Abortion is the killing of an unborn human being

abortion is the killing of an unborn human being.
it's fine if you want to kill the child for whatever shitty selfish reason, but don't sugarcoat what you're doing. don't go out of your way to try and convince people the child is not alive/has no awareness or consciousness/etc -- all so you can sleep at night, lol.

just be upfront and come to terms, you're denying life to a human being. the definition of death is 'the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue'. the definition of kill is 'cause the death of'. you're killing the baby. i'm not some super Christian bible thumper. i am not 'pro-life'. just stop saying the baby isn't alive lol. by the time you realize your dumbass is pregnant, the baby has hands, a brain, and a heartbeat. how fucking stupid do you have to be to get pregnant? especially in the US -- you can get free birth control at any planned parenthood.

>muh distance / muh far away
birth control pills are on every $4dollar plan at target, wal-mart, and Costco. a pharmacist can prescribe it free of charge. Obama did this so people would stop being retards.

>muh side-effects
deal with it or find another birth control. if it's really 'that bad' (which i doubt, you're probably just being a bitch or don't want to gain weight) then use fucking condoms and spermicidal lube lol -- again, be responsible.

>muh not in the USA
canada/uk/EU has free healthcare with similar programs for birth control and abortions. if you're not in those countries i don't care about you, you've been fucked from the get go.

i don't care if you/your partner have an abortion. just quit trying to convince people the child isn't alive. own up to it, you're killing a human being by denying the possibility of life.

this was a good way to spend 10mins writing while i wait for my wife to get ready to go out. by the way, we just had sex and i nutted inside of her -- she has an IUD and we've never had a pregnancy issue.

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One thing you forgot to gift us with: how long have you been an evangelical?
They're not human beings until they're born. I don't care what you think your Magic Book authorizes.

I couldn't give a fuck

I'd rather believe in some bullshit fairy tale than be complacent with rampant hedonism

Doubt you’ve opened a book in your life

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Who cares. No one determines the value of life expect us. If you think that some shitty book does then good for you. Or if it’s just “muh morality” then great, buddy. For some it’s just science and those babies are about as alive as a carrot in the ground. So get over it no one cares.

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abortion is the killing of a group of single-purpose cells that group together to form multiple parallel purposes and, if given the chance, might someday become a person. by your pro-life logic, periods and cumsocks are murder. fuck yourself.

just because some of the cells twitch at a specific frequency doesn't make it a living person. otherwise YOU could remember what it was like in the womb, instead of your actual earliest memory, which was probably when you were 2 years old.

Threadly reminder, rightwingers are the largest single group of child rapists.

See thats where youre wrong. The definition of kill is to cause the deathbof an animal plant or other living thing. That implies its alive and fetuses arent alive if they were we wouldnt have born alive laws in place

It's unbelievable. After OP cleary admitting he wasnt religious or even pro life you turn around and falsely accuse him of being a Christian just to try suit yourself. Then saying they aren't human until they are born? Wtf are they then? Unicorns?

You're a demoralised demon. You think the universe lets people away with doing such evil things like murder or abortion? Think again. Just because there is unjust immoral laws don't think abortionist are getting away with it. You and other's will be reincarnated into hell or another life of misery.

Nigger babies get aborted. Proper white ones stay alive.

Just look at how those slutty fetuses dress, they're asking to be aborted.

There's too many humans on this planet. We should be aborting more.

>Believes in karma and an afterlife

Start with yourself and let the innocent live if you think that then. Scum.

not religious. thanks.

you're killing a human, lol get over it.
again, just own up to it. quit trying to make yourself feel better about it. stop bein a pussy

Afterlife is up for debate because nobody knows. Karma does exist without a doubt. If you think it doesn't then do things that you think are bad for awhile and see how it goes?

>reincarnation and karma
Holy shit dude. You ever done DMT bro?

but they are alive lol. the baby has a heartbeat and is dividing into cells daily (just like you) to grow. again, don't really care about abortions and i've actually had a couple. i know i've killed them. but i am fine with that, you libtards need your excuses to be a horrible human being lol i dont.

Sorry sweety but I will not be shamed about how I personally deal with female health issues. Reproductive rights are human rights.

No? I don't eat from the tree of knowledge. Only evil comes through.

So? Tumors and can grow, some can even have a pulse or grow vestigial organs in mutation cases. That’s about as alive as a baby then right?

You mean opening up a science book? Yeah you would be afraid to learn about that huh?

>birth control
Na fuck that, that stuff's bad for you and they piss it into the water supply too. Women should just abstain from sex like I do.

> (OP)
>Sorry sweety but I will not be shamed about how I personally deal with female health issues. Reproductive rights are human rights.

Health issues? The vast majority of abortions aren't health related. Abortion is just another form of contraception for the anti responsibility and demoralised. The right to life is a basic universal human right. Reproductive rights are not. Only scum weak people support abortion. The universe works in mysterious ways and the pro abortionists will eventually reap what they sow.

tumors are only attached to livings things. so yes, it is alive. your argument fails.

come back with a better argument. you're questioning as if i was against abortions lol. own up to the fact its a living human being. all the shit that you've read about babies 'not being alive in the womb' is a bunch of shit libtards wrote so they would feel bad. just because we are unsure if it has a consciousness yet doesn't mean the baby isn't alive.

people determing x age to be the point at which the baby is alive. how the fuck did that come to be lol? the baby was probably too large in size or had to many finalized organ functions to say otherwise.

this thread is top kek

Human life ain't worth shit. Yours, mine, or that of some rando.

People die every day from the most random shit. Being aborted is just a bad roll of the dice.

No? I support science. It's actually pro choice who deny science just to suit their own agenda. Why can't they ever produce evidence of a baby devolping in different stages? Because it debunks their arguments. How come they can't look at a live fetus after a miscarriage? Yet support killing it when it's in the womb.

>pro abortionists will eventually reap what they sow
yeah they are aborting their family line lol

> The universe works in mysterious ways and the pro abortionists will eventually reap what they sow.


Keep tell yourself that kiddo. There's no such thing as karma. So many scumbags live lives of scumminess and go unpunished.

OP here. I agree with you, but that's probably not going to happen. As far as the piss going into the water, I don't really care about. I'll be dead for a while before any of the global warming shit or similar even effects me. I don't really care about my kids, perhaps if they really want to do something about it -- their generation will figure it out.

Neither are real, deal with it

Lol continue lying to yourself, but if you've aborted you've killed a living thing. I have had two abortions and I know i've killed them -- i dont care though. but stop saying the fetus isn't alive, its such a pussy way to go about it.

Here's an interesting one. Why do some of these women consider the fetus a parasite but those same women ignore the most parasitic creature on earth, the jew?

