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Wow! Advocating murder. Sounds like you're the REAL communist.

Not really, communism is about removing wage labor in favor of profit sharing and worker owned businesses.
The soviet union was "state capitalist" basically they were trying to force capitalism down Russia's throat in an attempt to achieve socialism.
According to Marx you go from fuedalism, to capitalism to socialism to communism.
Russia was fuedal so they had to be capitalist next.
It's clear as day in Marx and all the soviet literature but America has convinced all America that Marx was some sort of Santa Claus who thought everything should be government run. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

I am free to be a communist in the United States, I can vote communist and talk communist and if you murder me you will be put in jail so no it's not okay to kill communists

Damn right, God bless America!

i agree but you are a commie so fuck off

Not in international waters I won't

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any good books talking about that?

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I mean, all the source material but Richard Wolff is a Marxist economicist with degrees from Harvard, Yale and Stanford who does lectures on YouTube and he's accessible. Explains shit pretty basically.

>all the source material
>richard wolff
that guys a faggot that just spouts slogans about muh the rich are bad all the time with no substance

Source material being like Das kapital, Richardo and other socialists / communists.
Wolff gets cringey political at times but just watch a video of his explanation of Marxist economics. He actually explains the rich are not bad because the rich don't just extract surplus value and spend it. They have to spend it on reenforcing capitalism and live their lives in a capitalist way because that is what a capitalist society demands


Philosophy tube does a bit a about Marxist theory as well.
Also noam chompsky talks about the soviet union and state capitalism.

communists are not people
they thing without a master
destroy them or enslave them, do as you please

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It's not OK to harm anyone for their beliefs.
No exceptions.

Well yeah. But commies aren't people, so it's all cool

Marxism isn't about wealth distribution. In fact, Marx said in socialism that those who work harder or have special skills would get paid more. Those who don't would get paid less or fired.
The difference between a socialist company and a capitalist one is that capitalist companies are top down. You have a ceo or owner at the top and he deligates downward. Each deligate gets paid a wage. Whatever price value he brings to a company has to be less then what he is paid in a wage because the owner needs to need to collect an array of this surplus value to keep his company running. So ceos make the most from everybody and everyone gets less until you get to the lowest worker and everyone above you has power over the person below them.

In a capitalist company, it's ran more like a democracy. The workers share profits from the company and elect management into positions (who are given larger percentage for their special skills) . If management doesn't perform the workers can vote then out and attempt to find people who make higher percentage.

Yes, I study multiple forms of economics. Marxist, fascist, mutualism, corporatism, normative.
Marx makes some very accurate opinions although it shouldn't be taken as biblical. Some things just didn't exist in his time like stock markets were in their infantcy as was fiat, corporate bonds didn't exist. It's hard to know what Marx would think of these concepts

>not top down
Who starts the companies? In capitalism the capitalist is the business founder. What is the communist equivalent or are new businesses just not founded?

They are created by a collection of workers taking out a loan or savings to buy the means of their production. Not unlike how capitalist companies are actually created today.
In Italy they have a system where if a company is declaring bankruptcy rather then the workers taking unemployment, they can sacrifice it to control the company if it's bankruptcy was caused by mismanagement. That actually is how a lot of cheese producers in Italy stayed afloat.

so much PURE bulshit

Read Marx, Christ. You know that communism is supposed to be the dissolution of the state. How the hell are you supossed to desolve the state if you increase its size? Makes no damn sense. Lenin just made that shit up because "Russia special exception" why do you think libertarian socialism, Ricardo socialism, market socialism, anarcho communism, etc are a thing and lumped in with orthodox Marxism?
the theory was that EVENTUALLY after socialism becomes the norm literally everywhere that this form of socialist production would create such a surplus of goods that MAYBE we would enter basically star trek where money just stops incentizing and we would need new ways to incentize like status.


and muslims
millions of muslims