Uk Saturday morning wank thread

Uk Saturday morning wank thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Manchester girls?

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Hot af


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London slut

Attached: Rebecca 96.jpg (769x1024, 164K)

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Nice, more, story?

Attached: 463890AC-FFFE-49D3-B994-E17C7A937C9D.jpg (1142x643, 181K)

anyone got those murran pics scottish sluts insane tits

Attached: ab6.jpg (1080x1080, 57K)

Attached: Rebecca 99.jpg (521x1017, 94K)

Attached: Rebecca 100.jpg (598x1024, 117K)

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Attached: Rebecca 101.jpg (769x1024, 136K)

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Attached: ab58.jpg (540x960, 100K)

Would fucking run her through until she felt like a gutted fish!

Attached: Rebecca 102.jpg (607x644, 63K)

Haha! You recognise, or just like what you see?

Attached: Rebecca 106.jpg (769x1024, 157K)

Any Cornwall sluts?

Anyone recognise.... Glasgow

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Attached: dc2.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

Geordie wwyd?

Attached: IMG-20190219-WA0008.jpg (957x1600, 91K)

Any Hull girls please? Regularly fantasize about recognising a girl in these threads but never have so far.


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Post dressed pic?

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Face pic

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Very nice. Dump her nudes?

I’ve posted 6?


>Uk Saturday morning wank thread

aka Uk Saturday morning Skank thread

Seems there’s plenty more judging by file names?

Milton Keynes

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What this guy said



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some beautiful women here. but when they speak it's a very strange variation of English. You need an interpreter just 20km outside of london.
Notice no one is smiling? pic related

Attached: uksmiles.png (582x480, 383K)

Someone post Melanie B from Newcastle please!

Anyone know her?

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Londonstan aint English.
You need to get outside the M25 before you meet the real English.

Anyone from the university of east anglia?


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>england's variation of english is strange
Nice work Captain America

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nice, moar please user


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nudes here
discord gg/bdfUCAn

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wank over my huddersfield wife

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Manchester Girls Discord



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any east kilbride?

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God damn.. Shes fine, more

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Her little feet...

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Cute, whos this? more

Any Sunderland/Durham?

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Beth G - co durham

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Little K. Don’t have nudes tho. Only feet pics, sorry.

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Where from man?moreee


One tattoo that said "daddy issues" word have been cheaper


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London mate

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Any Scottish?

UK South/South East thread here


Like what i see:-)

discord gg HfKeaNm

Fuck that’s horrid.
Come on England you are just embarrassing yourselves.

She looks filthy which is a total good thing aye. More? an where from

Vicky, Wirral

Attached: 1538695765534m.jpg (768x1024, 90K)

as a fellow geordie, I would drive over and fuck her until her tits bleed. Where she from m8?

You sound Scottish. Explains why u like befouled minge like that.

Anyone know or got more of cerys?

Attached: IMG_20171215_145020.jpg (2048x1536, 339K)

Been a long time user since I seen this pic. Brighouse?

A swing and a miss, better luck next time. An dude sometimes ya just gotta go with a grimey cunt.

Attached: 20180105_233631.png (1440x1663, 1.76M)

Uk sharing thread gg / 9qs6YE

>gg / 9qs6YE

what site is gg?

Attached: IMG-20161223-WA0005.jpg (899x1599, 140K)

Had to do a double take there, know an escort girl in scotland with the same chest tattoo.

Who is OP's girl? More

Yeah you’re right. Sorry I bismirched your good name by suggesting you might be a disgusting scot. No one deserves that kind of treatment lad, I fear it’s the whiskey angering up me blood.


Back to the girl tho, sometimes ya just gotta throw a dog a bone aye

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more of this girls vagina please?

Yep, and hope it doesn’t choke on it!
Here’s a lovely Scottish lass u might like!

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Join and Share

Lol, whatever you say boyo

>that chin

Attached: 41667591-BA96-4469-88DA-1BF36F45F114.jpg (300x200, 14K)

Post a link to a room with nothing posted. Top work.


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Any Huddersfield girls

remove all clothes and spread legs for Yea Forums great tits

Any Widnes girls?

