so that's covered). States with risk-protection programs for gun sales have drastically lower gun-related deaths than those that don't. It may be directly targeting those that would commit suicide (the highest number of gun deaths, anyway), but it definitely has positive side-effects on gun violence.
Ayden Green
>wages go down >america is unnatractive to foreign brainpower >brain drain happens in america >we're left with a shitty education system that only the elite can afford >we can no longer support our system with uneducated citizens Look up brain drain, and why its so important to us. We don't invest in education like other countries, but we're more attractive to people around the world (everyone wants to live here) so they get their education in other country and they end up living here.
Isaiah Roberts
minority report
Jaxson Perry
Ayden Brooks
>before they begin That's just murder you idiot
Jace Lopez
>am liberal >people just point fingers There lies the problem. Wonder who does that
Andrew Reed
The lack of access will.
The mentally ill/socially awkward retards that committ these atrocities don't have the ability to navigate the actual criminal underworld or evade law enforcement. When the entire gun market is illegal and shitloads of more resources would go towards controlling guns it would stop, maybe not immediately due to how long guns have been freely available but eventually the lack of ammo and new guns being manufactured being 0 at some point it would end.
The UK banned hand guns in 1996 after a school shooting and since then there has only been 1 other mass shooting which was in 2010.
Banning guns works.
Luis Hill
america is done
even installing the perfect social security system up the current state of knowledge wouldnt be able to heal the wounds that your country has from the countless wars you have been engaged in, the crippling dept your country and your people are in, the lifes and families that are getting destroyed by bosses who fire people for no good reason and the non existent responsibility by the people (rich and poor) for not only their own gainz but also the wealth and health of the community. You might as well vote for trump again and start a war with iran, while still being deployed all over the world. It will make no difference, your country is fucked. nothing will prevent shootings anymore, nothing will help the homeless. you will all just sit on your couch watch you "news" outlet of choice until the mcdonalds hormoneburger fucked enough with your brain until you grab a gun and start shooting people. Have fun americans
Jayden Harris
If you have a gun, every single family member/roomate goes through monthly psychological testing. Failure to do so or pass and you get your shit revoked. >WOWEEE!! THATS SO NOT COOL! MUH EXPENSIVE ON STATE, WE SHOULD FUN ISRAEL INSTEAD!! If you can't pass a psych test, you sure as hell shouldn't be holding a fucking gun.
Alexander Lee
Arm everyone. Train everyone. The only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.
Luis Adams
>The UK banned hand guns in 1996 after a school shooting and since then there has only been 1 other mass shooting which was in 2010. >Banning guns works. How many mass shooting would have been expected between 1996 and 2010 in the UK based on historical trends?
Zachary Green
What makes you sure?
Parker Martinez
Behavioral sink, you can't
Christian Barnes
Cameron Davis
There is no good solution to our mass shooting problem, no palatable solution for the masses, anyway.
Many White mass shooters have been driven by ideology that isn't particularly wrong. There are differences in personality and intelligence that differ between the races and lead to different outcomes. This causes gaps in wealth, health, educational attaignment, you name it. Life is essentially one big intelligence test so dumb Blacks and Hispanics end up losing compared to Whites and Asians.
But rather than acknowledge the natural state of our differences and these outcomes, egalitarians teach Blacks and Hispanics dumb shit like "there's only one race, the human race". Many old, White boomers believe this too, so this generates an enormous amount of resentment from both sides. Blacks think the White man be keeping them down, and the White man thinks that the Black man is just an abhorrent ghetto ape.
So the White man who believes in actual racial differences is in a bind. He sees his country slowly being invaded and going to shit. He sees a future of this country that resembles Brazil. He sees the movie Idiocracy slowly emerging, and he wants to stop it, but leftists are holding him responsible for what's happening, and what's worse is that they may now have the majority of the vote. What is this man to do?
What we saw today was a lone wolf attack. Blacks do this all the time, targeting Whites for their crimes out of racial animosity, but they're given a pass because their hatred is legitimized by leftists.
Fuck leftists, egalitarians, communists, and gun control.
Luis Green
Why won't it work?
