Is wrestling gay?

Is wrestling gay?

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Depends if you want to fuck the dude if not then its ite nothing wrong jacking off a bro in shower after a lose

That's what I tell my boyfriend. We never miss a high school match.

just the tip

If it's a bro jerk, that's okay. Just keep it like in a viking way, no faggot shit. Just like, Fuck yeah buddy, gonna get you off so hard... None of that sissy homo crap.

The uniform they use looks gay though

That dudes cock is literally resting in the crevice of the burr heels of the bottom dude

Wrestling is totally gay

Yes, the Greeks did that naked, totally gay

No, tho i'd wish they'd update to mma shorts.
Wrestling in itself is a fantastic foundation in combat sports.


Still gay, but that ain't bad to be honest

Definitely this
Look how less gay no-gi grappling looks

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Look, there is nothing wrong with wanting to see two muscular teens try to pin each other to the ground. Their own writhing bodies over top one another, the only thing separating them a thin layer of lycra as the dominant one subdues and makes the weaker submit beneath... Holding in position until it's counted down, his sweat glistening young adonis body straining to maintain authority as his powerful legs spread the other's apart...

No, that's totally not gay.

Tight, firm young buttocks quivering under the youthful yet capable groin of another boy? A test of endurance and skill to establish a champion? The yearning needful force necessary to enter into such a lofty realm? Penetrating the door to such a place? How delightful it must be.

So no, obviously not gay,

My school did weigh-ins naked. Anyone watching their friends/sons/brothers get weighed saw everything.

definitely not gay. rocking an awesome boner and jerking off while watching isn't gay either.

One of my crushes wrestled and I saw a match. I could see the shape of his butt and that he was uncut.

not at all

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>the only thing separating them a thin layer of lycra
More guys should wrestle nude

Two men in their underwear wrestling in back seat of car.
>call doctors in white coats.

Two men in underwear wrestling on mat in front of people

My father was a wrestler, believe it or not. He would often reflect fondly of his time grappling with his good friend Bruce (we called him Uncle Bruce). They were always together, especially when mom would take a 'day off' which meant drinking a lot of wine. Sometimes they would even take us swimming and show us strokes. I still get a funny fuzzy feeling remembering those times. Aside from the anal rape, there is nothing gay about wrestlers.

YES, gachiBASS!

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Just your friendly reminder that if you don’t wrestle or have any experience with grappling you are an inferior and one dimensional fighter.

Reminder that wrestling isnt fighting

they do and honestly most wrestlers hate it

It’s an extremely necessary part of fighting. You take the best boxer/striker you can think of an put him against a college wrestler and he will lose. This has been proved time and time again by one dimensional strikers thinking they can come into mma. They WILL get taken down and won’t be able to get up.

K bring the wrestler in the boxing ring and he will lose. What's your point? Trying to justify tussling around in skin tight clothes with another man?

That’s not what I said. I said that if you put the two in a real fight the wrestler is going to take him to the ground. Obviously they would beat each other in each of their disciplines. I don’t need to justify anything. If you don’t know how to wrestle then you don’t know how to fight? Are you that scared of being gay you won’t even learn how to defend yourself? That’s super gay.

Imagine being so much of a faggot that you call fighting sports “gay” to avoid them.

The Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! Woooo!

You know what's super gay? Wearing spandex and rolling around with another man in spandex

Imagine thinking that wrestling isnt gay, kek

"I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys."

Whatever dude. I could take you down and suck your dick and your balls and you could do nothing about it.

Of course. What other sport gives you herpes so easily?

Sure kid. Have fun "not being gay"

Extremely but grappling isn't.