Whats the most fucked up hentai you guys ever read?

Whats the most fucked up hentai you guys ever read?

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One day I read some shit on here about some girl who was invincible or some shit and the government kidnapped her to figure out how to take that power for obvious reasons. They tortured and raped and shit but nothing worked so then they found out she's pregnant..

They fucking cut her open right there on the interrogation table, take out the baby and fucking rape it and drop it in a blender after dude. I couldn't fap for a week. One of those "so fucking vile but you can't look away." read a. Maybe I'm just a pussy idk. No idea what its called but there you go.

This part of Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri

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I don't read comic books

Thanks user, now I can continue to traumatize my friends

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Some, if not all of it, was made into an anime

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Yaoi where a vampire hunter fucked a vampire and while he was getting fucked the hunter slit open his belly and jacked himself off with the vampires intestines. Afterwards the vamp was still alive forever and open with an open belly

I don't recall that episode of Buffy

Gross. Any way to access to it that doesn't come with adding oneself to a fucking government watch list?

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Just get behind 7 proxies.

Baby fucking is AWWWWWW WIGHT

Updating the DuckDuckGo app

I'm nauseous just thinking about the blender


That whole thing was more weird than gross honestly

i don't feel like sharing my data with you

The tags speak for themselves.

I wanted to vomit when I made the mistake of reading this.

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I guess stuff by this guy.

Brain eater searies

the most visceral reaction I had was the one with the holes, where the girl keeps scratching herself until her skin looks like one of those lotus flower pod thingys. that one's not fun if you have trypophobia

The Holes by Machino Henmaru

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aaand... hide post


Loli in a box is a bit sad

Mai Chan's Daily Life

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Eyy, Mai-chan's Daily Life. It's the original baby fuck, and a classic.

This is hot

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this shit gave me a fetish for cumming up girls' noses

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Pic related saw it here first time

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It's only like 6 pages long. I cant fap to this

Ahh that time when Mikezoutei used to be good.