> (You)
>Human life ain't worth shit. Yours, mine, or that of some rando.
>People die every day from the most random shit. Being aborted is just a bad roll of the dice.

Why you here on earth then? I value human life very much. Im pro life and i don't support the death plenty. Ya people die but does that mean we make it a shit hole and kill the innocent unborn? Life is a blessings. Just because you think it's not that doesn't make it so.

Answer jesus queero

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this post made me kek because its so true. fucking jews need to be exterminated.

Found the guy who think babies form as a whole instantly after conception , kek

>Why you here on earth then?

Earth is a shit hole because humans have made it that way. We're killing the fucking planet, and those who can do something about it don't give a fuck. We're a plague.

>Here's an interesting one. Why do some of these women consider the fetus a parasite but those same women ignore the most parasitic creature on earth, the jew?

Because Jews fund their feminist groups. They probably wouldn't exist without liberal Jewish money. Soros is a big player when it comes to abortion.

Lol no my argument doesn’t fail at all. I know technically that fetuses and unborn children and tumors are all physically alive on the cellular level. But I was just trying to see how far you could bullshit that fact that you only think unborn babies are more valuable even though they are as much parasites as that tumor. Who’s to say that doesn’t have a consciousness as well. We’re not even able to determine a babies consciousness until they’re like what, 2? Besides you can’t tell me a baby born with just a brain stem is more alive than a growth on someone’s body.



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this photo is a bit dumb. it completely displaces the questions at hand lol.

you're asking to save one or the other, but thats not what we're trying to get you to understand. we want you to know you're putting the babies in the fire each time you abort lol. its fine if you do, but just realize that you are and stop being such a fucking wimp

>Earth is a shit hole because humans have made it that way. We're killing the fucking planet, and those who can do something about it don't give a fuck. We're a plague.

We are not killing the planet. There is more trees right now than in the past few decades. Hence why there trying to ban certain plastics in the west for paper materiel. It's all only your opinion.

>don't sugarcoat what you're doing
gif related. Also it's entitled to expect the public to pay for it, unless the abortion is due to a life or limb threatening emergency. Fucking is an adult decision, you've got to be an adult about it. I'm not gonna willingly cater to people who lack any shred of discipline, buy some fucking condoms and/or birth control.
>for some it’s just science and those babies are about as alive as a carrot in the ground

yep sure, but don't tell yourself chopping off a tumor and stopping it from becoming cancer is not killing the tumor


Abortions themselves haven't been paid by taxpayer money for years fuckwit, family planning services have been getting the ax recently.

So fucking stupid. Putting people into a situation where they have no choice. Pro choice always have the weakest and emotional excuses.

All those tree you mentioned ain't doing shit.

There's other factors in play too. Like the warming and acidification of the oceans. Phytoplankton produce a shit ton of oxygen and we're making the oceans uninhabitable.

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No it is. I never said it wasn’t. It’s definitely killing a tumor. That’s the point of it. Your point?

Has a heartbeat, but not yet producing it's own blood... try again. Also doesn't have a developed nervous system, so it lacks the capacity to feel, or think for that matter. Maybe try opening a biology book that focuses on human development as already stated in the thread. Maybe then you wouldn't appear to be so fucking stupid....

>doing bad things will eventually catch up with you
>majority of rich/people in power are pedophiles and molesters that are rarely brought to justice
>hundreds of serial killers are still at large and won't be caught

Pro lifers literally use emotions to shame people, what planet are you living on.

>I'd rather believe in some bullshit fairy tale than be complacent with rampant hedonism
Lmao hedonism is a biblical concept from your own "bullshit fairy tale" you brainwashed fucking moron

You say that like it's a choice that you dont have sex. Hahaha

What about the kids who end up not getting aborted but then being born into shitty conditions, where the family is dirt poor and the parents are abusive?

In an instance where the parents didn't want the child, but weren't given the option to abort, you're ruining the life of a child and increasing the burden on the system which has to look after, and deal with the damaged child.

Absolutely false. The whole global warming thing is bullshit. It's been debunked numerous times. Science also tells us the world has always been warming and cooling down. Humsn probably contributed 0.02%. Looks who's funding the scientists to promote global warming? The same people who were testing nuclear weapons in the oceans.

If I had to choose between killing someone and having no consequences and fucking up my entire life, it wouldn’t be a very hard decision

>Earth is a shit hole
>We're a plague
Hello rabbi

Bro im conservative i just dont care about abortion. And no theyre not medically and by definition they wont be considered alive by law till they breathe out the womb

The warming and cooling argument is definitely bullshit but the ocean acidification could be a real problem. Higher atmospheric co2 just seems to help plants grow though, which is good.

It's actually been proven true but multiple studies that were started for the express reason to disprove it, it's quite funny how many times it's happened so you're an uninformed faggot

Riddle me this genius - why are we burning through the world's finite oil and gas when we could be utilising sources of energy which are cheaper and far more plentiful? Like solar, hydro and geothermal?

I'll tell you - it's greed. Human fucking greed. And the reason you believe global warming is bullshit is because the folks selling the oil and gas want you to think it's bullshit so they can keep doing what they're doing.

What possible reason could there be for global warming to be a hoax? So "massive" solar panel companies can dominate the energy market? Give me a fucking break.

They're not even pro-life, more like anti-choice or pro-birth.

> (You)
>>doing bad things will eventually catch up with you
Yes. Im talking about karma
>>majority of rich/people in power are pedophiles and molesters that are rarely brought to justice
Ya but they're miserably inside and it's them who fund and support abortion so that says it all.
>>hundreds of serial killers are still at large and won't be caught
Again im talking about karm. The law is just man made to suit certain societies.

kudos to op for stirring up the hornet nest with this one

You're not a human being

You're an idiot

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Planned Parenthood was created for black genocide. Look up who started this program

Where I live it's illegal and considered murder.

You have no right killing an innocent child with a heart beat

Cows have heartbeats. So do chickens. Are you a vegan?

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>why are we burning through the world's finite oil and gas when we could be utilising sources of energy which are cheaper and far more plentiful?
Good question.

>Like solar, hydro and geothermal?
Alright get the fuck out of here you stupid fucking piece of shit.

Nuclear is the answer but tbh I don't trust Jews or third worlders with the stuff.

Op they got the shot now which is great. They got IUDs which are amazing. But not to much work but i can spread my legs like a whore then cry about it. Next dudes condoms wear them. Dont start up with it feels different what a load of shit.

Im sorry bud... all of the countries that outlawed it are shitholes

What if you knew the lump of cells would grow into a human life that was a non functioning retard, and you had to spend the rest of your life caring for it?

>no right killing an innocent child with a heartbeat
Done it before, kiddo

Facts!! Preach!!

