How could the US sentence an 18 year old girl to death? The justice system is evil.
How could the US sentence an 18 year old girl to death? The justice system is evil
Because shes not even hot
shut up nigger, kill yourself
Yep shes ugly, she couldnt fuck her way out.... Btw what did she do?
>How could the US sentence an 18 year old girl to death?
Because many states in the US enforce a form of punishment called the death penalty.
This is common knowledge, user.
You gonna tell us who she is, or?
Killed a girl.
Because throwing shitty humans in prison for 100+ years isn't better. They are detrimental to those who can actually be rehabilitated
Christa Pike: Pike became jealous of 19-year-old Colleen Slemmer, who she thought was trying to "steal" her boyfriend from her; friends of Slemmer deny the accusations. Along with friend Shadolla Peterson, 18, Pike planned to lure Slemmer to an isolated, abandoned steam plant near the University of Tennessee campus.[2]
On January 12, 1995, Pike, Shipp, Peterson, and Slemmer signed out of the dormitory and proceeded to the woods, where Slemmer was told they wanted to make peace by offering her some marijuana.[2] Upon arrival at the secluded location, Slemmer was attacked by Pike and Shipp while Peterson acted as lookout. Per later court testimony, for the next thirty minutes Slemmer was taunted, beaten, and slashed, and a pentagram was carved in her chest.[3][4] Finally, Pike smashed Slemmer's skull with a large chunk of asphalt, killing her. Pike kept a piece of her victim's skull.[2]
Pike began to show off the piece of skull around the school, and within thirty-six hours the three were arrested. The log book showed that the four of them left together and only three returned. They also found the piece of skull in Pike's jacket pocket. The girls' rooms were searched and a copy of the Satanic Bible was found in Shipp's. Pike insisted they were merely trying to scare her and it got out of control.[2]
What did she do? If it is something extreme, she could be deserving it.
Cool, death penalty sounds about right, why is OP being such a fag?
jupp, she deserves it alright
was the other girl hot?
>>slammed a rock on her head
>>It got out of control, didn't mean to kill her
Yeah bitch was a murderer through and through.
Amateur mistake. Should've killed a boy, then no one would've cared.
Not even for 1995 Tennessee.
She was a teenage girl. She needed mental help.
meh, she was pretty shitty and then consider if we didn't kill her...she might write a book or some idiot lawyer will secure twitter rights for deathrow inmates. Na, just be done with it. 7.5 billion people man, the govs aren't talking openly about culling yet but they're getting closer.
How old is 18 really? She's an adult and responsible for her own actions. Also, I am drunk and stomped my dog but that's like who even gives a fuck about animals? We eat them up and use their bones for jelly beans which is fucking awesome. Do not fuck vegetarians. They will make your children soft and gay
the real question is why is she not dead yet? the usa are a joke in every way. questionable enough to have the death penality. but if u sentence someone to death pull fucking through. what is this
Ah, so when I tell people here I'm 18 people say I am a kid, lmao.
18 is an adult, she murdered a girl and carried a fragment of her skull about, showing it off.
Sent her to the gallows.
Vegans have bomb-ass pussy, though.
Just don't give crazy a baby.
Eye for an eye.
The reason the USA is as fucked as it is is we dont execute those who should be.
Because she a psychotic murderous cunt, and she deserves to die for what she did. And you're a faggot for thinking it's not the right thing to do.
An 18 year old girl deserves death? I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her she will get mental help.
the bitch clearly deserves it so whats the problem here?
i just don't understand why things are taking so long it has been 20+ years now
i wish we had the death penalty in my country.
Could you not beat your dog
Your supposed to love your own
Animal or not
Come on bro
Don't call her a bitch.
why not?
I agree, death penalty should be about prevention, not to set an example. History has shown us examples don't work on people like this. There should be better prevention. Perhaps she should instead become property eternally in debt to the family of the victim.
Because she isn't. What if that was your daughter.
I would bone.
Bet she gives good head, all the uggos do.
Thank you. That sounds interesting. Would be better than death.
Her looks have nothing to do with this.
she's beyond rehabilitation OP.
she murdered someone out of paranoia and probably schizophrenia.
carried the victims skull fragment in her coat pocket and bragged about the murder.
no op. the justice system isn't evil. she was.
she would never suck your dick op. give up.
dogs need to get stomped
even then i'd call her a cunt whore bitch
i hope she is getting gang raped by prison guards
I'm on the side of the death penalty
I understand that she is somewhat young and should have gotten help
But think about the girl who was tortured and killed
And over a boyfriend?
Who the chick was probably just nice to him and people in general
Thinks she going to hangout with "friends"
She took a piece of her skull to show off to people...
She should be killed by the fragment being pressed into her eye and into her brain
Fuck you.
What did I miss? Did Dustin from Stranger Things transition?
same. if my daughter did what she did. she's no longer my daughter.
fuck you.
I'm not saying she shouldn't be punished but I feel like she can still change. She was really young when she did that. Teenagers do dumb things.
Not funny.
>teenagers do dumb things
me and the boys bout to lure this chick to an abandoned building and crush her skull and carve pentagram in her chest.
#yolo #sooooorandum
you need rehab op.
Not evil. Balanced.
A death for a death.
Tooth for tooth
it's almost as if it was JUSTICE
That is the problem with this country. We should learn from Europe.
To show that killing is wrong we will murder a teenage girl.
