I've reached a point in my life where I'm just fucking done with my current life. Things are extremely shitty...

I've reached a point in my life where I'm just fucking done with my current life. Things are extremely shitty, the people that "care" about me are a bunch of tweakers and drunks, and I have been weighing my options for a year or so now. I am deciding to leave everything behind. But I'm not an idiot and don't want to rush and fuck myself over.

In short, can I get any advice on how to leave my current country and life and prevent people that may try to track me down from doing so? I ideally want to change my identity in the process. Legality doesn't matter to me at this point. Thanks.

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Are you ok Danny?

Commit tarrant

Legality should matter to you. If you choose to leave society, you lose all the rights it entitles you to. Why not keep looking for other options before doing something so drastic?

A boat could be a good idea
1. You Can go far away from people who are looking for you.
2. You can catch fish and filter water to live on the boat
3. You can live on the boat or sell it.

join the French Foreign Legion. clears and makes your identity for you. ofcoarse there is some disciplin along the way but is all good.

Invade Poland

Join foreign legion and if you can't because you're a kiddo then fuck off

>leave my current country
Do you have a lot of saved up money and a guaranteed employment in your destination country?
If not, forget about it.

Bro Danny if that's you, just talk to me on Discord. I may be a drunk but I care about you

I have been considering options for a year. Trust me, fucking off is the only way.
Not a frog, and I have no way of getting to France.
I have a place to stay and money saved up. The main issue here is covering my tracks and changing my identity.

you're on Yea Forums for this advice? KEK best of luck to ya

Not me, sorry

>no way of getting to France
bruv have you seen the number of somalis that fucking walks/swims/hustle there way from somali to france to sell you fake handbags?

I'd rather not risk death on a makeshift raft. I'm fed up and kind of desperate, but I want to do this without a large chance of death at least for now. Maybe I'll get to that point if I can't figure something out and things get worse.

read Awaken the Giant Within (and other self help books if you'd like that's just the General one)

I don't need help with my emotions or life, I need to escape some people which are actually dangerous to me and fucking over my life. And I need to prevent them from easily being able to find and harass me.

In what ways are they dangerous to you?

Just walk the fuck away from your life, get in your car and drive to a new city and start over. There is nothing a new city cant fix.

Methheads who will take me leaving very personally. They have been physically violent in the past. I want to erase my current self and be gone from this hellhole.

oh shit lad maybe learn a martial art and learn opsec (install gentoo wiki) to hide your tracks

French Foreign Legion. Get you a French passport and a shiny new identity

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This is what I was saying about legality before . Do they have dirt on you? If so, consider just getting that over with so you can move on. If not, call the cops, they won't let your abusers escape justice.

Can I as an american join if I get to france?

Called the cops several times, they can never do anything. They don't exactly have "dirt", but I've known them for years and they will be very upset if I leave and I don't doubt they may try to follow me or some shit. I want out of this city, out of this life and into a new place where I can start fresh. As I said before I have arrangements where I am going, I just need a good way to cover my tracks and identity so I won't get followed.


Yep, they take recruits from all over the world.