We've got another retard

> (You)
>Riddle me this genius - why are we burning through the world's finite oil and gas when we could be utilising sources of energy which are cheaper and far more plentiful? Like solar, hydro and geothermal?

Because oil is more dependable to rely on. It has industrialised countries and gave millions a great quality of life. I'd like to see a cleaner way but at this time solar etc are too expensive.
>I'll tell you - it's greed. Human fucking greed. And the reason you believe global warming is bullshit is because the folks selling the oil and gas want you to think it's bullshit so they can keep doing what they're doing.

No? They care about profit and don't hide it. Where as the government want to tax the working class before the rich. That's why i think global warming is bullshit. Why not start with plane companies instead of average joe on minimum wage?

>What possible reason could there be for global warming to be a hoax? So "massive" solar panel companies can dominate the energy market? Give me a fucking break.

It's a hoax because of the profit. Only the poor will suffer and how can you get every country to agree on one thing? You think china or India gives a fuck about the western scam of 'global warming'? No they don't. Instead they will industrialized their countries and take millions out of poverty. China is now industrialised thanks to oil and capitalism. But no lets listen to hippies and starve to death to 'save the planet'.

I occurs to me that abortion laws globally are the opposite of ideal.

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The universe also sees all. Watch you have a child this time only for it to be beheaded at age 5 right infront of you.

I don't eat. I'm a breatharian.

Exactly my friend. The law doesn't always get justice but the universe does. Evil attracts evil. Everything we do has consequences.

So you agree to raise all those unwanted children?
Then shut the fuck up.

Pro choice. Not my cunt, not my choice.
If some bitch wants to snuff a baby that's her problem

Why is this even a debate?
What 2 adults consent to is none of our business.

And lets stop hiding behind religious texts... make one actual reason and I will listen.
>You deny life to a human being every day you allow yourself to be a hopeless virgin

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Whatever you say guy

> Taiwan
> shithole

ok burger

>Implying karma exists
There are hundreds of serial killers that will receive less punishment for their crimes then I ever will

good post user! abort those mfs only on 7th week and before

good post user

>left are gay
>gay are rapists
how ironic, everyone is a rapist now

>hav tumor bby
>ded of tumor in 9 month
why me tumor not grow to human being bruh bruh

I want to kill all babies for 365 days, you know, to solve the whole overpopulation thing.

such a thick bait i can't even swallow it whole

A- cat
B- cow
C- horse
D- Human

I'm right?

hell yeah brutha

Reading this on my way to get an abortion. Hows it feel boing there is nothing you can do to stop me?

A baby a day keeps Thanos away

>it's fine if you want to kill the child
Then you're a fucking hypocrite

delete this thread





The world population is going to slow down and reduce in size over the next couple of decades.

Go fucking cry about it faggot

>Abortion is just a form of contraception.
>Why is it a hard choice to make if it isn't wrong?.

you're crying when actual scientific evidence is presented tho

Time to help it along


okay lisen up
>periods and cumsocks
they don't contain any fetuses (unless you bleed and cum in the same place kek), so it's the same as peeling skin basically. thus your first argument is invalid
>by your logic
looks like strawman to me btw

>memory stuff
so if someone has a memory loss at the age of 60 they only become a person at the age of 60? or you become a person only when your memory initializes (~2 y/o)?

not as long as fat muh jesus right wing dipshits keep popping out 5-6 christian dipshits at a time

>Scientific Evidence
Is it just me, or do both sides claim to have scientific evidence and not be able to back anything up with a reliable source?

Sorry to tell you buddy but youre about to have a shitstorm on your hands

“Condoms are a sin” - Brokeass with six kids

Conception starts @ 2 weeks. That's when there is a heartbeat. Is that science enough for you

It's just you, and other anti-abortion dipshits, yes. The science is clear.

No but you'll have Mexican Catholics with 8 or 9.

This is why OP is a troll. Anti-abortion christwads never offer up birth control as an option.

I live in Southern California, certainly not the case for my neck of the woods.

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Because abortion is a sin in the Catholic Church too. Did you think you "got eem" or something user lol?

fucking kek
>q:gib arguments?
>a:YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck is the problem with you Jews? Literally all population growth is coming from non-whites.

>Ask for argument
>Says the exact same thing

It is necessary to the survival of the species /end

how come lmao?

if you don't hate jews you're a lefty lmaooooooooooo got em

If you don't hate Jews you're probably a Jew or at least severely misinformed.

Wait what?

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so you're saying you support abortion ban when the baby is able to live outside of the mother with just an iv and a respirator? because premies are literally living things

Read sometime or continue to be a soy boy

>hating someone based purely on their ethnicity
my dislike of niggers doesn't make me hate blacks
if you're on either far side of the political spectrum, you're either traumatized or never considered philosophy

i support abortion ban only if the result of birth is a healthy baby (i'm not the user you're replying to but i think that's what most pro-lifers think)

Tell me why when a pregnant woman is murdered.. the killer is charged with double homicide??

So what? Humans aren't inherently special, and thinking they are is the height of arrognace and vanity. Who gives a shit if a few clumps of cells dont get the chance to actually become a living breathing human being, and not just a parasite leeching off of another creature?

Life is not sacred. The earth is overpopulated. Who gives a fuck if a woman wants to kill a child? We have enough. Its her body and her choice. Women suck. But they are the gatekeepers of life. Thats just the way it is. The way it always will be. Deal with it you whiney faggots.

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Clearly you should have been aborted. Also fucking GOOD!! I hope we kill more of them. Too many fucking humans to begin with. No different then the hundreds of thousands of civilians murdered from our (U.S.) invasions of the Middle East. Keep ‘me coming and stay mad faggot.

>either side of the political spectrum
Understand, you are an NPC stuck in the Jews reality distortion field.

>everyone is a Jew but me


* ‘em

>Literally all population growth is coming from non-whites.
Good. We need to mix until white nationalism is no longer a threat to humanity.

Extremely low levels of clannishness is a trait unique to whites. Less whites = more nationalism.

and you like irony, don't you?
>someone doesn't stick to whatever
>someone lives better and has a different opinion
>jewish npc!!!
and the right say only left are hypocrites. again, it's either irony, or everyone is wrong (to some extent)

>Soy boy
K retard


You mean fewer people to eliminate.

Everyone should be a shitskin so this nigger doesn't have to feel bad about himself.

Guys, exciting news! Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 is coming to NSW!

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>So what? Humans aren't inherently special, and thinking they are is the height of arrognace and vanity. Who gives a shit if a few clumps of cells dont get the chance to actually become a living breathing human being, and not just a parasite leeching off of another creature?