Don’t have any unfortunately... one day maybe

Hertfordshire girl

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great ass, whats she like naked user?

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Only nude I have is a fake

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Join and share
tips ://d scord.g Ygsjt4

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cute as fuck, moar

keep her coming

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Aoife B

More of the girl on the right!! where she from?

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moar! gorgeous

I know this chick!!!

great tits

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Damn straight, any nudes? An where from

don't stop now


(Jaw drops to the floor. Eyes pop out. Sound effect of, "AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!" Places eyes and jaw back in place. Regains composure.) ... Eh hem

jesus christ how horrifying

Kik gerrardsmith95 for more

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can i see her pussy please?

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that left nipple...


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Join and Share
volafile org/r/zn5fejgc

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for the love of god more

im beating hard

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i want to see you do everything to this girl

>My body is a canvas
She doesn't deserve the air she breathes


Any other Leicester area today?

Attached: hattie12.jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

where to start?

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No one from Widnes here?


i want to see your dick in her mouth

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Got kik?

Just do it

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not a feet guy but i want that foot in my mouth

wots this

Fuck that’s a bit rural.

wheres this girl from?

i want to unload my balls into this chicks mouth

nope sorry

Attached: 58409275_872687136408473_2786749623554059717_n.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Set one up mate. Can talk Glasgow.

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Mk too

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How much


want to kill kikes?

What you mean how much?

need to see sum cum splashed on dem titties???

Attached: 02D82087-FE70-4375-831C-DF8D03E913CD.jpg (640x631, 68K)


spread them please

Attached: 616F3412-3034-48C6-92D3-3F7EE156A1A2.jpg (196x524, 36K)

Kinda cute, more?

Nobody gives a fuck about shitty “5 invites and you’re in” discords that have no wins whatsoever

any with cum over her glasses

Anyone got the Sunderland iCloud hack?

what that like?

Any from eltham or beckenham / bromely lads ?

Kek try london is mostly paki but i sort of like them noelw even asian gooks i pref over white

Any of that Notts girl Isabel?

race traitor

any without the pants?

Nice piggy


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Anyone know abbey from Sunderland?

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Probably get her really drunk and facefuck her until she was broken and then put it up her arse.

Any more Bedfordshire? Just asking for a friend...

Anyone got the video?

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She'd look good choking on cock then spreading her ass for you

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any facials m8

I wish, she has a face made for cum

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got that right love

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Was a hack of about 60 girls from Sunderland not that long ago, made the news but never seen anything from it

same, would love to see some

Surely someone's got some

Anyone got anymore or her?

Attached: 2AC4D0C9-EB0E-4553-8DA1-812D81499B48.jpg (750x726, 134K)

Lol she seems stable with no issues at all

any pussi?

It was just the old UK mega that has done the rounds for a couple of years

imig. es/c/wGAWGgP this one?

Katie -Seaham

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Anyone sharing sluts on unsee for discussing/degrading?


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Vitili go tattoo cum


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any bournemouth?

shes tasty, wheres she from mate

Great stuff! good content!
Dont forget the dot after discord.

Fuck this guy is back, before anyone asks, no, he doesnt have any nudes

You got kik? And what's her initials?

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gg /pK68tp London/Manc server

Manc here too

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I can't even see through the tats to the person underneath. Does this person just think they're not good enough unless covered up in ink?

I know her, do you?


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I dont have anything against tats im general but jfc that bitch has some really fucking bad ink

Yeah she's hot.
How you know her?


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she's so sexy, and we dated in school

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Think we've spoken before

She drew all over herself like an unattended 2 year old.


I think so haha

Bend it over let’s see the holes


miserable looking bitch. i bet this is the sort of chick who thinks she is too good for everyone when in fact she has limited net value herself either romantically, socially or economically.

You got that from one picture? Sounds like projection to me faggot

Tell her to clean her room

all the signs are there m8, you've just got to open your eyes and see them

Any one got any Bristol??

Lol Chloe

New thread

>Places fedora back in place

But the fingers look like 2d drawings


discord gg/xqcbmtD Damn good link if I’m honest


need more sezzua!
