Sissy thread?

sissy thread?
sissy thread!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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daily reminder that sneaky is the best sissy

Attached: sneakysissy.webm (854x480, 501K)

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Attached: FavorableGleamingFieldmouse.webm (640x360, 1.13M)

Attached: PowerfulVioletBlackrussianterrier.webm (640x360, 1.58M)

sissies need to be snipped

Attached: tumblr_o7h21lTnAy1r1fcyoo1_500.jpg (500x375, 37K)

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how will the cage stay on then :c

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I love this stuff

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this bunny has a metal carrot :3

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Attached: wackyfruit-chastitycum.webm (400x600, 1.19M)

plenty more where that came from

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>you will never have a gf to dress you up and make you look femme on photoshop to sell your pics to thirsty virgins

Attached: cdc.jpg (577x537, 65K)

you wont need one

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Please continue.

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Step 6 obtain fat bf to pin me down and breed me

Attached: sissygasm.webm (200x289, 985K)

b-but what about sissy aesthetics

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based and redpilled

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a real sissy has no way of going back

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Attached: NearPoorDugong.webm (720x1280, 1.46M)

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Attached: GratefulFarBumblebee.webm (1080x1920, 1.12M)

That’s fucking hot

>tfw no sissy buddies to fag out with
also same video with better res/bitrate/audio: erome Yea ForumsCf3q4UXE

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Attached: SpanishPracticalKoala.webm (1280x720, 1.23M)

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Attached: HandyCanineBlackrhino.webm (720x1280, 610K)

I wish that was me

This is so fucking gay and not in the appealing way

Attached: 1555294256854.webm (384x682, 1.6M)

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That us good advice but I need a butt plug or dildo first.

these and this are u/sendingyounoodles
very cute

Attached: WhirlwindComfortableBlackrussianterrier.1.webm (720x734, 997K)

Anybody have any favorite sissy panties i should get?

Attached: aelemma sissyael91 2.webm (640x1138, 652K)

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Attached: PleasedSlipperyBoilweevil.webm (1920x1080, 1.75M)

Attached: girl.jpg (1151x292, 66K)

Yall have any favorite BDMSLR blogs now that tumblr is donezo?

Attached: Fscxb8G.webm (270x480, 771K)

>tfw you will never touch sneakys butt

Attached: VQD_2qzw.jpg (1536x2048, 197K)

this you?


Any more captions?

Used to be so good over at tumblr.

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Go on

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Today's my first time wearing something but panties in like 4 months. feels so weird

Why not change back into them?


Attached: 001.jpg (673x2048, 543K)

I love that outfit

My gf's mom is staying with us :/

But its less risky to wear boxers rn :( my gfs mom is over

Well put them back on the second she leaves.

Yes sir i will. im sorry

These two pics make me question my sexuality

I can't be hard on you since I don't even own any panties to wear around.

Please help me be a better sissy by increasing the time I will be in chastity.

Attached: sissy 3.jpg (620x924, 121K)

i have so many.... lol i'm addicted pretty much probably have over 100

Added six hours :)

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I'm jelly. I need to get a pair of my own.

Get some! Just like go grab some from target

Yes, Do you have a discord or other so that I can see your evolution?

+6 hours sweetie

Attached: 4 - 09bp5I2.jpg (2152x2911, 517K)

Well i'm all boy mode and pre transition and everything so not cute :/

I always lose my nerve when i try to go.

6 hours more sweety

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Just your chastity and the tone of juice that flows when you are Excessively exited

Party on Wayne!

Party on Garth!


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The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Are you committed to this lifestyle or not?

Amazon, they'll be there in 2-3 days.

Fk yessss

Thst is a good idea. Thanks user. This is on step closer to beciming a sissy.

amazon is godtier if you live in a country with an amazon fulfillment center

part of me is glad i don't live in one is because my wallet would get absolutely demolished

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checked & can confirm

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Cute clothing.

I believe in you! They couldnt care less what people buy

You're right...

Whatd you get? :)

I'm looking right now. This is very exciting.

Oh note bad

Get it girl :)

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going to invade this thread since the trap one died

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I know I'm right. Go put your panties on. If you really aren't ready for this wear boxers over them but don't tell yourself that isn't cheating. Best to just wear a simple pair without a lot of color or lace.

Oh you ;)
I hope one day people will confuse me for one.

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So take the first step sweetheart. Shows your top choices.

I will when I finish.

welcome sexy nips

is me

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Ella's nips

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Attached: Julie Prim-3.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

you're ella?



nope, posting Ella, very different

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yall gotta stop ellaposting and come here

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Attached: Rachel.webm (960x720, 1.85M)

i don't think there's a word to describe how much i've came to her feminized scene with natalie mars
trannyvideosxxx com /feminized-natalie-mars-ella-hollywood-mz-berlin-lexi-sindel-in-the-new-girl/

Attached: [] Natalie Mars, Ella Hollywood, Mz Berlin, Lexi Sindel - The New Girl 1080p_3.webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)

mhmm natalie has really cashed in on the sissy porn scene

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thats hot but i like androella more than femella tbh

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this the new thread? aiight

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Attached: zuper zexy.webm (854x480, 1.95M)

yep, feel free to dump comrade

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I'm honestly like almost out of pictures, shame even my gifs are too big

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That's a stap on

damn, really a shame, didnt you say that you have done porn before?

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lmao wut

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iron666maiden69 skype slave

The one on the left you do not get to see much of is the only attractive-ish one. The other two look like fat ugly bingo ladies.

For shame.

this is my 1st time...