Ah ya we are. Tell me an animal that can create civilisations? We have concussioness unlike animals. If we think that we are equal to animals then we end up like animals (see antifa). You may not give a shit but that's just a reflection of your life and how miserable you are. Every life deserves respect including animals. It's your attitude and people like you who bring suffering to the world. A fetus is not a parasite. Do you even know what a parasite is? A parasite is different being to it's host. A fetus is not. A parasite doesn't grow into it's host where as a fetus does.

Doesn't make sense.

it's okay if you don't understand yet

>Tell me an animal that can create civilisations?
OK so are blacks still allowed abortion then?

this is gold. great thread on Yea Forums

If you write nonsense it won't make sense ever.

>i dont care about anything.
>i want to save the planet.

What the fuck are you rabbiting on about? No one ever claimed fetuses are not alive, instead, they state correctly to shrieking mouthbreathers like you that the fetus is not sentient. Much like yourself OP.

Your 7 billion trillion sperms you wasted into a tissue or down the drain are alive too, but they are also not sentient.

Just admit that you are a big #triggered sheltered christian baby who came to Yea Forums from your bumfuck little town youth group to shitpost on Yea Forums about shit you don't understand that doesn't effect you or your life. In other words, you will fit right in. You cunt.

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>Humans aren’t equal to animals
Life is meaningless no matter what species of animal you are, or how great your life is

>shows actual aborted fetus to pro choicers.
>claims it's fear mongering.

Why do pro choice have a hard time looking at the truth. It's like showing somebody who eats meat the slaughtering of an animal and they call it 'fear mongering'.

Great looking pussy

That's subjective. Just because you're life is shit and meaningless that doesn't mean everyone else's is.
Wild animals don't lie around feeking sorry for themselves like you.
You're demomic and possessed. Hence why you support abortion. If you think its bad now in this life then you're in for a surprise.

He didn't say life is meaningless you mouthbreathing self rightious imbecile. He said life is meaningless, you have no more worth than a random fucking chimpanzee, deal with it you arrogant moron.
Enjoy life and fuck off.

Also, it's YOUR*

The shrill pro-lifer threatening Yea Forums with eternal damnation is not so great with spelling and grammar. I'm shocked.

Heh, he didn't say life is shit* Maybe I should stop arguing with imbeciles, god I'm becoming one.

>Demonic and Possessed
Sure buddy. Neither you, me, or anybody will have any worth to anything important. Keep believing in your black magic bullshit

Never. Any man who supports abortion is a weak beta who lets woman dominant them.

>Reproductive Rights
>healthcare reform
We may currently be in hell.

THIS! Igual study ING biomedical and i'm glad to read a sane person who think. The fetus is not alive or feel before 3 - 4 months , you are just killing a bunch of cells just like when you throw a turd to the toilet, STOP SUCKING DICKS, OP!

>Spelling mistake
>Maybe I should stop arguing with imbeciles
Are you autistic user?

It's not black magic. If you do evil you will attract evil. If you do good you attract good. Look at all the pro choice? Evil feminist that complain about everything. Worrying about a fetus being a parasite while they're already infected with toxoplasmosis. The irony.

Yeah abortion is immoral probably. I simply don’t care. I’m willing to have all those babies die for the off chance I knock someone up and need the fucker aborted.

Seething incel detected.

Why the fuck would I force any woman to carry a rapists child? I have many fetishes, that ain't one. The reason people do abortions is lack of education, rape or incest. No woman wants to have an abortion because it feels fucking amazing. It's because they're dumb, uneducated, deprived contraception by religious nuts, raped by family member or others.
In each of this circumstance they should have a full right to kill a bunch of cells. I'm not forcing a woman to carry her father's rape baby to please ''karma''.

I was samefagging, correcting my own mistake.

Alright women need to eat 300-500 calories more than their usual 2000 calories a day while pregnant. At most that is akin to a 20% tax rate. So how come I can't murder the tax jew? Where are my rights?

> (You)
>Why the fuck would I force any woman to carry a rapists child? I have many fetishes, that ain't one. The reason people do abortions is lack of education, rape or incest. No woman wants to have an abortion because it feels fucking amazing. It's because they're dumb, uneducated, deprived contraception by religious nuts, raped by family member or others.
>In each of this circumstance they should have a full right to kill a bunch of cells. I'm not forcing a woman to carry her father's rape baby to please ''karma''.

Rape only takes up 1-2% of abortions preformed you dumb cunttt. It's a weak excuse for abortion. Some woman who have been raped still refuse to get an abortion because they know it's not the baby fault and two wrongs don't make a right. If the woman is suicidal because of the rape then abortion could be justified because it saves one life instead of killing two.

Far from an incel. They're just as bad as pro choice become they are racist.

Facts!! Love it! Preach!

>by the way, we just had sex and i nutted inside of her
shit must have been CASH

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>Rape only takes up 1-2% of abortions preformed you dumb cunttt
Give stats, schnell fucktard. And even if this was the case most rape goes unreported, and that is one of my points, imbecile yet you latch onto it like a leech.
> Some woman who have been raped still refuse to get an abortion because they know it's not the baby fault and two wrongs don't make a right.
I don't give a flying fuck about your ''some women'' and neither their opinion, I will still give them the fucking choice
> it's not the baby fault
Yes, the woman should endure for the sake of the future, sacrifice her health for the future rape baby. To please you.

>It’s only 1-2% so it’s fine
>If they’re suicidal it’s ok
What the fuck?

Hey he believes in karma, pretty sure he just attracted rape.

>Implying karma exists
There are hundreds of serial killers that will face less consequences than I ever will

You are a beta male cuck

Nope. I'm a human being, you're a subhuman.

How can anyone surpass such an epic burn

Goo isnt a baby. A baby is a baby

Thanks. I appreciate your flattery. Won't do you any good sugar.

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K nigger

Oh how could I ever recover, a white man, being called a nigger.
C'mon sugar, give me something better.

Just look it up. Even the pro choice statistics say rape cases are a low percentage. The law is there is protect woman against rape. If she report's it the man will be arrested. What more can society do in these situations to stop rape? It happens.
They do have a choice in extreme cases. The whole point of the pro life movement is to stop the majority of abortions that done by 'choice'. Not medical reasons or rape but 'choice'.

OP is a bigger faggot than the logposters

You am unepic fag retard xddddd

I never said it was fine? Making up things now.

Always roll my eyes at posts like this. What it comes down to is, a fetus, however alive it may be, does not have more rights than the human who is pregnant with it.

When pro-lifers try to argue this, they really reveal their true intention. You have to compare the autonomy of a potential life to an already living human being (the mother), and it's an easy choice. Unless it's really not about saving a potential life, but ruining an existing one.

