Small dick rate thread

Small dick rate thread
Only post if under 6"

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post small dicks cumming

i have a 5.9
but it's curved

Post it

4.5 curved here, no camera unfortunately

Mine is smaller

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Not much of a thread if no one is posting pics

can you show it soft?

5.5 here but I've never had a problem, huge balls and massive cumshot

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Waya think?

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Took this a while back

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can you post more?

More soft? Cause I'm already hard...

oooh, show how hard you are!

You're making me horny, user...

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stroke it good

Post yours, pls

gimme a sec, post one more while I get it up

Here it is, it isn't too big either

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Nice! More?

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Can you also post some more?

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Yes sir...

Pull skin back?

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can you cover your tip with the skin?

Small but busy

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Yeah. Continue please

More oc of same event (was a vid so the stills are shit)

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So cute do you ever wear panties?

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nope, I like looking at crossdressers, but I am not one

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you should defo try it

I'm good

But here is a bulge pic in my normal underwear

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Can I get some more pics so that I have something to cum to.

So fuckin cute but would look better with panties ;)

Did you dissapear user?

He got his nut

seems that way

Got discord? Maybe I can help

It's fine, I finished up myself

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Fuckin more

Too long?

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can you atleast pull your foreskin back?

It’s really tight, I have managed it a few times though.

can you demonstrate how tight it is?

It’s so cute

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5.5 inches

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Is that it hard?

3.5 inches

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I wanna play with that


have you ever inserted into anything?

Post a pic hard

is that a fucking clock radio? the red LED at the end of your left foot?

No. What like?

vagina or an ass?

hernia? scar similar to mine

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undesended testicle

No, don’t think I’d be able to. Been with a couple of women, but was never able to, kind of embarrassing really.

how old are you?


also, you're not straight are you? not wearing those

Yessir. Had it my whole life.

Alien dick/10

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nice user. I used to have one as a kid. (I'm really old). Wow, I was over the moon when my stepfather gave me his.

How big is it

I prefer women, but I guess I’m open to men bc I can’t really be with a woman. I live with someone who gets me to wear it. I did want to wear this stuff initially but tbh it fits better.

I agree with her that my only hope is to find a guy tbh.

You all are making my dick insecurities dwindle away

It's a solid 5 inches and uncut

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Yeah it was my grandma's initially and just sorta became mine since i used the alarm for school. I'm 30. I use my phone for my alarm now (the buzzing still brings unpleasant flashbacks) but i see no reason to get rid of it...

show the skin covering the tip then

You live with a girl that makes you wear this? And she’s telling you that your only hope for love is to find a guy?

>I agree with her that my only hope is to find a guy tbh.
it shouldn't be a problem.
How do you feel about it? Are you ok with men rather than women?

You ever cum on it?

I got mine 10 years before you were born, 1982 or 1983. Bleeding edge tech! (at the time)

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Never once even hit my brain...

Only 14cm :(

Do it for us pls

Did you just get rid of it eventually? From what i understand a lot of them still work...

what make is it?

I’m becoming more open to it. Didn’t like it at first but tbh it seems better than being alone. I like some parts of it more than others, I’ve only been with a few guys she knows though, and maybe if I branch out might find even more I like.

whoa might as well be a girl

It got left behind, or something. Life you know...she dies, he dies, I have to

Who is she a friend? Do you and her ever fool around? What kinda guys do you like?

how was it growing up with a small one? (I'm not trying to be an asshole)


What do you think?

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General Electric, it's pretty, user 1975,

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Knew her, not too well, she was looking for someone to rent her second room. Did like her at first and after a few weeks we made out a bit, but yeah, as usual not so keen bc I’m so small. She has helped me a lot though, teaching me what I can do, sharing clothes and finding guys for me.

Idk what I prefer, one of her friends is a bit more gentle which is nice, but tbh I find myself orgasming more when it’s more tough so I don’t even know.

can we see what your body looks like?

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Yeah, before all this I really struggled with it. Kind of embarrassing when trying to be with women so lost a lot of confidence.

I can imagine. And I'm sure you had to deal with teasing at school too. Kids are cruel

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wait, you have breasts?

Yeah, quite a bit of teasing. Doesn’t always stop at school either.

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if you like guys, I don't see how you would have any issues finding a boyfriend, btw

small dick bois fap with me on sc @ biccies69

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lmao at all these small peckers

you have a very femine figure.


Thank you! x

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>Doesn’t always stop at school either.
where else? who knows you that well that they know?

Have you started hormones

if you're here on Yea Forums I guess I don't have to tell you, but just in case...keep your body intact.
You have a good figure, look after your mental health. I'm sure you've seen the wars.

Some of the guys that come around really like it. They are mostly nice about it when it’s just us (they like being bigger and comparing etc...) but if I have to go out with their friends it can sometimes be a bit more like teasing.

why do you have to show them?

>they like being bigger and comparing
insecure assholes

I'm outta here. Look after yourself user. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! x