Attached: 20190803_192758.jpg (2592x1458, 902K)

I did :) I couldn't post until just now and they only ones I could are like pink and covered in lace flowers...


Attached: clarke.jpg (423x573, 79K)

Not the same dick

Attached: 6431.gif (600x336, 1.64M)

are you serious lmfaoooo
yeah I have tons of short lil videos but too big to post here

Attached: 20190602_033145.jpg (2592x1458, 794K)

Good girl ;) Wearibg boxers over them to cover up your secret is okay for now. But next time you stroke it picture your gf's mom discovering and domming her future sissy in law.

Attached: 6128.jpg (1074x1600, 947K)

why do faggots think this is funny?

Ok post it with timestamp if its real

Sounding should be mandatory for all sissies.

Attached: like a girl.gif (451x239, 1.27M)

Attached: sounding-1.webm (640x480, 1.24M)

genuine question: what does this smell like?


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a good sissy smells like strawberries or other fresh berries.
and under the skirt, maybe lube.

Attached: 1475848245929.jpg (720x1280, 232K)

Need Nice Swimsuit Shots, prefer one piece. Clean or revealing...

this is my first ever sounding, sry im a bit fuzzy >.

Attached: no sound sounding.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

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lmao I'm not taking oc for some weirdo who thinks my dick is a strap on???? how stupid can you be it's literally so obviously attached to my body lmfao

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Attached: sounding-2.webm (640x480, 1.9M)


i smell like garnier fructis, dove dry spray, and bounty dryer sheets, with a touch of lavender...
>even in boy mode

Attached: 204303.jpg (892x1118, 178K)

a man of culture i see
may i interest you in chan user "swimsuits"?
xhamster /videos/6076029

Attached: Set_02_51.jpg (2592x1944, 635K)

i wanna breed a femboy

Attached: HARK.jpg (710x946, 52K)

Ur gonna fuck ur dick up

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How did it feel?

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I have a 4.5gb folder of trap porn pics and gifs

Attached: 14.jpg (853x1280, 355K)

Thank you. Well aware of this chan but alas very few others with nice shots / bods

good owo
i especially like the feel of beads though

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Sorry pet it just looks a bit discoulered love ur tits

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yeah cuz I'm not some pasty nerd lol

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WHY do no cute boys want me to breed them

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Can I see I nude

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i feel personally attacked ;-;

kik: sissypuppet

Attached: 3277.jpg (1171x610, 204K)

are you going to force them to pay for the child?

no kik, i asked for snap or discord

Holy fuck I love a good trap!

Attached: 1563902913716.jpg (1000x750, 60K)

Very nice. Asians usually handle this stuff much nicer than west

I actually didn't out any boxers on over them :) you're right it was the cowards way

like your boipussi does?

Ur cute it's okay

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can i suck it

All you fembois out there need to give into your fantasy of being a complete and utter sissy!

Attached: finished product.jpg (640x920, 73K)

that's a beautiful cock

More encouraging caps pls

that's kind of u, ur titties are adorbs


Attached: 233117.jpg (1296x972, 428K)

Fucking hot

You two are cute, should kiss!
Also I really like how dark your areolas and nipples are. Makes them lookvery tasty!

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Who is this i love it

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your tiny dicklet is so kyoot uwu

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don't know if he is your type but i like Syu

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Reminder that all sissies need to fully embrace their new femininity and suck alpha cock

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I think I remember her. I fapped to her tumblr before it got nuked.
Unfortunately she got the snip.

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I love how slutty and girly you look and that cock in the cage completes it, it's so hot.

Any cock is good. Personally I want to please a obese man's cock.

I'm a grower, not a shower ^-^

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Show feet.

>Be me
>Be obese man
Okay I'm hard right now picturing you gagging on me

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Yeah im down to smooch tbh

They're extremely sensitive it's fuckin fantastic

The irony is I don't even like sucking dick or anal smh

Attached: Snapchat-1096515427.jpg (1080x1920, 396K)

And im hard at the thought of sucking you dry as your belly bounces on my head.

Kinda random but is my dick considered small or average ?

Attached: F1C3FF24-DCA9-46DF-A8B5-F0C4F8F0251D.jpg (640x1136, 181K)

Sasha de Sade is sissy goals!!


Attached: out2.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

i'm a sissy who's not into anal either but how do you not like sucking dick?

the thought of the moans the guy makes as he brushes his hands through my hair and gently presses your head down gets me hard instantly!

Attached: 077a96de.webm (720x404, 1.16M)

how do you feel about spooning?

im a blower >.

Attached: 2501.jpg (445x590, 58K)

ill take it out only if something else goes in...

Attached: 20190803_192840(0).jpg (2592x1458, 932K)

average-above average, not quite porno big, but would suck and fuck 7/10

>They're extremely sensitive it's fuckin fantastic
Sounds hot. I'd suckle on them till my mouth was full of saliva and milk. Then perhaps snowball a little.

What I would give to lie down between these two qts

Attached: 5DC83940-70C4-4649-80F7-779466D587A4.png (640x1136, 1.38M)


I just love pussy so much idk what to tell you. One of my partners is a trans girl and I suck her dick a little but that's about it, I have too strong of a gag reflex
Extremely good

Attached: Snapchat-329545092.jpg (1080x1920, 276K)

That would be hot. I'd fill your sissy holes right up.

Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass. Filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own asses get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power

Baby pp

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Please do while my clitty gets to rub against your sexy belly. I'll make sure to lick it clean afterwards. u like getting sucked though uwu

sucking dick isn't all about deepthroating.
i've usually get my bf to cum by just gently sucking on it a bit deeper than just the tip and tongue-teasing the foreskin