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No the focus of pro life movement is to ban abortion and not increasing funding for sexual education. Women are uneducated about contraception and what they can do to not become pregnant. That and religious nuts preaching abstianance only sex mad teens untill their parents are shamefully sending them to abortion clinics.
FUCK abstinance only and FUCK anyone preaching it, if I could punch my ''faith'' teacher in the face right now, I'd gladly do it.
I would have more appreciation of your stance if you probably weren't one of these fucks.

abstinance only to sex mad teens*

>"So long as I don't admit that it's an actual human, I can play mental gymnastics all day long"

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>Abortion became popular the same time as the sexual revolution. Coincidence?
>more contraceptions than ever before yet people are stiil aborting healthy babies majority of the time.

Brings the question of,
"Ok, how many children do you plan on adopting after forcing their mothers to give birth to them while denying their rights?"

It doesn't have anything that makes human a functioning member of society. So no, it's not human. Why should future humans have rights?
If you kill a person should we judge you for every child he might have?

Democrats support child slaughter.
Gay orgies in streets
Free stuff
Better living conditions in prisons
Street violence and drugs

Who fucking cares if it’s alive or not? The point is that even if it is alive, it doesn’t come down to wether it wants to live, it comes down to what the one who’s pregnant wants

The definition of baby includes "can breathe to sustain itself". The foetus is kinda hard to separate from an organ. An organ could become cancerous and survive ex vivo with nutrients, just like the foetus becoming a baby.
Also I agree with the holocaust, so how you're gonna convince me that degenerate sex-havers shouldn't kill their offspring will be interesting.

That picture looks like a heavy metal album cover

But it's not his responsabilty. A retarded poor 14 year old should raise the child. Creating more uneducated poor people.

until the baby has been fully birthed the mothers life has more value

id kill you all if given the chance

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read my post properly retard, or dont respond

A human is defined as a functioning member of society? Do we kill people who can't function in society? Do we euthanize and purge people who don't function properly? What is your standard for functioning properly, and what's your plan to deal with the millions of American's who have disabilities that render them nonfunctional in society?

You haven't actually thought about this issue, you're an edgy teenager trying to sound educated.

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You wanted to say "too many indians, muslims and chinese."

Read my post properly retard, or dont respond

>"does not have more rights than the human who is pregnant with it"

If you're killing it then it obviously has no rights at all you stupid fuck. "More rights", jesus fucking christ think before you type.

You forgot niggers

We can only hope you get caught underneath a bus for several miles with multiple speed bumps and potholes on the way

Um... just because you kill someone doesn't mean they don't have rights.. what kind of autism

Correction: it has no rights, and the mother is the holder of its future rights

People will defend any shitty action so they can live out there selfish life. You can try but in the end you are a baby killer. And god will punish you .


If your mother wants to kill you because you're a useless sack of shit posting on Yea Forums about topics you think you know anything about, does she get legal authority to kill you? She provided for you, probably still does. Where's the cutoff for when she gets to decide to kill you? Try throwing that around in your watermelon shaped skull before you type more.

> (You)
>No the focus of pro life movement is to ban abortion and not increasing funding for sexual education.
Ban abortion for the vast majority of cases. Not all. Sex ed? You mean the anti science non binary gender queer sex ed?
Women are uneducated about contraception and what they can do to not become pregnant.
False. They more about alot about it. It's 2019 that excuse is gone old.
That and religious nuts preaching abstianance only sex mad teens untill their parents are shamefully sending them to abortion clinics.
Also false. If they're religious they wouldn't support abortion.
>FUCK abstinance only and FUCK anyone preaching it, if I could punch my ''faith'' teacher in the face right now, I'd gladly do it.
Your experience not others.
>I would have more appreciation of your stance if you probably weren't one of these fucks.
Im not very religious. I just have value on human life. I believe everyone has the right to be born. The right to life is more important than an unplanned pregnancy done out of 'choice'.

Babies and toddlers, heck even children up to a point, are not functioning and contributing to society either. Can they be killed without consequence then?

False equivalence. A collection of cells does not have an intellect of an intellectually disabled person. And yes fucktard, braindead coma patients are euthanized, and yes if severely brain damaged and having an intellect of a 0 year old, they should be euthanized.

not that user but why are you guys being such faggots, and why do you all of a sudden care if things die

Jesus.... the point is not whether it is a human or not, because the person pregnant will always have priority. If you don't understand this then the discussion is lost on you

Thtas a retarded argument. Just because someone makes bad life choices does not mean someone else has to deal with those choices.

No, because that person would be an autonomous being. A fetus is not

We should make aborted babies a delicacy. Id eat an underdeveloped fetus

>giving a flying fuck about a brainlet kid that isn't remotely yours to boot.
>sticking your nose in other's businesses where it don't belong like usual because Sky Daddy morals

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What makes you fall under the impression that I care sudden if things (you're talking about humans that you don't know in person, right) die?

>She provided for me
If I was a fetus, and my mother decided “I don’t want my life to be fucked up completely,” then yeah, she has the legal right to kill my ass before I leave the womb

If its legal to kill an unborn baby of course said baby doesn't have any rights, what rights does an unborn baby about to be pulled out of a womb piece by piece have?


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You're switching your standard. First you said it was your ability to function in society that determines your status of being alive or not, now it's their intellectual capabilities? I can't keep it straight with you. Go to any rally and protest these ideas and see what happens. Edgy cheeki breeki retard

None, that was my entire point. This is a pro-life post, I am pro-choice, I'm contesting OP

Why? Why can't she clobber your head in before then? What's changed now that you're out of her fleshsack?


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Except a fetus if allowed to develop will become a human. There is also a point at which the fetus could, if born or c sectioned, survive on its own.

With that said Im not opposed to early term abortions. 12 weeks / 3 months is more than reasonable and gives at least two opportunities for a woman to realize she hasn't had a period.

The definition of "alive" given by anti choicers also applies to what I had for lunch. Living cells. After an abortion, a fetus has just as much chance to become a human as that once living sandwich I just ate.I am a lettuce murderer, boo hoo.

That he has gained autonomy. A fetus is not autonomous

Here's another detail these brainlets consistently fail to understand.
Fetus has no feelings, no thoughts, no conscious, because it's still way underdeveloped to be even remotely functional. If I was aborted, I wouldn't notice nor give a fuck.
What makes people think that this fetus over there will, when it's literally incapable of anything in its current state?
>Retarded morals for personal interest or gain btfo

Now, I have rights, unlike then. Then, I was a mindless retard that couldn’t speak in my own defense. By choosing to let me live, she has given me these rights

As a jew, I'm pro abortion. It's in the first testament. Nothing about abortion in the second testament.

Right, so the mother can decide if to legally kill another human being, which is what OP is saying. Regardless of your indifference to a human not yet passed through a vagina an abortion is killing a human, and putting it any other way is sugarcoating it.