She deserved it, if she is your family get some genetics test for yourself. She is psychopath, i am sorry but there is no help for her, regular killers dont keep body parts to self. She aint regular killer, she is psychokiller
you're clearly from Europe fgt. don't lie
it's called justice
We could really learn from Norway imo.
What would you do?
Have her sit in prison and rot over 70 years?
She would rather be dead most likely.
Might even die IN prison, so what's the difference really?
She was a teenage girl that had mental issues. She isn't a normal teen. She needs mental help.
fuck off Norwegian fg
I would like to have the prison system similar to Norway, more about rehabilitation.
The US justice system isnbarbaric, bardward, for profit, evil system.
The war on drugs needs to die.
Too many people I know in jail or been to jail
Not Norwegian. I just admire true justice.
she tried to commit her first murder when she was 13 years of age. she tried to kill an inmate while in prison, she has not shown any sign of remorse
don't be naive, some people are just evil and no matter how they became that way they just need to be put down
she fucking crushed her skull.
fuck imagine white knighting for a dead psychopath
...•The Satanic Bible• has nothing to do with it. I've got a copy. Everyone's so freaked out by's probably not what u think. It's mostly atheist, hedonist ranting philosophy...then a bunch of messed up "magic" spells...the only one I remember was a spell to bang some chick you want. You write down in graphic detail your fantasy of fuckin some specifically as possible, explicit...then you gotta jerk off while you read the sex story, and when you splooge you gotta say some magic words.
It's not even worshipping Satan...•Church Of Satan• is more a humanist strictly atheist hedonism
Until she cuts your dick off while you sleep and chokes you with it.
Shut up! I am not white knighting. The death penalty is wrong.
The inmate was attacking her friend.
Still it does not change what she did, any mental issue what she have isnt reason for forgiveness or removing death penalty. I am sorry if she is your family or whatever, but what she did is not normal for anyone, I would say this is above ISIS killers
Because equal time for equal crime. She committed they crime, she gets the same sentence as anyone else, regardless of age, gender of pink pussy.
She isn't, I just hate the death penalty.
That's not kids doing dumb things
As I kid I stole from gas stations(yes nignog)
I've had bad thoughts about people who upset me
But luring torturing and killing a kid for a rumor
That's not being a kid that's criminally insane
She planned this out
She didn't just flip out
She didn't even simply shoot her
I can fully understand where your at
But I can't help but to think about who really got hurt here
Victim and family
The other girl probably hadn't done shit in her life to even deserve a slap on the hand
cry more hippie scumfuck
the death penalty is glorious.
fucking kill all the rapists and pedos ASWELL as teenagers who commit abhorrent crimes!
That is fine if you hate death penalty, but for some humans that is only answer.
In Europe, it wouldnt be shown. The murder would be swept under the rug. Shee would get 20 years in a jail cell nicer then 50% of the homes in America.
She would get bored in prison and sue the courts for this. And win.
Europe is so progressive.
Toxic femininity caused her to murder another woman. She deserves the death sentence. Thread is weak ass B8/10, got replies
All my keks
because she was mentally capable of making the decisions that landed her in that position, knowing the consequences.
You are evil.
That is why Europe is awesome.
She’s 43 and awaiting the death penalty
You are evil for wanting non-violent criminals to be endangered by being in under supervised proximity of this woman
Why do you think an 18 year old person couldn't be a horrible monster, murderer etc? Just google about this subject and you will instantly see the truth.
good, better then an unborn infant.
On January 12, 1995, Pike, Shipp, Peterson, and Slemmer signed out of the dormitory and proceeded to the woods, where Slemmer was told they wanted to make peace by offering her some marijuana.[2] Upon arrival at the secluded location, Slemmer was attacked by Pike and Shipp while Peterson acted as lookout. Per later court testimony, for the next thirty minutes Slemmer was taunted, beaten, and slashed, and a pentagram was carved in her chest.[3][4] Finally, Pike smashed Slemmer's skull with a large chunk of asphalt, killing her. Pike kept a piece of her victim's skull.[2]
>How could the US sentence an 18 year old girl to death?
Goddamn. Someone did the world a favor by killing that abomination.
The fucking liberals can't help but bring Trump into something that happened 21 years before he was elected into office.
They do it with judges and juries and shit. How does your country sentence 18-year-olds to death?
the wiki is about the girl what are you even talking about trump? lol
For starters, that's a dude
An eye for an eye
tits or gtfo bitch
what do u mean "how"? Crimes a crime and sentence is sentence
But you can't hold a "religion" accountable for the acts of its followers! Look at Islam, the religion of peace! Sure their holy writings teach and order murder in very specific ways. Islam's followers actually do it. "But not ALL of them do it" right?
It's easy to say "Satanism is bad." It is bad. Islam is another evil which people are somehow prohibited from discussion.
I'm atheist but I have to acknowledge that Christianity (not as much Judaism) was the force which spread the kind of civilization we all enjoy in the first world. I thank Christians everywhere every day for that reality.
Where'd he say that?
There's no such fucking thing as the satanic bible you fucking nigger. Your story is full of bullshit like a fucking 5th grader made it up.
TayTay without makeup
ITT: butthurt Americans
Christa is going down, with a jolt of electricity. It’s gonna hurt. Too bad.
He didn't write that its from wiki, and yes, there is a satanic bible, you could find that out with a quick google you lazy fucking zoomer
It isn't evil,it's working.Crime is still crime, faggot.Own fault if she was dumb enough to commit a crime in a state u can get the death sentence.