Leo Jackson
>I think they'd rip me off, I've never heard of eminent domain
Cameron Gomez
You can not erase monsters from the world without the destroying the habitat that allows them to germinate. The easy factors to start with with accessibility, I'm naive enough to think you should outright ban them. But you have greatly reduce accessibility. We need to give people healthy outlets for their frustrations when people break mentally we need them do so in a safe controlled environment. I like anything in medicine the course of action is not treatment when people get sick but prevention.
Not a communist, I just support smart gun ownership as well as gun control
Charles Brooks
mental health screenings for gun ownership
James Clark
>because I said so
Carter Cruz
this is dumb, all it takes is one gun to be effective killing machine
Parker Howard
this is the most realistic answer
Brandon Sullivan
So are you saying that since it won't eliminate problems it's not worth it? How blind
James Jenkins
Give everyone a gun + training. There won't be anymore mass shootings, but there might be more individual shootings. You didn't say the prevention method couldn't have a drawback.
William Bennett
yes, thats exactly what im saying. if it doesn't have an impact don't do it
Landon Nelson
the ole' if its broken try to fix it by not even trying to fix it
Nolan Clark
You said that's exactly what you're saying, then said something completely different Just because it hasn't been eliminated doesn't mean it hasn't had an impact
Levi Wilson
Grayson Rodriguez
You can still own hand guns providing they are 2' overall length, AR15s, MP5s etc in the UK, conceal carry in NI. Knife and acid attacks on the rise, a good number of terrorist attacks, so the UK still has massive problems it hasnt addressed.
Wyatt Martinez
either you are retarded and don't understand what im saying... or.. well... that's it... What i said is exactly what i said previously. your "solutions" would have no impact on the problem, but DO infringe heavily upon the second amendment making them less likely to even be legal. Not intelligent solutions
William Cruz
Dude... this is the very first time I will type anything seriously on Yea Forums: I don’t know, but gun control isn’t the answer. I believe we need to refund mental-health facilities, and we need more people in neural medicine. The military veteran in me wants to hunt down every single on of these mass-shooting enthusiasts and permanently shut their god-forsaken mouths for good. This culture makes me so sad.
Carter Gonzalez
Ragheads in afghan were still using bolt action rifles. I can guarantee some cunt somewhere is using an old ww2 revolver in an armed conflict. Does that make bolt action rifles and revolvers assault weapons? The people who throw around the term 'assault weapon' neglect the plethora of weapons that have actually been used in armed conflicts and instead focus all their hate on civilian AR style platforms. Mainly because they look scary.
Cooper Thompson
Evan Powell
mental health screenings, that's it. That's all that is needed
Luke Cox
Causes of mass shootings and violence: lack of emotional support, emotional unavailable household, bullying, ignorance, hatred, lack of love, failed education system
Elijah Evans
Hello, tell me more about modifying fireworks to kill people. I'm not the FBI at all.
Owen Foster
Hey, asshole, the UK/EU is absolutely perfect. Stop spreading lies that would make anyone think it has any problems.
Eli Reyes
Evan Gray
You've obviously never heard of US v Miller And you make no attempt to explain why it would have no impact
Andrew Bell
OP is retarded in his/her face.
Zachary Smith
which holes are they?
The background check looks for criminal convictions based upon the FBI
Registration is not a thing unless your state requires it. Which, if your state is retarded, then there might be a loophole.
But there are no glaring loopholes.
Yes, you need a background check to buy from a dealer at a gun show.
Nolan Allen
Yes yes yes yes yes! Neither side can possibly argue this!
Gabriel Mitchell
Sure, check any european country. So two options, only Americans are spoiled rotten enough to want to kill 19 random peoples, or people who are dumb enough to try to get this gun here ain't able to do it. But keep going, anyway it will be solved by itself.
Mainly because they are used in battlefields. You know, where people get violently assaulted.
Carter Thomas
Deporting all illegals and expelling jews, would have the biggest impact on stopping mass shootings. Allowing jews to continue to spread division and flood our country with vagrants, is just going to lead to even more extreme violence. The house needs to be cleaned.