Absolutely false. The majority of people who adopt are pro life. They value family life and support each other. It's the pro choice who don't want any responsibility its the very reason they support abortion.


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Where did the spermies learn how to swim and win. baby?

Because I'm not about to shoot up a school and/or commit like you probably will within the next year

Yes, Abortion is killing a human being that cannot physically or mentally choose wether it lives or dies

What about if someone murders a pregnant woman? Two murders or one? Does it depend how advanced the pregnancy is?

If its not a human until born then you're saying abortion is fine right up to the birth? I support early term abortion access (like 12 weeks, more than enough time to actually get your shit together and have an abortion) but your argument is totally flawed. What defines a human? Being able to fend for yourself and survive on your own? Whats the difference between a baby one day prior to birth versus 1 day old?

Out of curiosity, how do you sugarcoat the adoptable but unadopted pre adults that continue to exist long after they stop being the fetuses you care about?

>i don't know what flavor this kool-aid is, but man i sure love it

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Oh right. MY EXPERIENCE let's ignore the fact that it's practiced in school, with 30 students, let's add it up.
30*8 grades = 240 people
let's add new ones coming over the years, the teacher was ''teaching'' for 10 years so it's 10 more grades
30*8*10 = 2400 people that think contraception is evil, and yes in 2019, grow the fuck up this is practiced all over my beautiful catholic country
Or are we gonna talk about catholic priests preaching that contraception propagates aids in africa. What country do you wanna talk about, maybe US? Teens getting pregnant wanting abortion but their religious parents that kept them uneducated refusing this to them, making them a de facto slave.
>The right to life is more important than an unplanned pregnancy done out of 'choice'.
Nope, you're not vegan, and if you're not, you're not pro life. Nothing makes humans more worthwhile to be born than cattle. Nothing. Unless you believe all life is equally important we have nothing really to talk about.
I know for your brain it would seem like a leap, but I had this convo already. We have nothing more to talk about.

Those would make pretty cool candy gummies


But at what point do those babies actually then become different from the "carrot in the ground"? After birth? If so what's the difference between a day old baby or one that's a day from being born?

They techinically slaves that have no rights. But no because that would be harming to the parent. Not equivocal.

wrong. my wife is 30 weeks, my son moves, kicks, reacts to my voice too. we had a miscarriage with our first kid and had to get it removed at 8 weeks. at 8 weeks it was a tiny dot forming, but would have been a life.

>You're switching your standard. First you said it was your ability to function in society that determines your status of being alive or not, now it's their intellectual capabilities?
Which correlates to this yes, what do you think functioning in society means you imbecile

So by your logic babies up to 2 years old are fine to kill as they have no memories? We are all just clumps of cells so that argument holds no water either.

>human being
A fetus is just as much a human as a baby is an elderly person.

When a baby is a fetus, it has as much thought process and worth as a carrot in the ground

fuck off.

Only one difference, the group of people that supported your fetus suddenly disappear after 1 day of birth.

Source? I mean its more than possible but sounds like you are spouting typical leftist bullshit so I'm curious if there is actually proof of this.

Can they feel pain and fear. They can? Then it causes harm. Also not equivocal because that baby is born and you would cause harm to the parent.

Even dirt is conscious just like that of all the universe.

I don't sugarcoat it, it's fucked. Stupid people shouldn't be knocking out kids they can't support, but getting pregnant then ripping the fetus out it isn't a very viable method moving forward is it. It's expensive, fat ugly poor people need to stop fucking without protection.

Define alive? What point does a baby become alive? Only after birth? If so how is a day old baby different from a baby 1 day away from being born?

An elderly person has rights, and isn’t growing inside of a person without any thought process. The person who’s pregnant with the baby has priority over the baby

youre on the wrong website

That's right. And if I should ever decide that you are useless and serve no function in the world, I have every right to kill you and erase your worthless existence. You can tell me I do not have such a right all you'd like. This would only serve to contradict the statement you've already just made. In a world without God, good and evil, right and wrong; they are both subjective to the individual. For anyone to argue otherwise would suggest that someone else, regardless of who they are, has a greater moral sense about them. You would be suggesting that your morality and your ideas and your understanding are greater than my own and that what I choose to do in this life is wrong by the standards in which you have set in your own mind. This is what the state does. They try to enforce "laws" and set moral standards that they MAKE you live by. Otherwise you will be penalized. This is what the average man also does with those that disagree with them. We fight each other all the time over disagreement. It is one man trying to get another man to conform to his specific belief system. And if they should NOT conform, you strike them or you ruin them. Is this not the very same thing atheists accuse Christianity (and namely God) of doing? You are telling me that it is wrong for me to kill someone else while simultaneously telling me that it is up to me to decide what is right and wrong. Before you tell a Christian that they are hypocrites, I believe you should take a long and hard look in the mirror to see that "thou doest the same things."

yeetus feetus

>They messed up, so now they’re screwed for the rest of their lives
Nice logic user

Not to mention the stupid human mentality of
>How come you're not having kids?
>You're breaking and destroying family tradition!
(have a kid)
>Why are you such a whore?!
>Why did you have a kid knowing you can't support it?!

If dirt has a consciousness, why does no one fucking care?

Ahhh, Republitards.

They only seem to grow empathy or compassion when they can then use that energy to bully or attack other people.

Kind of like how they always say “we shud be spendin dat money on veterans and Americans befur we spends it un immigrunts”

Ok, let’s spend more helping veterans and Americans, then.

“Fuck U Commie asshole, dey on der own, Fuckin welfare queens!”

The only thing more hypocritical than a leftist, is a republitard

You're opposing a working solution because you like to think it "isn't a very viable" solution.

> In a world without God, good and evil, right and wrong;
Which they are. Rest of of your SUBJECTIVE morality theory discarded. I don't give a flying shit about your imaginary friend.

Fuck off. Supporting the right of people to make their own decision isn't me putting "babies" anywhere. It's keeping you fuckers from locking up 25% of the female population whom have had an abortion. It's once again keeping you fuckers from feeding more people into the machine of the incarceration complex and using my tax dollars to pay for it because you have stupid morals not based on logic.

No birth means no baby. A fetus isn't a baby.

if plants are living things, how come they aren't held as high in value?

Women have many choices. Contraceptives, rubbers, celibacy, oh also anal lots of anal..

Because they feel no pain.

Nor are able to think.

If you're talking about the right to contraception then yes. Abortion is not contraception.

Also if you follow your argument then a man should be allowed to force a woman to have an abortion if he doesn't want the child. After all its just the right to choose whether to reproduce or not isn't it?

It isn't their choice if you are busy making their choices for them.

>You are telling me that it is wrong for me to kill someone else while simultaneously telling me that it is up to me to decide what is right and wrong.

it's almost as if user is saying that you do get to make your own choices, often based on a morality you have accepted and believe in.

you are judged by a jury of your peers, it is irrelevant what God or Objective Morality thinks about it.

> (You)
>Oh right. MY EXPERIENCE let's ignore the fact that it's practiced in school, with 30 students, let's add it up.
>30*8 grades = 240 people
>let's add new ones coming over the years, the teacher was ''teaching'' for 10 years so it's 10 more grades
>30*8*10 = 2400 people that think contraception is evil, and yes in 2019, grow the fuck up this is practiced all over my beautiful catholic country

That's only places where it is still Catholic. Which is rare these days in the west. Contraception damages a womans health. Im not against contraception but it has it's side affects.

>Or are we gonna talk about catholic priests preaching that contraception propagates aids in africa. What country do you wanna talk about, maybe US? Teens getting pregnant wanting abortion but their religious parents that kept them uneducated refusing this to them, making them a de facto slave.
>>The right to life is more important than an unplanned pregnancy done out of 'choice'.
>Nope, you're not vegan, and if you're not, you're not pro life. Nothing makes humans more worthwhile to be born than cattle. Nothing. Unless you believe all life is equally important we have nothing really to talk about.
>I know for your brain it would seem like a leap, but I had this convo already. We have nothing more to talk about.

Human and animals are not equal. Ironic because the vast majority of vegans are pro abortion. I respect animal welfare. Every human life is valuable. A cow is not going to cure a disease or invent good things?

Because they’re resources, and have about as many brain cells as a fetus

You don't trust jews with the bomb that a bunch of jews invented and that Israel has had for decades?

KYS you retarded faggot

You wouldn't be here if it weren't for dirt. Please continue to eat your own poop daddy

So by your logic murder of an adult is also fine then?

lives are thrown away every day. Why does it matter at which point in development those lives are ended?
This argument makes literally zero sense. You have a magical book that you think tells you right from wrong, but you exclude so many of the things that book says...only believe the parts YOU like, right? isn't that how religion works?
Fuck off with this dumb bullshit...it's not your choice, kid

Neither does a fetus. So what's the dilemma then?
Guess we should abide by the same logic when we accidentally make scrambled eggs that were fertile. But chickens aren't people so, who cares, right?
>hurr logic
>got eem

Not in right leaning christian families. And all of these fucking bad faith actors pretending that they don't know their own fucking book and religion saying ONLY celibacy outside marriage is allowed.

I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my mother and she can still go fuck herself

The bigger worry is the dune coons with 4 wives and 3 or 4 crotch goblins per wife.

This picture is more of what the single parents mothers mother would say to her...and the little bastard.

I typed a little screwy there. My punctuation was off. I was listening to a song and trying to focus on both the music and my statement. In a world without where there is no God, right and wrong become subjective to the individual. Good and evil are what I decide they are. Therefore, if I rationalize killing you or anyone else, then it is not wrong. Again, you can say it is all you'd like. You'd only be contradicting yourself. You have no objective authority or rule over me. Your opinion and your sense of morality are as irrelevant to me as God's are to you.

Dude, I was confirming your point with that. Chill.

not him but yeah

The machine of the incarceration complex. How is your sociology degree going, fag? Go to any really great BLM rallies recently?


Your mother moans oh baby when I fuck her but I usually drop my load in her mouth. So where's the baby she speaks of

Fuuck. Scratch the word "without" before where. Damn it./

Trump is doing the right thing by cutting fucding to palces that provide abortions.

Because giving an abortion clinic tax money and them saying they dont use it for that is like giving $20 to a crack head because he said he would not buy crack with it.

I know, I was just calling out the fallacy of human interests, how they disregard and discard anything that doesn't suit their interests, especially when it doesn't affect their own life.
>She isn't your daughter or wife, stop freaking out and stop trying to be in control of everything

Except it's not possible for a man to prove he's the father in utero, so giving him a say is illogical and would lead to oppression of the woman.

Don't trust them with anything. Yes, including things they already have and things they claim to have invented.

Its not the same. Embryo does not equal baby. T

They implant multiple embryos in IVF in the hope that one will attach to the uterus and develop into a fetus. At that point then its a baby.

Yeah I agree. Morality is subjective. Mine is simply the golden rule. Altruism. I don't care for future babies, I care for present mothers put in shitty situations as teenagers and denied education. If people were educated on contraception without demonization there would be a sharp decrease in abortions. Nobody wants a doctor shoving an instrument inside of them if they can use the fucking pill. And if you grew up in a shitty family your family WON'T allow you to get it because their fucking book doesn't let them.

they don't need brain cells to communicate. A entire forest of trees can communicate with each other. The largest known living thing is a fungi (a mushroom that lives mostly underground and is spread among an entire forest - it is considered one being).
You know the smell of cut grass? That is a warning smell to other plants that something bad is happening...
Have you ever seen a fly trap? They don't have a brain, yet they can catch flies...
While I think I agree with you in general, your point here is incorrect. Plants can communicate and should be respected.
A human fetus cannot and should not.

She could but she has all my niggas to fuck

Babby isn’t alive. Lol

So by your argument you can kill a 1 year old baby and its fine because you say they don't have consciousness until age 2?

I said "flying spaghetti monster" once. Therefore, his noodly appendage exists! Oh wait, I was supposed to be appalled by your "clever" antics. Whoops.

murder is okay

Then you get the issue of forced rape which results into forced pregnancy.
>well it's her fault that ----
>victim blaming

Sometimes yeah. It can be justified.

It must be infuriating to have almost every single member of a small ethnic / cultural group consistently outperform you on standardized tests, no matter how hard you try. It must also be painful to watch the most eligible women gravitate towards them because of their discipline, intelligence, accomplishments and ability to provide. I am so very sorry that you are mad user. Keep the hope alive, one of your 300 lbs cousins might become single soon.

First sentence says "woman have many choices"? Another soy boy/girl who can't read

So what do you suggest? Fuck the modern world lets all go live like cavemen?

I get what you’re saying, but my point is that we should treat babies as almost less than those. Babies are infinite until the human race dies out, trees are definitely not

K nigger. She can do whatever she wants

You sound sad, are you ok bro?

So where is the cut off? Explain exactly the difference between a day old baby and a baby 1 day from being born?

considering how autistic, which is now an understatement in today's times, the world is and how god awful society thinks, doesn't sound like a bad idea, idea wise.

My degree is in Networking Systems, and I'm 33.

Fuck anyone who supports these right trampling mother fuckers.


Pro-birth is pro-life retard.

arguing with anons like those is like arguing with a 5 year old. they won't accept any answer and certainly will never say "Oh, ok, that makes sense, thank you."