Brandon Morales
Crime still happens, so all crimes should be legalized
Ryan Anderson
Destruction of the nuclear family, the normalisation of step parents and single motherhood is the root cause of mass shootings.
Wyatt Butler
BECAUSE IT TAKES ONLY 1 GUN TO BE A KILLING MACHINE. LIMITING GUNS DOESN'T ELIMINATE THE CAPABILITIES OF A MASS SHOOTER there did you read it this time, I will keep restating my point if you keep asking me to
Wyatt Miller
banning guns is a red herring. even if you successfully remove guns these terrorists are going to use bombs or vehicles. timothy mcveigh. ira. middle east. guns aren't the issue.
we need to quit pretending that white nationalists and hate groups aren't using cultural appropriation to integrate & promote their ideology on social media. that's how /pol/ came to be. stormfront raiding this site. it's like how the entertainment industry forces meme culture on social media to facilitate viral marketing. christchurch shooter. pizzagate shooter. el paso shooter. magabomber. the many synagogue and mosque shootings/burnings. the unite the right. these people were radicalized by political trolls on social media.
by acknowledging the mental health crisis in america & removing the stigma so that people are more willing to get help. far too many people have underlying mental health issues who use trolling to cope. which makes them very susceptible to propaganda.
by providing better health care coverage so that these people can get the care they desperately need.
by regulating the internet & creating an entire industry that allows social media platforms to better moderate their shit. that way we can remove all these goosestepping trolls and go back to how the internet used to be. meanwhile, we can create jobs all across the nation for people who will undoubtedly be replaced by automation. because if we don't we are truly fucked. and this is a job that can't be automated because bots are unable to make proper judgement calls. and no, this isn't censorship. that is a falsehood spread by the people above. you can still have your own websites. and if places like Yea Forums doesn't want this service that is fine. you're just not allowed on their websites. like how a store can kick you from their premises for wearing a swastika t-shirt.
and you might say WUT ABOUT ANTIFA??? well let's reinstate the fairness doctrine. look that up.
Brandon Clark
Mental Health Evaluations before purchas will eliminate 90%of gun sales. So unstable people, like you for example, won't be able to get them.
Then again, Australia just banned all guns after they had a school shooting and haven't had one since.
Was that simple enough for you artard?
Hunter Cruz
Your mom should be legalized
Joseph Collins
Where's the lie?
It sounds like you're a violent incel
Joshua Wood
I defend my household with old WW2 weapons. They’re just as useful as the heavily modded M-4s I used in the sand box. The tool isn’t the issue, the mental stability and upbringing of the individual is.
Robert Collins
"IF IT HAS NO IMPACT" laws and punishment inherently deter crimes. holy shit are you brain dead. how do you not understand what im saying
Ah, the old drugs argument How many machines do I need to grow mushrooms? How many machines and factories mass produce robberies? I know people can make garage guns, but they're nothing like the ones you can buy, much less accurate
Justin Harris
Can guarantee they'd be a hell of a lot more if they hadn't been banned, and the the other shooting was a guy driving around in a taxi taking pot shots at people with a hand gun. Not semi/automatic weaponns being sprayed into crowds.
Are you really suggesting that because there's been 1 shooting since the ban 14 years after it came into effect then there's no point in trying the same laws for America?
Matthew Morgan
Sure you do, buddy. Faggots will say anything to prove a point.
Ayden Rodriguez
Why do you insist there could be no impact regarding gun restriction though?
ive never committed any punishable crime but i can, right now, buy any gun i want, including banned ones, have it delivered to my house, and proceed to commit a crime with it, from my underwear, guess where i learned how to access the place i can do that through? Yea Forums. its not as simple as you make it out to be.
Asher Martin
just take a look at places where people cant buy gun, >depressed Yea Forums retards cant buy guns no more >only criminals will get guns to kill other criminals >Yea Forums will be depressed cuz cant kill self with gun or shoot mah wallwart fukin texan peoples
Benjamin Miller
You mean Newzealand after the mosque massacre, UK after the school shooting.