Cows and chickens aren't humans though...


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That’s exactly what he said, but ok buddy

then you aren't pro-life then, now are you?
>t. vegan

Don't worry. We're slowly moving away from their shit and they know it. The world will keep going as it always has, with conservatives trampled over.

I'll argue this. I had my first memory on my 3rd birthday (must have been the exciting event that triggered it). Before then, i feel like i didn't exist, and my consciousness sort of snapped into existence at that moment.

Also people put wayyyyy to much importance in themselves. Also if you're not a complete dolt, you think about future generations and realize one less person isn't going to be detrimental to anything, we're already on top, and every person added is ultimately lead to our demise just that much faster.

kill one? or kill us all?

do we really need anymore bronies / neckbeards / weebs / hulululu's / sjw's / & pushing society to the point to where people are committing suicide faster after going tranny THAN the number of our soldiers being killed in war?

Life is just as meaningless, and none of us will ever have any more worth than they will

If it doesn't pay taxes then it can be aborted. I don't care how old it is.

You don't understand the criminal justice system, you only think you do because of your tribe identification. You and yours are stupidly blaming the criminal justice system for something that other elements of society are completely responsible for. Up for a little exercise?

What percentage of the black prisoner mix in the United States is in for simple possession?
A) Over 40%
B) Over 20%
C) Over 10%
D) Under 5%
E) Under 1%

Now, what percentage of the white prisoner mix do you think is in for simple possession? Use the same multiple choice answers.

Don't look it up (you have been having opinions about this for years without looking up the easily located data, so don't start now), just go with what you and your friends know in your hearts to be true.


The reason it might be a hoax is the government benefits from saying they need to implement all these "green" taxes. Its clearly in the governments interests to stick with that narrative.

Or about scientists getting funding to study global warming. Far more likely to get that funding and stay employed when you stick with the global warming narrative.

Plenty of reasons that it could be a hoax.

>When you'll be dead way longer than you live
>but fuck it, lets waste most of the time being alive by creating shit threads arguing about abortion bad!

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If someone chooses not to work thats also their choice, are you volunteering to support them? Thats the same argument as "pro lifers should raise all the unwanted babies".

Wrong thread queer

The US government does not benefit from taxation except that taxation provides the government with a way to redistribute wealth. The government does not need to collect taxes. It is the monetary sovereign, it can print as much money as it wants to. The only limit on its ability to print is encountering inflation that cannot be controlled with an interest rate.

You don't understand the things you are talking about, so stop talking about them.

>That's only places where it is still Catholic. Which is rare these days in the west. Contraception damages a womans health. Im not against contraception but it has it's side affects.
Dude it happens everywhere, even in USA, here in CRO. Preaching abstinence only to teens is fucking mental. In my country the fucking ''faith teachers'' blocked us getting sexual education in school because it would teach us evil contraception or such evil notions that you shouldn't feel bad if you're gay to prevent teen suicide
>Human and animals are not equal.
They are. Depends on your morality but I don't think you're a sociopath.
> Ironic because the vast majority of vegans are pro abortion.
If a cow wants an abortion she can have it, a non thinking no emotion feeling fetus is neither an animal nor human.
>I respect animal welfare.
Animals don't consent to being killed, they feel fear when being killed, and extreme pain. A fetus doesn't.
>A cow is not going to cure a disease or invent good things?
Who gives a flying fuck, I'll be dead by then. I want the present people to be happy I don't care about future what if people.

He is the one who linked anti-abortionism to the alleged mass incarceration complex. Direct your comments towards the responsible party.


What percent of the population is in prison for abortion? What percent of my tax dollars are being used to house those convicted of abortion crimes? What percent of my tax dollars are being used to raise aborted babies who were unwanted by their mothers?

0% and I intend to keep it that way.

I understand cause and effect just fine.

Don't care. But fact is you are going to kill a baby. You are not practicing contraception by getting an abortion.

>Don't care
>But I'm caring about a thing I claimed to not care about

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They're not a hypocrite. It doesn't affect me, OP or you if someone chooses to have an abortion so why should it bother you? The point they were making is still valid

Yeah, no. There's a lot of things wrong about what you've said there but I'll just say that Jews lie and cheat a lot. Much more than you're average principled person would expect.

I am not in favor of imprisoning women for abortion or imprisoning providers for doing them. You brought up the retarded mass-incarceration complex meme, don't run away from it now. Answer the fucking question.

Abortion is clearly not contraception. The clue is in the name, means prevent inception - not deal with inception after the fact.

Ultra-orthodox jews do sometimes deal with non-orthodox jews unethically. Guess what? So do most inward facing religious groups. The vast majority of jews are not orthodox and are actually some of the mostly highly principled people in the world.

Approximately 2 percent of the world population, and about 30 percent of the Nobel prizes in science. But that is just the giant conspiracy right?

Please explain the make up of planned parenthood's funding if you say that no tax money goes towards abortion.

I am not going to answer the question because it is irrelevant. The drug racket was not part of the conversation, so I don't care how many people are in jail for simple possession for the sake of this conversation.

I do know that these "pro-lifers" would start locking people up and using my tax money for it if given the power. I do know they would use the full force of the law to force others to do what they want, and I know exactly the effect that illegalization of an action has.

It's actually because people hate them kek
They keep to themselves and value knowledge because of persecutions they had to be really fucking resourceful, basically make themselves useful. They're actually pretty impressive, and as someone who reads history a lot, they have a shitton of reason to be pissed off.

>But that is just the giant conspiracy right?

Not planned parenthood, the abortion itself is not covered by any federal taxpayer money. Look up the hyde amendment, i don't know about state programs though.

so what if a baby dies?

So you're pro genocide? Look at people throughout history who commit genocide and honestly say that's the kind of person you want to be.

No, he isn't?
Unless you're thinking general genocide, towards all people? There hasn't been anything like that.

I am the user you responded to who has been attacking the jew hater.

I don't quite agree that orthos are only inward facing because of oppression, although I agree jews have been persecuted and oppressed more than any other group in human history. I think a good deal of their insularity is self-imposed, especially in our time. I am no fan of orthodox jews.

Totally agree about the resourcefulness and staying power of jews though. Definitely the most impressive tribe on the planet.

natural selection must return
retards like you would have been the first to go

Ok but by that logic murder is fine then because "life is meaningless".

No, people hate them because they behave horribly towards those outside their tribe. Don't swallow their lies.

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Natural selection and abortion are not the same thing retard. And let natural selection return, Im all good there and can support myself thanks

The drug racket became a part of the conversation when you brought up the mass-incarceration machine meme. I am not talking to you about abortion. I am talking to you about your retarded beliefs and try to help you out of the stupid position you have put yourself in (virtue-signalling about things you don't understand).