John Richardson
yeah other countries banned guns, stabbings and stolen home depot trucks took their place, the violence did not go away, it just got quieter. thats why you cant own anything fucking pointy in england now.
Aaron Reed
>The issue is mental health No it’s no. How can it be a mental health issue when it’s a physical deformity on the body?
Carson Bell
The UK appears to have a mass shooting every 10 to 15 years going back to Hungerford. The culture is incredibly different to that of the US.
Henry Richardson
What do you think would have happened if a man walked into that walmart with a knife?
Leo Powell
For someone who probably complains about triggered cucks on 4 chan you sure sound like a triggered cuck.
Isaac Sanchez
because those laws would have no impact on the millions of guns in circulation that are unregistered. i mean, the only way to enforce this law is if the police are already there. so law abiding citizens can horde guns with no fear. You would have minimal impact on supply of guns, with no impact on demand. Also if they appear normal, they can acquire a gun which is enough to kill huge sums of people then kill themselves without fear of repercussions. like they do know. would have sooooo little impact, and only on supply of guns not gun deaths
Mason Butler
but you said mandatory psych evals, only for the household of gun owners. that doesn't stop anyone from having their mental health deteriorate after acquiring a gun or... ya know... lying
Aaron Rodriguez
He best stay out of the kitchen deportment
Matthew Butler
*already there means the police already had probable cause to search a premises
Daniel Mitchell
That's the point of the buyback, like Australia had, which worked really well
Brody Ross
... we have a higher demand for guns here, meaning people value guns > value from the buyback. It would never work as effectively here. especially considering the difference in numbers of guns in this country
Jonathan Allen
We wouldn't shift to knives, it would be bombs. And as I said in another thread, bombers are much more deadly/destructive and harder to catch. The trick is to stop people wanting to kill eachother, not just taking away their tools. What's making people want to kill eachother, is greed and subversion.
Brandon Barnes
That's why I would also want period check ups, perhaps every 5 years, making sure it's kept in a safe, the people in the house are still well enough for their gun, and I would also promote mandatory gun safety courses, much like a driver's license
Because americans are fuckin' stupid. We never have mass shootings in switzerland because our gun law actually works and we're not as stupid as americans.
Carter Adams
You don't obtain bombs, you make them. Goat fuckers in Afghanistan have proven that for decades.
Ethan Nguyen
mental health screening is the key, especially in anyone under the age of 30. however it would need to implemented far more often than every 5 years.
Jackson Foster
no they aren't. fertilizer is cheap
Bentley Parker
Australians loved guns as well, it will be hard, but removing excess guns would be worth it
James Roberts
Exactly, and you need knowledge that isn't that widely available, and looking up said knowledge would put you under suspicion
Grayson Johnson
Do you think you just need fertilizer?
Jackson Rodriguez
Fertilizer is tightly controlled.
Lucas Kelly
you do know the united states is about 40 times larger than Switzerland and you have far lower amounts of guns in your country. also probably have better mental health care
Aaron Myers
Never going to happen.
Levi Green
you are retarded if you think Australians "loved guns" as much as Americans. its our 2nd fucking amendment
Cooper Roberts
I was thinking annual, but that seems too excessive, perhaps every three years?
>”yeah, no” Bruh are you an Iowan? That’s like our state motto.
Luke Martinez
>checks fertilizer accidents throughout history i mean a spark helps too
Jayden Murphy
probably annual, done at annual physical
Joshua Jackson
And Americans only started believing the 2nd amendment meant "all guns should be allowed to be owned with no limits" in the 70s, they can be brainwashed It all started when the NRA stopped being for common sense gun laws
Logan Sullivan
that's just one example of a very easily available explosive. bombs are really really easy to make
Jack Gomez
I read this whole thing word for word and I genuinely cannot understand what it's saying. whether that's the result of all the pills I take or if I've had a long day is a different topic.
Elijah Johnson
Try buying that and massive amounts of the materials without having someone knock on your door
Adam Peterson
well, not really. americans have throughout history had military grade weapons for personal use
Adrian Cruz
its just some retard with an anti-holocaust conspiracy bullshit
Luis Martinez
When was the last mass bombing in America? How many do we normally get a year?